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转载 opencv cvCreateFileCapture 返回null

下载xvid并安装,https://www.xvid.com/download/ 解决。

2018-07-29 11:34:54 615 1

原创 mac virtualbox安装centos虚拟机


2018-03-10 09:00:14 525

转载 ubuntu14.04中安装opencv2.4.9

转自http://my.oschina.net/u/1757926/blog/2939761. 先从sourceforge上下载OpenCV的源码http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/opencvlibrary/opencv-unix/2.4.9/opencv-2.4.9.zip2. 解压到任意目录u

2015-11-30 21:21:08 280

转载 error: jump to case label [-fpermissive]

代码:int main(){    int a =0;    switch(a)    {        case 0: int b = 0;break;        case 1: break;        default:break;    }    return 0;}编译器提示错误:testswitch.cpp: In funct

2015-08-26 06:41:50 1387

原创 ubuntu 14.04安装opencv3.0.0

按http://my.oschina.net/u/1757926/blog/293976的步骤安装,发现测试代码编译不通过,显示找不到cv.h头文件包含头文件路径有#include 改为 include , 头文件可以找到了,又报imread函数未声明于是查找imread的声明,发现是在modules/imgcodecs/include/opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp中声明的

2015-08-24 21:33:30 366

转载 NULL, '\0',0 '0'的区别

NULL, '\0',0 '0'的区别分类: c c++2011-10-14 14:11 3417人阅读 评论(1) 收藏 举报null编译器cfloat存储如题,在程序中经常遇到NULL,和'\0',常常疑惑它们是什么关系,其实它们的值是一样的,只不过表现的形式不一样: 1、NULL; NULL 即空指针,在C和C++中的形式不一样,msdn上有如下的

2014-10-10 06:49:03 346

原创 vs2010


2014-05-04 17:15:57 352

转载 meanShift算法介绍


2014-03-17 09:42:47 436

转载 目标跟踪-粒子滤波

转载自:http://www.cnblogs.com/yangyangcv/archive/2010/05/23/1742263.html    一直都觉得粒子滤波是个挺牛的东西,每次试图看文献都被复杂的数学符号搞得看不下去。一个偶然的机会发现了Rob Hess(http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~hess/)实现的这个粒子滤波。从代码入手,一下子就明白了粒子

2014-03-17 09:29:45 1134

转载 反响投影图

转自:http://blog.163.com/thomaskjh@126/blog/static/370829982010112810358501/反向投影图  2010-12-28 22:25:51|  分类: OpenCV学习 |举报|字号 订阅        图像的反向投影图是用输入图像的某一位置上像素值(多维或灰度)对应在直方图的一个bin上的值来代替该像素值,所以得到

2014-03-14 16:06:18 397

转载 Camshift算法

转载自:http://178as178.blog.163.com/blog/static/7623506520123524720716/Camshift算法   Camshift算法是Continuously Adaptive Mean Shift algorithm的简称。它是一个基于MeanSift的改进算法。它首次由Gary R.Bradski等人提出和应用在人脸的跟踪上,并取得

2014-03-14 15:52:03 507

原创 leetcode Linked List Cycle II

problem: Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return NULL.Follow up:Can you solve it without using extra space?方法:求链表中是否有环的扩展。用快慢指针法

2014-03-04 21:08:41 378

原创 hdoj Largest prime factor

Problem DescriptionEverybody knows any number can be combined by the prime number.Now, your task is telling me what position of the largest prime factor.The position of prime 2 is 1, prime 3 i

2014-03-02 13:50:37 503

原创 uva 10718 - Bit Mask

Problem ABit MaskTime Limit1 SecondIn bit-wise expression, mask is a common term. You can get a certain bit-pattern using mask. For example, if you want to make first

2014-03-02 08:52:55 491

原创 uva 729 - The Hamming Distance Problem

The Hamming Distance Problem The Hamming distance between two strings of bits (binary integers) is the number of corresponding bit positions that differ. This can be found by using XOR on

2014-03-01 09:30:08 439

原创 uva 10716 - Evil Straw Warts Live

Problem D: Evil Straw Warts LiveA palindrome is a string of symbols that is equal to itself when reversed. Given an input string, not necessarily a palindrome, compute the number of swaps necessary

2014-02-28 20:08:46 461

转载 生成1~n的排列

摘自《算法竞赛入门经典》按字典序生成1~n的全排列。伪代码:void print_permutation(序列A, 集合S){        if(S为空)  输出序列A;        else  按从小到大的顺序依次考虑S的每个元素v        {                  print_permutation(在A的末尾添加v后得到的新序列,   S

2014-02-28 14:03:01 499

原创 uva 993 - Product of digits

Product of digits For a given non-negative integer number N , find the minimal natural Q such that the product of all digits of Q is equal N .Input The first line of input contains

2014-02-27 20:26:40 478

原创 uva 10020 - Minimal coverage

Minimal coverage The ProblemGiven several segments of line (int the X axis) with coordinates [Li,Ri]. You are to choose the minimal amount of them, such they would completely cover the

2014-02-25 20:28:18 463

原创 uva 311 Packets

Packets A factory produces products packed in square packets of the same height h and of the sizes  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  . These products are always delivered to customers in the square parcel

2014-02-24 21:42:58 451

原创 uva 10026 - Shoemaker's Problem

Shoemaker's Problem Shoemaker has N jobs (orders from customers) which he must make. Shoemaker can work on only one job in each day. For each ith job, it is known the integer Ti (1i<=1000)

