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原创 特征离散化,特征交叉,连续特征离散化

一.互联网广告特征工程博文《互联网广告综述之点击率系统》论述了互联网广告的点击率系统,可以看到,其中的logistic regression模型是比较简单而且实用的,其训练方法虽然有多种,但目标是一致的,训练结果对效果的影响是比较大,但是训练方法本身,对效果的影响却不是决定性的,因为训练的是每个特征的权重,权重细微的差别不会引起ctr的巨大变化。在训练方法确定后,对ctr预估起到决定性作用的是选

2017-04-28 09:55:15 862

转载 hadoop下实现kmeans算法——一个mapreduce的实现方法

写mapreduce程序实现kmeans算法,我们的思路可能是这样的1. 用一个全局变量存放上一次迭代后的质心2. map里,计算每个质心与样本之间的距离,得到与样本距离最短的质心,以这个质心作为key,样本作为value,输出3. reduce里,输入的key是质心,value是其他的样本,这时重新计算聚类中心,将聚类中心put到一个全部变量t中。4. 在main里比较前一次的质心和本次的质心是否

2017-04-24 10:36:29 888

转载 word2vec

part1 The Model The skip-gram neural network model is actually surprisingly simple in its most basic form; I think it’s the all the little tweaks and enhancements that start to clutter the explanatio

2017-03-27 14:22:31 742

转载 Local Response Normalization (LRN)

This concept was raised in AlexNet, click here to learn more. Local response normalization algorithm was inspired by the real neurons, as the author said, “bears some resemblance to the local contrast

2017-03-27 14:20:26 1201

转载 序列标注模型

序列标注模型被广泛应用于文本处理相关领域,例如分词、词性标注、命名实体识别等方面。现有的序列标注模型主要有 HMM , MEMM 以及 CRF ,通过对这几种自然语言处理中常用的序列标注模型进行对比,分析其各自的优缺点。 在介绍三种序列标注模型之前,首先需了解下产生式模型与判别式模型的概念,二者在分类器中经常被提及。假定输入 X ,类别标签 Y : 产生式模型估计联合概率P(x,y) ,判别式模型

2017-03-27 14:19:32 1891

原创 movingCount

class Solution {private: int count=0; vector<vector<int>> directions{{-1,0},{1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}}; bool judge(int threshold,int row,int col) { int judgecount=0; while(row

2017-03-16 17:51:55 406

原创 hasPath

class Solution {private: vector<vector<int>> directions={{-1,0},{1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}}; bool haspathhelper(char *matrix,int rows,int cols,int currow,int curcol,char *str,int length,int curindex,b

2017-03-16 16:42:10 621

原创 Serialize and DeSerialize

class Solution {private: void serializehelper(TreeNode *root,vector<int> &v) { if(root==NULL) { v.push_back(0x23333333); return; } v.push

2017-03-15 22:20:45 338

原创 按照之字形打印二叉树

#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <cstring>#include <stack>using namespace std;struct TreeNode { int val; struct TreeNode *left; struct TreeNode *right;

2017-03-14 19:30:24 355

原创 duplicate

#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;class Solution {public: // Parameters: // numbers: an array of integers // length: the l

2017-03-11 22:57:28 432

原创 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement

public class Solution { public int characterReplacement(String s, int k) { int start=0; int end=0; int maxlength=0; int len=s.length(); int[] count=new int[2

2017-02-13 14:12:11 291

原创 423. Reconstruct Original Digits from English

public class Solution { public String originalDigits(String s) { int[] count = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ char c = s.charAt(i); if (c

2017-02-13 10:20:12 284

原创 421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array

class Solution {public: int findMaximumXOR(vector<int>& nums) { int max=0; int mask=0; unordered_set<int> s; for(int i=31;i>=0;i--) { s.clear();

2017-02-12 12:08:35 266

原创 419. Battleships in a Board

public class Solution { public int countBattleships(char[][] board) { int m=board.length; if(m==0) return 0; int n=board[0].length; if(n==0)

2017-02-10 16:01:43 312

原创 417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow dfs

public class Solution { public List<int[]> pacificAtlantic(int[][] matrix) { List<int[]> ret=new ArrayList<int[]>(); int m=matrix.length; if(m==0) return ret;

2017-02-09 19:05:23 275

原创 417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow

public class Solution { public List<int[]> pacificAtlantic(int[][] matrix) { List<int[]> ret=new ArrayList<int[]>(); int m=matrix.length; if(m==0) return ret;

2017-02-09 16:00:09 332

原创 Principal Component Analysis

pca的目标是通过基变换 使得元素的方差从大到小排列 并且元素之间的协方差为0(线性无关)。而元素的协方差 矩阵的对角线上是元素的方差 ,对角线外的元素是协方差。 我们的目标就是 找到单位正交基,使得通过基变换后 ,元素的方差从大到小排列 而不同元素的协方差为0 。元素的协方差矩阵 和经过基变换后的协方差矩阵关系如下 原数据为X X的协方差矩阵为C Y=PX P为变换矩阵 Y为变换后的元

2017-02-08 20:41:42 383

原创 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum

public class Solution { public boolean canPartition(int[] nums) { int sum=0; for(int num:nums) { sum+=num; } if(sum%2==1) return false;

