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原创 Move Items Between 2 ListBoxes

Just wrote this little JavaScript snippet by request of a coworker in this rainy and moody morning:    function MoveItem(ctrlSource, ctrlTarget) {        var Source = document.getElementById(c

2009-10-09 10:55:00 298

Architecting Angular Applications with Redux, RxJS, and NgRx

This book tells you how build build a web app base on angular, ngrx and rxjs.


Angular Router

The author of Angular router Victor Savkin write this book, explain the the implementation concepts of angular router.


jQuery Novice to Ninja

jQuery: Novice to Ninja is a compilation of best-practice jQuery solutions to meet the most challenging JavaScript problems. In this question-and-answer book on jQuery, you'll find a cookbook of ready-to-go solutions to help breathe life into your web page. Topics covered include: - Scrolling, Resizing and Animating Webpage elements - Backgrounds, Slideshows, and Crossfaders - Menus, Tabs, and Panels - Buttons, Fields, and Controls - Lists, Trees, and Tables - Frames, Windows, and Dialogs - Adding interactivity with Ajax - Using the jQuery User Interface Themeroller - Writing your own jQuery plug-ins All code used to create each solution is available for download and guaranteed to be simple, efficient and cross-browser compatible.


ARM Architecture Reference Manual

ARM Architecture Reference Manual, 研究Arm架构必备


Understanding the Linux Kernel

Understanding the Linux Kernel helps readers understand how Linux performs best and how it meets the challenge of different environments. The authors introduce each topic by explaining its importance, and show how kernel operations relate to the utilities that are familiar to Unix programmers and users.


JQuery 1.41 api

jquery 1.41 api chm 包括jquery核心库,选择器,属性,ajax,css,dom完整的api


More efficient C#

This book provides practical advice about the features added to the C# programming language in the 2.0 and 3.0 releases, along with advanced features that were not covered in my earlier Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C# (Addison-Wesley, 2004). The items in More Effective C# reflect the advice I give developers who are adopting C# 3.0 in their professional work. There's a heavy emphasis on generics, an enabling technology for everything in C# 2.0 and 3.0. I discuss the new features in C# 3.0; rather than organize the topics by language feature, I present these tips from the perspective of recommendations about the programming problems that developers can best solve by using these new features.


pro asp.net mvc2 framework

This book is for professional software developers who already have a working understanding of C# and general web development concepts such as HTML and HTTP. Many readers will have background knowledge of traditional ASP.NET (now known as Web Forms, to distinguish it from MVC), so in many places I point out the similarities of and differences between the two ASP.NET technologies. But if you’ve used PHP, Rails, or another web development platform, that’s fine too. To get this most out of this book, you’ll need to have a fair level of passion and enthusiasm for your craft. I hope you’re not satisfied just to throw together any old code that appears at first to work, but instead would prefer to hone your skills by learning the design patterns, goals, and principles underpinning ASP.NET MVC. This book frequently compares your architectural options, aspiring to help you create the highest quality, most robust, simple, and maintainable code possible.



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