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称它为“驱动程序超级宝典“一点也不过分,因为它是被译为中文的MSDN DDK文档。


C 语言库函数使用手册

字符串函数 bcmp bcopy bzero memccpy memchr memcmp memcpy memicmp memmove memset movmem setmem stpcpy strcat strchr strcmp strcmpi strcpy strcspn strdup stricmp strlen strlwr strncat strncmp strncmpi strncpy strnicmp strpbrk strrev strset strstr strtok strupr 数学函数 abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh exp fabs floor fmod frexp hypot ldexp log log10 modf pow pow10 sin sinh sqrt tan tanh 输入输出函数 getchar kbhit printf putchar 系统库函数 ClearScreen DispBCD SetScrollBar TextOut UpdateLCD bell block clrscr cursor delay get_chi_font get_eng_font getkey getpixel gotoxy line move noidle outtextxy putpixel pyfc rectangle sleep textmode time write_chi_font write_eng_font 标准函数 exit itoa 字符函数 isalnum isalpha iscntrl isdigit islower isascii isgraph isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit toascii tolower toupper 动态内存分配函数 calloc free malloc realloc


Maya Character Creation Modeling And Animation

A unique, in-depth approach to creating realistic characters in Maya. Maya Character Creation: Modeling and Animation Controls' author, Chris Maraffi, has expertise in the field and in the classroom that translates to the knowledge and solid teaching skills needed to make this book a "must-have"! The current trend in computer graphics is greater organic realism. Many of the top-grossing movies today, such as Spiderman, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park 3 , and Star Wars Episode 2, all feature realistic 3D characters. There is a major need in the 3D community for educational material that demonstrates detailed techniques for achieving this organic reality. Maya is one of the main packages used on such cutting-edge films, and has an established toolset for creating believable 3D characters. Maya Character Creation: Modeling and Animation Controls is designed to take you through the process of designing, modeling, and setting up animation controls for complex 3D characters. The concepts, techniques, and Maya tools used for each step in the process are presented in each chapter, followed by many hands-on exercises. NURBS, polygon, and subdivision surface modeling techniques are shown for creating the character's skin, and skeleton-based animation controls are covered in detail. You will learn how a character's skin should deform when the skeletal joints and muscles move. Advanced MEL scripted animation controls are also covered extensively.


Software Engineering and Computer Games

"This book should be a requirement of anyone that wants to write games-period"-Andre Lamothe, author and CEO of Xtreme Games Software Engineering and Computer Games was written with four broad goals: To teach a lively style of object-oriented software engineering. To show how to bring a complete program to the level of a commercial release. To provide a "game engine" framework of linked classes for game development. To help students create computer games that are interactive, rapidly executing, and visually beautiful. It uses an object-oriented (OO) approach throughout, incorporating UML for OO analysis and design and discussing software patterns and how to make use of them in the design process.The book covers nine topics: Basic software engineering principles and techniques How to organize and complete a substantial software project. Practical examples of object-oriented design and programming. The design of computer games. Simulating physics inside our computer-generated worlds. Artificial life, or how to simulate live creatures inside a computer program. How to use two and three-dimensional computer graphics. Windows programming with the Microsoft Foundation Classes, or MFC. How to develop a project using Microsoft Visual Studio (Either Version 6.0 or .NET)



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