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转载 NMS(非极大值抑制) C++/C#/Python 代码实现

NMS(非极大值抑制) C++/C#/Python 代码实现

2023-11-15 16:01:59 237

转载 yolov5 OpenCV DNN c++ 部署

欢迎留言、欢迎交流!!参考:GitHub - UNeedCryDear/yolov5-opencv-dnn-cpp: 使用opencv模块部署yolov5-6.0版本2021.11.01 c++下 opencv部署yolov5-6.0版本 (四)_怎么查看yolov5版本_爱晚乏客游的博客-CSDN博客!

2023-07-29 16:41:30 468 1

转载 CSDN如何转载别人的文章(快速转载)


2023-05-28 10:41:56 285

转载 cmake 编译opencv4.5.5/opencv4.6.0/opencv4.7.0 gpu版以及vs2022配置opencv-gpu

如果在编译过程中出现如下错误,参考下面解决方案vs2022重新编译opencv-python cuda加速时报错的问题解决2. LNK1104 无法打开文件“python37_d.lib” 解决方法首先确认环境中有没有安装python3.7,如果已经安装python3.7,可以采用release编译,如需编译debug版本则需要安装python debug版本,参考下面解决方案LNK1104 无法打开文件“python37_d.lib” 解决办法。

2023-05-28 10:22:45 1373

原创 将不同的工作目录插入当前py运行的环境


2022-12-13 10:15:09 156 1

原创 c#局域网内的共享文件夹访问


2022-09-29 19:26:53 1325

原创 自动生成目标检测数据集和标签--做实验

import mathfrom math import fabs, sin, cos, radiansimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom PIL import Image, ImageDrawimport cv2import randomimport os'''根据列表点,在图中画折线'''def draw_Polyline(img, point_list, color=(0, 0, 255)): ...

2022-05-19 17:15:09 519

转载 Python环境配置-- 缓解PIP下载安装速度慢问题


2022-04-29 14:53:06 434

原创 自动生成语义分割数据集和标签--做实验

import mathfrom math import fabs, sin, cos, radiansimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom PIL import Image, ImageDrawimport cv2import randomimport os'''根据列表点,在图中画折线'''def draw_Polyline(img, point_list, color=(0, 0, 255)): .

2022-04-28 15:45:14 463

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(15)--断裂点提取

inspect_solar_fingers.hdev* For the solar industry, a common problem is the damage of* fingers of solar cells. This example shows how to* extract the broken fingers using morphology.* dev_update_off ()dev_close_window ()ImageName := 'solar_cell/

2022-02-28 10:14:09 912

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(14)--最大化利用木板有效面积

inner_rectangle1.hdev思路:先将脏点剔除,再用最大内接矩形的方法不断分割木板inner_rectangle1* This example program shows how to use inner_rectangle1 to find knot-free* rectangles in a piece of wood. Typically, the piece of wood is then cut along* the rectangles to obtain kn

2022-02-18 11:45:38 1812

转载 Halcon学习---intersection计算直线与圆的交叉点

*求交叉区域intersection (Region1, Region2, RegionIntersection)*求circle与轮廓的交叉点intersection_circle_contour_xld (Contour, CircleRow, CircleColumn, CircleRadius, 0, 6.28318, 'positive', Row, Column)*求直线与轮廓的交叉点(计算的时候会自动延长直线,得到直线的延长线与轮廓的交叉点)intersection_lin.

2022-02-17 09:56:06 2099

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(13)--提取相交点与端点

read_image (Image66134E9b13f720b82e9b, 'G:/6_6134_e9b13f720b82e9b.png')*彩色转灰度rgb1_to_gray(Image66134E9b13f720b82e9b, GrayImage)*提取中间圆区域threshold (GrayImage, Regions, 60, 255)*抠出亮圆区域reduce_domain(GrayImage, Regions, ImageReduced)*图像增强,对比度拉伸emphasiz.

2022-02-17 09:38:31 3321

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(12)--动态阈值使用

crystal.hdev* crystal.hdev: extraction of hexagonally shaped crystals via local thresholding and region post-processing* dev_close_window ()dev_update_window ('off')* ***** step: acquire image* ****read_image (Image, 'crystal')get_image_size (

2022-02-11 10:44:46 1385

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(11)--检测小石子

count_pellets.hdev思想:核心代码很简单,但这里有个技巧;阈值分割后有石头连通在一起,先打散,腐蚀缩小区域,再打散,以同样参数膨胀恢复区域,能很好的分开重叠区域* This programs demonstrates the use of basic morphology* operators.* The aim of the program is to detect each single pellet* (bright particle on a darker backg

2022-01-19 10:08:27 646

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(10)--根据颜色分辨物体

color_fuses.hdev将图像拆分为RGB,再转到HSV,抠出区域后,根据饱和度划分阈值断,以此分辨不同的颜色* color_fuses.hdev: classify fuses by colordev_update_window ('off')* ***** step: set up fuse properties and hue ranges* ****FuseColors := ['Orange','Red','Blue','Yellow','Green']FuseTyp

