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OpenGL development cookbook

This book is based on modern OpenGL v3.3 and above. It covers a myriad of topics of interest ranging from basic camera models and view frustum culling to advanced topics, such as dual quaternion skinning and GPU based simulation techniques. The book follows the cookbook format whereby a number of steps are detailed showing how to accomplish a specific task and are later dissected to show how the whole technique works. The book starts with a gentle introduction to modern OpenGL. It then elaborates how to set up a basic shader application. Following this discussion, all shader stages are introduced using practical examples so that readers may understand how the different stages of the modern GPU pipeline work. Following the introductory chapter, a vector-based camera viewing model is presented with two camera types: target and free camera. In addition, we also detail how to carry out picking in modern OpenGL using depth buffer, color buffer, and scene intersection queries. In simulation applications and games in particular, skybox is a very useful object. We will detail its implementation in a simple manner. For reflective objects, such as mirrors and dynamic reflections, render-to-texture functionality using FBO and dynamic cube mapping are detailed. In addition to graphics, image processing techniques are also presented to implement digital convolution filters using the fragment shader, and basic transformation, such as twirl is also detailed. Moreover, effects such as glow are also covered to enable rendering of glowing geometry. Seldom do we find a graphics application without light. Lights play an important role in portraying the mood of a scene. We will cover point, directional, and spot lights with attenuation and both per-vertex and per-fragment approaches. In addition, shadow mapping techniques are also covered including support of percentage closer filtering (PCF) and variance shadow mapping. In typical applications, more complex mesh models are used which are stored in external model files modeled in a 3D modeling package. We elaborate two techniques for loading such models by using separate and interleaved buffer objects. Concrete examples are given by parsing 3DS and OBJ model formats. These model loaders provide support for most attributes, including materials. Skeletal characters are introduced by a new skeletal animation format (the EZMesh format). We will see how to load such models with animation using both matrix palette skinning and dual quaternion skinning. Wherever possible, the recipes also detail pointers to external libraries and web addresses for more information. Fuzzy objects, such as smoke are often used to add special effects. Such objects are typically handled using a particle system. We introduce a stateless and a state-preserving particle system in detail. When a scene with a high depth complexity is presented, normal alpha blending techniques fail miserably. Hence, approaches such as depth peeling are used to render the geometry in the correct depth order with correct blending. We will take a look at the implementation of both the conventional front-to-back depth peeling as well as the more recent dual depth peeling approach. All steps needed in the process are detailed. With computer graphics, we are always pushing the limits of hardware to get a true life-like rendering. Lighting is one thing that can convincingly represent such a depiction. Unfortunately however, normal everyday lighting is impossible to simulate in real-time. The computer graphics community has developed various approximation methods for modeling of such lighting. These are grouped under global illumination techniques. The recipes elaborate two common approaches, spherical harmonics and screen space ambient occlusion, on the modern GPU. Finally, we present two additional methods for rendering scenes, namely, ray tracing and path tracing. Both of these methods have been detailed and implemented on the modern GPU. Computer graphics have influenced several different fields ranging from visual effects in movies to biomedical and engineering simulations. In the latter domain in particular, computer graphics and visualization methods have been widely adopted. Modern GPUs have tremendous horsepower, which can be utilized for advanced visualization methods, and volume rendering is one of them. We will take a look at several algorithms for volume rendering, namely view-aligned 3D texture slicing, single-pass GPU ray casting, pseudo-isosurface rendering, splatting, polygonal isosurface extraction using the Marching Tetrahedra algorithm, and half-angle slicing method for volumetric lighting. Physically-based simulations are an important class of algorithms that enable us to predict the motion of objects through approximations of the physical models. We harness the new transform feedback mechanism to carry out two physically-based simulations entirely on the GPU. We first present a model for cloth simulation (with collision detection and response) and then a model for particle system simulation on the modern GPU. In summary, this book contains a wealth of information from a wide array of topics. I had a lot of fun writing this book and I learned a lot of techniques on the way. I do hope that this book serves as a useful resource for others in the years to come.


