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原创 439 - Knight Moves

A friend of you is doing research on the Traveling Knight Problem (TKP) where you are to find the shortest closed tour of knight moves that visits each square of a given set of n squares on a chessboa

2014-11-21 23:01:39 497

原创 705 - Slash Maze

By filling a rectangle with slashes (/) and backslashes ( ), you can generate nice little mazes. Here is an example:As you can see, paths in the maze cannot branch, so the whole maze only cont

2014-11-20 20:46:34 571

原创 784 - Maze Exploration

A maze of rectangular rooms is represented on a two dimensional grid as illustrated in figure 1a.Each point of the grid is represented by a character.

2014-11-20 18:17:32 561

原创 657 - The die is cast

InterGames is a high-tech startup company that specializes in developing technology that allows users to play games over the Internet. A market analysis has alerted them to the fact that games of chan

2014-11-16 17:35:01 482

原创 572 - Oil Deposits

The GeoSurvComp geologic survey company is responsible for detecting underground oil deposits. GeoSurvComp works with one large rectangular region of land at a time, and creates a grid that divides th

2014-11-08 16:56:16 494

原创 10562 - Undraw the Trees

Professor Homer has been reported missing. We suspect that his recent research works might have had something to with this. But we really don't know much about what he was working on! The detectives t

2014-11-07 12:24:57 433

原创 839 - Not so Mobile

#include int compute(){ int wl,dl,wr,dr; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&wl,&dl,&wr,&dr); if(wl==0) wl=compute(); if(wr==0) wr=compute(); if(wl ==-1 || wr ==-1 || wl*dl!=wr*dr) return -1; return wl+w

2014-11-06 15:54:55 232

原创 327 - Evaluating Simple C Expressions

#include #include #include int main(){ int atoz[26],flag[26],i,result,operand,opersign; char expressions[150]; while(fgets(expressions,150,stdin)!=NULL) { printf("Expression: %s",expressions

2014-11-04 14:25:10 294

原创 699 - The Falling Leaves

Each year, fall in the North Central region is accompanied by the brilliant colors of the leaves on the trees, followed quickly by the falling leaves accumulating under the trees. If the same thing ha

2014-11-03 20:04:08 262

原创 712 - S-Trees

#include int main(){ int n,order[7],m,index,no=0; char temp[10],leafs[1<<7+1],result[1<<7+1]; while(scanf("%d",&n)==1) { no++; if(n==0) break; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%s",temp);

2014-10-31 14:16:15 301

原创 297 - Quadtrees

A quadtree is a representation format used to encode images. The fundamental idea behind the quadtree is that any image can be split into four quadrants. Each quadrant may again be split in four sub q

2014-10-30 21:01:41 299

原创 548 - Tree

#include #include #include using namespace std;struct node{ int value; node* lchild; node* rchild; node(int val):value(val){};};node* root;int inorder[10000];int postorder[10000];int fi

2014-10-28 22:22:00 259

原创 112 - Tree Summing

#includestruct node{ int value; struct node *lchild; struct node *rchild; node(int val):value(val){};};node* root;void buildTree(node *&root){ char c; int num=0,sign=1,isnum=0; while(scan

2014-10-28 18:55:09 276

原创 10050 - Hartals

#include int main(){ int t,n,p; int parties[100]; scanf("%d",&t); for(int index=0;index<t;index++) { int count=0; scanf("%d",&n); scanf("%d",&p); for(int i=0;i<p;i++) scanf("%d",&pa

2014-10-27 19:17:42 287

原创 540 - Team Queue

Queues and Priority Queues are data structures which are known to most computer scientists. The Team Queue, however, is not so well known, though it occurs often in everyday life. At lunch time the

2014-10-21 15:01:51 258

原创 11234 - Expressions

#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;struct node{char value;node* left;node* right;};void BFtraverse(node *root,string &output){queue q;q.push(root);in

2014-10-18 22:26:33 302

原创 11111 - Generalized Matrioshkas

Vladimir worked for years making matrioshkas, those nesting dolls that certainly represent truly Russian craft. A matrioshka is a doll that may be opened in two halves, so that one finds another doll

2014-10-16 12:27:15 313

原创 442 - Matrix Chain Multiplication

Suppose you have to evaluate an expression like A*B*C*D*E where A,B,C,D and E are matrices. Since matrix multiplication is associative, the order in which multiplications are performed is arbitrary. H

2014-10-13 12:30:44 259

原创 673 - Parentheses Balance

#include#include#includeusing namespace std;int main(){ int n,flag; char c; cin>>n; getchar(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { flag=1; stack str; while((c=getchar())!='\n') { if(flag==0)

2014-10-12 21:42:17 324

原创 10152 - ShellSort

#include #include int main(){ int K,n; char turtles[250][100]; char turtlesTarget[250][100]; scanf("%d",&K); for(int i=0;i<K;i++) { scanf("%d",&n); getchar(); for(int j=0;j<n;j++) f

2014-09-29 17:13:32 286

原创 133 - The Dole Queue

In aserious attempt to downsize (reduce) the dole queue, The New National GreenLabour Rhinoceros Party has decided on the following strategy. Every day alldole applicants will be placed in a large cir

2014-09-28 16:41:07 409

原创 101 - The Blocks Problem

#include #include #include using namespace std;void reset(vector blocks[],int blocksPos[],int a){ while(blocks[blocksPos[a]].back()!=a) { blocks[blocks[blocksPos[a]].back()].push_back(blocks

2014-09-27 21:10:50 247

原创 127 - "Accordian" Patience

#include #include #include #include using namespace::std;int main(){ char str[3]; vector > cards; while(scanf("%s",str)) { if(str[0]=='#') break; cards.clear(); stack card; card.pus