2022-01-18 10:49:01 2459

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(9)--求物体的方向

clip.hdev这个案例的核心是求物体的角度,核心算子是orientation_region为什么它能判定物体的方向勒,可能是halcon制定了某种规则;具体分析见以下两篇博文:Halcon学习(5.1):orientation_region算子分析_SeventhBlue-CSDN博客_halcon orientation_regionhalcon区域方向算子orientation_region参数Phi理解_hsjuzhn的博客-CSDN博客_halcon orientation_re

2022-01-18 10:20:17 1504

原创 Halcon学习---c++判断图像/数组是否为空

//判断一张halcon图像是否为空int Halcon_img_if_empty(HObject img){ //↓↑↓↓↓↓判断图像是否为空 if (!img.IsInitialized())//IsInitialized只能用来判断图像有无初始化,不能判断图像空不空或有没有 return -1; HTuple hv_n; HObject ho_Null; GenEmptyObj(&ho_Null); TestEqualObj(img, ho_Null, &hv_.

2022-01-04 15:17:44 1396

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(8)--拟合圆

circles.hdev* * The edges in the image are segmented into lines and circles.* For the edges that are part of a circle, the circle parameters* are estimated and the resulting circle is displayed.read_image (Image, 'double_circle')* * Init windowde

2021-12-27 17:55:30 3966

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(7)--饼干完整度检测

check_hazelnut_wafer.hdev* This example demonstrates a quality inspection on hazelnut wavers.* Using the morphology tools the waver is extracted and examined* according to a few shape features like Rectangularity and AreaHoles.* This program also sho

2021-12-27 11:43:34 505

原创 Halcon学习--鱼棒长度测量--被测物体显示不全--去除方法

check_fish_stick_dimension.hdev说明: 这个案例不详细分析了,方法很简单,用旋转矩形框测量长度;但里面有一张图片需要注意,图片里面有4个鱼棒,有一个鱼棒在图片的边缘,没有拍全,里面的处理方法能把这个介于边缘的图片筛选出来。...

2021-12-27 11:33:08 443

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(6)--瓶子计数

check_bottle_crate.hdev* This example counts bottles in bottle crates of returned empties.* With diffuse front light, correctly inserted bottles can* be segmented relatively easy with a simple thresholding operation,* followed by some basic morpholog

2021-12-27 10:00:56 1291

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(5)--药片检测(高斯混合模型分类)

check_blister_mixed.hdev说明:这个案例很有意思,既运用了Blob分析定位+决策判断,也运用了高斯混合模型进行训练分类;把这个案例反复读几遍,抠细节,体会整个解题思路;* This example demonstrates an application from the pharmaceutical* industry. The task is to check the content of manually filled* blisters. The first i

2021-12-24 15:32:22 1954

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(4)--药片检测

check_blister.hdev* This example demonstrates an application from the pharmaceutical* industry. The task is to check the content of automatically filled* blisters. The first image (reference) is used to locate the chambers* within a blister shape as.

2021-12-23 18:03:43 1065

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(3)--球焊检查2

ball_seq.hdev* ball_seq.hdev: Inspection of Ball Bonding* dev_update_off ()ImageNames := 'die/' + ['die_02','die_03','die_04','die_07']dev_set_colored (12)read_image (Bond, ImageNames[0])get_image_size (Bond, Width, Height)dev_close_window ()dev

2021-12-23 15:51:01 213

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(2)--球焊检查

ball.hdev* ball.hdev: Inspection of Ball Bonding* dev_update_window ('off')dev_close_window ()dev_open_window (0, 0, 728, 512, 'black', WindowID)read_image (Bond, 'die/die_03')dev_display (Bond)set_display_font (WindowID, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'fal

2021-12-23 14:20:13 375

原创 Halcon学习---案例实战(1)--车道线检测

autobahn.hdev* autobahn.hdev: Fast detection of lane markers* dev_update_window ('off')dev_close_window ()dev_open_window (0, 0, 768, 575, 'black', WindowID)MinSize := 30get_system ('init_new_image', Information)set_system ('init_new_image', 'fal

2021-12-23 13:48:45 2151

原创 python代码通过键盘打开CMD执行某个文件

import pyautoguiimport timepyautogui.hotkey('win', 'd')pyautogui.hotkey('win', 'r')time.sleep(0.5)pyautogui.hotkey('backspace')pyautogui.typewrite('cmd')pyautogui.hotkey('enter')pyautogui.hotkey('enter')time.sleep(3)#思路转化,可以生成一个.bat文件,在bat中完成想做的.

2021-11-17 11:55:40 1141

原创 机器学习的思想路线

一.线性回归与非线性回归1、一元线性回归,可用梯度下降法迭代求解空间 (梯度下降法比较万能!)2、多元线性回归,可用梯度下降法迭代求解空间3、利用线性回归的标准方程求解空间。对各个特征参数求偏导,再等于0,可求解全局最优解。这种方法相当于求解析解一样,直接把最优参数求出来。但有一个缺点,当特征数大于样本数(n列>m行)时,或者特征之间有很多存在线性关系时,导致样本矩阵不满秩,因此不存在逆矩阵,因此无法求出解空间。4、多项式回归,eg:, 里面没有xy这样的交叉项5、岭回归,为解决.

