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原创 iOS 实时预览,一键生成源代码


2023-12-23 15:46:10 433

原创 iOS 防止截屏、录屏技术


2022-09-13 17:04:22 4165 3

原创 iOS MyLayout使用笔记

记录一些使用 MyLayout 过程中需要注意的地方。

2019-12-16 11:16:36 971

原创 My Github

JHRequestDebugView - 请求调试窗口https://github.com/xjh093/JHRequestDebugView现在可以看看,隐藏在3840后面,真正的“凶手”了!JHHolderTextView - textView with placeholderhttps://github.com/xjh093/JHHolderTextViewJHCategories - 常用U

2017-11-17 11:55:14 951

原创 iOS cocoapods pod FrozenError and RuntimeError

1、更新 CocoaPods 到与 Xcode 兼容的版本。凭我多年的经验,我修改了一下这个地方,居然没报错了!2、清理 CocoaPods 缓存。

2024-04-10 18:33:52 662

原创 iOS library not found for -lMBProgressHUD


2024-03-28 15:27:16 557 1

原创 Python UnicodeDecodeError: ‘gbk‘ codec can‘t decode character ‘\xa5‘ in position 0


2024-02-20 18:44:59 241

原创 Python UnicodeDecodeError: ‘gbk‘ codec can‘t decode byte 0xa4 in position 49

这个错误出现的场景是这样的:我把一个在 Mac 电脑生成的.txt文件拷贝到了 Windows 电脑上在读取.txt文件内容时出现了这个错误应该是编码问题。

2024-02-20 18:38:09 351

原创 iOS 关于 SocketRocket 报错 _utf8_nextCharSafeBody

【代码】iOS 关于 SocketRocket 报错 _utf8_nextCharSafeBody。

2023-11-16 11:23:36 172

原创 iOS Autolayout 约束设置【顺序】的重要性!

iOS Autolayout 约束设置【顺序】的重要性!

2023-10-28 14:00:00 313

原创 iOS Xcode15 适配:Other Linker Flags:-ld_classic

Xcode 14毛问题都没有,Xcode 15崩溃。

2023-10-27 10:32:25 1494 1

原创 iOS unable to find utility “pngcrush“, not a developer tool or in PATH

很奇怪,还很蛋疼 T_T前一秒还能Build成功,运行后一秒直接网上查找了一番,也没什么结果。

2023-05-30 16:46:27 705

原创 iOS UIAlertController 添加自定义视图


2023-04-26 14:15:48 404 1

原创 iOS xcode14 Application circumvented Objective-C runtime dealloc initiation for <XXX> object

iOS16 Xcode14 适配

2023-04-13 16:24:47 377

原创 iOS Undefined symbols for architecture arm64


2023-04-10 17:26:23 297

原创 Xcode 14 Pod 报错

Xcode 14 Pod 报错

2023-04-04 16:35:20 577

原创 【Swift 60秒】97 - Optionals: Summary

You've made it to the end of the tenth part of this series, so let's summarize:

2023-02-23 10:17:19 410

原创 【Swift 60秒】96 - Typecasting

Swift must always know the type of each of your variables, but sometimes you know more information than Swift does. For example, here are three classes:

2023-02-21 10:07:51 397

原创 【Swift 60秒】95 - Failable initializers

When talking about force unwrapping, I used this code:

2023-02-17 10:40:34 489

原创 iOS UIFont familyNames 笔记

iOS UIFont familyNames 笔记

2023-02-17 10:33:07 365

原创 【Swift 60秒】94 - Optional try

Back when we were talking about throwing functions, we looked at this code:

2023-02-15 10:29:10 484

原创 【Swift 60秒】93 - Optional chaining

Swift provides us with a shortcut when using optionals: if you want to access something like `a.b.c` and `b` is optional, you can write a question mark after it to enable optional chaining: `a.b?.c`.

2023-02-14 16:44:47 449

原创 【Swift 60秒】92 - Nil coalescing

The `nil coalescing` operator unwraps an optional and returns the value inside if there is one. If there *isn't* a value - if the optional was `nil` - then a default value is used instead. Either way, the result won't be optional: it will either by the val

2023-02-13 09:30:56 469

原创 【Swift 60秒】91 - Implicitly unwrapped optionals

Like regular optionals, implicitly unwrapped optionals might contain a value or they might be nil. However, unlike regular optionals you don't need to unwrap them in order to use them: you can use them as if they weren't optional at all.

