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Practical Python AI Projects.pdf

Practical Python AI Projects Mathematical Models of Optimization Problems with Google OR-Tools。2018年新书,清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


Learn Data Analysis with Python.pdf

Learn Data Analysis with Python Lessons in Coding. Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


MicroPython for the Internet of Things.pdf

MicroPython for the Internet of Things A Beginner’s Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers. Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


Web Scraping with Python, 2nd Edition.pdf

Web Scraping with Python Collecting More Data from the Modern Web. Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。2018年最新出版。第二版。


Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six.pdf

Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps A Practical Implementation Guide to Predictive Data Analytics Using Python。Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


Make Your Own Python Text Adventure.pdf

Make Your Own Python Text Adventure A Guide to Learning Programming.Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。2018年最新出版。


Advanced Data Analytics Using Python.pdf

Advanced Data Analytics Using Python With Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP Examples. Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。2018年最新出版。


Python Graphics.pdf

Python Graphics A Reference for Creating 2D and 3D Images. Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


Test-Driven Development with Python, 2nd Editi.pdf

Test-Driven Development with Python Obey the Testing Goat: Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript.Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。2017年第二版。


Python Geospatial Development, 3rd Edition.pdf

Python Geospatial Development。Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。最新第三版。


Pro Python Best Practices.pdf

Pro Python Best Practices Debugging, Testing and Maintenance.Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。2018年出版。


The Quick Python Book, 3rd Edition.pdf

The Quick Python Book. Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。2018年最新第三版。


Python Machine Learning Case Studies.pdf

Python Machine Learning Case Studies Five Case Studies for the Data Scientist. Python 经典图书, 清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。2017年最新出版。


Pro Android with Kotlin.pdf

Pro Android with Kotlin Developing Modern Mobile Apps。文字版清晰源生PDF,2018年最新出版图书。


Python Data Analytics, 2nd Edition.pdf

Python Data Analytics。经典Python图书,数据处理,源生清晰文字PDF,2018年最新出版,第二版


Data Science Fundamentals for Python and Mongo.pdf

Data Science Fundamentals for Python and MongoDB. 经典图书,清晰文字源生PDF。


Practical Machine Learning with Python.pdf

Practical Machine Learning with Python A Problem-Solver’s Guide to Building Real-World Intelligent Systems 。机器学习经典教程,Python描述,源生清晰文字PDF,2018年最新出版,带目录标签。


Python Descriptors, 2nd Edition.pdf

Python Descriptors Understanding and Using the Descriptor Protocol,经典Python图书,2018年最新出版,第二版,清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


Endnote Style文件大全



Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide(第三版,完美文字pdf)

Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide,最经典的Android学习书籍,完美PDF原版。





Latex Cookbook

2015年出版的Latex 书籍,面向各种在用Latex排版时常见的各种难题,简短使用,可以作为工具书备查。这个是英文原版,PDF文字版。


Getting Started with JavaFX 3D Graphics



Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

亚马逊上的畅销书。本pdf已经做了裁边处理,适合用Kindle等电纸书阅读器阅读。 As beginning Android programmer, you face a steep learning curve. Learning Android is like learning to live in a foreign city. Even if you speak the language, it will not feel like home at first. Everyone around you seems to understand things that you are missing. Things you already knew turn out to be dead wrong in this new context. Android has a culture. That culture speaks Java, but knowing Java is not enough. Getting your head around Android requires learning many new ideas and techniques. It helps to have a guide through unfamiliar territory. That’s where we come in. At Big Nerd Ranch, we believe that to be an Android programmer, you must: write Android applications understand what you are writing This guide will help you do both. We have trained hundreds of professional Android programmers using it. We lead you through writing several Android applications, introducing concepts and techniques as needed. When there are rough spots, when some things are tricky or obscure, you will face it head on, and we will do our best to explain why things are they way they are. This approach allows you to put what you have learned into practice in a working app right away rather than learning a lot of theory and then having to figure out how to apply it all later. You come away with the experience and understanding you need to get going as an Android developer.


