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微軟MVP的ASP.NET 4.5專題實務I

恭喜您!這本書將讓你一掃過去陰霾!   基礎入門篇   有別於市面上的其他入門書籍,這裡的入門章節有著驚人數量的實戰範例。唯有實用的範例,搭配不斷的練習,才能把入門的基礎學好。   實作練習篇   ASP.NET最吸引初學者的大型範例,就是GridView這四大控制項。本書以GridView為例,徹底剖析其中的關鍵與細節,一旦學成,再也沒有其他控制項會難倒你。   核心觀念篇   本書收錄的兩大章 ADO.NET內容,除了觀念的解析之外,實戰範例就單獨提供一章,務必讓讀者真正學好 ADO.NET為止。   應用技巧篇   檔案上傳、檔案串流、以及AJAX非同步網頁,都是網頁程式裡面最常運用的技巧。除了基本介紹之外,這幾章的範例與練習,每一支程式都是千挑萬選。隨手挑選一個範例,都能讓您立即使用,而且是您迫切需要的功能。尤其是多個檔案的「批次上傳」,本書提供的經典範例與技巧,保證絕無僅有。 本書特色   全新改版!範例追加 270%。   作者曾任資策會講師,08~12年五屆微軟MVP最有價值專家。   全台最專業電腦書店,台北市天瓏書局 ASP.NET長年暢銷書籍。   一個範例學通 PostBack觀念,瞬間領悟ASP.NET精髓!   深入剖析GridView範例,寫程式徹底控制GridView、ListView。 。   七個範例學會 RowDataBound事件,打造您專屬的GridView畫面與功能。   最精華的ADO.NET理論、程式,近200頁內容難得一見。



以往我們只能裝個人的資料儲存在一顆顆的硬碟中,尋找資料相當的麻煩,也沒有辦法分享給其他的人。隨著行動裝置和雲端服務的興趣,在任何時間,任何地點存取資訊成為一種新的生活方式。我們可以將資料上傳到雲端做備份、分享,但是也許有個較私人的資料,使用者並不想上傳到公共空間裡。那麼搭建一個私人的雲端平台就是一個很不錯的選擇,而NAS就是為了解決這個困擾的產品。 在《QNAP NAS圖解步驟全攻略》中,Step by step的告訴你如果架構一個NAS,如何很簡單的將自己的資料有系統的備份在NAS中,也可以結合行動裝置和NAS來做到即時影音娛樂。甚至NAS還可以變身為企業內部的應用平台。如果你家裡有許多備份資料的硬碟,現在開始換裝到NAS上,一定是一個很划算的投資。



本书深入浅出介绍了人机交互系统的原理与应用,内容涉及电子原理基础、设备选型、建立集成电路、微处理编程、计算机通信、转换和交互设计、传感控制、设备间通信、声光控制、多媒体输入和输出管理等。本书内容实用,难易知中,图例丰富、理论知识和实际应用结合紧密,适合作为计算机、电子工程及相关工科专业的本科高年级和研究生教材使用。 本书特色:众多业界专家深入合作的结晶;全面总结了教学和科研成果;系统澄清了物理计算机的基本概念;包含丰富的原理图、示意图和电路图;理论和实践结合,软件和硬件结合。


Programming Interactivity

Make cool stuff. If you're a designer or artist without a lot of programming experience, this book will teach you to work with 2D and 3D graphics, sound, physical interaction, and electronic circuitry to create all sorts of interesting and compelling experiences -- online and off. Programming Interactivity explains programming and electrical engineering basics, and introduces three freely available tools created specifically for artists and designers: Processing, a Java-based programming language and environment for building projects on the desktop, Web, or mobile phones Arduino, a system that integrates a microcomputer prototyping board, IDE, and programming language for creating your own hardware and controls OpenFrameworks, a coding framework simplified for designers and artists, using the powerful C++ programming language BTW, you don't have to wait until you finish the book to actually make something. You'll get working code samples you can use right away, along with the background and technical information you need to design, program, build, and troubleshoot your own projects. The cutting edge design techniques and discussions with leading artists and designers will give you the tools and inspiration to let your imagination take flight.



