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Effective Java third edition epub

The Definitive Guide to Java Platform Best Practices—Updated for Java 9 Java has changed dramatically since the previous edition of Effective Java was published shortly after the release of Java 6. This Jolt award-winning classic has now been thoroughly updated to take full advantage of the latest language and library features. The support in modern Java for multiple paradigms increases the need for specific best-practices advice, and this book delivers. As in previous editions, each chapter of Effective Java, Third Edition, consists of several “items,” each presented in the form of a short, stand-alone essay that provides specific advice, insight into Java platform subtleties, and updated code examples. The comprehensive descriptions and explanations for each item illuminate what to do, what not to do, and why. The third edition covers language and library features added in Java 7, 8, and 9, including the functional programming constructs that were added to its object-oriented roots. Many new items have been added, including a chapter devoted to lambdas and streams. New coverage includes Functional interfaces, lambda expressions, method references, and streams Default and static methods in interfaces Type inference, including the diamond operator for generic types The @SafeVarargs annotation The try-with-resources statement New library features such as the Optional interface, java.time, and the convenience factory methods for collections


UNIX/Linux 系统管理技术手册(第4版)

Linux之父倾力推荐。《UNIX/Linux 系统管理技术手册(第4版)》分为三大部分分析:第一部分全面介绍了运行单机Linux系统涉及的各种管理知识和技术,如系统引导和关机、进程控制、文件系统管理、用户管理、设备管理、系统备份、软件配置以及cron和系统日志的管理使用等。第二部分从详细讲解TCP/IP协议基本原理开始,深入讨论了网络的两大基本应用——域名系统和路由技术,然后逐章讲解Linux上的各种Internet关键应用,如电子邮件、NFS、文件共享、Web托管和Internet服务,在这部分里还有专门的章节介绍网络硬件、网络管理与调试以及系统安全。第三部分包括了多种不容忽视的重要主题:X窗口系统、打印系统、系统维护与环境、性能分析、与Windows系统的协作、串行设备、操作系统驱动程序和内核、系统守护进程以及政策与行政管理方面的知识等。



《一站式学习c编程》有两条线索,一条线索是以linux平台为载体全面深入地介绍c语言的语法和程序的工作原理,另一条线索是介绍程序设计的基本思想和开发调试方法。本书分为两部分:第一部分讲解编程语言和程序设计的基本思想方法,让读者从概念上认识c语言;第二部分结合操作系统和体系结构的知识讲解程序的工作原理,让读者从本质上认识c语言。 《一站式学习c编程》适合做零基础的初学者学习c语言的第一本教材,帮助读者打下牢固的基础。有一定的编程经验但知识体系不够完整的读者也可以对照本书查缺补漏,从而更深入地理解程序的工作原理。《一站式学习c编程》最初是为北京亚嵌教育研究中心的嵌入式linux系统工程师就业班课程量身定做的教材之一,也适合作为高等院校程序设计基础课程的教材。本书对于c语言的语法介绍得非常全面,对c99标准做了很多解读,因此也可以作为一本精简的c语言语法参 考书。


Mastering Kubernetes

Master the art of container management utilizing the power of Kubernetes. About This Book This practical guide demystifies Kubernetes and ensures that your clusters are always available, scalable, and up to date Discover new features such as autoscaling, rolling updates, resource quotas, and cluster size Master the skills of designing and deploying large clusters on various cloud platforms Who This Book Is For The book is for system administrators and developers who have intermediate level of knowledge with Kubernetes and are now waiting to master its advanced features. You should also have basic networking knowledge. This advanced-level book provides a pathway to master Kubernetes. What You Will Learn Architect a robust Kubernetes cluster for long-time operation Discover the advantages of running Kubernetes on GCE, AWS, Azure, and bare metal See the identity model of Kubernetes and options for cluster federation Monitor and troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters and run a highly available Kubernetes Create and configure custom Kubernetes resources and use third-party resources in your automation workflows Discover the art of running complex stateful applications in your container environment Deliver applications as standard packages In Detail Kubernetes is an open source system to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. If you are running more than just a few containers or want automated management of your containers, you need Kubernetes. This book mainly focuses on the advanced management of Kubernetes clusters. It covers problems that arise when you start using container orchestration in production. We start by giving you an overview of the guiding principles in Kubernetes design and show you the best practises in the fields of security, high availability, and cluster federation. You will discover how to run complex stateful microservices on Kubernetes including advanced features as horizontal pod autoscaling, rolling updates, resource quotas, and persistent storage back ends. Using real-world use cases, we explain the options for network configuration and provides guidelines on how to set up, operate, and troubleshoot various Kubernetes networking plugins. Finally, we cover custom resource development and utilization in automation and maintenance workflows. By the end of this book, you'll know everything you need to know to go from intermediate to advanced level. Style and approach Delving into the design of the Kubernetes platform, the reader will be exposed to the advanced features and best practices of Kubernetes. This book will be an advanced level book which will provide a pathway to master Kubernetes **



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