Pro JavaFX 8

As a developer, author, speaker, and advocate for JavaFX since its inception in 2007, I am very excited about JavaFX 8. It was released in March 2014 as an integral part of Java SE 8, and is the successor to Java Swing. As you’ll read in the pages of this book, JavaFX runs on desktops (Mac, Windows, Linux), as well as embedded devices such as the Raspberry Pi. As the Internet of things (IoT) is increasingly realized, JavaFX is well positioned to enable the user interface of IoT. Also, because of community projects led by folks such as Johan Vos and Niklas Therning, developers are deploying JavaFX apps on Android and iOS devices. The JavaFX community has many talented, passionate, and cordial developers, and I count it a privilege to call them my colleagues. One such colleague, Johan Vos, is a coauthor of our Pro JavaFX 2 book, and is the lead author of this Pro JavaFX 8 book. It has been my pleasure to continue working with Johan on this book under his leadership. Please join me in welcoming and congratulating him in this role, perhaps by tweeting him at @JohanVos or posting a review of this book on Amazon. It is my hope that you’ll find this book both enjoyable and instrumental in helping you learn JavaFX!


Advanced Linux Programming 高级Linux编程



C++ :The Complete Reference (C++完全参考手册)



Pro JavaFX2

Java做界面开发的新标准——JavaFX,为Java的界面开发提供了更强大的功能,更快的开发速度,更灵活的界面管理。《Pro JavaFX2》是最经典的JavaFX图书之一。这里是它的文字版Pdf文件。


Introduction to Java Programming(8th edition)

This book is a brief version of Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, 8E. This version is designed for an introductory programming course, commonly known as CS1. This version contains the first twenty chapters in the comprehensive version. This book uses the fundamentals-first approach and teaches programming concepts and techniques in a problem-driven way. The fundamentals-first approach introduces basic programming concepts and techniques before objects and classes. My own experience, confirmed by the experiences of many colleagues, demonstrates that new programmers in order to succeed must learn basic logic and fundamental programming techniques such as loops and stepwise refinement. The fundamental concepts and techniques of loops, methods, and arrays are the foundation for programming. Building the foundation prepares students to learn object-oriented programming, GUI, database, and Web programming. Problem-driven means focused on problem-solving rather than syntax. We make introductory programming interesting by using interesting problems. The central thread of this book is on solving problems. Appropriate syntax and library are introduced to support the writing of a program for solving the problems. To support teaching programming in a problemdriven way, the book provides a wide variety of problems at various levels of difficulty to motivate students. In order to appeal to students in all majors, the problems cover many application areas in math, science, business, financials, gaming, animation, and multimedia. 精美文字版pdf电子书。


iPhone Game Development



iOS 5 Programming Cookbook

I started developing iPhone applications in late 2007. Between then and now, I have worked on various iPhone OS applications for different companies across the globe. As you might have already guessed, iOS is my favorite platform and Objective-C is my favorite programming language. I find that Objective-C helps programmers write clean code and iOS helps developers write user-friendly and useful applications. I have coded in other programming languages such as Assembly (using NASM and TASM) and Delphi/Pascal for many years, and I still find myself going through disassembled Objective-C code to find out which method of doing a certain thing or accomplishing a certain result in Objective-C is better optimized on a certain device and/or operating system. After becoming comfortable with the iOS SDK, I gradually built up a thirst to write a book about the iOS SDK, and with the help of wonderful people at O’Reilly, you are now reading the result of the several hundred hours that have been put into writing new material for iOS 3 and iOS 4, editing, reviewing, revising, and publishing. So, please go ahead and start exploring the recipes. I hope you’ll find that they are easy to cook and digest!


Latex Beginner‘s Guide

很好的Latex 入门教材,作者Stefan Kottwitz。pdf格式,非扫描版本,文字转化版。经典的东西都是可遇不可求,不可失之交臂。



李开复大力推荐的演讲书籍《Presenting to win》更新版本(2008年新版)。


Reactive Streams in Java.pdf

Reactive Streams in Java Concurrency with RxJava, Reactor, and Akka Streams. 2019年最新出版,清晰文字PDF,带目录书签。


Functional Interfaces in Java.pdf

Functional Interfaces in Java Fundamentals and Examples. Java英文原版图书,2019年最新出版,清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


Pro Python 3, 3rd Edition.pdf

Pro Python 3: Features and Tools for Professional Development,Python专业开发教程,2019年最新出版,第三版,清晰文字源生PDF,带目录标签。


Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition.pdf

Python Crash Course 2nd Edition。经典Python图书,2019年最新出版,第二版,清晰文字源生PDF。


Python All-in-One For Dummies.pdf

Python All-in-One For Dummies。Python经典入门图书,2019年最新出版,清晰文字源生PDF,带目录。


Pro Processing for Images and Computer Vision with OpenCV.pdf

Pro Processing for Images and Computer Vision with OpenCV。经典的图像处理图书,Java语言描述,2017年出版,清晰文字源生PDF,带目录。


Python for Data Analysis, 2nd Edition.pdf




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