2014-02-24 19:43:29 492

原创 uva 11218 - KTV

Problem KKTVOne song is extremely popular recently, so you and your friends decided to sing it in KTV. The song has 3 characters, so exactly 3 people should sing together each time (yes, there a

2014-02-23 20:17:57 562

原创 uva 572 - Oil Deposits

Oil Deposits The GeoSurvComp geologic survey company is responsible for detecting underground oil deposits. GeoSurvComp works with one large rectangular region of land at a time, and creat

2014-02-23 15:28:22 441

原创 uva 107 - The Cat in the Hat

The Cat in the Hat Background(An homage to Theodore Seuss Geisel)The Cat in the Hat is a nasty creature,But the striped hat he is wearing has a rather nifty feature.With one flic

2014-02-22 20:13:35 494

转载 混合高斯背景建模

高斯分布(Gaussian distribution),是一个在数学、物理及工程等领域都非常重要的连续概率分布函数,它描述了一种围绕某个单值聚集分布的随机变量。生活中,各种各样的心理学测试分数和物理现象比如光子计数都被发现近似地服从高斯分布。同时,高斯分布也是统计学以及许多统计测试中最广泛应用的一类分布。中心极限定理表明,采样的均值近似服从高斯分布;还可以证明,高斯分布的信息熵在所有的已知均值及方

2014-02-21 10:06:10 873

原创 uva 10025 - The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem

The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem The problemGiven the following formula, one can set operators '+' or '-' instead of each '?', in order to obtain a given k? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = kFor

2014-02-21 09:23:43 445

原创 目标检测中背景建模方法总结

1.Single Gaussian(单高斯模型)单分布高斯背景模型认为,对一个背景图像,特定像素点的亮度的分布满足高斯分布,即对背景图像B,(x,y)的亮度满足:I(x,y) ~ N(u,d).大致流程:1.建立背景模型取一定时间T内的图像序列,计算每个像素点在该时间内的亮度值平均值和方差这样我们的背景模型的每个像素属性包括两个参数:平均值u 和 方差d。2.判断前

2014-02-18 11:13:58 919

转载 目标检测中背景建模方法

最近一直在做前景检测方面的研究,刚开始主要是做一些工程性的应用,为了解决工程方面的问题,下了不少功夫,也看了不少最近国内外的文章。一直想做个总结,拖着拖着,终究却写成这篇极不成功的总结。      背景建模或前景检测的算法主要有:1. Single Gaussian (单高斯模型)Real-time tracking of the human body2. 混合高斯模型(M

2014-02-18 10:20:28 728

原创 HDU Eddy's digital Roots

Eddy's digital RootsTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3947    Accepted Submission(s): 2207Problem DescriptionThe d

2014-02-17 20:49:31 437

原创 uva 10700 - Camel trading

Problem E - Camel tradingTime Limit: 1 secondBackgroundAroud 800 A.D., El Mamum, Calif of Baghdad was presented the formula 1+2*3*4+5, which had its origin in the financial accounts of a c

2014-01-22 09:38:38 422

原创 uva 10340 - All in All

Problem EAll in AllInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 2 secondsMemory Limit: 32 MBYou have devised a new encryption technique which encodes a message by inserting betw

2014-01-21 09:55:14 407

原创 uva 10763 Foreign Exchange

Problem EForeign ExchangeInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 1 secondYour non-profit organization (iCORE - international Confederation of Revolver Enthusiasts) coordi

2014-01-21 09:11:49 371

原创 uva 10057 - A mid-summer night's dream.

Problem CA mid-summer night’s dreamInput: standard inputOutput: standard output This is year 2200AD. Science has progressed a lot in two hundred years. Two hundred years is mentioned here

2014-01-20 18:56:49 552

原创 uva 10057 A mid-summer night's dream.

Problem CA mid-summer night’s dreamInput: standard inputOutput: standard output This is year 2200AD. Science has progressed a lot in two hundred years. Two hundred years is mentioned here

2014-01-20 18:41:36 376

原创 10487 - Closest Sums

Problem DClosest SumsInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 3 seconds Given is a set of integers and then a sequence of queries. A query gives you a number and asks to fin

2014-01-20 11:01:05 395

原创 10167 - Birthday Cake

Problem G. Birthday Cake BackgroundLucy and Lily are twins. Today is their birthday. Mother buys a birthday cake for them.Now we put the cake onto a Descartes coordinate. Its center is

2014-01-18 16:39:49 396

原创 uva 101 The Blocks Problem

The Blocks Problem Background Many areas of Computer Science use simple, abstract domains for both analyt#include #include #define N 25int stack[N][N+1];int sp[N];void moveonto(int

2014-01-18 11:10:35 391

原创 uva 133 - The Dole Queue

The Dole Queue In a serious attempt to downsize (reduce) the dole queue, The New National Green Labour Rhinoceros Party has decided on the following strategy. Every day all dole applicants

2014-01-17 17:01:09 507

原创 uva 10050 Hartals

Problem D: Hartals A social research organization has determined a simple set of parameters to simulate the behavior of the political parties of our country. One of the parameters is a pos

2014-01-17 09:16:47 408

原创 uva 540 - Team Queue

Team Queue Queues and Priority Queues are data structures which are known to most computer scientists. The Team Queue, however, is not so well known, though it occurs often in everyday l

2014-01-16 21:03:48 402


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