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JavaScript - The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition(第六版)

JavaScript - The Definitive Guide (6th Edition) JavaScript权威指南第六版,英文PDF。 包含ECMAScript 5和HTML 5的内容,是JavaScript学习的必备资料。


Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity

Unity开发的书很多很杂,质量参差不齐。这本书是我觉得比较好的一本,推荐给大家! Unity is the perfect choice for small studios, indie developers, and those of us who have always wanted to make our own games. Its large user base (over 400,000 as of April 2011) and extremely active user community allows everyone from newbies to seasoned veterans to get answers and share information quickly. Unity provides an excellent entry point into game development, balancing features and functionality with price point. The free version of Unity allows people to experiment, learn, develop, and sell games before committing any of their hard-earned cash. Unity’s very affordable, feature-packed Pro version is royalty free, allowing people to make and sell games with the very low overhead essential to the casual games market.


Programming in Lua, 3rd Edition(第三版)

Programming in Lua是学习Lua的必备图书。本书为此系列的第三版,包括了最新Lua 5.2的内容


Programming in Lua(第三版)

Programming in Lua是学习Lua语言及Lua/C嵌入方法的必备书籍。本书为此系列的第三版,包括了最新的Lua 5.2内容


Pro Windows 8 Development With HTML5 and JavaScript

Pro Windows 8 Development With HTML5 and JavaScript (英文PDF) 众所皆知,Windows 8的应用是可以用JavaScript+HTML5来开发的,但是相应的资料却少得可怜。这本910页的厚书填补了这个缺陷。本书由浅入深,面面俱到地介绍了JavaScript on Windows 8的各个方面。如果你是一个JavaScript开发者,想使用自己熟悉的技术开发Windows 8应用,那么这本书就是你的起点。 推荐英文水平好的朋友阅读。 Windows 8 represents Microsoft’s desire to break out of the traditional desktop computing market and make an impact in the mobile world, which has been dominated by Android devices and, of course, Apple products. Microsoft’s plan is to offer the user consistency across devices, allowing the same apps to operate on the user’s data irrespective of which device, or which kind of device, the user has at hand. This is attractive to many users and it leverages Microsoft’s greatest asset—the leading position in the desktop computing market—to drive sales, acceptance, and credibility in the tablet and smart-phone markets. The traditional Windows desktop isn’t a good model for consistency across different types of devices, and attempts to add touch support and rework the interface for smaller screens have not ended well. Trying to extend the old Windows model to small devices is part of the reason Microsoft’s previous forays into the mobile world have fared so badly. And that’s where Windows apps come in. Rather than perpetuate its existing application model, Microsoft has decided to create a new one. Windows Store applications, more commonly known as apps, are available on every device that can run Windows 8 and its derivatives (Windows Phone 8, Windows RT, etc.). More important, Windows apps run as well on large-screen desktop machines with a mouse and keyboard as they do on a moderately sized touch-screen tablet. Windows Store apps are a big departure from regular Windows desktop apps: they fill the screen, don’t have title bars and buttons, and have a completely different look and feel. Another big departure for Microsoft is that you can use web technologies to create apps, which is the reason I have written this book and, most likely, the reason you are reading it. By embracing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Microsoft has embraced a completely new community of developers, who can take their knowledge of web app development and apply it to Windows app development.


HTML5 Mobile Development Cookbook

HTML5 Mobile Development Cookbook (英文PDF) How do I create fast and responsive mobile websites that work across a range of platforms? For developers dealing with the proliferation of mobile devices each with unique screen sizes and performance limitations, it is an important question. This cookbook provides the answer. You will learn how to apply the latest HTML5 mobile web features effectively across a range of mobile devices. HTML5 Mobile Development Cookbook will show you how to plan, build, debug, and optimize mobile websites. Apply the latest HTML5 features that are best for mobile, while discovering emerging mobile web features to integrate in your mobile sites.


