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Real World Haskell.pdf

This easy-to-use, fast-moving tutorial introduces you to functional programming with Haskell. Learn how to use Haskell in a variety of practical ways, whether it's for short, script-like programs or large and demanding applications.


The C Programming Language 2nd.pdf

Presents a complete guide to ANSI standard C language programming. Written by the developers of C, this new version helps readers keep up with the finalized ANSI standard for C while showing how to take advantage of C's rich set of operators, economy of expression, improved control flow, and data structures.


Pointers on C.pdf

Provides background information needed to understand C. Covers pointers thoroughly, including syntax, techniques for their effective use, and common programming idioms in which they appear. Compares different methods for implementing common abstract data structures.


Expert C Programming Deep Secrets.pdf

Written for experienced C programmers who want to quickly pick up some of the insights and techniques of experts and master the fine arts of ANSI C, this volume passes on the wisdom of a highly experienced C compiler writer and his colleagues to help programmers reach new heights, and avoid common software pitfalls along the way


Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C 2nd.pdf

The book's conceptual presentation focuses on ADTs and the analysis of algorithms for efficiency, with a particular concentration on performance and running time.


Python For Data Analysis.pdf

Python for Data Analysis is concerned with the nuts and bolts of manipulating, processing, cleaning, and crunching data in Python. It is also a practical, modern introduction to scientific computing in Python, tailored for data-intensive applications


Python Cookbook 3rd.pdf

Completely updated for Python 3, the recipes in this book include: Data structures and algorithms Strings and text Dates and times Metaprogramming Testing With scores of practical examples and pertinent background information


Programming Python 4th.pdf

Tap this book's wealth of practical advice, snippets of code, and patterns of program design to take your Python skills to the next level.


Learning Python 5th.pdf

Learning Python, Fifth Edition, is an easy-to-follow, self-paced tutorial based on author and Python expert Mark Lutz's popular training course.


Perl Cookbook 2nd

"Perl Cookbook" is a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for anyone programming in Perl. The book contains hundreds of rigorously reviewed Perl "recipes" and thousands of examples ranging from brief one-liners to complete applications. The second edition of Perl Cookbook has been fully updated for Perl 5.8, with extensive changes for Unicode support, I/O layers, mod_perl, and new technologies that have emerged since the previous edition of the book.


Intermediate Perl 2nd

his book offers a gentle but thorough introduction to intermediate programming in Perl. Each chapter is small enough to be read in just an hour or two, ending with a series of exercises to help you practice what you've learned


Programming Perl(第四版)

这本书的文字风趣幽默,又处处相关,暗示很多的黑客文化,有时候不知道是在学习一门语言还是在和大师谈话。 读书需要专心,手上最好有一个夹核桃用的钳子,因为如果有小动作导致分心的时候可以想到 Perl 这个坚果还没有弄懂,就有了继续读下去的热心。 Larry Wall是Perl的创造者,也是其他一些流行的Unix自由软件的作者,包括rn新闻阅读器和无处不在的patch程序。从学历来看,Larry实际上是一位语言学家,是加州大学伯克利分校和洛杉矶分校的毕业生。





MySQL必知必会 - 中文版

MySQL是世界上最受欢迎的数据库管理系统之一。书中从介绍简单的数据检索开始,逐步深入一些复杂的内容,包括联结的使用、子查询、正则表达式和基于全文本的搜索、存储过程、游标、触发器、表约束,等等。通过重点突出的章节,条理清晰、系统而扼要地讲述了读者应该掌握的知识,使他们不经意间立刻功力大增。 Ben Forta是世界知名的技术作家,也是Ad。be技术界最为知名的专家之一,目前担任Adobe公司的高级技术推广专家。



javascript曾是“世界上最被误解的语言”,因为它担负太多的特性,包括糟糕的交互和失败的设计,但随着ajax的到来,javascript“从最受误解的编程语言演变为最流行的语言”,这除了幸运之外,也证明了它其实是一门优秀的语言。douglas crockford在本书中剥开了javascript沾污的外衣,抽离出一个具有更好可靠性、可读性和可维护性的javascript子集,让你看到一门优稚的、轻量级的和非常富有表现力的语言。 Douglas Crockford是一名来自Yahoo!的资深JavaScript架构师,以创造和维护JSON (JavaScriptObject Notation) 格式而为大家所熟知。他定期在各类会议上发表有关高级JavaScript的主题演讲。他也是ECMAScript委员会的成员之一。



