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2021-11-14 21:21:15 173

原创 【操作系统&&计算机组成原理】你真的了解“hello world“吗

故事要王师傅初学c语言说起。有一天,兢兢业业勤勤恳恳的程序员王师傅在Devc++里编写了一份“王师傅nb.cpp”文件#include<iostream>int main(){int a=0;a=a+1;print("hello world");return 1;}这是计算机入门代码,准备好,3 !2 !1!下面是门后面的世界:计算机无法直接读懂c语言,看过黑客帝国的小学二年级学生都知道的事情是:计算机里面只有二进制串,也就是常说的机器语言。c语言到机器语言的全过程是:

2021-11-08 17:32:59 254

原创 sql基本操作和数据类型

插入insert into 表名 values ('数据1','数据2'....'数据n')修改update 表名 set 属性1='值' where 属性2='值'删除delete from 表名 where 属性1='值'左连接select * from 表名1 left join 表名2 on 表1属性=表2属性

2021-04-02 15:21:48 207

原创 数据分析面试


2021-03-29 18:01:37 201

原创 leetcode中c++常用函数

string类转整形(题号150)int a=atoi(string[i].c_str())定义栈(题号150)stack stk;出栈、取栈顶、入栈(题号150)stk.pop();stk.top();stk.push();定义二维数组、一维数组(题号59)vector<vector> matrix(n, vector(m));vector(n)定义新链表节点(题号92)ListNode *L = new ListNode(-1);...

2021-03-20 10:39:33 293

原创 离散数学复试/面试

一、平面图平面图:可以画在平面上,除端点外任意两边都不相交。欧拉公式:n-m+r=2,n:顶点个数。m:边个数。r:面个数。重要公式:m ≤\leq≤ 3n-6二、二元关系对称的二元关系:每当(a,b)∈\in∈R,则必有(b,a)∈\in∈R自反的二元关系:任意a,有(a,a)∈\in∈R传递的二元关系:每当(a,b)∈\in∈R,(b,c)∈\in∈R则必有(a,c)∈\in∈R等价关系:同时满足对称、自反、传递三、群半群:代数系统的二元运算是封闭、可结合的。独异点:代数系统的二元

2021-03-06 17:35:59 5320

原创 数据库复试/面试

一、数据库故障①事务故障事务在运行过程中由于种种原因,如输入数据的错误、运算溢出、违反了某些完整性限制、某些应用程序的错误以及并行事务发生死锁等,使事务未运行至正常终止点就夭折了,这种情况称为事务故障。  发生事务故障时,夭折的事务可能已把对数据库的部分修改写磁盘。恢复程序要在不影响其他事务运行的情况下,强行回滚(ROLLBACK)该事务,即清除该事务对数据库的所有修改,使得这个事务像根本没有启动过一样。这类恢复操作称为事务撤销(UNDO)。②系统故障系统故障是指系统在运行过程中,由于某种原因,如

2021-02-02 11:04:44 806

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day7-6

look out ofThink of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying,higher than a bird.想想当你坐在飞机上,眼望窗外时,突然意识到自己正在飞翔,飞得比鸟儿还要高。fleet 舰队;快速的in one wayNone of these tricks will help you understand them,their

2020-09-02 21:02:11 380 1

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day7-5

differ fromWays of reading on a train or in bed are likely to differ considerably from reading in a seminar room.在火车上阅读或者在床上躺着阅读,可能与在会议室阅读大有不同。considerably=very 非常seminar =se(色)mi(迷)=色眯眯的房间=seminar 研讨室...

2020-08-29 00:00:06 3427

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day7-4

eat upSince technology has such an insatiable appetite for eating up human jobs,this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we cannot immediately foresee.因为科技总是贪得无厌的吞噬着人们的工作,这种现象也将继续以我们无法立刻预见的方式重新构建我们的经济。satiate =sa(傻子)ti(提)ate(使)=傻

2020-08-27 23:01:30 1384

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day7-3

pose sth.toRyan Hooper remarks that significant moves may pose challenges to children.xxx说重大的变迁可能会给孩子带来挑战。enter intoHer writing,just like her works in other media,lets us enter into something like the fullness of her life experience.她的写作,正如她在其他媒体上的作品,

2020-08-25 00:26:26 1075

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day7-2

at the start ofAt the start of this century,about one-third of crop workers were over the age of 35.在本世纪初,种植农作物的工人约有三分之一在35岁以上。want toThis advice is more relevant now than ever before,even as more parents want to embrace the ideas of their children,des

