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2010-01-14 22:16:11 101



2009-10-20 09:16:04 126

spring IOC:DefaultListableBeanFactory

DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry完成对单例bean的控制 AbstractBeanFactory完成对不同getBean请求的响应,查询Bean定义及销毁方法的注册 AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory完成Bean的创建,属性的注入,切面代理的产生,bean的生命周期的管理 最后由DefaultListableBeanFactory提供...

2009-10-18 15:11:54 133

spring IOC:AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory

AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory做为AbstractBeanFactory的子类,它最主要的功能就是实现了默认的bean创建方法createBean().而在这个创建过程中,提供了诸如bean的属性注入,初始化方法的调用,自动装配的实现,bean处理器的调用。 [code] protected Object createBean(String beanN...

2009-10-15 15:59:06 255

spring IOC:AbstractBeanFactory

接上篇[url]http://whoknow.iteye.com/blog/487786[/url] DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry可以简单的管理bean但是做为一个ioc容器来讲它的功能还远远不够。比如,在一个应用中,一些bean是始终存在的,一些则是随着当前线程的结束而结束,做为一个容器来讲,它需要可以管理整个bean的生命周期 [code] public ...

2009-10-14 16:39:28 91

spring IOC:DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry

假设你遇到的问题是做一个IOC容器,如何开始? [code] public interface BeanFactory { String FACTORY_BEAN_PREFIX = "&"; Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException; Object getBean(String name, Class requi...

2009-10-14 12:18:17 121

ext editor grid

这几天学习ext 做了一个简单的ext grid [code] Insert title here Ext.onReady(function(){ //================data================ var store = new Ext.data.Store({ data: [ [ ...

2009-09-10 11:42:47 75


[b]Extensible Markup Language (XML)[/b] 霍格沃兹有4个学院,他们分别是Gryffindor,Ravenclaw,Slytherin,Hufflepuff。Hermione,Harry,Ron他们在Gryffindor。 我们用一个简单的harry.xml文件: [code="java"] Hermione Harry ...

2009-07-31 11:42:32 94


从一个servlet开始吧 建立一个页面做一个简单的输入,比如用户登录 [code] [/code] 然后我们的业务逻辑方法,在Business类中实现这样一个方法 [code] public String goSomePageOrDoSomeThing(String name,String pwd...

2009-07-24 17:06:07 78


试想这样一个问题 一组数比如{1,3,4,7} 任取其中的三边,会构成多少种不同的三角型 又或者{2,2,4,5,10,12}任取其中四边,会构成多少种不同的多边形?如果取三边,或五边又如何? 在一些情况下,我们需要解决处理排列和组合数的问题 先来看一下排列的情况 abcd 下标 1234 联系我们的问题再观察这个数组,其实我们需要做的就是在比方说1的...

2009-07-19 00:17:15 84


本题摘自 www.topcoder.com 题目如下:你有一个很多方形格子所组成的矩阵组,一些小方格是黑色的,一些是白色的,而一些是三角型的格子的,三角的格子可以任意90度的旋转也可以打开变成黑色的格子,但任何小格被放置好就不可以再移动 你的任务是找出在这个矩阵组中有多少个潜在的独立的三角型 我们会给你一组数组表示这个矩阵,其中'#' 代表黑色的方块,'/'代码三角型,'.'代...

2009-07-18 20:27:49 104

udp 打洞 p2p 聊天 程序

udp 打洞 p2p 聊天 程序 udp 打洞 p2p 聊天 程序 udp 打洞 p2p 聊天 程序 udp 打洞 p2p 聊天 程序


How Tomcat Works (4.0)



How To Create Your Own Freaking Awesome Programming Language(样章)

创建你自己的编程语言是一个有趣的提议,来自Marc-André Cournoyer 。 在他的站点上会教你如何创建一个简单的编程语言,即使你不想购买他的产品,你仍然能学到相关的知识。 查看详情:http://createyourproglang.com/



"Struts 2 Design and Programming" is a tutorial for Struts 2 by Budi Kurniawan. When it comes to the web application parts of Struts, it's very good and surprisingly thorough, but when it comes to other things, it's a little less well-informed. The book starts off by walking through Model 1 and Model 2 web development, introducing a short example of both designs. After that, you get chapter after chapter covering Struts from top to bottom, from the tags to FreeMarker to Velocity, OGNL to interceptors, security, file uploads and downloads, progress meters, custom result types, security... when it comes to Struts' core features, the book is quite good. However, there are a few oddities. Chapter 24 covers Tiles plugins, and while Tiles is certainly popular enough, the lack of coverage of SiteMesh – which does many of the same things, except with less intrusion. It's not so much that Tiles shouldn't have been covered, but choosing one while ignoring the other stood out some. The worst offender, though, is the persistence chapter, chapter 11. It focuses primarily on the DAO pattern, which isn't the worst pattern one could choose... but in a book printed in 2008, ignoring JPA and Spring seems a little out of place. Spring doesn't even get mentioned; Hibernate gets this: Hibernate has gained popularity in the past few years as an add-on for Java EE and other applications. Its web site (www.hibernate.org) advertises this free product as "a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java." Using Hibernate, you do not need to implement your own persistence layer. Instead, you use a tool to create databases and related tables and determine how your objects should be persisted. Hibernate virtually supports all kinds of database servers in the market today, and its Hibernate Query Language provides "an elegant bridge between the object and relational worlds." More people will be using Hibernate in the near future. If you have time, invest in it. Of course, persistence is a huge topic to cover... but choosing to address only DAO while offering Hibernate one paragraph seems a little odd, especially considering the presence of JPA. In addition, some of the design choices of the DAO seem odd: one example is that JNDI lookups are considered an "expensive operation." Compared to what? The author caches the datasource, which eliminates the whole reason for using a Datasource in JNDI in the first place (live container management of the resource), and in tests, retrieving a datasource from JNDI isn't especially expensive... What's more, if the author had focused on Hibernate instead, it would have been a non-issue in the first place. Even with that, though, it's actually a very good and very useful book. Struts 2 is covered in enough detail that even new users can get up to speed in a fairly short time, with understanding of what's going on inside the framework. Examples are fairly clear, and illustrative of actual needs


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