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原创 我的新西兰打工旅行签证(Working Holiday Visa)申请之路


2014-06-08 11:06:47 371

原创 一句话解释新西兰技术移民

(转载来源于Jack Liu博客,本文地址:http://www.jack-liu.com/post-101.html)■关于评分入选:#海外申请新西兰技术移民,一定要是紧缺行业且分数125以上才可以选上(最近一期有降分,115分可入选);#海外申请新西兰技术移民,如果不属于紧缺行业一定要在140分以上才可以选上;#如果人已经在新西兰参加工作,100分就可以选上(无需是紧缺行业);#不论...

2014-06-06 06:32:55 284

原创 新西兰打工度假指南之 学历证明

新西兰打工度假指南之 学历证明六 13th. 2013 发布在 签证相关 学历 . 打工度假指南 由Jason热度:3,606 ℃ 留下评论转自:http://www.senlinfeng.cc/blog/?p=74关于学历证明,官网要求原文如下: have a senior high school qualification...

2014-06-06 06:30:52 256

原创 如何申请working holiday visa

昨天在http://www.senlinfeng.cc/blog/?p=169帖子中详细介绍了什么是working holiday Visa以及申请该签证所需要的材料。今天就来讲讲如何一步一步拿到签证。理论上满足以下四点,你就已经具备申请的客观前提了:中国常住公民年龄在18岁到30岁之间高中毕业(或以上)学历身体健康(无肺结核)然后,你想好了吗?你真的想好了吗?请问...

2014-06-06 06:29:43 1485

原创 新西兰Working Holiday Visa WHV 名额代申请 不成功不收费

 详情:http://www.weibo.com/173363531 China Working Holiday Scheme中国工作假期计划Each year, 1000 places are available under this scheme allowing young citizens of China to stay in New Zealand for up...

2014-06-06 06:15:18 210

原创 Mounting an NFS shared resource to Windows

NFS nodeEdit /etc/exportsvi /etc/exportsAdd following content./a/global  <windows_fqdn/ip-address>(rw,no_root_squash)/home  <windows_fqdn_fqdn/ip-address>(rw,no_root_squash)...

2013-04-11 11:24:46 108

EMC 面试题 笔试题 面试经验 知识树

我的Github: https://github.com/hot13399前两周请朋友帮忙内推EMC(易安信)的e-lab部门成都的System Integration engineer的职位,虽然Senior以下的职位没有了,没有得到部门的面试邀请,但是这段时间分类整理,学习了很多面试存储网络相关的知识,现在分享出来希望有机会到EMC面试的同学可以用到。如果你对这篇文章有兴趣或者观点也欢迎发...

2012-11-26 11:29:20 502

Never try to print org.w3c.dom.Document

# Document: nullNever to print a instance of org.w3c.dom.Document.Because it always give you null.Just use it never print it!

2012-03-08 12:48:06 88



2012-01-12 19:35:30 98

Important Things for Scrum Master

[size=xx-large]I wrote a piece of notes that may help when scrum master rule is coming up.[/size][size=x-large]The most important requirements for a Scrum Master are:[/size]• interested in learn...

2011-09-26 12:16:27 117

原创 Scrum的故事

2001年2月,17位敏捷先驱齐聚犹他雪鸟度假村,起草《敏捷宣言》的时候,Scrum只是众多方法中不太起眼的一个。十年之后,Scrum却成为最流行的敏捷方法,几乎成为敏捷的代名词。本文来介绍下Scrum的两位创始人——Jeff Sutherland与Ken Schwaber。大家可能不会想到,Jeff Sutherland的第一份工作居然是美国空军战斗机飞行员,还曾于1967年获得...

2011-09-16 17:47:51 180

原创 为什么要“推销自己”?


2011-08-09 10:13:30 384

原创 DISC成功学


2011-07-04 22:21:21 193

原创 解码唐骏性格成功学


2011-07-04 22:13:16 180

原创 How to become a proficient Python Programmer

原文出处:http://blog.dispatched.ch/2011/06/12/how-to-become-a-proficient-python-programmer/Spoiler: This post is primarily gonna be an excerpt of my bookmarks collection. That’s because more intellige...

2011-06-23 10:30:49 123

原创 python轻松去除 list 重复元素

我的github账号:https://github.com/hot13399比较容易记忆的是用内置的set[code="java"]l1 = ['b','c','d','b','c','a','a'] l2 = list(set(l1)) print l2 [/code]还有一种据说速度更快的,没测试过两者的速度差别[code="java"]l1 = ['b'...