2021-09-16 11:54:08 307

原创 python--利用滑窗的方式计算两张图片的SSIM确定异常

from skimage.metrics import structural_similarityfrom PIL import Imagefrom scipy.signal import convolve2d#用滑窗取一张图片中的各个小窗口def sliding_window(image, stepSize, windowSize): # slide a window across the image for y in range(0, image.shape[0], step.

2021-08-26 11:04:47 772

原创 注意力机制结构在resnet中的应用方式

import torchimport torch.nn as nn#__all__ = ['ResNet', 'resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50', 'resnet101',# 'resnet152', 'resnext50_32x4d', 'resnext101_32x8d',# 'wide_resnet50_2', 'wide_resnet101_2']###model_urls = {# 'resne.

2021-07-30 17:15:09 8319 11

原创 SimAM: 无参Attention----核心分析

SimAM: A Simple, Parameter-Free Attention Module for Convolutional Neural Networks论文链接(已收录于ICML 2021):http://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/yang21o.htmlcode: https://github.com/ZjjConan/SimAM参考博客:https://blog.csdn.net/hb_learing/article/details/1190778

2021-07-30 14:23:44 3926 4

原创 pyqt5利用pyinstaller打包记录

1、pyqt版本过高,导致spyder起不来,pip uninstall pyqt5, pip install pyqt5==5.10.12、要以管理员的身份打开Anaconda Prompt, 不然各种报错3、编译打包时出现 'Utf-8 code cant decode.....' ; 要在打包前输入“chcp 65001”4、打包出现问题时,可将界面代码和CNN代码,分开打包,排查问题5、用公司电脑打包时,出现奇怪错误,要排查是否代码被加锁,或者引用的库中有某个py被加锁...

2021-07-12 15:52:05 116

原创 pyqt5判断QtableWidget元素为空

#没有被编辑前的空1、self.tableWidget.item(i, 0) == None#被编辑后又删除后的空2、self.tableWidget.item(i, 0).text() == ""#先判断1,再判断2,确保不崩溃

2021-07-12 11:19:02 2665

原创 anaconda+pycharm+spyder+pyqt5

spyder --3.3.6 (这个版本可以读加锁的图片)pyqt5 --5.12.3pyqtwebengine --5.12pyqt5-tools --

2021-06-30 16:56:41 421 1

原创 Halcon学习--凹痕检测

read_image (Image002, 'G:/learning_halcon_file/img/001.png')decompose3(Image002, R, G, B)trans_from_rgb(R, G, B, H, S, V, 'hsv')binary_threshold(H, Region1, 'max_separability', 'light', UsedThreshold)connection(Region1, ConnectedRegions1)select_s.

2021-06-10 18:08:32 1381

原创 Halcon学习--深度学习(5)--classify_预处理、训练、验证、推断的简化过程

dev_close_window ()dev_update_off ()set_system ('seed_rand', 42)* * *** 0) SET INPUT/OUTPUT PATHS **** get_system ('example_dir', PathExample)* Give all folders that contain images.ImageBaseFolder := PathExample + '/images/food/'RawImageFold..

2021-06-08 15:59:29 1307

原创 Halcon学习--深度学习(4)-classify_infer

* * This example is part of a series of examples, which summarizes* the workflow for DL classification. It uses the MVTec pill dataset.* The four parts are:* 1. Dataset preprocessing.* 2. Training of the model.* 3. Evaluation of the trained model.*.

2021-06-08 10:05:58 450

原创 Halcon学习--深度学习(3)-classify_evaluation

* * This example is part of a series of examples, which summarizes* the workflow for DL classification. It uses the MVTec pill dataset.* The four parts are:* 1. Dataset preprocessing* 2. Training of the model.* 3. Evaluation of the trained model.* .

2021-06-08 10:04:42 617 1

原创 Halcon学习--深度学习(2)-classify_train

* * This example is part of a series of examples, which summarizes* the workflow for DL classification. It uses the MVTec pill dataset.* * The four parts are:* 1. Dataset preprocessing.* 2. Training of the model.* 3. Evaluation of the trained model.

2021-06-07 17:47:30 760


“Towards Total Recall in Industrial Anomaly Detection”在MVtec数据集上排名第一的方法,是基于pytorch实现的,非官方源码, 简称“PatchCore”






利用python和opencv写的图像拼接程序,简单实用,而且还有案例可以直接运行。如果报错:AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'SIFT,请修改代码sift = cv2.SIFT() 为:sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(),如果依然报错AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'xfeatures2d',那就是你的opencv的版本过高,百度一下就知道改为哪个版本了,谢谢各位道友的支持哈,嘻嘻


















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