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NW.js Essentials

Build native desktop applications for Windows, Mac OS, or Linux using the latest web technologies About This Book Leverage all the power of well-known web technologies such as Node.js/io.js, HTML5, and CSS to develop desktop applications Develop and deploy modern desktop applications on Microsoft Windows, Mac Os X, and Linux A practical guide that demonstrates how developing applications on NW.js differs from standard server/client programming Who This Book Is For If you are an experienced Node.js developer who wants to create amazing desktop applications using NW.js, this is the book for you. Prior knowledge of HTML5, jQuery, and CSS is assumed. What You Will Learn Develop a fully working NW.js desktop application from scratch Take advantage of third-party tools to simplify the packaging process of NW.js applications Create an astonishing user experience using Native UI APIs Debug NW.js applications with Chromium DevTools, Crash dump log files, and third-party debugging tools Package and deploy NW.js applications on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux Take advantage of Browser Web APIs, expanding on data persistence solutions and security Avoid common programming mistakes by integrating prior knowledge of Node.js with NW.js development In Detail Using Node.js, we can create web applications easily. Now, thanks to NW.js, we can also create desktop apps with it using a unique combination of HTML5 and Node. NW.js is a runtime application based on Chromium and Node.js. In this book, you'll discover how to leverage well-known programming languages, such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in order to create NW.js desktop applications. You will implement your first simple application right from the first chapter and see how easy it is to use the platform, after which you will learn about Native UI APIs and the different approaches to Node.js programming. You'll get a complete picture of the many possible ways to package and deploy NW.js applications on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. So, get ready to explore NW.js and build a real, and complex, application.


Introduction to Graph Theory West 2e solutions 图论导引 第二版 West 答案

好东西不多说了 图论导引 英文版 第二版 West 答案


An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms 2nd Edition

Robert Sedgewick is the William O. Baker Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University, where was founding chair of the computer science department and has been a member of the faculty since 1985. He is a Director of Adobe Systems and has served on the research staffs at Xerox PARC, IDA, and INRIA. He is the coauthor of the landmark introductory book, Algorithms, Fourth Edition. Professor Sedgewick earned his Ph.D from Stanford University under Donald E. Knuth. Robert Sedgewick 经典著作 2013 新版 The late Philippe Flajolet was a Senior Research Director at INRIA, Rocquencourt, where he created and led the ALGO research group. He is celebrated for having opened new lines of research in the analysis of algorithms; having systematized and developed powerful new methods in the field of analytic combinatorics; having solved numerous difficult, open problems; and having lectured on the analysis of algorithms all over the world. Dr. Flajolet was a member of the French Academy of Sciences.


Operating system Principles and practice

替代恐龙书的重量级教材,斯坦福 CMU 均开始采用


《Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach》 6th Edition---J.F.Kurose, K,W.Ross

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th Edition By James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross Published by Addison-Wesley Copyright © 2013 Published Date: Feb 24, 2012


Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition PDF 文字彩版 944pages

PDF 文字 彩版 2012 最新版本,新增 cloud Android ios,真是与时俱进啊。


Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques 3rd Edition

数据挖掘:实用机器学习工具和技术,第三版 a thorough grounding in machine learning concepts as well as practical advice on applying machine learning tools and techniques in real-world data mining situations. This highly anticipated third edition of the most acclaimed work on data mining and machine learning will teach you everything you need to know about preparing inputs, interpreting outputs, evaluating results, and the algorithmic methods at the heart of successful data mining. Thorough updates reflect the technical changes and modernizations that have taken place in the field since the last edition, including new material on Data Transformations, Ensemble Learning, Massive Data Sets, Multi-instance Learning, plus a new version of the popular Weka machine learning software developed by the authors. Witten, Frank, and Hall include both tried-and-true techniques of today as well as methods at the leading edge of contemporary research. 664 pages Morgan Kaufmann; 3 edition (January 20, 2011)


Writing Solid Code 英文版

Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Microsoft Press; 1 edition (January 1, 1993) Writing Solid Code: Microsoft's Techniques for Developing Bug-Free C Programs


【完整版】Windows Internals 5th Edition Windows Internals 5th ( 深入解析windows 第五版)

Windows Operating System Windows Internals Including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista


Statistical Machine Learning for Information Retrieval

Information retrieval, machine learning, language models, statistical inference, Hidden Markov Models, information theory, text summarization



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