Physical computing, in the broadest sense, means building interactive physical systems by the use of software and hardware that can sense and respond to the analog world. While this definition is broad enough to encompass things such as smart automotive traffic control systems or factory automation processes, it is not commonly used to describe them. In the broad sense, physical computing is a creative framework for understanding human beings' relationship to the digital world. In practical use, the term most often describes handmade art, design or DIY hobby projects that use sensors and microcontrollers to translate analog input to a software system, and/or control electro-mechanical devices such as motors, servos, lighting or other hardware.


Microcontroller programming beginning with Arduino

Microcontroller Programming Beginning with Arduino


Making Things talk

Building electronic projects that interact with the physical world is good fun. But when devices that you've built start to talk to each other, things really start to get interesting. Through a series of simple projects, you'll learn how to get your creations to communicate with one another by forming networks of smart devices that carry on conversations with you and your environment. Whether you need to plug some sensors in your home to the Internet or create a device that can interact wirelessly with other creations, Making Things Talk explains exactly what you need. This book is perfect for people with little technical training but a lot of interest. Maybe you're a science teacher who wants to show students how to monitor weather conditions at several locations at once, or a sculptor who wants to stage a room of choreographed mechanical sculptures. Making Things Talk demonstrates that once you figure out how objects communicate -- whether they're microcontroller-powered devices, email programs, or networked databases -- you can get them to interact. Each chapter in contains instructions on how to build working projects that help you do just that. You will: Make your pet's bed send you email Make your own seesaw game controller that communicates over the Internet Learn how to use ZigBee and Bluetooth radios to transmit sensor data wirelessly Set up communication between microcontrollers, personal computers, and web servers using three easy-to-program, open source environments: Arduino/Wiring, Processing, and PHP. Write programs to send data across the Internet based on physical activity in your home, office, or backyard And much more With a little electronics know-how, basic (not necessarily in BASIC) programming skills, a couple of inexpensive microcontroller kits and some network modules to make them communicate using Ethernet, ZigBee, and Bluetooth, you can get started on these projects right away. With Making Things Talk, the possibilities are practically endless.



Arduino入门版使用教程 Arduino C语觊介绍 ........... 5 结极 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 功能 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Arduino使用介绍............................................................................................................................... 10 面包板使用介绍 ................................................................................................................................... 29 实验篇 ................................................................................................................................................... 31 第一节 多彩led灯实验 ................................................................................................................. 31 第二节 蜂鸣器实验 ......................................................................................................................... 42 第三节 数码管实验 ......................................................................................................................... 47 第四节 按键实验 ............................................................................................................................. 54 第五节 倾斜开关实验 ..................................................................................................................... 64 第六节 光控声音实验 ................................................................................................................... 68 第七节 火焰报警实验 ................................................................................................................... 71 第八节 抢答器实验 ......................................................................................................................... 75 第九节 温度报警实验 ..................................................................................................................... 80 第十节 红外遥控 ............................................................................................................................. 84


Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets

Want to build your own robots, turn your ideas into prototypes, control devices with a computer, or make your own cell phone applications? It's a snap with this book and the Arduino open source electronic prototyping platform. Get started with six fun projects and achieve impressive results quickly. With Arduino, building your own embedded gadgets is easy, even for beginners. Embedded systems are everywhere - inside cars, children's toys, and mobile phones. This book will teach you the basics of embedded systems and help you build your first gadget in just a few days. Each learn-as-you-build project that follows will add to your knowledge and skills.


MintDuino - Building an Arduino-Compatible Breadboard Microcontroller

Get started with MintDuino, the Maker Shed kit that's perfect for learning or teaching the fundamentals of how microcontrollers work. This hands-on book shows you how to build a complete MintDuino project from start to finish. Learn how to assemble the microcontroller on a breadboard (no soldering required), and immediately begin programming it. You'll build the MintDuino Reflex Game in five separate stages or sub-tasks. Breaking down a large project into manageable tasks helps you track down errors quickly, and lets you see how each part of the circuit works. Once you complete the game, you'll have the resources and experience to tackle more MintDuino projects.


Practical Arduino Engineering

Arduino boards have impressed both hackers and professional engineers. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, it isn't just a breadboard and a hazy idea that keeps you going. It's essential to institute a proper design, device instrumentation and, indeed, test your project thoroughly before committing to a particular prototype. Each and every chapter exemplifies this process and demonstrates how you can profit from the implementation solid engineering principles - regardless of whether you just play in your basement or you want to publicize and sell your devices.


