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转载 延长树莓派上SD卡的使用寿命

最近我写了一篇为何我认为 树梅派是最好的小型服务器的文章。其中提到了一个问题是SD卡存储。据说SD卡的写入次数是有限的,那么这是否意味着用树莓派当作服务器会存在一些问题呢?也许吧,目前只是个别文章报告了SD卡会报废,但并没有完全的定论。于是我开始寻找一些方法把SD卡的写入次数降到最低,理论上有助于延长它的使用寿命。 在一个SD卡上运行GNU/Linux的最佳实践 一张容量更大的

2015-03-07 12:07:20 3503

Visual Assist X 10.8.2074(含破解工具)

亲测VS2008至2015全部可用,具体破解方法与原来有所不同,内详。 原来替换一个文件的方法,我试过很多版本都已经不行了。


libnfc 1.6 移植到VS2008下的工程及源码

这是目前最新版libnfc 1.6,我已经移植到VS2008下了,Debug和Release均可编译和调试.nfctools相关工程已经全部建立但代码还没考入,并提供一个测试程序,后面你想要定制自己的工程就方便多了.目前有部分c代码提示警告,不影响功能. 1>------ 已启动生成: 项目: libnfc, 配置: Release Win32 ------ 1>正在编译... 1>stdafx.cpp 1>正在编译... 1>uart_win32.cpp 1>pn53x_usb.cpp 1>pn53x.cpp 1>pn532_uart.cpp 1>log-printf.cpp 1>arygon.cpp 1>acr122s.cpp 1>acr122.cpp 1>nfc.cpp 1>nfc-internal.cpp 1>nfc-emulation.cpp 1>nfc-device.cpp 1>mirror-subr.cpp 1>iso14443-subr.cpp 1>dllmain.cpp 1>正在链接... 1> 正在创建库 E:\libnfc\Release\libnfc.lib 和对象 E:\libnfc\Release\libnfc.exp 1>正在生成代码 1>已完成代码的生成 1>正在嵌入清单... 1>生成日志保存在“file://e:\libnfc\libnfc\Release\BuildLog.htm” 1>libnfc - 0 个错误,43 个警告 ========== 生成: 成功 1 个,失败 0 个,最新 0 个,跳过 0 个 ==========


libnfc 1.6 所有工具Windows编译 NFCTools

2012/03/08 21:18 118,066 libnfc.dll 2012/03/08 21:54 70,057 nfc-anticol.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 67,254 nfc-dep-initiator.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 68,194 nfc-dep-target.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 67,232 nfc-emulate-forum-tag2.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 70,796 nfc-emulate-forum-tag4.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 69,020 nfc-emulate-tag.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 69,897 nfc-emulate-uid.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 69,516 nfc-list.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 76,612 nfc-mfclassic.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 71,388 nfc-mfsetuid.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 57,181 nfc-mfultralight.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 67,521 nfc-poll.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 51,348 nfc-probe.exe 2012/03/08 21:53 70,681 nfc-read-forum-tag3.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 77,314 nfc-relay-picc.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 70,430 nfc-relay.exe D:\NFCTools>nfc-anticol.exe NFC reader: ACS ACR122 0 / ACR122U205 - PN532 v1.4 (0x07) opened Sent bits: 26 (7 bits) Received bits: 04 00 Sent bits: 93 20 Received bits: ae e2 63 6f 40 Sent bits: 93 70 ae e2 63 6f 40 ac 91 Received bits: 08 b6 dd Sent bits: 50 00 57 cd Found tag with UID: aee2636f ATQA: 0004 SAK: 08


AnkhSvn 2.3.10509.1073

AnkhSVN is a Subversion Source Control Provider for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. AnkhSVN provides Apache Subversion source code management support to all project types supported by Visual Studio and allows you to perform the most common version control operations directly from inside the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) integration allows you to focus on developing, while AnkhSVN keeps track of all your changes and provides you the tools to effectively handle your specific needs. 此版本支持VS2010 VS2008 VS2005 VS6.0等所有VS系列


