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原创 ‘不忘初心,方得始终’_____在外企工作的自我认知心路小记

自毕业从事IT行业工作至今七年,弹指一挥间颇多感慨油然而生,尤其七年中从对日外包、对欧美外包,再到入职一家外企。单就工作内容而言,真觉无许多可资评价。日日编写代码和处理项目工程,只如添砖、搬柴 般偶有些锦上添花的快感而已。 但时不时有一种莫名的无奈的情绪压抑在心里,今天仔细梳清了其间的脉络。现在罗列如下。一则是为自己的职业生涯标尺、计数为以后回忆留下快照。另一则是希望在分享时能与有此同感的朋友评论

2014-01-08 12:59:25 1272

原创 搬家Testing.


2013-02-17 09:50:05 372

原创 Test


2013-02-17 09:50:03 299

原创 TFS 自动同步Server 端文件的批处理命令

目前在我们组的工作中很多时候需要将TFS上Server端的代码自动无人值守的同步到本地中来, 找到了一些解决方案的资料http://bbs.scmroad.com/archiver/?tid-21003.html。经过试验,我们总结成以下步骤,希望对大家有所借鉴。 Steps:1.       点选VS Source Explorer 上面的TFS目录列表。2.       新

2013-02-17 09:50:00 488

原创 Perl初级教程 (5) 遍历文件夹内指定扩展名文件,查找匹配关键字的输出。

#!/usr/bin/perl -W## File: find.pl# License: GPL-2use strict;use warnings;use File::Find; #定义要匹配的关键字my $str1="20090414095014";my $str2="Report";#定义键盘接收输入,第一个为文件夹路径,第二个为文件扩展名。die "Usage: $0

2013-02-17 09:49:58 903

原创 最方便的批处理延时方法

@echo offrem 4000=4s.echo wscript.sleep 4000>%tmp%\delay.vbs&&%tmp%\delay.vbs&&del /q %tmp%\delay.vbsecho hahahaSeeYoupause...

2013-02-17 09:49:55 368

原创 SQLServer2005 remove log file.

Issue: SQL server does not work when the log file occupied all the disk space.Resolution: Remove the LOG file data .Step:1. Backup your database.2. Detach your database.3. Check the close

2013-02-17 09:49:53 323

原创 Disable Windows server 2003 Security Warning.

Sometimes if you want to run one application from a network driver by the silence model , the Windows will pop up one dialog of security warning .Follow these steps to block this dialog. 1. Clic

2013-02-17 09:49:50 328

原创 Perl Scalar

1.  Perl 的标量表达式。

2013-02-17 09:49:48 656

原创 Perl 基于 Windows 环境 搭建

1. 下载Perl 的安装包 ActivePerl.2. 运行安装文件.3. 创建一个perl 脚本文件,执行语句. c:\Perl\bin>perl.exe e:\David\PerlTempHello World. 4. 如正常执行,则Perl在windows下安装成功.5. 将Perl 加为环境变量.

2013-02-17 09:49:46 564

原创 Package you execution files with Iexpress.exe

Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License  If you using VS  builded up a suite of project DLL files, and then want package them as an Exe file, Iexpress.exe shoul

2013-02-17 09:49:43 378

原创 Automation testing framework for RFT execution with STAF+STAX . [Session-1]

Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License.  [Background:   In this document it will show you how to build one test execution automation framework with STAF+STAX. 

2013-02-17 09:49:41 481

原创 Java context replacing with BufferedReader & PrintWriter

public boolean replacesFileHeader(String strFillFullPath)    {        boolean bFlag = false;        try{                            File infile = new File(strFillFullPath);               BufferedReade

2013-02-17 09:49:38 569

原创 SQL Query XML column.   SQL 查询 xml 字段

Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License.   1.  As we knew SQL Server has provided a serices of XML execution function,  we can using SQL query to get the fi

2013-02-17 09:49:36 1355

原创 Java Instance return model note!

1. We have a class and define a static method of  getInstance()  public class GenDarwinGlobal extends GenDarwinGlobalHelper{    /**     * Script Name   : GenDarwinGlobal     * Generated     : Mar 

2013-02-17 09:49:33 300

原创 Java String judgement for null value.

Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License.  It's better to take a look this code line in below, before we using a judgement code statement to verify a string va

2013-02-17 09:49:31 406

原创 Get user name from the web client in Active Directories. [ No using Page.user]

Usually we using the  Page.User.Identity.Name to get the web client user name . But if we are in the Active Directores enviroment and try to do this will be failed. So we need to set the web server li

2013-02-17 09:49:29 461

原创 Java method Exception throw with return instance.

Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License.  1. We will get an error if write the getInstance method like below, cause the StaticEnvLib() throw a exception but t

2013-02-17 09:49:26 315

原创 Using C# Generics read & update XML file .

public ListXmlElement> GetNodeList()        {            list = new ListXmlElement>();            XmlNode nodeFirst= document.SelectSingleNode("Ele\NodeFirst"));            XmlNode nodeSecond= docum

2013-02-17 09:49:24 280

原创 Get all tables list form current DB.

SELECT name From sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'u'

2013-02-17 09:49:21 320

原创 SQL Profiler Practice.