Vulkan CookBook

Computer graphics have a very long and interesting history. Many APIs or custom approaches to the generation of 2D or 3D images have come and gone. A landmark in this history was the invention of OpenGL, one of the first graphics libraries, which allowed us to create real-time, high-performance 3D graphics, and which was available for everyone on multiple operating systems. It is still developed and widely used even today. And this year we can celebrate its 25th birthday! But many things have changed since OpenGL was created. The graphics hardware industry is evolving very quickly. And recently, to accommodate these changes, a new approach to 3D graphics rendering was presented. It took the form of a low-level access to the graphics hardware. OpenGL was designed as a high-level API, which allows users to easily render images on screen. But this high-level approach, convenient for users, is difficult for graphics drivers to handle. This is one of the main reasons for restricting the hardware to show its full potential. The new approach tries to overcome these struggles–it gives users much more control over the hardware, but also many more responsibilities. This way application developers can release the full potential of the graphics hardware, because the drivers no longer block them. Low-level access allows drivers to be much smaller, much thinner. But these benefits come at the expense of much more work that needs to done by the developers. The first evangelist of the new approach to graphics rendering was a Mantle API designed by AMD. When it proved that low-level access can give considerable performance benefits, other companies started working on their own graphics libraries. One of the most notable representatives of the new trend were Metal API, designed by Apple, and DirectX 12, developed by Microsoft. But all of the above libraries were developed with specific operating systems and/or hardware in mind. There was no open and multiplatform standard such as OpenGL. Until last year. Year 2016 saw the release of the Vulkan API, developed by Khronos consortium, which maintains the OpenGL library. Vulkan also represents the new approach, a low-level access to the graphics hardware, but unlike the other libraries it is available for everyone on multiple operating systems and hardware platforms–from high-performance desktop computers with Windows or Linux operating systems, to mobile devices with Android OS. And as it is still being very new, there are few resources teaching developers how to use it. This book tries to fill this gap.



This book presents techniques to render photo-realistic images by programming the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). We discuss effects such as mirror reflections, refractions, caustics, diffuse or glossy indirect illumination, radiosity, single or multiple scattering in participating media, tone reproduction, glow, and depth of field. The book targets game developers, graphics programmers, and also students with some basic understanding of computer graphics algo- rithms, rendering APIs like Direct3D or OpenGL, and shader programming. In order to make the book self-contained, the most important concepts of local illumination and global illumi- nation rendering, graphics hardware, and Direct3D/HLSL programming are reviewed in the first chapters. After these introductory chapters we warm up with simple methods including shadow and environment mapping, then we move on toward advanced concepts aiming at global illumination rendering. Since it would have been impossible to give a rigorous review of all approaches proposed in this field, we go into the details of just a few methods solving each particular global illumination effect. However, a short discussion of the state of the art and links to the bibliography are also provided to refer the interested reader to techniques that are not detailed in this book. The implementation of the selected methods is also presented in HLSL, and we discuss their observed performance, merits, and disadvantages. In the last chapter, we also review how these techniques can be integrated in an advanced game engine and present case studies of their exploitation in games. Having gone through this book, the reader will have an overview of the state of the art, will be able to apply and improve these techniques, and most importantly, will be capable of developing brand new GPU algorithms.


C++ Templates - The Complete Guide

The first edition of this book was published almost 15 years ago. We had set out to write the definitive guide to C++ templates, with the expectation that it would be useful to practicing C++ programmers. That project was successful: It’s been tremendously gratifying to hear from readers who found our material helpful, to see our book time and again being recommended as a work of reference, and to be universally well reviewed. That first edition has aged well, with most material remaining entirely relevant to the modern C++ programmer, but there is no denying that the evolution of the language—culminating in the “Modern C++” standards, C++11, C++14, and C++17—has raised the need for a revision of the material in the first edition. So with this second edition, our high-level goal has remained unchanged: to provide the definitive guide to C++ templates, including both a solid reference and an accessible tutorial. This time, however, we work with the “Modern C++” language, which is a significantly bigger beast (still!) than the language available at the time of the prior edition. We’re also acutely aware that C++ programming resources have changed (for the better) since the first edition was published. For example, several books have appeared that develop specific template-based applications in great depth. More important, far more information about C++ templates and template-based techniques is easily available online, as are examples of advanced uses of these techniques. So in this edition, we have decided to emphasize a breadth of techniques that can be used in a variety of applications. Some of the techniques we presented in the first edition have become obsolete because the C++ language now offers more direct ways of achieving the same effects. Those techniques have been dropped (or relegated to minor notes), and instead you’ll find new techniques that show the state-ofthe-art uses of the new language. We’ve now lived over 20 years with C++ templates, but the C++ programmers’ community still regularly finds new fundamental insights into the way they can fit in our software development needs. Our goal with this book is to share that knowledge but also to fully equip the reader to develop new understanding and, perhaps, discover the next major C++ technique.


Learning Vulkan

Discover how to build impressive 3D graphics with the next- generation graphics API—Vulkan



Path tracing is one of several techniques to render photorealistic im- ages by simulating the physics of light propagation within a scene. The roots of path tracing are outside of computer graphics, in the Monte Carlo simulations developed for neutron transport. A great strength of path tracing is that it is conceptually, mathematically, and often-times algorithmically simple and elegant, yet it is very general. Until recently, however, brute-force path tracing techniques were simply too noisy and slow to be practical for movie production rendering. They therefore re- ceived little usage outside of academia, except perhaps to generate an occasional reference image to validate the correctness of other (faster but less general) rendering algorithms. The last ten years have seen a dramatic shift in this balance, and path tracing techniques are now widely used. This shift was partially fueled by steadily increasing com- putational power and memory, but also by significant improvements in sampling, rendering, and denoising techniques. In this survey, we pro- vide an overview of path tracing and highlight important milestones in its development that have led to it becoming the preferred movie rendering technique today.






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