Getting Started with Arduino, 2nd Edition

Arduino is the open-source electronics prototyping platform that's taken the design and hobbyist world by storm. This thorough introduction, updated for Arduino 1.0, gives you lots of ideas for projects and helps you work with them right away. From getting organized to putting the final touches on your prototype, all the information you need is here! Getting started with Arduino is a snap. To use the introductory examples in this guide, all you need an Arduino Uno or earlier model, along with USB A-B cable and an LED. The easy-to-use Arduino development environment is free to download.


Beginning Arduino Programming

Beginning Arduino Programming allows you to quickly and intuitively develop your programming skills through sketching in code. This clear introduction provides you with an understanding of the basic framework for developing Arduino code, including the structure, syntax, functions, and libraries needed to create future projects. You will also learn how to program your Arduino interface board to sense the physical world, to control light, movement, and sound, and to create objects with interesting behavior.


Arduino in Action

Summary Arduino in Action is a hands-on guide to prototyping and building electronics using the Arduino platform. Suitable for both beginners and advanced users, this easy-to-follow book begins with the basics and then systematically guides you through projects ranging from your first blinking LED through connecting Arduino to devices like game controllers or your iPhone. About the Technology Arduino is an open source do-it-yourself electronics platform that supports a mind-boggling collection of sensors and actuators you can use to build anything you can imagine. Even if you've never attempted a hardware project, this easy-to-follow book will guide you from your first blinking LED through connecting Arduino to your iPhone. About this Book Arduino in Action is a hands-on guide to prototyping and building DIY electronics. You'll start with the basics—unpacking your board and using a simple program to make something happen. Then, you'l attempt progressively more complex projects as you connect Arduino to motors, LCD displays, Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth. You'll explore input/output sensors, including ultrasound, infrared, and light, and then use them for tasks like robotic obstacle avoidance. Arduino programs look a lot like C or C++, so some programming skill is helpful. What's Inside Getting started with Arduino—no experience required! Writing programs for Arduino Sensing and responding to events Robots, flying vehicles, Twitter machines, LCD displays, and more! Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Authors Martin Evans is a professional developer, a lifelong electronics enthusiast, and the creator of an Arduino-based underwater ROV. Joshua Noble is an author and creative technologist who works with smart spaces. Jordan Hochenbaum uses Arduino to explore musical expression and creative interaction. Table of Contents Part 1 Getting started Chapter 1 Hello Arduino Chapter 2 Digital input and output Chapter 3 Simple projects: input and output Part 2 Putting Arduino to work Chapter 4 Extending Arduino Chapter 5 Arduino in motion Chapter 6 Object detection Chapter 7 LCD displays Chapter 8 Communications Chapter 9 Game on Chapter 10 Integrating the Arduino with iOS Chapter 11 Making wearables Chapter 12 Adding shields Chapter 13 Software integration


Arduino Robotics

This book will show you how to use your Arduino to control a variety of different robots, while providing step-by-step instructions on the entire robot building process. You'll learn Arduino basics as well as the characteristics of different types of motors used in robotics. You also discover controller methods and failsafe methods, and learn how to apply them to your project. The book starts with basic robots and moves into more complex projects, including a GPS-enabled robot, a robotic lawn mower, a fighting bot, and even a DIY Segway-clone.


Arduino Cookbook, 2nd Edition

Want to create devices that interact with the physical world? This cookbook is perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with the popular Arduino microcontroller and programming environment. You'll find more than 200 tips and techniques for building a variety of objects and prototypes such as toys, detectors, robots, and interactive clothing that can sense and respond to touch, sound, position, heat, and light. You don't need to have mastered Arduino or programming to get started. Updated for the Arduino 1.0 release, the recipes in this second edition include practical examples and guidance to help you begin, expand, and enhance your projects right away - whether you're an artist, designer, hobbyist, student, or engineer.


Arduino Wearables

You've probably seen LED-decorated t-shirts and hats, and maybe even other electronic gadgets embedded in clothing, but with Arduino Wearables you can learn to make your own wearable electronic creations. This book is an introduction to wearable computing, prototyping, and smart materials using the Arduino platform. Every chapter takes you all the way from idea to finished project. Even if you have no experience with Arduino, this book will get you set up with all the materials, software, and hardware you need; you'll complete simple projects first, and then build on your growing expertise to make more complex projects.