Smashing Node.js

Smashing Node.js (英文ePub) Node.JS became an instant success, spawning a vibrant open source community, supporting companies, and even necessitating its own conference. I would attribute this success to a combination of simplicity, improved programming productivity, and high performance. I’m pleased V8 played a small part in this. This book will take the reader through all steps of creating the server side of a web application on top of Node.JS including how to organize asynchronous server code and interface to databases.


Beginning WebGL for HTML5

Beginning WebGL for HTML5 (英文PDF) WebGL (Web-based Graphics Language) is a wonderful and exciting new technology that lets you create powerful 3D graphics within a web browser. The way that this is achieved is by using a JavaScript API that interacts with the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). This book will quickly get you on your way to demystify shaders and render realistic scenes. To ensure enjoyable development, we will show how to use debugging tools and survey libraries which can maximize productivity. This book presents theory when necessary and examples whenever possible. You will get a good overview of what you can do with WebGL.


TypeScript 语言规范 (英文PDF)

TypeScript 语言规范 (英文PDF) TypeScript是微软新开发的一套构建于JavaScript之上的开发语言,其弥补了JavaScript不易于开发、调试的缺点,并且语法完全兼容ECMAScript 5, 同时包含了部分ECMAScript 6的内容。 TypeScript自身无法执行,TypeScript的编译器将TS代码转换成标准的JS代码,因此可以在任何现代浏览器上执行。和Dart及GWT等类似工具不同的是,TypeScript生成的JS非常短小高效,并且由于完全兼容JavaScript,使用第三方JS库的时候(例如PhoneGap或jQuery)是不需要写任何导入库的。尽管如此,网络上还是有许多现成的TypeScript“界面定义”以方便开发员用面向对象的方式访问这些第三方JS库。 微软的TypeScript演示页面:www.typescriptlang.org TypeScript界面定义:https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped


HTML5 For .NET Developers 附带源代码

《HTML5 For .NET Developers》附带的源代码


HTML5 For .NET Developers

为.NET开发者准备的HTML5教程 (英文PDF) HTML5 is a collection of new tags and bits of markup, but the term “HTML5” is overloaded. It also encapsulates CSS3 and new JavaScript APIs, like GeoLocation and LocalStorage. But HTML5 is more than these new tools—it is more than a specification; it’s a new way to think about writing web applications; it’s an assumption that your client’s browser has capabilities and processing power that we couldn’t dream up three years ago. There are many books that talk about HTML5 as if it were an island, disconnected from any server technology. This is not the case with HTML5 for .NET Developers by Jim and Ian. If you’re a longtime ASP.NET developer looking to bone up on new techniques in web development, or if you’re just getting started with ASP.NET and you want to make sure you’re attacking new problems in the most modern and progressive way, this is the book for you.


Beginning Windows 8 Application Development – XAML Edition

Windows 8 应用程序开发 - XAML版 (英文PDF) This book is intended for developers who have learned the basics of the C# programming language and the Microsoft .NET platform and are ready to expand their knowledge by learning how to combine these skills with XAML and the new Windows 8 platform. This book will also serve as a valuable resource for developers who have more experience but are new to building XAML-based applications. This book can be logically split into three parts. In Chapters 1 through 6, you will learn about the design style used in Windows 8 applications and the tools that Visual Studio provides to create applications in this style. In Chapters 7 through 16, core concepts used in developing Windows 8 applications are unfolded and integrated into a sample application that you will build in exercises. Chapters 17 through 20 introduce additional concepts that were not integrated into the sample application but will be valuable to the developer beginning to write Windows 8 applications.


VisualSVN 2.5.2 破解补丁

VisualSVN 2.5.2 破解补丁 安装包下载地址:http://www.visualsvn.com/files/VisualSVN-2.5.2.msi 安装完成后复制到安装路径bin文件夹下,覆盖同名文件 VisualSVN 2.5.2提高了运行性能,建议大家选用。 注:本软件不支持VS2003和VC6


Vista Note Gadget

Vista下的Note Gadget,个人认为比Win7的好用。在微软官方Gadget中心已经关闭的情况下,很多朋友找不到这个东西了。现在提供给大家。 Win7下直接双击安装即可。



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