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转载 程序员的修炼三层境界

<br />http://student.csdn.net/space.php?uid=115781&do=blog&id=7811<br /> <br /> 我们来了解一下程序员的修炼三层境界,了解一下这个内容会比较容易抓住本书中的内容要旨。 1.1.1 修炼第一层境界:剑指四方,试问天下谁与争锋      修炼第一层境界的程序员,对Java开发技术尽数掌握,开发工具掌握的也较为娴熟。可以将第二层次程序员交给的任务完成的很出色,可以按要求独立完成类,接口和算法的开发。注重技巧,对具体的编程语言非常熟悉。

2011-03-20 13:54:00 277

转载 鲜为人知的编程真相

<br />http://www.aqee.net/2010/09/05/some-lesser-known-truths-about-programming/<br />当程序员的经历让我知道了一些关于软件编程的事情。下面的这些事情可能会让朋友们对软件开发感到惊讶:<br />一个程序员用在写程序上的时间大概占他的工作时间的10-20%,大部分的程序员每天大约能写出10-12行的能进入最终的产品的代码 — —不管他的技术水平有多高。 好的程序员花去90%的时间在思考、研究和实验,来找出最优方案。差

2011-02-28 12:39:00 242

转载 请不要做浮躁的人——转给自己

    说明:这是一篇long long ago发表的文章,原文是一篇讲述设计的文章,被作者改成如何学习编程的文章,当年看这篇文章的之前我也曾浮躁过,看过之后有过很多思考和反思,今天无意中又看到这篇文章,觉得不错,所以转载过来了,希望初学者朋友或者从业年限不长不过心态仍是浮躁的朋友看过之后对自己的行为反思一下。 最近半年多来收到不少网上留言和邮件询问程序代码问题,我个人比较喜欢讲思路然后再指定一些

2009-12-04 10:17:00 319

原创 当心文字在线编辑太久而丢失!!!


2009-11-24 22:26:00 310

原创 手敲代码之错误篇


2009-11-19 15:21:00 324

转载 程序员十个糟糕行为

 这里,我们主要讨论十个糟糕程序员的特征,主要是需要让我们去避免和小心的。     1) 情绪化的思维     如果你开始使用不同颜色的眼光来看待这个世界的话,那么你可能会成为一个很糟糕的程序员。情绪化的思维或态度很有可能会把自己变成一个怪物。相信你经常可以看到很多很糟糕的程序会使用下面的这些语句:     我的程序不可能有这种问题。     Java就是shit。

2009-11-19 11:36:00 337

原创 40个技巧优化您的PHP代码

  发布时间:2009-11-17 11:15  作者: PHPChina  信息来源: PHPchina  发表评论1.如果一个方法能被静态,那就声明他为静态的,速度可提高1/4;2.echo的效率高于print,因为echo没有返回值,print返回一个整型;3.在循环之前设置循环的最大次数,而非在在循环中;4.销毁变量去释放内存,特别是大的数组;5.避免使用像__get,

2009-11-18 16:23:00 268

转载 PHP网站开发方案(开发新人必读)

 一、开发成员a)项目主管b)页面美工c)页面开发d)服务端程序开发e)系统与数据管理f)测试与版本控制二、 网站组开发简明流程三、 开发工具与环境a)服务器配置i. WEB服务器: FreeBSD6.1+Apache2.0+PHP5.0,SVN版本控制服务(仅测试机)。ii.数据库服务器: WIN2003 server+SQL server 2000+MySQL5.0,CLUSTERED SER

2009-11-15 22:42:00 315

转载 由自身做起,做快乐的程序员!

发布时间:2009-7-03 09:36  作者: PHPChina伯乐  信息来源: PHPChina   HDwiki技术经理 宋登高  光阴似箭,不知不觉做软件就已经过了六年了,相对于刚开始学编程的人来说还算是老手,但我总不敢称自己是高手,因为和我心目中真正的高手们比起来,还差的太远。世界上并没有成为高手的捷径。正如爱迪生所说“天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵

2009-10-24 14:14:00 379

原创 菜鸟加入CSDN!