Beginning C for Arduino

Beginning C for Arduino is written for those who have no prior experience with microcontrollers or programming but would like to experiment and learn both. This book introduces you to the C programming language, reinforcing each programming structure with a simple demonstration of how you can use C to control the Arduino family of microcontrollers. Author Jack Purdum uses an engaging style to teach good programming techniques using examples that have been honed during his 25 years of university teaching.


Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino

Makers around the globe are building low-cost devices to monitor the environment, and with this hands-on guide, so can you. Through succinct tutorials, illustrations, and clear step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to create gadgets for examining the quality of our atmosphere, using Arduino and several inexpensive sensors. Detect harmful gases, dust particles such as smoke and smog, and upper atmospheric haze—substances and conditions that are often invisible to your senses. You'll also discover how to use the scientific method to help you learn even more from your atmospheric tests.


Learn Electronics with Arduino

Have you ever wondered how electronic gadgets are created? Do you have an idea for a new proof-of-concept tech device or electronic toy but have no way of testing the feasibility of the device? Have you accumulated a junk box of electronic parts and are now wondering what to build? Learn Electronics with Arduino will answer these questions to discovering cool and innovative applications for new tech products using modification, reuse, and experimentation techniques. You'll learn electronics concepts while building cool and practical devices and gadgets based on the Arduino, an inexpensive and easy-to-program microcontroller board that is changing the way people think about home-brew tech innovation.


Professional Android Open Accessory Programming with Arduino

Android Open Accessory is a new, simple, and secure protocol for connecting any microcontroller-empowered device to an Android smartphone or tablet. This Wrox guide shows Android programmers how to use AOA with Arduino, the microcontroller platform, to control such systems as lighting, air conditioning, and entertainment systems from Android devices. Furthermore, it teaches the circuit-building skills needed to create games and practical products that also take advantage of Android technology.


Arduino Adventures

Arduino Adventures: Escape from Gemini Station provides a fun introduction to the Arduino microcontroller by putting you (the reader) into the action of a science fiction adventure story. You'll find yourself following along as Cade and Elle explore Gemini Station - an orbiting museum dedicated to preserving and sharing technology throughout the centuries. Trouble ensues. The station is evacuated, including Cade and Elle's class that was visiting the station on a field trip. Cade and Elle don't make it aboard their shuttle and are trapped on the station along with a friendly artificial intelligence named Andrew who wants to help them get off the damaged station.


Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino

Low-cost and high-performing, with a massively diverse range of uses and applications, the Raspberry Pi is set to revolutionize the way we think about computing and programming. By combining the Raspberry Pi with an Arduino board you'll be able to revolutionize the way you interact with your home and become part of a rapidly growing group of hobbyists and enthusiasts. This essential reference will guide you through a series of exciting projects that will allow you to automate your very own home. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step examples, diagrams, and explanations you will not only find it incredibly productive but also highly engaging and informative.


Arduino and LEGO Projects

We all know how awesome LEGO is, and more and more people are discovering how many amazing things you can do with Arduino. In Arduino and LEGO Projects, Jon Lazar shows you how to combine two of the coolest things on the planet to make fun gadgets like a Magic Lantern RF reader, a sensor-enabled LEGO music box, and even an Arduino-controlled LEGO train set. Learn that SNOT is actually cool (it means Studs Not on Top) See detailed explanations and images of how everything fits together Learn how Arduino fits into each project, including code and explanations Whether you want to impress your friends, annoy the cat, or just kick back and bask in the awesomeness of your creations, Arduino and LEGO Projects shows you just what you need and how to put it all together. What you’ll learn LEGO SNOT (Studs Not On Top) technique for smooth-sided LEGO projects How to incorporate sensors into your LEGO projects Using Arduino to control motors in LEGO projects How to make an LEGO pet How to create your own Crystal Ball RF reader How to make an Arduino-animated LEGO TARDIS Who this book is for Both LEGO and Arduino enthusiasts, and anyone interested in making fun, unique gadgets with LEGO and Arduino. Table of Contents LEGO, Arduino, and The Ultimate Machine Using Sensors with the Android Twitter Pet RFID and the Crystal Ball Animating the TARDIS Controlling LEGO Trains With Arduino Building a Light-Sensitive Box


