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本建议书提供了图像质量的评价方法,包括通用测试方法、 评价期间使用的等级量表和实施评 价时建议的观看条件。本建议书由三个部分构成。 – 第1部分描述了实施所述电视图像评价的总体要求,以及关于特定方法的使用环境的导则。 – 第2部分描述了在实施主观图像质量评价时可采用的各类建议的评价方法。 – 第3部分描述了针对以第1和2部分给出的规范为基础的图像制式和应用的方法。



Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange



Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and international programme exchange


ICRU Report 54 The Assessment of Image Quality

During the past two decades, the field of medical imaging has achieved dramatic improvements in imaging system capability with accompanying increases in system complexity. Much of this progress has been fueled by advances in computing technology and the widespread adoption of digital techniques for data acquisition, processing and display. Although every branch of medical imaging has been significantly affected, the most striking examples ofthis revolution are x-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Fortunately, a consensus on quantitative measurement methodology for assessing diagnostic imaging technologies has been gradually emerging. It has grown out of the recognition of common features among imaging modalities that allows their limitations to be understood within the framework of statistical decision analysis.


IEC 62676-5-2018 Data specifications and image quality performance

IEC Technical Committee 79 in charge of alarm and electronic security systems together with many governmental organizations, test houses and equipment manufacturers has defined a common framework for video surveillance transmission in order to achieve interoperability between products. The purpose of this part of IEC 62676 is to specify representation and measuring methods of performance values to be described in materials such as instruction manuals, brochures and specifications of video surveillance camera equipment, and provide convenience for users, installers, integrators and maintenance companies, etc.


ISO 16505-2019 Road vehicles — Ergonomic and performance aspects of Camera Monit

The purpose of this document is to give minimum safety, ergonomic, and performance requirements and test methods for Camera Monitor Systems (CMS) to replace mandatory inside and outside rearview mirrors for road vehicles (e.g. classes I to IV as defined in UN Regulation No. 46). This document can follow updates of referred national regulations that influence the included contents.



This publication provides the recommendations of the CIE concerning basic colorimetry. Specifically, it includes the use of the standard illuminants and the standard colorimetric observers; the reference standard for reflectance; the illuminating and viewing conditions; the calculation of tristimulus values, chromaticity coordinates, colour spaces and colour differences; and the various other colorimetric practices and formulae.


Development of a Perceptually Calibrated Objective Metric for Exposure Quality

This study aims at developing an image quality metric for exposure quality, with a transform to just noticeable differences (JNDs) of quality in pictorial scenes. Such a perceptually calibrated exposure metric would allow the prediction of overall image quality by combining exposure with other image attributes. Eight pictorial images were used in the study, and twenty-one observers participated in the subjective evaluation using a softcopy quality ruler method defined in ISO 20462 Part 3. The image simulation path involved seven levels of exposure manipulation, together with two variations in tone mapping algorithms (a global tone mapping algorithm and a local tone mapping algorithm). For each pictorial scene a second image was captured with an exposure target in the scene, allowing the measurement of the scene exposure level. The results showed that an objective metric based on the green channel intensity of the exposure target could be used to predict the optimal exposure level and the quality falloff due to exposure error.


Development of a perceptually calibrated objective metric of noise

A system simulation model was used to create scene-dependent noise masks that reflect current performance of mobile phone cameras. Stimuli with different overall magnitudes of noise and with varying mixtures of red, green, blue, and luminance noises were included in the study. Eleven treatments in each of ten pictorial scenes were evaluated by twenty observers using the softcopy ruler method. In addition to determining the quality loss function in just noticeable differences (JNDs) for the average observer and scene, transformations for different combinations of observer sensitivity and scene susceptibility were derived. The psychophysical results were used to optimize an objective metric of isotropic noise based on system noise power spectra (NPS), which were integrated over a visual frequency weighting function to yield perceptually relevant variances and covariances in CIE L*a*b* space. Because the frequency weighting function is expressed in terms of cycles per degree at the retina, it accounts for display pixel size and viewing distance effects, so application-specific predictions can be made. Excellent results were obtained using only L* and a* variances and L*a* covariance, with relative weights of 100, 5, and 12, respectively. The positive a* weight suggests that the luminance (photopic) weighting is slightly narrow on the long wavelength side for predicting perceived noisiness. The L*a* covariance term, which is normally negative, reflects masking between L* and a* noise, as confirmed in informal evaluations. Test targets in linear sRGB and rendered L*a*b* spaces for each treatment are available at http://www.aptina.com/ImArch/ to enable other researchers to test metrics of their own design and calibrate them to JNDs of quality loss without performing additional observer experiments. Such JND-calibrated noise metrics are particularly valuable for comparing the impact of noise and other attributes, and for computing overall image quality.


