















3D Vision

3D sensing the world

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CVF openaccesshttp://openaccess.thecvf.com/menu.pyICCV2019http://iccv2019.thecvf.com/program/main_conferenceCVPR2019http://cvpr2019.thecvf.com/program/main_conferenceCVPR2018http://cvpr2...

2018-10-26 14:01:24 1574

原创 密集立体匹配20年论文整理

文章地址:http://blog.csdn.net/xuyuhua1985/article/details/262833891994Kanade T, Okutomi M. A stereo matching algorithm with an adaptive window: Theory and experiment[J]. TPAMI, 1994, 16(9): 920-932....

2014-05-19 21:03:50 14513 9

原创 1999块的3D扫描仪CR-Scan Ferret效果如何?

今年4月,创想三维和奥比中光合作开发的一款消费级、高精度的三维扫描仪CR-Scan Ferret,在某东价格只有1999。这款扫描仪不仅价格低,精细度好,还支持连接手机无线扫描。13年前,微软推出的消费级深度相机Kinect轰动全球,但是Kinect三维扫描的细节难以令人满意。科技不断进步,企业不断创新推出性价比更高的产品,企业之间竞争更加激烈,但消费者会因此而受惠。该款扫描仪效果如何呢?

2023-09-04 11:51:55 392

原创 双目立体视觉数据集 Stereo dataset

Stereo dataset1.Middlebury Stereo(室内场景, 几十对, 分辨率高)2.KITTI(室外驾驶场景, 200对)3.ETH3D(27 training and 20 test frames)4.InStereo2K(室内场景, 2000 training and 50 test frames)...

2019-09-12 17:24:11 14753

原创 基于参考图像的结构光系统解相框架(Optics Express)

用于iPhoneX face-ID的结构光3D传感器是基于参考图匹配的,它的“前身”是Kinect1,最近几年非常火爆,它把3D技术带入了普通大众的生活,使得3D感知成为许多人每天生活的一部分。支付宝也在用类似原理的技术(奥比中光提供的3D传感器技术)做线下刷脸支付,在普通的小超市都能看到刷脸支付的机器。而单投影仪-单相机的条纹结构光三维成像是一个古老的研究课题了,解相(相位展开)是其中的...

2019-04-25 18:05:47 1447 2

转载 历年CVPR最佳论文奖 [Since 2000]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conference_on_Computer_Vision_and_Pattern_RecognitionCVPR Best Paper Award recipientsAwarded at CVPR 2018: Best Paper: "Taskonomy: Disentangling Task Transfer Learn...

2018-12-15 12:34:36 2162

原创 A self-calibrated photo-geometric depth camera

Liang Xie, Yuhua Xu, Xiaohu Zhang, Wei Bao, Chenpeng Tong, Boxin Shi.A self-calibrated photo-geometric depth camera. The Visual Computer. 2018.[pdf]与基于三角测量原理的立体视觉相比,光度立体方法在恢复目标表面细节方面具有显著优势。在本文中,...

2018-12-10 20:16:43 415 2

转载 CVPR2018 | 3D视觉

Self-Supervised Multi-Level Face Model Learning for Monocular Reconstruction at Over 250 HzAyush Tewari, Michael Zollhöfer, Pablo Garrido, Florian Bernard, Hyeongwoo Kim, Patrick Pérez, Christian Th...

2018-11-30 15:12:37 7940

原创 用OpenCV的Colormap显示8位图

void ShowInColormap2(IplImage* src, char* name){ cv::Mat im_gray(src); cv::Mat im_color; cv::applyColorMap(im_gray, im_color, cv::COLORMAP_JET); cv::imshow(name, im_color);}

2018-05-05 18:07:23 3404

转载 用OpenCV显示D435的左右ir图像

int D435_IR(){ int width = 1280; int height = 720; int fps = 30; rs2::config config; config.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1, width, height, RS2_FORMAT_Y8, fps); config.enable_stream(RS2_STR...

2018-04-27 15:22:35 3605

转载 OpenMesh增加和删除网格

Deleting geometry elementsThis small example shows how to remove faces and vertices from a mesh.以下例子示例了如何从Mesh中移除面片和顶点。We basically use the geometry created in First Steps - Building a cube.If we want...