2017-02-08 15:56:43 323

原创 415. Add Strings

public class Solution { public String addStrings(String num1, String num2) { int carry=0; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(int i=num1.length()-1,j=num2.length()-1;i

2017-02-08 11:22:17 310

原创 414. Third Maximum Number

public class Solution { public int thirdMax(int[] nums) { Integer max1=null; Integer max2=null; Integer max3=null; for(Integer num:nums) { if(num

2017-02-07 14:35:44 327

原创 413. Arithmetic Slices

class Solution {public: int numberOfArithmeticSlices(vector<int>& A) { int n=A.size(); if(n<3) return 0; vector<int> dp(n,0);//dp[i]表示以i结尾的等差数列的个数 if(A[

2017-02-07 13:48:03 264

原创 412. Fizz Buzz

class Solution {public: vector<string> fizzBuzz(int n) { vector<string> ret; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { bool timeofthree=(i%3==0); bool timeoffive=(i%5

2017-02-07 10:57:08 237

原创 410. Split Array Largest Sum

class Solution {private: bool valid(int target,vector<int>& nums,int m) { int count=1;//count应该初始化1 int total=0; for(int num:nums) { total+=num;

2017-02-06 15:08:51 276

原创 409. Longest Palindrome

class Solution {private: bool static compare(int a,int b) { return a>b; }public: int longestPalindrome(string s) { map<char ,int > m; for(int i=0;i<s.size();i+

2017-02-06 10:48:17 221

原创 03. Frog Jump

public class Solution { public boolean canCross(int[] stones) { HashMap<Integer,HashSet<Integer>> map=new HashMap<>(); map.put(stones[0], new HashSet<Integer>()); map.get(st

2017-02-01 15:22:25 216

原创 407. Trapping Rain Water II

package leetcode;import java.util.*;public class Solution{ class Cell{ int col; int row; int height; public Cell(int col,int row,int height){ this.col=c

2017-01-24 12:35:45 297

原创 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height

public class Solution { public int[][] reconstructQueue(int[][] people) { Arrays.sort(people,new Comparator<int[]>(){ public int compare(int[] a1,int[] a2){ retu

2017-01-17 15:39:27 250

原创 405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal

public class Solution { public String toHex(int num) { char[] mymap={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'}; String s=""; if(num==0) re

2017-01-17 10:59:18 220

原创 404. Sum of Left Leaves

class Solution {private: int count=0; void sumhelper(TreeNode* root,bool isleft) { if(!root) return; if(isleft&&!root->left&&!root->right) count+=ro

2017-01-17 10:22:39 243

原创 402. Remove K Digits

public class Solution { public static String removeKdigits(String num, int k) { int digits=num.length()-k; int top=0; char[] stack=new char[num.length()]; for(int i=

2017-01-15 12:09:27 281

原创 400. Nth Digit

class Solution {public: int findNthDigit(int n) { /* * 首先定位到包含n的这个数字有几位 * 然后定位到包含n的这个数字是什么 * 最后定位到n是这个数字的第几位 */ long digit=1,base=9,ith=1;//digi

2017-01-15 10:53:19 271

原创 399. Evaluate Division

结题思路是: a/b=v 可以看成是一个又a点指向b点的有向图 边的权值为v 有了a指向b的边 就有 b指向a的边 大小为1/v 则求 c/v 的话就是在图中寻找一条由c指向v的边 将边上所有的权值相乘即可。public class Solution { public double[] calcEquation(String[][] equations, double[] va

2017-01-14 15:42:46 331

原创 398. Random Pick Index

public class Solution { private int[] nums; private Random random; public Solution(int[] nums) { this.nums=nums; random=new Random(); } public int pick(int target) {

2017-01-14 12:23:15 262

原创 Integer Replacement

public class Solution { public int integerReplacement(int n) { int c = 0; while (n != 1) { if ((n & 1) == 0) { n >>>= 1; } else if (n == 3 || Integer.bitCount(n +

2017-01-13 20:24:41 311

原创 396. Rotate Function

class Solution {public: int maxRotateFunction(vector<int>& A) { int F=0; int sum=0; for(int i=0;i<A.size();i++) { sum+=A[i]; F+=i*A[i];

2017-01-13 10:47:16 222

原创 395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters

public class Solution { public int longestSubstring(String s, int k) { char [] string =s.toCharArray(); return helper(string,0,s.length(),k);//求每个字符的出现次数 都 >=k 的最长子字符串的长度 }

2017-01-12 11:12:00 245

原创 394. Decode String

public class Solution { public String decodeString(String s) { Stack repeattimes=new Stack<>(); Stack res=new Stack<>(); String cur=”“; int idx=0; whil

2017-01-11 15:21:42 303

原创 392. Is Subsequence

class Solution {public: bool isSubsequence(string s, string t) { auto it=s.begin(); for(char c:t) { it+=((*it)==c); } return it==s.end(); }

2017-01-11 12:52:25 286

原创 391. Perfect Rectangle

class Solution {public: bool isRectangleCover(vector<vector<int>>& rectangles) { unordered_set<string> s; int x1=INT_MAX; int y1=INT_MAX; int x2=INT_MIN; in

2017-01-10 13:56:10 323

原创 390. Elimination Game

class Solution {public: int lastRemaining(int n) { int head=1; int remain=n; int setp=1; bool forward=true; while(remain>1) { if(forward

2017-01-09 11:00:04 308





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