本书主要讲解了正则表达式的特性和流派、匹配原理、优化原则、实用诀窍以及调校措施,并详细介绍了正则表达式在Perl、Java、.NET、PHP中的用法。 Jeffrey Friedl的著作《Mastering Regular Expressions (3rd edition)》这本书是经典中的经典。


Developing WebServices With Apache Axis

this book is for you. Why? It has a tutorial style that walks you through in a step-by-step manner. It is concise. There is no lengthy, abstract description. Many diagrams are used to show the flow of processing and high level concepts so that you get a whole picture of what's happening.



Like the earlier version, this book assumes only a minimal knowledge of the Flex framework. It illustrates and explains many advanced comcepts that are pertinent to practioners. With no intent to be necessarily exhaustive, this books covers a lot of ground by dealing with topics as varied as designer-developer workflow, Java integration, Mashups and 3D.



Like the earlier version, this book assumes only a minimal knowledge of the Flex framework. It illustrates and explains many advanced comcepts that are pertinent to practioners. With no intent to be necessarily exhaustive, this books covers a lot of ground by dealing with topics as varied as designer-developer workflow, Java integration, Mashups and 3D.











Java Message Service 2nd.pdf

Java Message Service, Second Edition, is a thorough introduction to the standard API that supports "messaging" -- the software-to-software exchange of crucial data among network computers. You'll learn how JMS can help you solve many architectural challenges, such as integrating dissimilar systems and applications, increasing scalability, eliminating system bottlenecks, supporting concurrent processing, and promoting flexibility and agility. Updated for JMS 1.1, this second edition also explains how this vendor-agnostic specification will help you write messaging-based applications using IBM's MQ, Progress Software's SonicMQ, ActiveMQ, and many other proprietary messaging services.


Professional Assembly Language.pdf

Unlike high-level languages such as Java and C++, assembly language is much closer to the machine code that actually runs computers; it's used to create programs or modules that are very fast and efficient, as well as in hacking exploits and reverse engineering Covering assembly language in the Pentium microprocessor environment, this code-intensive guide shows programmers how to create stand-alone assembly language programs as well as how to incorporate assembly language libraries or routines into existing high-level applications Demonstrates how to manipulate data, incorporate advanced functions and libraries, and maximize application performance Examples use C as a high-level language, Linux as the development environment, and GNU tools for assembling, compiling, linking, and debugging


Programming from the Ground Up.pdf

Programming from the Ground Up is an introduction to programming using assembly language on the Linux platform for x86 machines. It is a great book for novices who are just learning to program as well as for intermediates who have never learned or mastered assembly language programming. It covers many topics skipped by other similar books, including memory management, debugging, interfacing with C, dynamic libraries, and even a bit on GUI programming.



This book covers: Basic concepts of concurrency and thread safety Techniques for building and composing thread-safe classes Using the concurrency building blocks in java.util.concurrent Performance optimization dos and don'ts Testing concurrent programs Advanced topics such as atomic variables, nonblocking algorithms, and the Java Memory Model


Java Network Programming 4th.pdf

Elliotte Rusty Harold是牛奶咖啡网站的作者,这是一个重要的在线资源,提供了有关Java的新闻。他还是XOM API的开发者,也是《Java I/O》、《XML in a Nutshell》及很多有关Java和XML主题图书的作者。


Refactoring-Improving the Design of Existing Code.pdf

Refactoring is about improving the design of existing code. It is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code, yet improves its internal structure. With refactoring you can even take a bad design and rework it into a good one. This book offers a thorough discussion of the principles of refactoring, including where to spot opportunities for refactoring, and how to set up the required tests. There is also a catalog of more than 40 proven refactorings with details as to when and why to use the refactoring, step by step instructions for implementing it, and an example illustrating how it works The book is written using Java as its principle language, but the ideas are applicable to any OO language.


