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原创 嵌入EUM报告

1。解决Genrate Button无反应问题 修改topazlib.js中generateReport函数为:function generateReport(){ var flag= location.href.indexOf("cmcc-bac"); var navBarFrame = getNavBarFrame(); navBarFrame.submitAll();...

2010-12-08 17:22:25 112

原创 CLIP 笔记

1、安装SCATUO2、修改SCAUTO配置文件3、修改SM配置文件4、IM.close.incident5、IM.update.incident6、修改addanno.vbs如下'on error resume nextDim WshShell, bKey, objController, objRemoteScriptSet WshShell = WScript....

2010-11-06 15:47:19 135

BAC Business Rule分析之二

 BaseRule中execute方法是规则计算的开始,但是,execute又是被谁调用的呢,特别是sample是如何从bus中取得的呢?  通过追中代码,发现,在NodeCalculatorImpl中,通过calculateDimension调用了execute,但是在calculateDimension方法中,没有做过多的逻辑处理,直接调用了excute。但是在成功调用了exe...

2010-08-19 02:23:28 122

Matcher log

Trinity listens to BAC's BUS and delivers every sample to the Matcher.The Matcher uses the CIs/KPIs selectors to determine which element accepts that sample. Tracking the samples handled by Matc...

2009-12-02 01:08:24 83

WDE log

The Web Data Entry is the samples input channel. The WDE converts the raw input data into samples.The samples are published on the BUS and stored in the profile DB (if needed) by the Loader. T...

2009-12-02 00:51:01 128

Trinity log

The topology is built on top of a TQL graph result. Trinity uses the repositories to assign a rule class to a KPI, and executes the KPIs rules according to the topoplogy bottm-up manner. For each ...

2009-12-02 00:49:43 86

Rule log

The Rule Engine contains the actual calculations that determine KPIs statuses.Each rule is related to a certain KPI and activated by Trinity. Tracking the samples handled by the Rule Framework r...

2009-12-02 00:47:59 107

KPI Matcher

Trinity uses the Matcher as the sample collector. Trinity listens to BAC's BUS and delivers every sample to the Matcher.The Matcher uses the CIs/KPIs selectors to determine which element accepts tha...

2009-12-02 00:44:54 113

BAC数据DEBUG(WDE & Loader Troubleshooting)

WDEData Collectors send data (=samples) by http requests.Data is received by WDE which performs some processing on it: translations and validation.Then, It publishes arrays of samples to the BUS.Whe...

2009-11-27 20:37:41 103


D:\HPBAC\conf\core\Tools\log4j\mercury_online_engine\bleOnline.properties文件中的log4j.category.Trinity.BLE_SAMPLES=${loglevel}, trinity.samples.appender为log4j.category.Trinity.BLE_SAMPLES=DEBUG, tr...

2009-11-04 13:33:01 74

uCMDB logs

Component UI Logs Server Logs Setting Debug Level Comments  Installation      Startup  jboss_boot.log jboss_server.log DomainManager_boot.log MessageBroker_boot.log me...

2009-09-23 18:09:30 133

Dashborad Tables

DashboardRepositoryBC_REPOSITORIES (MNG DB)This table contains data for each Dashboard repository configurations such as Rules Context Menus Tooltip etc.All data stored by Customer ID , R...

2009-09-23 17:41:58 122

MyBac Tables

All MyBSM (MyBAC)  related tables have prefix DSH .Here list of relevant MyBAC tables with short description.All tables are containing in the Managenet DBDSH_AUTHORIZED_PRIVILEGEShere stores...

2009-09-23 17:40:32 99

BAC Log files

Dashboard Monitor  display  Name Path to log file Server  Name General issues <HPBAC>\log\topaz_all.ejb.log GW + DPS  Dashboard Admin <HPBAC>\log\EJBContainer\bam...

2009-09-23 17:30:46 81

BAC Monitor Rule分析

   Mointor Rule是BAC数据来源的起点,数据传到BAC的BUS后都是通过Monitor Rule取得。所以重要性就不用说了。 以下是对FieldToValueRule的分析,其他的Rule大致流程也差不多了。 1、  initRuleIfNeeded 方法的主要作用就是建立Accumulator,Accumulator可以看做是一个容器,用于传递Samples...