C Programming for Arduino

Building your own electronic devices is fascinating fun and this book helps you enter the world of autonomous but connected devices. After an introduction to the Arduino board, you'll end up learning some skills to surprise yourself. Overview Use Arduino boards in your own electronic hardware & software projects Sense the world by using several sensory components with your Arduino boards Create tangible and reactive interfaces with your computer Discover a world of creative wiring and coding fun! In Detail Physical computing allows us to build interactive physical systems by using software & hardware in order to sense and respond to the real world. C Programming for Arduino will show you how to harness powerful capabilities like sensing, feedbacks, programming and even wiring and developing your own autonomous systems. C Programming for Arduino contains everything you need to directly start wiring and coding your own electronic project. You’ll learn C and how to code several types of firmware for your Arduino, and then move on to design small typical systems to understand how handling buttons, leds, LCD, network modules and much more. After running through C/C++ for the Arduino, you'll learn how to control your software by using real buttons and distance sensors and even discover how you can use your Arduino with the Processing framework so that they work in unison. Advanced coverage includes using Wi-Fi networks and batteries to make your Arduino-based hardware more mobile and flexible without wires. If you want to learn how to build your own electronic devices with powerful open-source technology, then this book is for you. What you will learn from this book Understand what an Arduino board is Sense the world through a variety of digital inputs Feel the world with analog sensors Design a visual output feedback system Use Max6 and Processing with Arduino Connect your Arduino to wired and wireless networks Add GPS localisation modules to your Arduino Approach Written as a practical Packt book brimming with engaging examples, C Programming for Arduino will help those new to the amazing open source electronic platform so that they can start developing some great projects from the very start. Who this book is written for This book is great for people who want to learn how to design & build their own electronic devices. From interaction design art school students to the do-it-yourself hobbyist, or even simply people who want to learn electronics, this book will help by adding a new way to design autonomous but connected devices.


Beginning Arduino, 2nd Edition

Want to light up a display? Control a touch screen? Program a robot? The Arduino is a microcontroller board that can help you do all of these things, plus nearly anything you can dream up. Even better, it's inexpensive and, with the help of Beginning Arduino, Second Edition, easy to learn. In Beginning Arduino, Second Edition, you will learn all about the popular Arduino by working your way through a set of 50 cool projects. You'll progress from a complete Arduino beginner to intermediate Arduino and electronic skills and the confidence to create your own amazing projects. You'll also learn about the newest Arduino boards like the Uno and the Leonardo along the way. Absolutely no experience in programming or electronics required!


beginning asp.net 4.5 databases

《asp.net 4.5数据库入门经典(第3版)》带您进入使用asp.net、ado.net、entity framework和c#构建数据驱动网站的世界,向您介绍有助于快捷高效地开发专业asp.net和数据库解决方案的方法和最佳实践。 在这本综合性指南的指引下,您将能熟练地将网站连接到包括数据库在内的多种不同数据源,并了解如何使用这些数据创建动态页面内容。


Microsoft Word 超終極秘技應用手冊

想穩坐職場最先要學會Word, 教你各種Word實用技能! 以後做報告、打文件便可以更快完成!


Pascal教學 (程式入門)

修讀會考電腦科的朋友,都有機會面對Pascal 這㆒類語言。Pascal 是第㆔代程式語言,程式指令 較簡單,故此適合任何年紀的同學學習。Pascal 對修讀電腦科的會考生尤其重要,Pascal Programming 佔去整份試卷的㆒半分數;因此,讀好Pascal 這語言,你的考試成績便㆒定不會名 落孫山。筆者並不算是甚麼的Pascal 高手,只能自行撰寫㆒些程式罷了。故此,筆者只會介紹㆒ 些基本Pascal 語言,如果大家想學得更加深入,那必須自行購買其他參考書。如果你是應屆會考 生,筆者祝你電腦科成績名列前茅。如果你是㆒位老師,不妨在㆖課時多提出㆒些對Pascal 語言 常犯的概念錯誤,讓學生可以進行思考訓練,也可對其概念更加清楚,是教學相長之好例子。 本文結尾附有相關習題,並附有關答案,讓大家看㆒看你和筆者的想法是否㆒樣。相信大家也不會 遇到了甚麼的困難。為方便讀者應用起見,編輯部已將有關習題和答案以 Word doc 存檔於本期 隨刊附送光碟學習園㆞檔案夾之內。


