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原创 Android 算法:遍歷巡覽ViewGroup找出所有子View[C# 以Xml方法3種實作] GetElementsByTagName、SelectNodes

緣起全部程式碼實境秀感恩感恩 讚歎讚歎 南無阿彌陀佛//用Xml提供的方法來遍歷巡覽View https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dotnet/api/system.xml.xmlnode.selectnodes?view=netcore-3.1 void traverseViewGroup_Xml_Enabled(chooseAXmlMethodforTraverseViewGroup c, bool setEnabled) {

2020-09-07 15:36:50 146

原创 Android 算法:遍歷巡覽ViewGroup找出所有子View[C# 替代Java的findViewsWithText方法]

將〈Android 算法:遍历ViewGroup找出所有子View〉一文所示,在Visual Studio 2019中改用C#來寫感恩感恩 南無阿彌陀佛全程式碼詳:https://github.com/oscarsun72/udemy-cs-guide-learn-lecture-PYDOING/blob/master/GuessGameAndroidPractise/GuessGameAndroidPractise/GameActivity.cs實境秀見:https://youtu.be/OJxVg

2020-09-01 19:47:29 221

原创 測試 FindViewsWithText 方法,遍歷巡覽 ViewGroup LinearLayout 內的 View 物件[C# Android]

using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Android.Animation;using Android.App;using Android.Content;using Android.OS;using Android.Runtime;using Android.Views;using Android.W

2020-08-25 18:54:59 354

原创 設定引用項目-Office VBA-引用Excel避免版本不合的問題

開發過程實境秀:https://youtu.be/P2-NTe6a2jYAttribute VB_Name = "Excel"Option Explicit '設定引用項目-VBA-引用Excel避免版本不合的問題,原理就是做一個叫做Excel的類別(模組)來仿真Dim app, wb, sht '用Dim才能兼顧保留其生命週期與封裝性Property Get Application()If VBA.IsEmpty(app) Then Class_InitializeSet Applicatio

2020-08-10 20:37:17 1035

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)12.27改統用智慧指標shared_ptr來管理二個容器(container)

#include<iostream>#include<memory>#include <fstream>#include"TextQuery.h"#include"QueryResult.h"using namespace std;pair<shared_ptr<vector<string>>,shared_ptr&...

2020-02-22 16:50:13 221

原创 VBA 16進位轉10進位

```Function HextoDec(hex As String)Dim i As Byte, l As Byte, d As String, dec As Longl = Len(hex)For i = 1 To l d = Mid(hex, i, 1) If d Like "[0-9]" Then 'dec = dec + CByte(d) * 16 ^ (l - 1) Else Select Case d Ca...

2020-11-06 05:06:29 535

原创 Android 算法:遍歷巡覽ViewGroup找出所有子View[C# 整併並獨立出來,自訂FindViewsWithText方法]

緣起:把前面寫的二篇合併起來,存到一個獨立類別檔,以便日後調用Android 算法:遍歷巡覽ViewGroup找出所有子View[C# 替代Java的findViewsWithText方法]Android 算法:遍歷巡覽ViewGroup找出所有子View[C# 以Xml方法3種實作] GetElementsByTagName、SelectNodes全部程式碼實境秀呼叫端:GameActivity.cs void setNumBtnEnabled(bool setEnabled)

2020-09-08 19:55:34 177

原创 《中國哲學書電子化計劃》網頁文本處理[Word VBA]

Sub 中國哲學書電子化計劃_表格轉文字(ByRef r As Range)On Error GoTo eH'Dim d As DocumentDim tb As Table, c As Cell ', ci As Long'Set d = ActiveDocumentIf r.Tables.Count > 0 ThenFor Each tb In r.Tablestb.Columns(1).DeleteSet r = tb.ConvertToText()Next tbEnd If

2020-08-25 16:21:11 640

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)13.32

Would the pointerlike version of HasPtr benefit from defining a swap function? If so, what is the benefit? If not, why not?類指標行為的HasPtr是否也會從定義了swap函式而得到方便?若是,有什麼便利之處;若否,又是為什麼?恐怕就是拷貝指定運算子定義時,對參考計...

2020-04-05 21:56:15 146

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)13.31

Exercise 13.31: Give your class a < operator and define a vector of HasPtrs. Give that vector some elements and then sort the vector. Note when swap is called.將您在之前練習做出來的那個HasPtr類別給它定義一個<運...

2020-04-04 05:10:04 158

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)13.28

Exercise 13.28: Given the following classes, implement a default constructor and the necessary copy-control members.(a)class TreeNode {private:std::string value;int count;TreeNode *left;...

2020-04-01 04:31:27 316

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)13.18

練習13.18Define an Employee class that contains an employee name and a unique employee identifier. Give the class a default constructor and a constructor that takes a string representing the employe...

2020-03-23 18:27:56 143

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)13.05

Exercise 13.5: Given the following sketch of a class, write a copy constructor that copies all the members. Your constructor should dynamically allocate a new string (§ 12.1.2, p. 458) and copy the...

2020-03-17 16:15:33 95

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)12.28作答

> Exercise 12.28: Write a program to implement text queries without defining> classes to manage the data. Your program should take a file and interact> with a user to query for words in th...

2020-03-04 04:23:52 130

原创 C++自修入門實境秀、C++ Primer 5版研讀秀 臉書直播&YouTube全記錄

2020年3月1日updateC++自修入門實境秀 重新譯撰 《C++ Primer 5th》目前臉書直播進度:Chapter 12. Dynamic Memory12.3 Using the Library: A Text-Query Program 12.3.1. Design of the Query Program練習12.27 再複習12章,試用 allocator ,以動態...

2020-03-01 12:11:46 151

原创 C++ Primer 5th Edition Exercises(練習題)12.27

#include<iostream>#include<memory>#include <fstream>#include"TextQuery.h"#include"QueryResult.h"using namespace std;int main() { string strSearch; cout << "請指定要檢索的檔案全名...

2020-02-18 20:00:07 141



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