1.  Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2->Performance Tools->SQL Server Profiler.2. Before start to run a new Trace for you DB you should to get you DB id by this way; use masterSELECT * FROM sysdataba

2013-02-17 09:49:19 249

原创 FTP 文件 循环 Copy

BatchFile code@echo offrem 指定FTP用户名set ftpUser=FTPUSERNAMErem 指定FTP密码set ftpPass=FTPPASSWORDrem 指定FTP服务器地址set ftpIP= 指定待下载的文件位于FTP服务器的哪个目录set ftpFolder=/SharedFile/Logrem 指定从FTP下载下来的文件存放

2013-02-17 09:49:17 433

原创 Change Silk Recording type like multi-tag or only for Windows ID

2013-02-17 09:49:14 384

原创 Eclipse User Defined Code Statement Block.

Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License. 1.  2.  Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License.

2013-02-17 09:49:11 294

原创 Java Ant - SQLExec .SQL File

Work by Jianfei is licensed under a Creative Commons wei 3.0 Unported License.  Goal: Using java to run one SQL script file directly .Resource : Download the Java-Ant jar package from http

2013-02-17 09:49:09 758

原创 当前 IT 行业是否同样适用刘易斯拐点的思考.

基本介绍:【百度】 如图,横轴表示劳动力供给,纵轴表示工资水平。工资水平长期保持不变劳动力过剩,随着AD1右移至 AD3到了劳动力过剩向短缺的转折点,即刘易斯拐点,在过去民工劳动力一直供大于求,随着特定的背景因素的变化,如果不涨工资就招不到人,出现民工荒。                                                                  

2013-02-17 09:49:07 221

原创 C# Get a folder or file list which finished sequence line. 直接得到 排序后 的 文件列表

Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->public class DirComparer : System.Collections.IComparer{public int Compare(object x, object y)

2013-02-17 09:49:04 301

原创 C# UnInstall Application by name.

代码 Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->public void UninstallGenWFM()        {            string strReturnMsg;            string produc

2013-02-17 09:49:02 872

原创 Create SQL server job with SQL SERVER.

1. Make sure you SQL Server version by using some T-SQL .Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->SELECT  SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'),

2013-02-17 09:49:00 346

原创 C# create Windows event logs by EventLog.

1. What's Windows event logs. A: MSDN event logs http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308427  Application log The application log contains events logged by programs. For example, a database program

2013-02-17 09:48:55 432

原创 FTP 上传文件 命令

建立一个调用FTP命令的BAT file, autoftp.log 作为一个日志文件    Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->echo ========================================== 

2013-02-17 09:48:52 366

原创 UNIX-Perl-Uninstall

2013-02-17 09:48:50 279

原创 UNIX - Perl 批处理。

#! /bin/ksh#source=$1#dest=$2#portnumber=$3#exp=$4/home/genuser/makelinks.pl -bd $1 -hd $2var1=$2#var2=$3#var3=$1var4=$3let var4=$3+10var5=$2/etc/geneva.inilet var1=$3+12var6=$2/etc/dbaserver.in

2013-02-17 09:48:48 332

原创 SQL Server DBCC & Count (*) Count(1) ,Select Count(column)

Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS;DBCC FREEPROCCACHE ;SET STATISTICS TIME ON;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EmployeeSET STAT

2013-02-17 09:48:45 298

原创 解决 SQL Server Web Service is not configured.

1.  在给一个有问题的SQL Instance 配置它的 Report Service 时遇到下面的情况.  2. 费时很久都没有解决这个问题,最后不得不重装一个实例来配置Report Service 做了一个work around.

2013-02-17 09:48:43 397

原创 [转 - 改] Perl初级教程 (四)

【字符串匹配】  则表达式-regular expression    规则表达式包含在斜线内,匹配通过=~操作符进行。如果字符串the出现在变量$sentence中,则下面的表达式为真:    $sentence =~ /the/  RE是大小写敏感的,所以如果  $sentence = "The quick brown fox";  那么上面的匹配结果为false。

2013-02-17 09:48:40 179

原创 SQL2008 T-SQL Note

1. INNER JOINselect a.* ,b.AGAServicePort from MC_Entity a INNER JOIN AGA_Status bON b.AGAServicePort = a.MC_ServicePortwhere a.MC_ServicePort   2. INSERT INTO   2.1 不带列名插进数据      

2013-02-17 09:48:38 217

原创 [转 - 改] Perl初级教程 (三)

【文件处理】下面是一个简单的perl程序,与UNIX中cat命令对某个文件的操作相同。#!/usr/local/bin/perl## Program to open the password file, read it in,# print it, and close it again.$file = '/export/home/dwei/ProgramScriptFold

2013-02-17 09:48:36 307

转载 数学英语词汇

数学英语词汇  代码Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->第一种) 数学 mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)  公理 axiom  定理 theorem  计算 calculation  

2013-02-17 09:48:33 392

原创 [转 - 改] Perl初级教程 (二)

【对于字符串】$b = 'BB';$c = 'CC';$a = 'AA'; $a = $b . $c;   # Concatenate $b and $c = BBCC$a = $b x $c;   # $b repeated $c times 【Perl的赋值语句】$a = $b;      # Assign $b to $a$a += $b; # Add $b to $

2013-02-17 09:48:31 226

















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