2014-09-18 14:33:18 264

原创 123 - Searching Quickly

#include #include #include #include typedef struct{ char word[30]; int row,start,end;} KEYWORD;char ignore[50][20];char titles[250][500];KEYWORD keywords[3000];int cmp(const voi

2014-09-12 21:58:52 246

原创 400 - Unix ls

#include#include#include#includeint cmp(const void*a,const void*b){ return strcmp((char *)a,(char *)b);}int main(){ int N; char lines[100][100]; while(scanf("%d",&N)!=EOF) { for(int i=

2014-09-11 15:55:17 384

原创 340 - Master-Mind Hints

#include#includeint main(){int num=0,N,isOver,A,B;intcode[1005],codeClone[1005],guess[1005];while(scanf("%d",&N)!=0){if(N==0) break;num++;printf("Game %d:\n",num);for(int i=0;i{scanf("%

2014-09-10 16:13:45 305

原创 465 - Overflow

#include #include #includeint MaxInt[10]={2,1,4,7,4,8,3,6,4,7};void tempAdd(int temp[],int product[]){ int i,c=0; for(i=0;i {  product[i]=product[i]+temp[i]+c;  c=0;  if(product[i]>9)  {

2014-09-10 16:13:42 270

原创 10106 - Product

#include #include #include void tempAdd(int temp[],int product[]){ int i,j,c=0; for(i=0;i {  product[i]=product[i]+temp[i]+c;  c=0;  if(product[i]>9)  {   product[i]=product[i]% 10;   

2014-09-10 16:13:40 399

原创 424 - Integer Inquiry

#include #include #include int main(){ int num[110],sum[110],n=0,c=0,i,j; memset(sum,0,sizeof(sum));  char str[110];  while(1)  {  memset(num,0,sizeof(num));  scanf("%s",str);  int len=st

2014-09-10 16:13:38 271

原创 10115 - Automatic Editing

#include#include int main(){int n,i,tag=0;charfind[100][100],replace[100][100],temp[300],*str1,str2[300];while(1){scanf("%d",&n);getchar();if(n!=0){for(i=0;i{fgets(find[i],100,stdin)

2014-09-10 16:13:36 287

原创 644 - Immediate Decodability

#include #include int main(){char codes[10][12];char code[12];int i,j,n=0,set=1,isprint=0;while(scanf("%s",code)==1){if(code[0]!='9')strcpy(codes[n++],code);else{for(i=0;ifor(j=0;j{if

2014-09-10 16:13:34 234

原创 10815 - Andy's First Dictionary

#include#include#include#includeint comp(const void *a,const void *b){ return strcmp((char*)a,(char*)b);}#define MAXN 205char words[50000][MAXN];int main(){ char s[MAXN]; int n=0; int i;

2014-09-10 16:13:32 259

原创 10878 - Decode the tape

#include#include int main(){      char s[15];      int i,j,temp=1,num=0;      while (fgets(s,15,stdin)!=NULL)      {            if(s[0]=='_') continue;            for(i=9;i>=7;i--) 

2014-09-10 16:13:30 398

原创 409 - Excuses, Excuses!

#include#include#include#define MAXN20+5charkeywords[MAXN][MAXN],excuses[MAXN][75]; intcountkey(char e[],int k){      int i,j,m=0,count=0;      char temp[75];      for(i=0;i        

2014-09-10 16:13:28 342

原创 537 - Artificial Intelligence?

#include#include#include#define MAXN100+10chars[MAXN];voiddecode_prefix(char s[],double *d){inti=0;while(isdigit(s[i]) || s[i]=='.') i++;switch(s[i]){case 'm':*d/=1000; break;case '

2014-09-10 16:13:26 370

原创 10361 - Automatic Poetry

#include#include#define MAXN100+10chars1[MAXN],s2[MAXN];intmain(){inti,j,n,b_i,bracket[4];scanf("%d",&n);getchar();for(i=0;i{b_i=0;fgets(s1,MAXN,stdin);fgets(s2,MAXN,stdin);for(j=0;

2014-09-10 16:13:23 249

原创 10010 - Where's Waldorf?

#include#include#includechar grid[55][55],words[55];int locate(char s[],int r,int l,int*m,int*n){inti,j,k,z,east,southeast,south,southwest,west,northwest,north,northeast;for(i=0;i{for(j=0;

2014-09-10 16:13:21 245

原创 401 - Palindromes

#include#includechar table[2][21]={'A','E','H','I','J','L','M','O','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','5','8','A','3','H','I','L','J','M','O','2','T','U','V','W','X','Y','5','1','S','E',

2014-09-10 16:13:19 302

原创 457 - Linear Cellular Automata


2014-09-10 16:13:17 426

原创 694 - The Collatz Sequence

#includeint collatz( long long m,long long n,intcount){count++;if(m==1) return count;if(m>n) return--count;if(m%2==0)collatz(m/2,n,count);elsecollatz(m*3+1,n,count);}int main(){long lon

2014-09-10 16:13:15 277

Hadoop权威指南 第3版 中文

《Hadoop权威指南(第3版 修订版)》通过丰富的案例学习来解释Hadoop的幕后机理,阐述了Hadoop如何解决现实生活中的具体问题。第3版覆盖Hadoop的最新动态,包括新增的MapReduceAPI,以及MapReduce2及其灵活性更强的执行模型(YARN)。


Vim实用技巧 中文 高清



算法设计与分析基础第二版习题答案 英文版 全12章

《算法设计与分析基础》,Anany Levitin著,潘彦译,清华大学出版社。 课后习题答案 英文版 全12章。



This is the source code for Beginning Python : From Novice to Professional,second edition. Each code listing in the book can be found in a correspondingly numbered directory/file.


two scoops django best practices 1.5

Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices For Django 1.5 is chock-full of material that will help you with your Django projects.



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