Python 入門指南

Python 為熱門的程式語言之一,英文學習資源琳瑯滿目,無論是網路上免費的或是書店裡販賣的書籍,唯獨中文學習資源較少,大概是作者不多吧! 本書原本為作者教學網誌《程式語言教學誌》中的 Python 為熱門的程式語言之一,英文學習資源琳瑯滿目,無論是網路上免費的或是書店裡販賣的書籍,唯獨中文學習資源較少,大概是作者不多吧! 這些系列文章是針對初學者入門設計的,初版 V1.00 於 2012 年 12 月發表於網誌,更新版 V1.32 以電子書形式於 2013 年 10 月上架發行,本版除了調整、增改原本各單元的順序及內容外,這個版本還有如下的變更 ◎ 介紹的 Python 版本更新到 3.4.1 ; ◎ 增加專門介紹物件導向程式設計的單元,同時把類別、模組的介紹都移到「基礎篇」; ◎ 「軟體開發篇」改成開發、測試、修正的流程,另外增加單元「重構」,除了介紹重構的觀念外,也將 Encrypt 類別重構成符合 Python 特性;


Windows 8.1 超值電子書

本書介紹許多 Windows 8.1 的進階使用技巧, 內容將近 200 頁, 豐富的內容與詳細的操作步驟, 絕對物超所值!


Moo0 System Monitor 1.76 電腦效能監視軟體

【軟體名稱】:Moo0 System Monitor 【軟體版本】:1.7.6 【軟體分類】:系統工具 【軟體語言】:多國語言 (包含正體中文) 【檔案大小】:2.27 MB 【作業系統】:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8 【官方網站】:http://www.moo0.com/ 【軟體介紹】:Moo0 System Monitor,可即時顯示多種系統資訊,包括:CPU使用率、記憶體使用率、硬碟使用率、網路流量、開機時間、硬碟溫度,在資訊列上按右鍵選單→【欄位】,可以勾選所需要的監控項目,另外,還有「變慢原因」欄位,即時顯示導致電腦變慢的軟體,幫你找出電腦變慢的原因!



本書對OpenGL以及OpenGL實用函數庫進行了全面而又權威的介紹,素有“OpenGL紅寶書”之譽。本書的上一個版本覆蓋了到OpenGL 2.1版的內容。本版涵蓋了OpenGL 3.0和3.1的最新特性。本書以清晰的語言描述了OpenGL的功能以及許多基本的計算機圖形技巧,例如創建和渲染3D模型、從不同的透視角度觀察物體、使用著色、光照和紋理貼圖使場景更加逼真等。另外,本書還深入探討了許多高級技巧,包括紋理貼圖、抗鋸齒、霧和大氣效果、NURBS、圖像處理子集等。此外,本書還對一些重要的主題進行了討論,例如提高性能、OpenGL擴展以及跨平台技術等。本書內容詳實,講解生動,圖文並茂,是OpenGL程序員的絕佳編程指南。   OpenGL是一種功能強大的軟件接口,既可以用于生成高質量的計算機圖像,也可以用于編寫使用2D和3D物體、位圖和彩色圖像的交互式應用程序。   本書對OpenGL以及OpenGL實用函數庫進行了全面而又權威的介紹,素有“OpenGL紅寶書”之譽。本書的上一個版本覆蓋了截止OpenGL 2.1版的內容。這一版涵蓋了OpenGL 3.0和3.1的最新特性。本書以清晰的語言描述了OpenGL的功能以及許多基本的計算機圖形技巧,例如創建和渲染3D模型、從不同的透視角度觀察物體、使用著色、光照和紋理貼圖使場景更加逼真等。本書還深入探討了許多高級技巧,包括紋理貼圖、抗鋸齒、霧和大氣效果、NURBS、圖像處理等。另外,本書還對一些重要的主題進行了討論,例如提高性能、OpenGL擴展以及跨平台技術等。 Dave Shreiner 是ARM公司的圖形技術總監,長期擔任SGI核心OpenGL組的成員。他首次開設了OpenGL的商業培訓課程,擁有二十多年的計算機圖形應用開發經驗。Dave定期參加SIGGRAPH和其他全球性的圖形工作會議。他是《OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide》(Addison-Wesley,2009)和《OpenGL Reference Manual》(Addison-Wesley,2004)的作者,也是Addison-Wesley的OpenGL系列的編輯。


OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL (8th Edition)

Includes Complete Coverage of the OpenGL® Shading Language! Today’s OpenGL software interface enables programmers to produce extraordinarily high-quality computer-generated images and interactive applications using 2D and 3D objects, color images, and programmable shaders. OpenGL® Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL®, Version 4.3, Eighth Edition, has been almost completely rewritten and provides definitive, comprehensive information on OpenGL and the OpenGL Shading Language. This edition of the best-selling “Red Book” describes the features through OpenGL version 4.3. It also includes updated information and techniques formerly covered in OpenGL® Shading Language (the “Orange Book”). For the first time, this guide completely integrates shader techniques, alongside classic, functioncentric techniques. Extensive new text and code are presented, demonstrating the latest in OpenGL programming techniques. OpenGL® Programming Guide, Eighth Edition, provides clear explanations of OpenGL functionality and techniques, including processing geometric objects with vertex, tessellation, and geometry shaders using geometric transformations and viewing matrices; working with pixels and texture maps through fragment shaders; and advanced data techniques using framebuffer objects and compute shaders. New OpenGL features covered in this edition include Best practices and sample code for taking full advantage of shaders and the entire shading pipeline (including geometry and tessellation shaders) Integration of general computation into the rendering pipeline via compute shaders Techniques for binding multiple shader programs at once during application execution Latest GLSL features for doing advanced shading techniques Additional new techniques for optimizing graphics program performance


Pro ASP.NET Web API Security

Pro ASP.NET Web API Security, 书籍详细介绍ASP.NET web api使用方法,特别讲解如何进行Restful服务安全设置,适合Web开发人员参考阅读。


ComputerDIY 第196期 – 迷你PC大冒險 mini-ITX主機板大觀園

一、續‧迷你PC大冒險 mini-ITX主機板大觀園 延續上回本刊的mini-ITX機殼專題,本次就來介紹市面所能選購的mini-ITX主機板吧!到底各大板廠出產的mini-ITX主機板有何不同,以及各有什麼樣的特色呢?詳細請見本次的mini-ITX主機大戰續篇!原則上,mini-ITX規格的組裝事項上一期我們也玩的差不多了,筆者認為mini-ITX最優先要考慮的機殼咱們上次也看了九個範例,數量上雖然只是佔市售款式的一小部分,但大致上已經把市售的幾種組裝的款式都摸過一遍了,上一期在組裝的過程中筆者其實拍了很多照片,篇幅有限,每個機殼我們只能給各位看包含主圖在內總共七張照片,說實在是有點不過癮,不過一些組裝的細節或是訣竅筆者也盡量寫在文章裡了,如果有打算入手mini-ITX小型主機的話,建議可以翻一翻上期的組裝範例,應該多少都是有幫助的,本期雖然是以介紹mini-ITX主機板為主,但如果筆者有想到的話,再補充一些上次可能被筆者遺忘的一些小細節。 二、水貨 vs. 公司貨 完全保固手冊 臺灣身為全球電子零組件品牌重鎮,因此一直以來DIY風氣相當興盛。隨著消費者意識的抬頭,早期為了貪小便宜而購買水貨的人數大幅減少;除非公司貨與水貨價差過大,否則公司貨的保障,還是多數用戶的心中首選。售後服務與保固,通常是消費者購買公司貨的主要原因;然而,這些服務與保固,往往存在若干前提,方得以順利生效。胖達這次就來和大家談談各大品牌的售後服務與保固,同時以近一年來的多次送修實戰,與你分享心得點滴,避免日後送修吃閉門羹,發揮品牌保固的最大效益。 三、完全掌握高畫質體驗 藍光影片備份轉檔應用全攻略 自2008年起,BD正式接替DVD成為下一世代的影音光碟主力,5年過去,隨著BD播放設備越來越普及,收藏BD的影音愛好者也逐漸增加,但忙碌的現代人能充分享受家庭劇院的時間並不多,不過藉由合法備份和轉檔,我們也能在行動裝置(如平板電腦)上享受高畫質體驗



