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Reporting 7.2. 14.127 (Jan 27, 2014)

Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET 2013 Q3 SP2: Reporting 7.2. 14.127 (Jan 27, 2014)


Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 WPF 卷二(共三卷)

Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 WPF 2012.1 215 (Feb 15, 2012) 描述信息详见: http://www.telerik.com/VersionNotes.aspx?id=2724


Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 WPF 卷三(共三卷)

Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 WPF 2012.1 215 (Feb 15, 2012) 描述信息详见: http://www.telerik.com/VersionNotes.aspx?id=2724


Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 WPF 卷一(共三卷)

Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 WPF 2012.1 215 (Feb 15, 2012) 描述信息详见: http://www.telerik.com/VersionNotes.aspx?id=2724


Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 Windows Phone

Telerik Ultimate Collection for .NET Q1 2012 Windows Phone 2012.1 214 (Feb 15, 2012) 描述信息详见: http://www.telerik.com/VersionNotes.aspx?id=2721


Introduction to Neogeography

Neogeography combines the complex techniques of cartography and GIS and places them within reach of users and developers.   This Short Cut introduces you to the growing number of tools, frameworks, and resources available that make it easy to create maps and share the locations of your interests and history.   Learn what existing and emerging standards such as GeoRSS, KML, and Microformats mean; how to add dynamic maps and locations to your web site; how to pinpoint the locations of your online visitors; how to create genealogical maps and Google Earth animations of your family's ancestry; or how to geotag and share your travel photographs.  


Foundations of C++/CLI : The Visual C++ Language for .NET 3.5

Foundations of C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET 3.5 introduces C++/CLI, Microsoft’s extensions to the C++ syntax that allow you to target the common language runtime, the key to the heart of the .NET Framework 3.5. This book gives you a small, fast–paced primer that will kick–start your journey into the world of C++/CLI. In 13 no–fluff chapters, Microsoft insiders take readers into the core of the C++/CLI language and explain both how the language elements work and how Microsoft intends them to be used. This book is a beginner’s guide, but it assumes a familiarity with programming basics. And it concentrates on explaining the aspects of C++/CLI that make it the most powerful and fun language of the .NET Framework. As such, this book is ideal if you’re thinking of migrating to C++/CLI from another language. By the end of this book, you’ll have a thorough grounding in the core language elements together with the confidence to explore further that comes from a solid understanding of a language’s syntax and grammar. What you’ll learn The basics of C++/CLI The object–oriented features of C++/CLI How C++/CLI sits within the .NET Framework 3.5 How to create C++/CLI programs Using STL/CLR Who is this book for Developers wanting to learn C++/CLI About the Author Gordon Hogenson is the manager responsible for the Visual C++ documentation, has worked as a technical writer and testing engineer for Visual C++, C# and other Microsoft products for 9 years. He has avid interests in many diverse fields, including botany and organic gardening, chemistry, physics, metaphysics and philosophy.


Beginning C (4th) Part2

  With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, youll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compilersand youll soon be writing real C programs. Youll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that youll create and execute yourself.   This book will increase your programming expertise by guiding you through the development of fully working C applications that use what youve learned in a practical context. Youll also be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter. Pick up a copy of this book by renowned author, Ivor Horton, because it   It is the only beginning-level book to cover the latest ANSI standard in C   Is approachable and aimed squarely at people new to C   Emphasizes writing code after the first chapter   Includes substantial examples relevant to intermediate users 为表达一直以来CSDN网友对我资源的支持,这次本书(全五个压缩卷)不需要任何资源分。希望下载的朋友们好好利用它!


Beginning C (4th) Part3

  With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, youll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compilersand youll soon be writing real C programs. Youll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that youll create and execute yourself.   This book will increase your programming expertise by guiding you through the development of fully working C applications that use what youve learned in a practical context. Youll also be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter. Pick up a copy of this book by renowned author, Ivor Horton, because it   It is the only beginning-level book to cover the latest ANSI standard in C   Is approachable and aimed squarely at people new to C   Emphasizes writing code after the first chapter   Includes substantial examples relevant to intermediate users 为表达一直以来CSDN网友对我资源的支持,这次本书(全五个压缩卷)不需要任何资源分。希望下载的朋友们好好利用它!


Beginning C (4th) Part5

  With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, youll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compilersand youll soon be writing real C programs. Youll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that youll create and execute yourself.   This book will increase your programming expertise by guiding you through the development of fully working C applications that use what youve learned in a practical context. Youll also be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter. Pick up a copy of this book by renowned author, Ivor Horton, because it   It is the only beginning-level book to cover the latest ANSI standard in C   Is approachable and aimed squarely at people new to C   Emphasizes writing code after the first chapter   Includes substantial examples relevant to intermediate users 为表达一直以来CSDN网友对我资源的支持,这次本书(全五个压缩卷)不需要任何资源分。希望下载的朋友们好好利用它!


Beginning C (4th) Part4

  With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, youll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compilersand youll soon be writing real C programs. Youll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that youll create and execute yourself.   This book will increase your programming expertise by guiding you through the development of fully working C applications that use what youve learned in a practical context. Youll also be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter. Pick up a copy of this book by renowned author, Ivor Horton, because it   It is the only beginning-level book to cover the latest ANSI standard in C   Is approachable and aimed squarely at people new to C   Emphasizes writing code after the first chapter   Includes substantial examples relevant to intermediate users 为表达一直以来CSDN网友对我资源的支持,这次本书(全五个压缩卷)不需要任何资源分。希望下载的朋友们好好利用它!


Beginning C(4th) Part1

  With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, youll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compilersand youll soon be writing real C programs. Youll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that youll create and execute yourself.   This book will increase your programming expertise by guiding you through the development of fully working C applications that use what youve learned in a practical context. Youll also be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter. Pick up a copy of this book by renowned author, Ivor Horton, because it   It is the only beginning-level book to cover the latest ANSI standard in C   Is approachable and aimed squarely at people new to C   Emphasizes writing code after the first chapter   Includes substantial examples relevant to intermediate users 为表达一直以来CSDN网友对我资源的支持,这次本书(全五个压缩卷)不需要任何资源分。希望下载的朋友们好好利用它!


Proofs from THE BOOK 3rd.pdf

简介 <br>  作为一门历史悠久的学问,数学有她自身的文化和美学,就像文学和艺术一样。一方面,数学家们在努力开拓新领域、解决老问题;另一方面他们也在不断地从不同的角度反复学习、理解和欣赏前辈们的工作。的确,数学中有许多不仅值得反复推敲理解,更值得细心品味和欣赏的杰作。有些定理的证明不仅想法奇特、构思精巧,作为一个整体更是天衣无缝。难怪,西方有些虔诚的数学家将这类杰作比喻为上帝的创造。<br>    本书已被译成8种文字。这不是一本教科书,也不是一本专著,而是一本开阔数学视野和提高数学修养的著作。书中介绍了35个著名数学问题的极富创造性和独具匠心的证明。出于可读性的考虑,本书侧重于研究生水平并且局限于数论,几何,分析,组合与图论五个数学领域。但我们确信,每一个数学工作者都会喜欢这本书,并且从中学到许多东西。<br>(来自豆瓣)












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