2018-04-08 08:59:47 2748

原创 Latex用法小计


2018-01-08 00:04:20 852

转载 三维空间中的旋转:旋转矩阵、欧拉角

来自:http://blog.miskcoo.com/2016/12/rotation-in-3d-space考虑这样一个问题:如何计算三维空间中一个点绕着某一条向量旋转一个特定角度之后的坐标?旋转矩阵、欧拉角和四元数都是用来解决这个问题的方法。接下来我们来讨论一下旋转矩阵和欧拉角这两个方法,并且我们选取右手坐标系作为我们的坐标系。旋转矩阵首先,对于一个三维空间的点 P

2017-12-06 15:18:23 8305

原创 结构光系统投影仪标定和三维解算


2017-12-04 17:15:16 7327 4

转载 【C/C++】计时函数比较

来自:https://www.cnblogs.com/dwdxdy/p/3214905.html       目前,存在着各种计时函数,一般的处理都是先调用计时函数,记下当前时间tstart,然后处理一段程序,再调用计时函数,记下处理后的时间tend,再tend和tstart做差,就可以得到程序的执行时间,但是各种计时函数的精度不一样.下面对各种计时函数,做些简单记录.  方法1,time

2017-11-22 22:11:03 321

原创 Dataset for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Image Mosaicking

Dataset for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Image MosaickingThe dataset consists of hundreds of images captured by the UAV, and the corresponding DOMs generated by DPGrid. The DOMs can be used as the...

2017-11-04 09:40:19 2194

原创 用flann实现K近邻查找的例子

flann::Matrix dataset(new float[N*dim], N, dim); TriMesh::Point p; for (TriMesh::VertexIter vit = mesh.vertices_begin(); vit != mesh.vertices_end(); vit++) { p = mesh.point(*vit); dataset[vit

2017-09-13 13:20:17 10768

转载 通过宏判断VS编译版本以及系统平台

_MSC_VER 定义编译器的版本。下面是一些编译器版本的_MSC_VER值(参见扩展阅读中的参考文献2的链接)MSVC++ 12.0 _MSC_VER == 1800 (Visual Studio 2013)MSVC++ 11.0 _MSC_VER == 1700 (Visual Studio 2012) MSVC++ 10.0 _MSC_VER == 1600 (Visua

2017-04-20 16:00:14 4023

转载 VC缺省链接库的顺序不对导致链接错误error LNK2005: "void __cdecl operator delete(void *)"

来自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6f4813fd0100qpir.html在编译工程UDPDriver时,MFC static Library和Code Generation/MultiThread选项时,链接总出现问题:nafxcw.lib(afxmem.obj) : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl ope

2017-04-10 19:43:52 581

原创 win10系统vs2010切换大小写经常卡住解决办法

win10系统,切换大小写时,vs2010经常卡住,很恼火。后面百度了一下,原因是VS助手版本低了。重新装了一个 VA_X_Setup1929,问题就没有了。

2017-02-17 20:06:04 2849 1

转载 1Sigma~3sigma

「Sigma」的定义是根据俄国数学家P.L.Chebyshtv(1821-1894)的理论形成。根据他的计算,如果有68.26%的合格率,便是±1Sigma(或Standard deviation,即标准方差),±2Sigma有95.44%的合格率,而±3Sigma便达至99.74%的合格率。

2017-01-08 15:57:31 12761

转载 GPU性能比较


2016-11-04 21:46:50 834

原创 Photometric stereo 深度图优化


2016-04-20 14:55:47 6081 3

转载 机器学习中的数学(5)-强大的矩阵奇异值分解(SVD)及其应用


2016-03-29 21:22:44 876

原创 cvMinAreaRect2用法小记

int count = filteredPoints.size();CvPoint pt0, pt;CvBox2D box;//int count = 4;CvPoint* points = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(points[0]));CvMat pointMat = cvMat( 1, count, CV_32SC2, point

2016-03-15 17:28:55 3671

原创 Fuel3D人脸扫描

2016-02-19 15:31:29 1148

翻译 双目立体视觉系统精度分析

在一个三维测量项目中,如果采用立体视觉方案,首先,要根据测量需求(精度、测量范围、速度等),确定立体视觉的硬件方案。Thomas Luhmann在他的《Close-Range Photogrammetry and 3D Imaging》(2014)中,给出立体视觉系统的简化分析方法。这个方法假设两个相机的光轴平行,基线与光轴垂直,基线长度b和焦距值c不存在误差。分析了图像处理误差对立体定位