2020-08-22 00:34:48 789

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day7-1

owing toMonarchs are kept as heads of state in Europe mostly owing to their undoubted and respectable status.在欧洲,君主之所以被保留为国家元首,主要是因为他们的地位不容置疑且令人尊敬。be meant toThis rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes

2020-08-20 00:00:12 2349

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day6-3

a big dealLet’s not forget sports——in male-dominated corporate America,it’s still a big deal.让我们不要忘记运动——在男性为主导的美国公司中,运动依旧是一件大事情。拓 a good/great deal of 很多;大量switch toAt Boston College,for example,you would have to complete an extra year were you to swi

2020-08-16 00:06:10 2142

原创 【计算机组成原理】cache和主存的映射


2020-08-13 23:13:30 3393

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day6-2

lose control ofThey fear losing control of Mauna Kea.他们害怕失去对xxxx山的控制。拓 out of control 失控in prisonShe was illiterate almost all her life;she only learned to read and write in prison.她几乎一辈子都不识字;她只是在监狱里才学会读写。拓 put in jail =jail(羁押)=put in jail囚禁,关押mak

2020-08-10 23:35:34 1435

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day6-1

at the momentAlmost everyone who was interviewed for this special report said that the biggest problem at the moment is not a lack of demand but a lack of good work to sell.几乎每一个接受这个报道访问的人都说,现在这个时期最大的问题不在于缺少需求,而在于缺少可供销售的好作品。拓 for now 目前,暂时temporary 暂时的

2020-08-05 21:41:25 3488

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day5-4

lack ofStereotypes associated with obesity include laziness,lack of will power,and lower prospects for success.与肥胖有关的成见包括懒惰、意志力薄弱和成功的可能性比较低。prospect =向前看=prospect前景;预期approve ofMy mother doesn’t approve of my going abroad for further education.我母亲不同意

2020-08-03 00:00:01 2482

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day5-3

jump atSurely any smart entrepreneur would jump at a chance to make profits on those deals.显然,任何一个聪明的企业家都不会错过从这些买卖中赚钱的机会。jump at=蹦蹦跳跳的接受了=jump at欣然接受拓 accept 接受embrace 欣然接受pay attention toAfter you have clearly and adequately developed the body of y

2020-08-01 01:20:42 913

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day5-2

free fromLikewise,automation should eventually boost productivity,stimulate demand by driving down prices,and free workers from hard,boring work.同理,自动化最终也会推动生产力的发展,通过降低物价来刺激需求,将工人们从繁重、枯燥的工作中解放出来。sign onThose first few days should be spent looking for w

2020-07-30 01:02:24 3522

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day5-1

drop back toIt is difficult for me to drop back to business after a 7-day foreign holiday.我去国外度了7天假后,很难回归到工作状态中。go againstThe jury’s verdict went against her.陪审团的裁定对她不利。verdict =ver(每一个)dict(说)=每一个人都指责两句=verdict裁定make the best ofHe made the best of

2020-07-27 23:12:49 3139

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day4-7

be about toEven he,however,might tremble at the though of what he is about to do.然而,一想到接下来将要做的事情,甚至连他自己也会感觉到不寒而栗。tremble 战栗;发抖lure sb.into(doing)sthThe supermarket is designed to lure customers into spending as much time as possible within its doors.

2020-07-26 01:32:38 2859

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day4-6

a bitToday,the virtue of work may be a bit overblown.如今,工作的优点可能有些被夸大了。virtue=vi(四个)+rtue(true真实)=真实就是美德=virtue美德overblown = over(过于)blow(吹)=overblown 夸大seek…fromThose suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist.那些长期受到噩梦困扰的

2020-07-25 02:30:40 881

原创 【计算机组成原理】第二章 数据的表示和运算


2020-07-24 20:00:16 365

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day4-5

evolve fromHuman indignation evolved from an uncertain source.人类的义愤来源不明。revolution 革命evolution 进化dignity =di(弟弟)g(哥哥)ni(你)=哥哥要教弟弟尊严=dignity尊严=indignation=没有尊严=indignation义愤a fewMost of the women she interviewed——but only a few of the men——gave lack

2020-07-23 00:38:15 1640

原创 【计算机组成原理】第一章 计算机系统概述笔记


2020-07-22 13:21:33 881 1

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day4-4

outside ofA few decades ago,many people didn’t drink water outside of a meal.几十年前,许多人不会在用餐以外的时间喝水。connect toTransitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts.过渡性的内容将一个自然段与下一个段落连接起来,以避免突然或令人困惑的转换。abru