2011-05-27 10:24:33 354

原创 HTTP常见错误 400 401 403 404 405 406 407 412 414 500 501 502

HTTP 错误 400 400 请求出错 由于语法格式有误,服务器无法理解此请求。不作修改,客户程序就无法重复此请求。 HTTP 错误 401 401.1 未授权:登录失败 此错误表明传输给服务器的证书与登录服务器所需的证书不匹配。 请与 Web 服务器的管理员联系,以确认您是否具有访问所请求资源的权限。 401.2 未授权:服务器的配置导致登录失败 此错误表明...

2011-05-27 10:19:04 212

原创 SQL中like语句的索引使用

[list][*]1、尽量不要使用 like '%..%'[*]2、对于 like '..%..' (不以 % 开头),Oracle可以应用 colunm上的index[*]3、对于 like '%...' 的 (不以 % 结尾),可以利用 reverse + function index 的形式,变化成 like '..%' 代码[/list] 建测试表和Inde...

2011-05-27 10:17:02 429

原创 I want a program which creates a backup of all my important files by Python

[code="Python"]#!/usr/bin/python# Filename: backup_ver4.pyimport osimport time# 1. The files and directories to be backed up are specified in a list.source = ['"C:\\My Documents"', 'C:\\Code...

2011-05-25 10:42:07 120

原创 Useful command line

scp [email protected]:/opt/mpp/projects/ /opt/misserverrpm -qa|grep #check rpm installationrpm -e ssh -s [email protected] -p 22 netconf #ssh connection to netconfls -lR|grep "205...

2011-05-19 13:50:06 95

原创 juniper snmp v3 configuration

[code="txt"]v3 { usm { local-engine { user nanZhang { authentication-md5 { authentication-key "$9$S80ylMN-waJDY2fTFnpu1RhSM8LxNsgoXxi...

2010-11-19 09:20:17 277


[code="python"] def process(self): logger = logging.getLogger() hdlr = logging.FileHandler('C:\pt.log') formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s]%(levelna...

2010-10-29 13:10:09 132

net-snmp send spoof-trap

NuDesign Visual MIBrowser Pro to view mids.注意参数需要加.index1)snmptrap -v2c -c public "" trap_oid varible.index varible_type varible_value2)snmptrap -v2c -c public "" IF-MIB:...

2010-10-29 13:01:36 211


入职这家外企已经2个月左右了,团队也是一个全新的团队,整个项目架构是敏捷开发,虽然不怎么成熟,但是也分享一下这段时间工作的心得。1、绩效考评,我们公司的绩效考评总体上是分2部分。 一个是客户对团队的总体印象,包括工作态度,积极性,工作能力,交流沟通能力。这个分数从客户那里得到,不会精确到某个人,但是每个人的作风都会印象整个团队在客户心目中的印象。这个占绩效的40%,目的是让大家能把团...

2010-05-12 21:30:30 196

Life of Professionals(转)

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his5-year old son waiting for him at the door. SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?" replied the...

2010-04-15 21:00:10 103

原创 播放MP3的小应用(边写边学Android 一)

"在信息时代,客观障碍已不复存在,所谓障碍都是主观上的。如果你想研发什么新的技术,你不需要几百万美元的资金,你只需要在冰箱里放满比萨和可乐,再有一 台便宜的计算机,和与之献身的决心,你即可拥有任何你想拥有的编程境界!- John Carmack实现非常简单1、用ContentResolver查询到话机中的MP3歌曲信息2、用ListView展示出来3、用一个Service中的M...

2010-03-01 19:59:47 86

原创 用一个MP3播放应用来体会Android中的Service


2010-02-06 17:04:12 163

原创 Android Activity/Service Intent 通信 跳转

第一种方式,用action来跳转。1、使用Action跳转,如果有一个程序的AndroidManifest.xml中的某一个Activity的IntentFilter段中定义了包含了相同的Action那么这个Intent就与这个目标Action匹配。如果这个IntentFilter段中没有定义Type,Category,那么这个 Activity就匹配了。但是如果手机中有两个以上的程序匹配...

2010-02-06 16:42:10 212


shift+ctrl+r 快速索引项目中文件ctrl+alt+h 查看类或者方法被调用情况鼠标选取语句块,然后按 alt+shift+m 重构提取方法鼠标单击变量, 按shift+alt+r 自动重命名变量.(不用使用不安全的全部替换了)智能内容感知 Alt+/ 另外放一个eclipse风格.下载附件中woshizn.rar,解压到workspace...