Color in Computer Vision:Fundamentals and Applications

Visual information is our most natural source ofinformation and communication. Apart from human vision, visual information plays a vital and indispensable role in society and is the nucleus of current communication frameworks such as the World Wide Web and mobile phones. With the ever-growing production, use, and exploitation of digital visual information (e.g., documents, websites, images, videos, and movies), a visual overflow will occur, and hence demands are urgent for the (automatic) understanding of visual information. Moreover, as digital visual information is nowadays available in color format, there is the irreversible necessity for the understanding of visual color information. Computer vision deals with the understanding of visual information. Although color became a central topic in various disciplines (ranging from mathematics and physics to the humanities and art) quite early on, in the field of computer vision it has emerged only recently. We take on the challenge of providing a substantial set of tools for image understanding from a color perspective. The central topic of this book is to present color theories, representation models, and computational methods that are essential for image understanding in the field of computer vision.


The Art and Science of HDR Imaging

High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging is a very active area of research today. It uses the advances of digital image processing as its foundation. It is used in camera design, software image processing, digital graphic arts and making movies. Everywhere we turn we see that HDR imaging is replacing conventional photography. If we want to understand HDR imaging we need an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the many ways of making images. Further, we need to understand exactly what we mean by conventional photography. This text starts with the history of painting and presents an integrated view of the arts, image science, and technology leading to today's HDR. It ends with a discussion of possibilities for the future.


Color Appearance Models, Second Edition

Like beauty, color is in the eye of the beholder. For as long as human scientific inquiry has been recorded, the nature of color perception has been a topic of great interest. Despite tremendous evolution of technology, fundamental issues of color perception remain unanswered. Many scientific attempts to explain color rely purely on the physical nature of light and objects. However, without the human observer there is no color. It is often asked whether a tree falling in the forest makes a sound if no one is there to observe it. Perhaps equal philosophical energy should be spent wondering what color its leaves are.


Contrast Sensitivity of the Human Eye and Its Effects on Image Quality

The eye plays an important role in our life, not only for seeing objects in the surrounding world, but also for reading letters, viewing paintings, photographs, films, etc. The visual acuity of the eye is generally regarded as the most important factor for the ability of the eye for seeing objects. The acuity of the eye is usually measured by acuity tests where single black letters on a white background have to be recognized, or where the minimum visible separation is measured of black rings with a small interrupted part (Landolt rings). These tests are used for decisions about the use of certain types of eye glasses, but give no information about several other factors that also play a role in the properties of the human visual system.


ADAS和自动驾驶的现状、架构、算 法和技术路线

高级驾驶辅助系统 [1] 是利用安装在车上的各式各样传感器,在汽车行驶过程中随时来感应周围的环境,收集数据,进行静态、动态物体的辨识、侦测与追踪,并结合导航仪地图数据,进行系统的运算与分析,从而预先让驾驶者察觉到可能发生的危险,有效增加汽车驾驶的舒适性和安全性。 近年来ADAS市场增长迅速,原来这类系统局限于高端市场,而现在正在进入中端市场,与此同时,许多低技术应用在入门级乘用车领域更加常见,经过改进的新型传感器技术也在为系统布署创造新的机会与策略。






对视觉注意机制进行计算机模拟一直是计算神经科学领域中一个富有挑战力的工作,同 时也是一项多学科交叉的任务,认知心理学、神经生理学、计算机科学等都对这一领域的发 展贡献良多,相应的提出了从描述性、到拟合实验数据、再到工程计算等多种多样的理论模 型。在这些模型中,显著度图(Saliencymap)是其中一种最具实用性的计算模型。该模型 黑盒子问题的基本过程如图2,其输出为一幅类似地形图的灰度映射图像,图像中每一像素 点的灰度值编码了原始图像中对应局部区域的视觉显著图,灰度值越大代表该区域在视觉上 越显著。通过检测显著图的局部极大值,可以得到图像局部显著区域的搜索轨迹,进而可以 实现这些感兴趣区域的优先处理。其应该范围包括:监视系统、自动目标检测与识别、场景 分类、助航系统、机器人控制、目标跟踪、图像分割、图像压缩、视频编码、图像质量评价、 图片编辑、图像检索等。