Visual Assist X 10.6.1862 keygens, serials and cracks完整版+破解补丁

Visual Assist X v10.6.1862.0 VS的助手,支持所有VS版本。


Visual Assist X 10.6.1859 keygens, serials and cracks完整版+破解补丁

(1)支持了Visual Studio 2011 的 Developer Preview,没错,是2011,在Windows 8 里面自带了一个Visual Studio 2011的开发者预览版,应该会在Windows8发布的时间前后一同发布,最大的特点就是可以开发基于Metro UI的应用程序了,支持 C++/JavaScipt/VB/C#多种语言的开发,例如下面的界面到现在都还没有用上2010的朋友,有没有觉得压力很大呢?2011后年就要发布了。 (2)修正了在Unicode语言中(包括中文)非常恼人的中文注释后tooltip的错误,这个错误是在2010中才有的; (3) 修正了对于C++语言中纯虚函数“Goto”功能的支持问题; (4) 增强了对于右键菜单的一些支持,更能更强大了; (5)修正了在加载大的项目时的可能造成程序挂起的问题,一个很明显的感觉就是打开项目解析符号的速度明显加快了; (6) 还有其他的一些小的Fix,我这里就不一一列举了。 *********************************** 注意:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 安装完成后请以管理员身份运行破解补丁否则不过. 如果破解失败,请重装一次再以管理员身份运行此补丁 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ************************************



AnkhSVN is a Subversion Source Control Provider for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. AnkhSVN provides Apache Subversion source code management support to all project types supported by Visual Studio and allows you to perform the most common version control operations directly from inside the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) integration allows you to focus on developing, while AnkhSVN keeps track of all your changes and provides you the tools to effectively handle your specific needs. 此版本支持VS2010 VS2008 VS2005 VS6.0等所有VS系列



老外写的表达式求值封装类,可计算三角函数,反三角函数,普通公式等等. 代码修改方便,很适合扩展. 支持参数重新赋值计算等等. 演示: #include "Express.h" #include "ExpValue.h" #include "VarValue.h" void main() { // 表达式 string strExpress = "sin(A)*(3+B)-4/cos(C)*PI"; CMapVariabile m_VarsMap; CExpression m_expression; m_VarsMap.InitHashTable(100); m_expression.AtachVariables(&m_VarsMap); // 参数赋值 CNumericValue *value = 0; value = new CNumericValue; value->SetValue(12.22); m_VarsMap[_T("A")] = value; value = new CNumericValue; value->SetValue(13.44); m_VarsMap[_T("B")] = value; value = new CNumericValue; value->SetValue(567.987); m_VarsMap[_T("C")] = value; value = new CNumericValue; value->SetValue(3.1415926); m_VarsMap[_T("PI")] = value; double dValue = 0; int result = m_expression.ChangeExpression(strExpress.c_str()); if (result<0) { long result = m_expression.Value(dValue); if (result == DIVISION_BY_0) { printf("亲,除零了.....-_-!\r\n"); } else { printf("%s=%.2f\r\n", strExpress.c_str(), dValue); } } // 清除变量 POSITION pos = m_VarsMap.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString sName; CValue *pVal; m_VarsMap.GetNextAssoc (pos, sName, pVal); delete pVal; } m_VarsMap.RemoveAll(); }


AnkhSVN 2.1.10129

AnkhSVN is a Subversion Source Control Provider for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. AnkhSVN provides Apache Subversion source code management support to all project types supported by Visual Studio and allows you to perform the most common version control operations directly from inside the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) integration allows you to focus on developing, while AnkhSVN keeps track of all your changes and provides you the tools to effectively handle your specific needs. 此版本支持VS2010 VS2008 VS2005 VS6.0等所有VS系列


AnkhSVN 2.1.10129

AnkhSVN is a Subversion Source Control Provider for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. AnkhSVN provides Apache Subversion source code management support to all project types supported by Visual Studio and allows you to perform the most common version control operations directly from inside the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. The Pending Changes dashboard gives you a unique insight in your development process and provides easy access to the source code and issue management features. The deep source code control (SCC) integration allows you to focus on developing, while AnkhSVN keeps track of all your changes and provides you the tools to effectively handle your specific needs. 支持 VS2005 2008 2010


Visual Assist X 10.5.1833 破解版

Install the program and apply my patch. Enjoy it! For VS2010, Visual Assist X is usually installed in following directory: "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Whole Tomato Software\Visual Assist X" 此版本支持VS2010 VS2008 VS2005 VS6.0等所有VS系列


Visual Assist X 10.6.1827 内含注册机

最新版的VC助手 Vista和Win7下支持都挺好. 支持所有VS2005 VS2008 VS2010


Visual Assist X 10.6.1823.0破解版 完美支持VS2010 VS2008 VS2005 VS6.0等

Assist X 10.6.1823.0破解版 完美支持VS2010 VS2008 VS2005 VS6.0等等版本 2010-05-06发布


IE Inspector HTTP Analyzer v5.2.2 英文版(内含注册机)

HTTP Analyzer v5.2.2_英文版本+注册机.zip



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