2015-12-02 19:03:09 25715 12

转载 如何选择与相机相匹配的镜头以达到最佳成像性能


2015-11-30 22:56:22 4127 1

原创 低成本激光线3D扫描


2015-11-29 22:26:03 13230 6

原创 工业相机帧率与曝光时间关系【实测数据】

近期,想用高帧率相机做点实验,于是,买了2个120 fps的CMOS相机做测试。在连续模式下(没有外触发信号),2个相机都能达到120 fps(曝光时间设为1/120s。当然,把曝光时间调的很大,帧率也会下降)。很棒!但是,用120HZ的脉冲对相机进行触发(曝光时间设为1/120s),最大只能得到66 fps的帧率。

2015-11-29 21:47:33 28906 1

转载 ICCV 2015 papers

From:http://pamitc.org/iccv15/program.phpICCV 2015 Main Conference Program

2015-11-10 15:57:50 31585

转载 Matlab中显示法线方向 display normal map in matlab

% X and Y components of the normals vectors are between -1 and 1. % The step number specifies the size of the output image. range = -1:0.01:1; % Repeat the range to build a matrix X = repma

2015-09-30 13:07:42 3260

转载 3D扫描齿科应用 为病患再造完美牙齿


2015-09-23 15:36:51 3181

转载 浅谈对主成分分析(PCA)算法的理解


2015-08-07 20:15:03 1328

原创 图像拼接 Image-based only, no GPS/IMU data

由61张图像拼接而成,图像由无人机拍摄。数据集已上传,需要的可以下载测试自己的拼接算法。上图由111张图像(手持佳能SX130 IS拍摄)拼接而成相关论文链接:http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/8/3/204YH Xu et al. Mosaicking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery in the Abs...

2015-07-30 20:36:15 2716 20

转载 深度学习-LeCun、Bengio和Hinton的联合综述


2015-07-16 23:06:17 1979

原创 自制的结构光三维扫描系统


2015-07-15 22:29:51 13167 20

转载 CVPR 2015 papers

From:  http://www.pamitc.org/cvpr15/program.php?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0Monday, June 88:30am-8:40amBallrooms A,B,CRooms 302,304,306Opening Remarks from Conference

2015-06-27 16:30:51 29911 2

原创 用自己制作的设备得到的3D自画像

2015-06-24 00:43:27 2213 10

原创 全身三维人体扫描仪信息汇总


2015-06-23 20:25:37 18839 3

A self-calibrated photo-geometric depth camera

In this paper, we present a practical 3D imaging system by combining the near-light photometric stereo and the speckle-based stereo matching method. The system is compact in structure and suitable for multi-albedo targets. The parameters (including position and intensity) of the light sources can be self-calibrated. To realize the auto-calibration, we first use the distant lighting model to estimate the initial surface albedo map, and then with the estimated albedo map and the normal vector field fixed, the parameters of the near lighting model are optimized. Next, with the optimized lighting model, we use the near-light photometric stereo method to re-compute the surface normal and fuse it with the coarse depth map from stereo vision to achieve high-quality depth map.


EdgeFlow code

Edgeflow matlab source code. 参考论文. Wei-Ying Ma. EdgeFlow: a technique for boundary detection and image segmentation. IEEE IP 2000


Efficient Human Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images

微软研究院的最新大作。 We describe two new approaches to human pose estimation. Both can quickly and accurately predict the 3D positions of body jointsfromasingledepthimage,withoutusinganytemporalinformation.Thekeytobothapproachesistheuseofalarge,realistic, and highly varied synthetic set of training images. This allows us to learn models that are largely invariant to factors such as pose, body shape, field-of-view cropping, and clothing. Our first approach employs an intermediate body parts representation, designed so that an accurate per-pixel classification of the parts will localize the joints of the body. The second approach instead directly regresses the positions of body joints. By using simple depth pixel comparison features, and parallelizable decision forests, both approaches can run super-realtime on consumer hardware. Our evaluation investigates many aspects of our methods, and compares the approaches to each other and to the state of the art. Results on silhouettes suggest broader applicability to other imaging modalities.


Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Washington 华盛顿大学博士论文 作者为Bundler的开发者






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