2009-08-20 23:47:00 225

WordPress Theme Design: A complete guide to creating professional WordPress themes

Author: Tessa Blakeley Silver This title will take you through the ins and outs of creating sophisticated professional themes for the WordPress personal publishing platform. It will walk you through clear, step-by-step instructions to build a custom WordPress theme. From development tools and setting up your WordPress sandbox, through design tips and suggestions, to setting up your theme's template structure, coding markup, testing and debugging, to taking it live it reviews the best practices. The last three chapters are dedicated to additional tips, tricks and various cookbook recipes for adding popular site enhancements to your WordPress theme designs using third-party plugins. Whether you're working with a pre-existing theme or creating a new one from the ground up, WordPress Theme Design will give you the know-how to understand how themes work within the WordPress blog system, enabling you to take full control over your site's design and branding. What you will learn from this book? * Set up a basic workflow and development environment for WordPress theme design * Create detailed designs and code them up * Enhance your sites by choosing the right color schemes and graphics * Debug and validate your theme using W3C's XHTML and CSS validation tools * Customize and tweak your theme's layout * Set up dynamic drop-down menus, AJAX/dynamic and interactive forms * Download and install useful plug-ins and widgetize your theme * Improve post and page content using jQuery and ThickBox * Add interactivity to your themes using Flash * Includes a reference guide to WordPress 2.0's template hierarchy, markup, styles and template tags, as well as include and loop functions Approach: Theme design can be approached from two angles. The first is simplicity; sometimes it suits the client and/or the site to go as bare-bones as possible. In that case, it's quick and easy to take a very basic, pre-made theme and modify it. The second is "Unique and Beautiful". Occasionally, the site's theme needs to be created from scratch so that everything displayed caters to the specific kind of content the site offers. This book is going to take you through the Unique and Beautiful route with the idea that once you know how to create a theme from scratch, you'll be more apt at understanding what to look for in other WordPress themes. Who this book is written for? This book can be used by WordPress users or visual designers (with no server-side scripting or programming experience) who are used to working with the common industry-standard tools like PhotoShop and Dreamweaver or other popular graphic, HTML, and text editors. Regardless of your web development skill-set or level, you'll be walked through the clear, step-by-step instructions, but familiarity with a broad range of web development skills and WordPress know-how will allow you to gain maximum benefit from this book. About the Author: Tessa Blakeley Silver's background is in print design and traditional illustration. She evolved over the years into web and multi-media development, where she focuses on usability and interface design. Prior to starting her consulting and development company hyper3media (pronounced hyper-cube media) hyper3media.com, Tessa was the VP of Interactive Technologies at eHigherEducation, an online learning and technology company developing compelling multimedia simulations, interactions, and games that met online educational requirements like 508, AICC, and SCORM. She has also worked as a consultant and freelancer for J. Walter Thompson and The Diamond Trading Company (formerly known as DeBeers) and was a Design Specialist and Senior Associate for PricewaterhouseCoopers' East Region Marketing department. Tessa authors several design and web technology blogs. Joomla! Template Design is her first book.


DICOM3 网络传输 ActiveX 控件

控件名称: DICOM3 网络传输 ActiveX 控件 适用系统: VB、VB.NET、VC++、DELPHI、C++ Builder、PB开发平台 控件特点: *支持Store SCP传输(DICOM文件接收) *支持Store SCU传输(DICOM文件发送) *支持Query/Retrive服务(DICOM查询取回) 下载试用: 下载 控件名称: DICOM3 胶片打印 ActiveX 控件 适用系统: VB、VB.NET、VC++、DELPHI、C++ Builder、PB开发平台 控件特点: *DICOM标准打印协议


DICOM3 图像浏览转换 ActiveX 控件

适用系统: VB、VB.NET、VC++、DELPHI、C++ Builder、PB、WEB开发平台 控件特点: *查看各类DICOM图像 *查看BMP、JPG图像 *对DICOM、BMP、JPG图像进行窗宽/窗位调节 *将DICOM图像转换成BMP、JPG或TIFF图像 *将BMP、JPG图像转换成DICOM图像(支持灰度及RGB模式) *将多张BMP、JPG图像转换成一个多帧DICOM图像 *将非DICOM图像转换成DICOM图像时可设置病人姓名、ID等参数 *DICOM图像支持测量操作(长度、角度、面积等) *支持图像处理功能(反色、伪彩、翻转、去噪、锐化等) *查看多帧DICOM图像、可进行视频播放 *多帧DICOM图像可进行图像分布(多张图像平铺) *多帧DICOM图像可直接转换成AVI视频文件 *提供图像流输出(可直接将图像放入Image控件) *可将控件放入HTML网页中



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