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原创 解决ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pip‘问题

该问题可通过依次输入这两行代码解决。python -m ensurepippython -m pip install --upgrade pip参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/haihonga/article/details/100168691

2021-01-23 21:04:55 146

原创 竞赛评分

#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cstring>using namespace std;const int N = 3;struct Node{ int score, id; //内嵌式的比较函数速度更快 bool operator <(const Node &a) const{ return score == a.score ? id < a.id : sco

2020-11-01 10:14:47 116

原创 取模运算总结

(a + b) % p = (a % p + b % p) % p(a - b) % p = ((a % p - b % p) + p) % p(a * b) % p = (a % p) * (b % p) % p

2020-10-03 17:05:46 244

原创 产生冠军(set)

#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <set>using namespace std;int main(){ int n; while(cin >> n && n) { string win[1000], lose[1000]; set<string> s; for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { cin >

2020-09-27 15:29:50 110

原创 A + B

#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <map>using namespace std;//不要害怕字符串处理(*^▽^*)int main(){ string str; map<string, int> mp; mp["zero"] = 0, mp["one"] = 1, mp["two"] = 2, mp["three"] = 3, mp["four"] = 4, mp["five"]

2020-09-27 15:17:48 119


#include <iostream> #include <string.h>using namespace std;//用到了hash表以空间换时间的思想const int N = 1005;const int K = 2005;int main(){ int c, n, k, t; cin >> c; while(c --) { int a[N], b[K]; memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); scanf("%d%d

2020-09-26 10:52:47 84

原创 Sequence Median

#include <iostream>#include <algorithm> #include <vector>using namespace std;/*Each element of the sequence is a positive integer not greater than 2^32 - 1 inclusive.n为偶数时,如果把两个数相加再除以2,会溢出(大坑)*/int main(){ int n, k; while(~sca

2020-09-26 09:38:03 156

原创 shǎ崽 OrOrOrOrz

Acmer in HDU-ACM team are ambitious, especially shǎ崽, he can spend time in Internet bar doing problems overnight. So many girls want to meet and Orz him. But Orz him is not that easy.You must solve this problem first.The problem is :Give you a sequence .

2020-09-25 08:35:28 77

转载 出现Presentation Error的解决方法

有时候在电脑上写的程序运行成功,但在OJ平台上却会提示Presentation Error。1.思路是对的,且运行时间符合要求2.答案和标准结果非常接近,也就是说最可能是因为,在输出结果中,多了或少了不必要的空格或者回车或者其他,总而言之,OJ平台对格式的检查非常严格,所以一定要认真检查程序的输出结果是否与标准一致。...

2020-09-25 08:32:33 2558

原创 Number Steps

Starting from point (0,0) on a plane, we have written all non-negative integers 0, 1, 2,... as shown in the figure. For example, 1, 2, and 3 has been written at points (1,1), (2,0), and (3, 1) respectively and this pattern has continued.You are to write

2020-09-25 08:09:15 136

原创 Clock(排序)

There is an analog clock with two hands: an hour hand and a minute hand. The two hands form an angle. The angle is measured as the smallest angle between the two hands. The angle between the two hands has a measure that is greater than or equal to 0 and le

2020-09-24 22:37:37 135

原创 As Easy As A+B

These days, I am thinking about a question, how can I get a problem as easy as A+B? It is fairly difficulty to do such a thing. Of course, I got it after many waking nights.Give you some integers, your task is to sort these number ascending (升序).You shou

2020-09-24 21:07:13 114

原创 markdown设置文字颜色、背景

颜色名 |十六进制颜色值 |颜色AliceBlue| #F0F8FF |rgb(240, 248, 255)

2020-09-21 20:34:50 444

原创 排名

今天的上机考试虽然有实时的Ranklist,但上面的排名只是根据完成的题数排序,没有考虑每题的分值,所以并不是最后的排名。给定录取分数线,请你写程序找出最后通过分数线的考生,并将他们的成绩按降序打印。INPUT测试输入包含若干场考试的信息。每场考试信息的第1行给出考生人数N ( 0 < N< 1000 )、考题数M ( 0 < M < = 10 )、分数线(正整数)G;第2行排序给出第1题至第M题的正整数分值;以下N行,每行给出一名考生的准考证号(长度不超过20的字符串

2020-09-21 20:05:14 279

原创 排序


2020-09-21 18:04:57 105

原创 PAT B.1039 到底买不买 (20分)

#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <map>using namespace std;int main(){ map <char, int> mp; string store, cus; int a = 0; //a表示缺少的 cin >> store >> cus; for(int i = 0; i < store.length(); i ++) {

2020-09-13 09:29:00 71

原创 PAT B.1030 完美数列 (25分)

#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;int main(){ int n, ans = 0, temp = 0;//ans记录完美数列的最大长度 LL p, k;//注意数据类型 vector <LL> v; cin >> n >> p;

2020-09-13 09:00:44 67

原创 PAT B. 1028 人口普查 (20分)

#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ int n, cnt = 0;//cnt记录有效生日的个数 string name, str, maxdate, mindate, max, min; maxdate = "2014/09/06", mindate = "1814/09/06"; cin >> n; while(n --) { cin >&

2020-09-13 08:28:27 76

原创 vscode c++ 运行结束窗口一闪而过

#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ cout << "Hello" << endl; system("pause");//加上这一句即可 return 0;}

2020-09-10 16:37:31 2441

原创 python编程出现:expected an indented block错误

expected an indented block意为:期待一个缩进块错误原因:缩进不规范,少些或多些了一个空格(python一定要注意缩进规范)i = 0while i < 10: print(i) i = i + 1