2020-07-22 01:02:00 1250 1

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day4-3

body ofYet only one of his books is now in print,and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists.然而,他那么多书现在只有一本在出版,除了专家之外,其关于音乐的大量著作无人知晓。specialist 专家come alongMiracles don’t come along very often.奇迹不会常常出现。be concerned withHe

2020-07-21 00:26:37 2064

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day4-2

insist onIn the real world,as in school,we insist on choosing our own friends.在现实生活中,就像在学校一样,我们都坚持自己选择朋友。persist in 坚持deal withThey should know how to deal with setback and stresses.他们应该知道如何应对挫折和压力。peculiar toBut the force of geographic condition p

2020-07-20 02:37:35 387

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day4-1

proceed toXXX and his team modeled what would happen if three passenger jets departing from xxx and xxx were to assemble over xxx,assume an inverted V-formation,occasionally change places so all could have a turn in the most favourable position,and procee

2020-07-19 01:47:52 850

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 3-4

in silenceIf she didn’t keep the conversation going,we’d spend the whole evening in silence.如果她不说话,我们整个晚上就会保持沉默。silence=si(四)len(轮)ce(车)=安静的骑着四轮车=silence安静的拓 silently 安静的fend offHealthy trees are also better able to fend off insects.健康的树木也能够更好的抵御昆虫。

2020-07-17 09:53:35 985

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 3-3

bear on/uponCountries differ in a large number of respects that bear on economic performance.国家之间在诸多方面都有所差异,这些差异都会因家的经济表现产生影响。拓 in/with relation to 与…有关;涉及flag upManuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal’s internal editors,o

2020-07-15 00:18:59 1900

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 3-2

come to terms withProfessor Balch points out that fire is something man should come to terms with.鲍尔奇教授指出,人类应该接受火这一事实。come to terms with =和谁一起去上学=接受了他=come to terms with接受拓 compromise =com互联网+promise许诺=互联网的许诺=compromise妥协make a compromise 做出让步concede

2020-07-13 02:11:30 1835

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 3-1

be hostile to/towardsMany of those disgruntled people are actively hostile to Obamacare.But they might be even more hostile to any effort to kill the law.满腹闹骚的民众可能对奥巴马医疗改革充满敌意,但是他们可能对任何要废除该法案的举动更为不满。disgruntled=dis(diss)+gr(官人)=disgruntled不满be linked t

2020-07-12 02:23:52 1582

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 2-4

in exchange(for)In the world of capuchins, grapes are luxury goods(and much preferable to cucumbers).So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token,the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber.在卷尾猴的世界里,葡萄是奢侈品(也

2020-07-07 01:26:51 2090

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 2-3

invest inTransicent investors,who demand high quarterly profits from conpanies,can hinder a firm’s efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty.那些要求从公司获得高额季度利润的短期投资者可能会阻碍公司努力投资于长期研究或建立客户忠诚度。transient =tran(转移)sient(silence沉默)=

2020-07-05 03:01:56 1339

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 2-2

engage withToyota Motor,for example,alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign,which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such

2020-07-03 00:31:19 1650

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 2-1

account toWhile the conversation around our environment and our responsibility toward it remains centered on shopping bags and straws,we are ignoring the balance of power that implies that as “consumers” we must shop sustainably,rather than as “citizens”

2020-06-27 01:03:51 1434

原创 【英语词组】恋恋不忘Day 1-4

be under wayNew research on transportation biofuels is already under way.有关交通工具生物燃料的新研究已经在进行中。拓 in motion 在运转中;在进行中in the first placeAnd yet,John Hagel,author of The Power of Pull and other books,says Brynjolfsson and McAfee miss the reason why these

2020-06-25 01:29:14 1947

原创 【leetcode】剑指 Offer 46. 把数字翻译成字符串

题目给定一个数字,我们按照如下规则把它翻译为字符串:0 翻译成 “a” ,1 翻译成 “b”,……,11 翻译成 “l”,……,25 翻译成 “z”。一个数字可能有多个翻译。请编程实现一个函数,用来计算一个数字有多少种不同的翻译方法。示例 1:输入: 12258输出: 5 解释: 12258有5种不同的翻译,分别是"bccfi", “bwfi”, “bczi”,“mcfi"和"mzi”解题思路这是一道动态规划的题目,难点在写出状态转移方程。即Sn−1S_{n-1}Sn−1​如何到SnS_{n

2020-06-22 15:48:43 150



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