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Webpack是如何工作的,50 Webpack - The Why and the How Don't let yourself get confused by all the fancy stuff Webpack does. What is Webpack then? Well its a module bundler, there we go. Just kidding, this doesn't tell the beginner very much at all. I believe that the why is important to getting webpack so the bulk of this answer will focus on that. At its core Webpack allows us to use javascript modules within our browser by taking multiple files and assets and combining them into one big file as shown below in this image from the new docs for Webpack 2. Overview of Webpack All the extra shiny things such as transpiling es6/7 to es5 or allowing us to use css modules are just nice extras afforded to us by Webpack. The powerful ecosystem of Webpack plugins and extras makes Webpack seem confusing as it appears to do so much. While the additional features afforded to us through plugins is great we need to stay focused on the core reason Webpack exists - module bundling. Therefore loaders and plugins are outside the scope of this high level discussion on the fundamental problem that Webpack helps solve. Webpack is a command line tool to create bundles of assets (code and files). Webpack doesn't run on the server or the browser. Webpack takes all your javascript files and any other assets and transforms then into one huge file. This big file can then be sent by the server to a client's browser. Remember the browser and server don't care that this big file was generated using Webpack it just treats it like any other file.



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