2009-09-08 22:27:02 152


%1  脚本地址                如:"C:\SiteScope\scripts"%2  Monitor名称          如:Filesystem%3  Monitor状态          如:CPU 1% used%4  Alert Message File文件地址     如:"C:\SiteScope\scripts\alert3.txt"%5  Mon...

2009-09-08 15:05:34 92

原创 classpath

大家都知道一个java应用项目可以打包成一个jar,当然你必须指定一个拥有main函数的main class作为你这个jar包的程序入口。 具体的方法是修改jar包内目录META-INF下的MANIFEST.MF文件。 比如有个叫做test.jar的jar包,里面有一个拥有main函数的main class:test.someClassName我们就只要在MANIFEST.MF...

2009-09-07 22:43:32 76

读BAC7.5 源码有感

累,脑细胞不知道死了多少了。而且由于官方放出的源代码太少,只有反编译JAR来获得源代码,可读性很差!都是为了生活啊。不过收获还是不小滴!每个rule都继承至BaseRule,而BaseRule对外的借口就是execute方法。BLE引擎就是调用这个方法来完成计算。 在execute方法中会调用calculate方法,calculate大体来说干四件事情: 1、调用calculateKpi方法来完...

2009-09-06 01:10:20 136

原创 Oracle字符函数

Oracle字符函数说明:字符函数输入值为字符类型,返回值为字符类型或数字类型,可以在sql语句中直接使用,也可以在pl/sql块中使用。1、ASCII(n)函数 描述: 返回字符串的ascii码(当输入为字符串时返回第一个字符的ascii码)Examples:select ascii(‘A’) “test”,ascii(‘我们’) “test1” from dual;2、C...

2009-09-04 23:53:23 166

Bac7.5 中Generic Sample Rule分析

[code="java"][/code][code="java"][/code]Dashbord中的Generic Sample Rule用的是[b]FieldToValueRule.class[/b][FTVR],该类有几个很重要的方法,getExtractedKeys、calculateKpi,我们先来看getExtractedKeys方法[code="java"] pr...

2009-09-02 22:44:01 149


@echo OFFipconfig |find "172"@if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( netsh interface IP set address "Wireless Network Connection" source=dhcp netsh interface IP set dns "Wireless Network Connection" source=d...

2009-09-02 20:02:39 52

原创 正则表达式全部符号解释

字符 描述\ 将下一个字符标记为一个特殊字符、或一个原义字符、或一个 向后引用、或一个八进制转义符。例如,'n' 匹配字符 "n"。'\n' 匹配一个换行符。序列 '\\' 匹配 "\" 而 "\(" 则匹配 "("。^ 匹配输入字符串的开始位置。如果设置了 RegExp 对象的 Multiline 属性,^ 也匹配 '\n' 或 '\r' 之后的位置。$ 匹配输入字符串的结束...

2009-08-25 21:02:30 55

SLM中KPI Assignment 工作原理

[b]SLM中KPI Assignment 工作原理[/b]KPIs in Service-Based Agreements 1、 只有当满足一下2个条件时候,KPI才自动分配给monitor CI(1)、在KPIs Valid Assignments XML文件中,该KPI被分配给该CI。(2)、改KPI被包含在分配给Business Service CI的servi...

2009-08-25 21:01:10 152

Sis intergration monitor

Step by Step description of our problem :1. We import Measurements via SiteScope Logfile Integration to BAC :Logfile looks like this : 30.03.2009;00:49:01;ATDEV1;MAINFRAME;100;MF-SLA330....

2009-08-24 20:53:48 167


BAC生产环境重新导入步骤1 概述本文档用于帮助系统维护人员进行OCS网管项目BAC生产环境更新系统架构,CI及其关系变更,KPI变更等。2 环境准备1.在管理->UCMDB->视图管理器中,新建一个模式视图,根据重新导入的CI划分将如下CIT置于模式视图中:一卡充业务相关:YKC_Top,YKC_Business,YKC_Province_D,YKC_Province,Y...

2009-08-24 20:52:35 211


:lol: 开博!以后又什么东东就记录到这里, :lol:

2009-08-22 21:53:36 70



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