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an introduction to be the theory of canonical matrices turnbull-matrices.djvu

华罗庚极力推荐的一本书 Thorough and self-contained, this penetrating study of the theory of canonical matrices presents a detailed consideration of all the theory’s principal features. Topics include elementary transformations and bilinear and quadratic forms; canonical reduction of equivalent matrices; subgroups of the group of equivalent transformations; and rational and classical canonical forms. The final chapters explore several methods of canonical reduction, including those of unitary and orthogonal transformations


高等几何 周兴和 科学出版社



Discrete Differential Geometry an Applied Introduction

This course introduces the student to the ideas of discrete differential geometry, geometric modeling, and physical simulation. The student will learn about continuous and discrete differential geometric operators, and apply this knowledge to build their own mesh smoother (using discrete mean and Gaussian curvature), cloth- and thin-shell simulator (using a discrete Shape Operator), remesher (using a discrete Laplacian), and fluid flow visualizer (using Discrete Exterior Calculus and Hodge Decomposition). Some students will complete an independent project, involving math and/or programming, combined with a reduced assignment load. To find out more, refer to the syllabus. To learn about the software libraries that we will use, refer to our resources page. http://groups.google.com/group/ddg2007



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