2020-08-26 13:02:22 16763

原创 CCF 202006-2 稀疏向量(100)

#include <iostream>#include <map>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;map <int, int> mp;int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false);//cin<<scanf<cin(关闭流同步)此处是关键!!!使用了这一句就不要用scanf和printf啦! int n, a, b, index, value; L

2020-08-20 17:06:00 275

原创 CCF 201409-1 相邻数对

代码1(朴素版~)#include <iostream>#include <math.h>using namespace std;const int N = 1005;int a[N];int main(){ int n, ans = 0; cin >> n; for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { cin >> a[i]; } for(int i =

2020-08-08 16:07:39 79

原创 PAT B.1023 组个最小数 (20分)

/*组个最小数*/#include <iostream>#include <queue>using namespace std;int main(){ queue<int> a; queue<int> b; //存放0 int n, t; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { cin >> n; while(n--){ a.push(i); } } t = a.size(

2020-07-31 11:07:35 93

原创 PAT B.1021 个位数统计 (15分)

/*个位数统计*/#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <map>using namespace std;int main(){ string s; cin >> s; map<int, int> mp; for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i ++) { mp[s[i]-'0'] ++; } for(map<int, in

2020-07-29 10:55:42 94

原创 PAT B. 1019 数字黑洞 (20分)

代码1:/*数字黑洞*/#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <string>using namespace std;bool cmp(char a, char b){ return a > b;}int main(){ string str; int temp; cin >> str; str.insert(0, 4-str.length(), '0');//

2020-07-29 10:39:22 116

原创 PAT B.1017 A除以B (20分)

/*A除以B */#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int main(){ string s; int n, q, r; cin >> s >> n; q = (s[0] - '0') / n;//模拟除法,第一位要特殊考虑 r = (s[0] - '0') % n; if(q != 0 || s.length() == 1)// 输入为8 9时,应输出0 8

2020-07-27 13:05:21 73

原创 CCF 202006-1 线性分类器

代码1:正常思路+STL/*线性分类器*/#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;typedef long long LL; //此处是关键struct point{ int xn, yn; char c;};vector<point> a; //存储A类点vector<point> b; //存储B类点int main(){ int n, m, cnta

2020-07-27 11:19:16 752

原创 PAT B.1052 卖个萌 (20分)

#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>using namespace std;int main(){ vector<vector<string> >v;//创建vector类型的二维数组 string s; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { getline(cin, s); vector<string> p;

2020-07-27 10:20:58 63

原创 PAT B.1015 德才论 (25分)

/*德才论*/#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <vector>using namespace std;struct person{ int id, dscore, cscore, sum;};vector<person> stu[4];bool cmp(struct person a, struct person b){ if(a.sum != b.sum){ ret

2020-07-24 10:08:26 67

原创 PAT B.1013 数素数 (20分)

/*数素数*/#include <iostream>#include <math.h>#include <vector>using namespace std;//判断是否为素数bool isprime(int n){ for(int i = 2; i <= sqrt(n); i ++) { if(n % i == 0) return false; } return true;}int main(){ int m, n, num

2020-07-23 10:12:39 72

原创 PAT B.1092 最好吃的月饼 (20分)

/*最好吃的月饼*/#include<iostream>#include<algorithm> using namespace std;const int N = 1000 + 5;int a[N];int main(){ int n, m, v, maxn = 0, flag = 0; cin >> n >> m; while(m --) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { cin &

2020-07-20 10:57:17 130

原创 CCF 201912-2 回收站选址

#include<iostream>#include<map>#include<string.h> using namespace std;const int N = 1000;int count[5];pair<int, int> p[N];int main(){ int n; map<pair<int, int>, int> ps; cin >> n; for(int i = 0; i &

2020-06-27 10:10:28 103

原创 CCF 201912-1 报数

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int a[5] = {0};int main(){ int n; int count = 0; cin >> n; for(int i = 1; ; i ++) { //判断是否为7的倍数或者是否含有7 if(i % 7 == 0 || i % 10 == 7 || i / 10 % 10 == 7 || i / 100 == 7) { a[i%4] ++; //找

2020-05-13 13:56:20 86

原创 warning:control may reach end of non-void function


2020-05-09 16:23:17 175

原创 使用jquery清空input 文本框中的内容

$('.clear').click(function(){ $(".input").val(""); })在点击清空按钮时,将输入框的值置空。

2020-02-24 10:12:40 2971

原创 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

Unexpected end of input 的英文意思是“意外的终止输入”他通常表示我们浏览器在读取我们的js代码时,碰到了不可预知的错误,导致浏览器无法进行下面的读取通常造成这种错误的原因是应该成双的符号输入错误,比如说""''{}[]...

2020-02-19 17:31:29 1751

原创 JS中[object object]怎么取值


2020-02-18 14:36:32 2697

原创 升级pip超时

使用 豆瓣源进行安装 pippython -m pip install --upgrade pip -ihttp://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com

2020-02-16 18:02:05 114

原创 A.1056 Mice and Rice

#include<stdio.h>#include<queue>using namespace std;const int maxn = 1000 + 10;struct mouse{ int weight;//老鼠的重量 int Rank;//老鼠的排名 }a[maxn];int main(){ queue<int> q; int np...

2019-11-30 22:27:25 75

原创 B.1020 月饼

题目中说的月饼的库存量和总售价是正数,没说是正整数,嘤嘤嘤,经验的主观带入实在可怕!!!明明离满分辣么近~#include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>using namespace std; struct node{ double num;//该月饼的库存量 double totalprice;//该月饼的总售价 double ...

2019-11-27 18:15:32 108



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