2010-01-27 16:10:21 65

原创 oracle数据库insert插入多条数据

insert into USERNAME.TABLENAME1 ( RID,COLUMN1,COLUMN2,COLUMN3,COLUMN4) select RID/2,69376,0,RID,'是' from USERNAME.TABLENAME2where 条件用这种方法可以往数据库里插入多条数据.RID为TABLENAME2里的字段.69376,0,'是' 都为固定值,...

2010-01-27 15:50:05 215

原创 支持中文首拼 快速查询的电话本(blackberry)

[size=medium](KennanContact)是一个适用于黑莓rom4.5.0的根据汉字首拼快速查找联系人的电话簿小软件。包含 发送短信,和群发短信,查看联系人信息。在我的黑莓8800上测试,可以正常使用。这个小软件面临的最大问题是签证。因为避免使用黑莓标记为禁用的签证,所以在进入软件,和发送短信时会弹出确认窗口。点击确认后可以正常使用,暂...

2010-01-23 00:45:28 184

原创 在eclipse里debug(调试)blackberry程序

因为blackberry应用程序无法使用System.out.print()方法。(我不知道,如果有人知道可以留言)所以debug是非常有用的东西。一般启动debug有2种方式,  debug as --> running blackberry simulator  (适合已近开启了一个blackberry模拟器)or debug as --> blackberry s...

2010-01-20 01:02:15 102

原创 java程序向服务器发送post请求

通过一个java程序,用 HttpURLConnection 类向服务器端发送post请求。 可以利用多线程和这个小程序对服务器做负载压力测试。  代码如下,// xmlpath是因为,我的系统是同过xml来传递数据,这个要根据自己的具体情况修改private String doPost(String lastresult, String uri, String xmlPath...

2010-01-15 13:29:34 632

原创 blackberry java开发相关资料汇总

 这是一些我四处下载到的一些blackberry开发会用到的一些资料。 以后如果有新的资料我还会继续补全,希望为向从事这方面动作的朋友们提供一些便利。 黑莓基于eclipse的开发工具下载,使用非常方便。直接安装即可,无需配置。更换黑莓 模拟器  机型 在eclipse的run configuration里面。Download the BlackBerry JDE Plug-i...

2010-01-13 17:29:35 84

原创 数据库/目录 自动备份脚本

windows通过任务计划可以调用bat批处理文件。可以实现简单的备份功能 与同步功能。 1.通过exp导出oracle数据库,自动命名为“name1+当日日期”,输出log。导出成功后,将dmp文件压缩打包,删除dmp文件。 exp system/oracle@servicename owner=databaseUser1,databaseUser2 file=e:\nam...

2010-01-13 14:25:10 110

原创 Windows XP Windows7通过注册表将 IE中 对未标记为可安全执行脚本的activex控件初始化并执行脚本 设置为启用...

  如果程序需要通过 运行网页脚本(如javascript)调用本地文件。  会报[object error].  就需要 将 IE中 -- 工具 -- internet选项 -- 安全 -- 自定义级别  对未标记为可安全执行脚本的activex空间初始化并执行脚本  设置为启用   如果给要用户自己设置实在麻烦。   可以写一个注册表项,双击运行即达到目的。 ...

2010-01-13 12:14:41 3579

原创 oracle 索引语句

创建普通索引 create index indexname on username.tablename (column) tablespace tablespacename; 创建位图索引create bitmap index indexname on username.tablename (column) tablespace tablespacename...

2010-01-13 11:51:11 120

原创 ant配置build.xml 指定多个classpath 编译多个src目录

因为项目需求,需要自动编译,打包源文件。通过eclipse导出功能,不能实现自动编译,打包。即决定用ant来完成,(ant可以通过 批处理文件调用)因为项目架构比较特殊,有path1/src,path2/src,path3/src 多个同级源文件目录。而且需要多个classpath目录,存放着需要用到的jar包。在网上搜索,多是简单的ant配置,而后几经折磨,得到如下配置。...

2010-01-12 20:17:48 378

原创 在断网的情况下dom解析xml报错

今天因为项目需要,需要解析jetty配置文件jetty.xml。因为是在无网的情况下做的程序,结果一来就报个错,百思不得其解。错误信息如下:java.net.UnknownHostException: jetty.mortbay.org at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.S...