Robust Java.pdf



the elements of java style.pdf

The Elements of Java Style, written by renowned author Scott Ambler, Rogue Wave Software Vice President Alan Vermeulen, and a team of programmers from Rogue Wave, is for anyone who writes Java code. While there are many books that explain the syntax and basic use of Java, this book explains not just what you can do with the syntax, but what you ought to do. Just as Strunk and White's The Elements of Style provides rules of usage for the English language, this book provides a set of rules for Java practitioners to follow. While illustrating these rules with parallel examples of correct and incorrect usage, the book provides a collection of standards, conventions, and guidelines for writing solid Java code which will be easy to understand, maintain, and enhance. Anyone who writes Java code or plans to should have this book next to their computer.


Spring in Action 4th.pdf

Spring in Action, Fourth Edition is a hands-on guide to the Spring Framework, updated for version 4. It covers the latest features, tools, and practices including Spring MVC, REST, Security, Web Flow, and more. You'll move between short snippets and an ongoing example as you learn to build simple and efficient J2EE applications. Author Craig Walls has a special knack for crisp and entertaining examples that zoom in on the features and techniques you really need.


Practical Java.pdf

本书出自第一线JAVA编程专家之手,为读者展现正确、高效、强固之JAVA代码实践方案。 这本取材广泛的掼,以不同层级的专家经验,帮助程序员更透彻地理解JAVA,使他们的编码效能发挥到极致。此书以准则/条款形式进行编排,探究改善代码的68个重要主题,提供精晰明快、精心撰写之示例和方案。所有示例和方案都带有详尽的解说,你可以将它们融入自身工作之中。 Peter Haggar是一位公认的Java编程专家,也是IBM资深软件工程师。他拥有广博的编程经验,曾投身于开发工具、类库(class libraries)和操作系统的方面工作。


CSS3 The Missing Manual 3rd.pdf

This Missing Manual shows you how to take your HTML and CSS skills to the next level, with valuable tips, tricks, and step-by-step instructions. You'll quickly learn how to build web pages that look great and run fast on devices and screens of all sizes. The important stuff you need to know: Start with the basics. Write CSS3-friendly HTML, including the HTML5 tags recognized by today's browsers. Apply real-world design. Format text, create navigation tools, and enhance pages with graphics. Make your pages lively. Create eye-catching animations and give your visitors attractive tables and forms. Take control of page layouts.


apache axis 1.4 final

文件包括: axis-1_4; javamail-1.5.4; jaf-1.1.1


Core HTML5 Canvas.pdf

In Core HTML5 Canvas, best-selling author David Geary presents a code-fueled, no-nonsense deep dive into that API, covering everything you need to know to implement rich and consistent web applications that run on a wide variety of operating systems and devices. Succinctly and clearly written, this book examines dozens of real-world uses of the Canvas API.


HTML5 Up and Running.pdf

HTML5: Up & Running carefully guides you though the important changes in this version with lots of hands-on examples, including markup, graphics, and screenshots. You'll learn how to use HTML5 markup to add video, offline capabilities, and more -- and you'll be able to put that functionality to work right away.


Ant in Action 2nd.pdf

A single application of increasing complexity, followed throughout the book, shows how an application evolves and how to handle the problems of building and testing. Reviewers have praised the book's coverage of large-projects, Ant's advanced features, and the details and depth of the discussion - all unavailable elsewhere.


The AWK Programming Language.pdf

This is the first book on AWK. It begins with a tutorial that shows how easy AWK is to use. The tutorial is followed by a comprehensive manual for the new version of AWK. Subsequent chapters illustrate the language by a range of useful applications, such as: *Retrieving, transforming, reducing, and validating data *Managing small, personal databases *Text processing *Little languages *Experimenting with algorithms The examples illustrates the book's three themes: showing how to use AWK well, demonstrating AWK's versatility, and explaining how common computing operations are done.


C Programming in Linux.pdf

Using a series of web development examples, this book 'C Programming in Linux' will give you an interesting glimpse into a powerful lower-level world


Beginning Linux Programming 4th.pdf

Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition continues its unique approach to teaching UNIX programming in a simple and structured way on the Linux platform. Through the use of detailed and realistic examples, students learn by doing, and are able to move from being a Linux beginner to creating custom applications in Linux.


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