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破解kerio系列软件的程序,压缩包内有教程 KSHARED(All Kerio): -Feature/Tuning: Added 3 special switches: --disable-license-support-patch,--disable-unlim-trial-patch,--disable-license-os-check-patch to fine-tune pathching process of your product(Apply only patches you need). KCNTRL(Control): -Support: Added support for Kerio Control 7.3 -Fixed/Improved: Ported RSAPrivateDecrypt/RSAPublicDecrypt recognision update from 2.64/KCN update KCN(Connect): -Support: Added support for Kerio Connect 7.4 Beta 4 and upwards. Sophos: -Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Connect 7.4 Beta 4(Win/Lin). -Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Control 7.3(Lin) - Win already worked.



破解kerio系列软件的程序,压缩包内有教程 2.64 KCNTRL(Control): -Support: Fixed version autodetect for Kerio Control 7.2.1 for Linux(Made centric pattern much more reliable) KCN(Connect): -Fixed/Improved: Due to reorder of RSAPrivateDecrypt/RSAPublicDecrypt routines in the Kerio Connect 7.3/Linux executable the wrong routine(RSAPrivateDecrypt) was patched for 7.3 series. UKAIP/KCN module has been redesigned in this point(Linux part) to search the routines and check their type by new special hidden check(Private/Public). This issue caused licenses to NOT work on Kerio Connect 7.3



用于破解kerio系列软件的工具 有以下更新: BASE: -Fixed: Updated to new OpenPtch - Resolved critical bug in OPWritePtrn(ABI_2) function. This resulted in broken patching and possible data corruption then data written via the affected function. Almost everything was affected. IceWarp patching became completely broken. IceWarp: -Licgen(COSMETIC ONLY): Customer phone number is no longer mentioned as optional. It still can be empty but better to input it. -Licgen: New fields regarding license support plan has been added. They should not affect program behaviour(More cosmetic than practical).



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