在学习程序开发的过程中,你是否总是为自己遇到的一些问题头疼不已,你是否还在为写不出代码而心急如焚?作为软件开发人员,你是否时时为自己如何成为一名合格的程序员而困惑不已?没关系,本书将为你排忧解难。 这是一本介绍系统程序开发方法的书。书中结合内容详尽的代码细致讲述了不少底层程序开发基础知识,并在逐步深入的过程中介绍了一些简单实用的应用程序,最后还讲述了一些软件工程方面的内容,内容全面,语言生动,尤其适合初涉系统程序开发的人来读,有利于他们成长为更加专业的程序员。 虽然本书以“系统程序员”为名,但书中所蕴含的软件开发思想和方法也同样适用于其他的软件开发领域。各种软件开发人员、相关专业的在校学生以及软件开发爱好者也都不妨读读本书,来分享作者多年来在学习和实践中所总结的开发方法与所领悟的开发思想。


數位時代 第233期 – 全球5大模式×30種應用 行動支付來了

全球5大模式×30種應用 行動支付來了! 它將你我的手機與錢包整合,出門不用帶錢包的時代來臨,破壞崩解的時刻,有創意的人就能領先。星巴克創造每周400萬美元的交易紀錄,中國支付寶2012年行動支付總額年成長高達546%,非洲肯亞使用行動支付的人數已超過2300萬。這是一個三年內能創造高達18兆台幣的大市場,全球都已鳴槍起跑,電信業、銀行業、零售業到新創團隊都積極出招。全新消費型態,正在改變你我花錢的方式! ◎五大金流模式完整圖解 ◎信用卡消失了|金融卡片手機化,掌握新世代消費 ◎帳單跨界整合|電信業者放下姿態拚創新 ◎行動裝置變身|硬體加值服務,手機商軟實力戰爭開打 ◎電子錢進入實體世界|創意、趣味集中的電子錢應用 ◎處處能刷卡|應用加值,行動刷卡機大軍來襲 ◎行動支付財,他們賺到了! 【Special Report】 網路社群+虛實整合+互動科技 掌握4C密碼,數位行銷一定行! ◎掃描一下,創意在裡面 ◎數位整合行銷大賞NEO Marketing Award總榜單 ◎20個操作心法,感動你的消費者 【其他精彩內容】 ◎誰是微軟第三代接班人? ◎翟本喬:要做,就直接超過對手! ◎台灣八人團隊,擠進世界前十大App開發商 ◎打造生態圈,雷軍刀劍闖江湖 ◎培養未來人才,兒童程式學習潮襲來! ◎台灣駭客,挺身入陣資訊戰 ◎昂貴電信卡位戰,誰買單? ◎齊柏林:看見台灣的傷痕,善待這塊土地


Linux in a Nutshell

Everything you need to know about Linux is in this book. Written by Stephen Figgins, Ellen Siever, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins -- people with years of active participation in the Linux community -- Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition, thoroughly covers programming tools, system and network administration tools, the shell, editors, and LILO and GRUB boot loaders. This updated edition offers a tighter focus on Linux system essentials, as well as more coverage of new capabilities such as virtualization, wireless network management, and revision control with git. It also highlights the most important options for using the vast number of Linux commands. You'll find many helpful new tips and techniques in this reference, whether you're new to this operating system or have been using it for years. Get the Linux commands for system administration and network management Use hundreds of the most important shell commands available on Linux Understand the Bash shell command-line interpreter Search and process text with regular expressions Manage your servers via virtualization with Xen and VMware Use the Emacs text editor and development environment, as well as the vi, ex, and vim text-manipulation tools Process text files with the sed editor and the gawk programming language Manage source code with Subversion and git


Embedded Android Porting, Extending, and Customizing

Looking to port Android to other platforms such as embedded devices? This hands-on book shows you how Android works and how you can adapt it to fit your needs. You’ll delve into Android’s architecture and learn how to navigate its source code, modify its various components, and create your own version of Android for your particular device. You’ll also discover how Android differs from its Linux roots. If you’re experienced with embedded systems development and have a good handle on Linux, this book helps you mold Android to hardware platforms other than mobile devices. Learn about Android’s development model and the hardware you need to run it Get a quick primer on Android internals, including the Linux kernel and Dalvik virtual machine Set up and explore the Aosp without hardware, using a functional emulator image Understand Android’s non-recursive build system, and learn how to make your own modifications Use evaluation boards to prototype your embedded Android system Examine the native user-space, including the root filesystem layout, the adb tool, and Android’s command line Discover how to interact with—and customize—the Android Framework



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