A Computational Perspective on Visual Attention

Attention in vision is something that I think has fascinated me since my undergraduate days at the University of Toronto. That is pretty surprising because I went to university wanting to be an aerospace engineer or maybe a physicist. In my fi rst year, I subscribed to Scientifi c American , and in 1971 two papers caught my fancy: “ Advances in Pattern Recognition ” by R. Casey and G. Nagy and “ Eye Movements and Visual Perception ” by D. Noton and L. Stark. The fi rst dealt in part with optical character recognition by computer, defi ning algorithms that might capture the process of vision and allow a computer to see. The second described the possible role of eye movements in vision and how they might defi ne our internal representations of what we see. There had to be a connection! I have been trying to understand vision and what the connection between machine and biological vision might be since about 1974.


ISO_20462 Psychophysical experimental methods for estimating image quality

The ISO 20462 method for subjective image quality evaluation relies on a set of reference images, which are calibrated in terms of known absolute quality differences. The original reference images, Standard Reference Stimuli (SRS), were in the form of photographic prints, to be viewed under controlled lighting and fixed viewing conditions. This method was then extended for scenes presented on computer monitors as Digital Reference Stimuli (DRS). This softcopy ruler method was developed as part of the Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) Initiative and has now been adopted as an updated ISO 20462 method (ISO 20462-3:2012). This extended method of using the softcopy rulers was validated by CPIQ using two systems of laboratory lighting and display. That effort, while successful, required significant effort and resources to accomplish. Chief among these was gathering a sufficient number of qualified viewers who could commit to viewing images on a narrowly defined schedule at a limited number of laboratories. In our study, we investigate whether and to what extent the ISO 20462 softcopy ruler method can be adapted to Internet-based subjective evaluations. Our objective is to develop and test a method that uses a commercial online survey service. We describe several limitations to be overcome, including image file size, and a static interface rather than one allowing dynamic updating of the reference image. The method that we developed and tested uses reference anchor images rather than the slider-selected reference. However, our anchors were drawn from the ISO 20462 set, and therefore were taken as calibrated reference images, albeit viewed under uncontrolled conditions. We describe the verification study that was completed using Survey Monkey? and compare results with the corresponding Softcopy Ruler data. Similar results were obtained for observer ratings and their scene-dependency. We conclude that crowdsourcing is useful, particularly when common nonlaboratory image vie


Understanding vision: theory, models, and data

This book came originally fromlecture notes used to teach students on computational/theoretical vision. Some readers may find that a paper, Zhaoping (2006) “Theoretical understanding of the early visual processes by data compression and data selection” in Network: Computation in neural systems 17(4):301-334, is an abbreviation of some parts in chapter 2-4 of this book


Perceptual Digital Imaging Methods and Applications

Visual perception is a complex process requiring interaction between the receptors in the eye that sense the stimulus and the neural system and the brain that are responsible for communicating and interpreting the sensed visual information. This process involves several physical, neural, and cogniti


IEEE P1858 IEEE Standard for Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ)



Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding

The hand is quicker than the eye. In many cases, so is digital video. Maintaining image quality in bandwidth - and memory - restricted environments is quickly becoming a reality as thriving research delves ever deeper into perceptual coding techniques, which discard superfluous data that humans cannot process or detect. Surveying the topic from a Human Visual System (HVS)-based approach, "Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding" outlines the principles, metrics, and standards associated with perceptual coding, as well as the latest techniques and applications. This book is divided broadly into three parts. First, it introduces the fundamental theory, concepts, principles, and techniques underlying the field, such as the basics of compression, HVS modeling, and coding artefacts associated with current well-known techniques. The next section focuses on picture quality assessment criteria; subjective and objective methods and metrics, including vision model based digital video impairment metrics; testing procedures; and international standards regarding image quality. Finally, practical applications come into focus, including digital image and video coder designs based on the HVS as well as post-filtering, restoration, error correction, and concealment techniques. The permeation of digital images and video throughout the world cannot be understated. Nor can the importance of preserving quality while using minimal storage space, and "Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding" provides the tools necessary to accomplish this goal.



DWT.h,实现小波变换的头文件 DWT.cpp,实现小波变换的源文件,里面有6个函数,可根据需要调用



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