2023-02-10 11:08:27 387

原创 【Swift 60秒】90 - Force unwrapping

Optionals represent data that may or may not be there, but sometimes you know for **sure** that a value isn't nil. In these cases, Swift lets you force unwrap the optional: convert it from an optional type to a non-optional type.

2023-02-08 11:06:59 522

原创 【Swift 60秒】89 - Unwrapping with guard

An alternative to if let is guard let, which also unwraps optionals. guard let will unwrap an optional for you, but if it finds nil inside it expects you to exit the function, loop, or condition you used it in.

2023-02-07 10:00:46 310

原创 iOS UIViewController 的 view 的 safeAreaInsets

在 2 个方法内 `viewDidLoad` 、`viewDidLayoutSubviews` 测试 `safeAreaInsets` 的具体值

2023-02-06 16:16:10 818

原创 【Swift 60秒】88 - Unwrapping optionals

Optional strings might `contain` a string like "Hello" or they might be `nil` - nothing at all.

2023-02-06 10:27:06 614

原创 【Swift 60秒】87 - Handling missing data

We've used types such as `Int` to hold values like 5. But if you wanted to store an `age` property for users, what would you do if you didn't know someone's age?

2023-02-03 10:24:53 335

原创 【Swift 60秒】86 - Protocols and extensions: Summary

You've made it to the end of the ninth part of this series, so let's summarize:

2023-02-02 09:46:47 370

原创 【Swift 60秒】85 - Protocol-oriented programming

`Protocol extensions` can provide default implementations for our own protocol methods. This makes it easy for types to conform to a protocol, and allows a technique called "protocol-oriented programming" - crafting your code around protocols and protocol

2023-02-01 10:34:44 696

原创 【Swift 60秒】84 - Protocol extensions

`Protocols` let you describe what methods something should have, but don't provide the code inside. `Extensions` let you provide the code inside your methods, but only affect one data type - you can't add the method to lots of types at the same time.

2023-01-31 10:27:44 436

原创 【Swift 60秒】83 - Extensions

Extensions allow you to add methods to existing types, to make them do things they weren't originally designed to do.

2023-01-30 10:06:03 215

原创 【Swift 60秒】82 - Protocol inheritance

One protocol can `inherit` from another in a process known as protocol inheritance. Unlike with classes, you can inherit from `multiple` protocols at the same time before you add your own customizations on top.

2023-01-16 10:19:02 492

原创 iOS 界面尺寸居然跟实际机型不符!

日常搬砖过程中,一条日志,让我对手里的 `iPhone 6 Plus` 产生了怀疑?这是 `6P`,怎么尺寸变成 `6` 了呢?

2023-01-13 18:48:54 2584

原创 【Swift 60秒】81 - Protocols

`Protocols` are a way of describing what properties and methods something must have.You then tell Swift which types use that protocol - a process known as adopting or conforming to a protocol.

2023-01-13 09:41:56 551

原创 【Swift 60秒】80 - Classes: Summary

You’ve made it to the end of the eighth part of this series, so let’s summarize

2023-01-11 09:50:19 272

原创 【Swift 60秒】79 - Mutability

The final difference between classes and structs is the way they deal with constants. If you have a constant struct with a variable property, that property can't be changed because the struct itself is constant.

2023-01-10 10:22:20 359

原创 【Swift 60秒】78 - Deinitializers

The fourth difference between classes and structs is that classes can have `deinitializers` code that gets run when an instance of a class is destroyed.

2023-01-09 11:36:07 316

原创 【Swift 60秒】77 - Copying objects

The third difference between classes and structs is how they are copied. When you copy a struct, both the original and the copy are different things - changing one won’t change the other. When you copy a class, both the original and the copy point to the s

2023-01-06 10:28:27 511

Animatable Properties.pdf

iOS Core Animation,CALayer Animatable Properties,CIFilter Animatable Properties。





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