2010-01-12 19:21:54 233

原创 No. 1 game on China's largest mobile platform uses Java ME tech

The number one game on Tencent, China's largest mobile platform, usesJava ME technology to achieve the widest reach. That's the smartchoice.See:Journey to the West Online Java Game...

2010-01-08 09:38:52 94

Effective Java: Second Edition.pdf

Written for the working Java developer, Joshua Bloch's Effective Java Programming Language Guide provides a truly useful set of over 50 best practices and tips for writing better Java code. With plenty of advice from an indisputable expert in the field, this title is sure to be an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to get more out of their code.   As a veteran developer ... (展开全部)   Written for the working Java developer, Joshua Bloch's Effective Java Programming Language Guide provides a truly useful set of over 50 best practices and tips for writing better Java code. With plenty of advice from an indisputable expert in the field, this title is sure to be an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to get more out of their code.   As a veteran developer at Sun, the author shares his considerable insight into the design choices made over the years in Sun's own Java libraries (which the author acknowledges haven't always been perfect). Based on his experience working with Sun's best minds, the author provides a compilation of 57 tips for better Java code organized by category. Many of these ideas will let you write more robust classes that better cooperate with built-in Java APIs. Many of the tips make use of software patterns and demonstrate an up-to-the-minute sense of what works best in today's design. Each tip is clearly introduced and explained with code snippets used to demonstrate each programming principle.   Early sections on creating and destroying objects show you ways to make better use of resources, including how to avoid duplicate objects. Next comes an absolutely indispensable guide to implementing "required" methods for custom classes. This material will help you write new classes that cooperate with old ones (with advice on implementing essential requirements like the equals() and hashCode() methods).   The author has a lot to say about class design, whether using inheritance or composition. Tips on designing methods show you how to create understandable, maintainable, and robust classes that can be easily reused by others on your team. Sections on mapping C code (like structures, unions, and enumerated types) onto Java will help C programmers bring their existing skills to Sun's new language. Later sections delve into some general programming tips, like using exceptions effectively. The book closes with advice on using threads and synchronization techniques, plus some worthwhile advice on object serialization.   Whatever your level of Java knowledge, this title can make you a more effective programmer. Wisely written, yet never pompous or doctrinaire, the author has succeeded in packaging some really valuable nuggets of advice into a concise and very accessible guidebook that arguably deserves a place on most any developer's bookshelf. --Richard Dragan   Topics covered:   Best practices and tips for Java   Creating and destroying objects (static factory methods, singletons, avoiding duplicate objects and finalizers)   Required methods for custom classes (overriding equals(), hashCode(), toString(), clone(), and compareTo() properly)   Hints for class and interface design (minimizing class and member accessibility, immutability, composition versus inheritance, interfaces versus abstract classes, preventing subclassing, static versus nonstatic classes)   C constructs in Java (structures, unions, enumerated types, and function pointers in Java)   Tips for designing methods (parameter validation, defensive copies, method signatures, method overloading, zero-length arrays, hints for Javadoc comments)   General programming advice (local variable scope, using Java API libraries, avoiding float and double for exact comparisons, when to avoid strings, string concatenation, interfaces and reflection, avoid native methods, optimizing hints, naming conventions)   Programming with exceptions (checked versus run-time exceptions, standard exceptions, documenting exceptions, failure-capture information, failure atomicity)   Threading and multitasking (synchronization and scheduling hints, thread safety, avoiding thread groups)   Serialization (when to implement Serializable, the readObject(), and readResolve() methods)  



本书教读者循序渐进地、系统地学习UML基础知识和应用技术。和前一版相比,本书内容根据UML 2.0进行了补充和更新,随书光盘包含了建模工具Poseidon的试用版。        全书分为三部分24章。第一部分“基础知识”包括第1章到第15章,主要是介绍UML语言的基础知识以及面向对象的概念和思想,还简单介绍了UML 在开发过程的应用方法。第二部分“学习案例”包括第16章到第22章,结合实例详细分析了UML的应用方法与技巧,还介绍了UML在热点领域设计模式中的应用。第三部分“高级应用”包括最后两章,先是运用UML来描述设计模式和嵌入式系统,然后讨论UML在其他领域的应用前景。附录给出了每章的小测验答案,介绍了使用Microsoft Visio专业版绘制常用UML图的方法步骤,还对常用UML图进行了总结。


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网络爬虫论文 Java实现 多线程

我自己做的毕业设计论文 题目是《网络爬虫的设计与实现》 java做的









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