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原创 url资源(html相关)

1 手机web——自适应网页设计http://my.68design.net/29551/news/14587.html2 bootstraphttp://getbootstrap.com/3 admin-ltehttp://www.almsaeedstudio.com/4 bootstrap 模板http://www.linuxeden.com/htm

2014-11-27 11:13:50 878

原创 windows下使用cmake编译libvncserver

cmake -G"Visual Studio 12 2013" .. -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=..\deps\zlib -DZLIB_LIBRARY=..\deps\zlib\debug\zlibstaticd.lib -DSDL2_INCLUDE_DIR=..\deps\SDL2-2.0.8\include -DSDL2MAIN_LIBRARY=..\deps\SDL2-2.0.8...

2018-09-25 16:05:42 2469 2

原创 qt画four corner border(多屏幕)

int cc = QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); if (cc < SCREEN_COUNT) { return; } static int last_n = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this); int sn = QApplication::desktop()-&...

2018-09-19 18:45:19 350

原创 gdi 屏幕画线

HWND appwnd; appwnd = (HWND)winId(); HMONITOR hMonitor; hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(appwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); MONITORINFOEX info; info.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX); if (GetMonitorInfo(h...

2018-09-19 18:43:59 763

转载 运动物体碰撞算法演示【转】

1,test.js代码var getFlag=function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); //获取元素引用}var extend=function(des, src) { for (p in src) { des[p]=src[p]; } return des; }var clss=['

2017-11-06 16:32:27 1645

转载 汉语中的26种结构歧义

上世纪80年代我在德国Fraunhofer研究院新信息技术与通讯系统研究所研究中文科学技术术语结构时,曾经提出了“潜在歧义论”(Potential Ambiguity Theory, 简称PA论)。PA论认为,语言学家总结出的各种“歧义格式”(我们叫做PT结构[Phrase Type Structure])的歧义实际上是潜在的歧义,并不是现实的歧义,当我们用具体的单词来替换歧义格式中的词类符号时(我

2017-08-10 14:57:11 5410

原创 python 数字拆分

def SpliteUnit(lens, step, arr, index, results): if lens == 0: print arr[:index] results.append(arr[:index]) for i in range(step, lens + 1, 1): arr[index] = i Sp

2017-06-07 11:31:45 29799 1

转载 python upload file and form

#!/usr/bin/python# demo from here: http://pymotw.com/2/urllib2/index.html#uploading-filesimport itertoolsimport mimetoolsimport mimetypesfrom cStringIO import StringIOimport urllibimport urllib2c

2017-05-02 17:54:51 1210

原创 c++调用.net dll,调试时报异常First-chance exception at 0x7556C54F (KernelBase.dll)

调用堆栈如下: KernelBase.dll!_RaiseException@16() Unknown> clr.dll!Debugger::SendRawEvent(struct DebuggerIPCEvent const *) Unknown clr.dll!Debugger::Startup(void) Unknown clr.dll!Initialize

2017-04-17 15:54:18 4179

转载 cef3 clienthandler

.h#pragma once#include "include/cef_render_process_handler.h"#include "include/cef_client.h"#include "include/cef_v8.h"#include "include/cef_browser.h"class CCefClientHandler : public CefClient, pub

2017-03-29 10:07:19 3861

转载 winhttp和wininet头文件冲突

合并之后的文件winhttp.h/*++Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Module Name: winhttp.hAbstract: Contains manifests, macros, types and prototypes for Windows HTTP Services--*//*原有 w

2017-03-17 14:17:09 3460 4

转载 GBK到UTF8编码转换C++实现

#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <fstream>#include <windows.h> using namespace std;string GBKToUTF8(const std::string& strGBK){ string strOutUTF8 = ""; WCHAR * str1; int n =

2017-03-13 13:40:53 9664

原创 windows下面自动打包exe批处理

@echo off cd %~dp0echo "Init Visual Studio Environment"::call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86set BuildDir=%Temp%\SMELP_BUILDset CoVer=HEADfor /f "tokens=1

2017-03-08 15:22:02 2329

转载 win32获取硬盘及mac地址

// diskid32.cpp// for displaying the details of hard drives in a command window// 06/11/00 Lynn McGuire written with many contributions from others,// IDE drives only

2017-02-07 17:32:20 1267

原创 solr 整理

1.The version field is by default stored in the inverted index (indexed=”true”). However, for some systems with a very large number of documents, the increase in FieldCache memory requirements may be t

2016-12-02 16:44:23 370

原创 solr 命令记录

solrcloud 上传文件D:\solr-6.2.1>.\server\scripts\cloud-scripts\zkcli.bat -cmd putfile /configs/gettingstarted/xslt/updateXml.xsl example\example-DIH\solr\solr\conf\xslt\updateXml.xsl -zkhost localhost:99

2016-12-01 14:30:33 551

原创 nutch2.3.1爬取marker流程

crawlstatus: STATUS_UNFETCHED = 0x01; //Page was not fetched yet STATUS_FETCHED = 0x02; //Page was successfully fetched STATUS_GONE = 0x03; //Page no longer exists ST

2016-11-08 16:54:53 834

原创 nutch2.3.1 构建solr6索引时meta_keywords longer than the max length 32766

解决办法有2 1是在managed schema置meta_* 的index=false 2是修改nutch代码MetaTagsParser.java如下 private void addIndexedMetatags(Map<CharSequence, ByteBuffer> metadata, String metatag, String value) { //ad

2016-11-03 21:41:54 992

原创 nutch2.3.1 SolrDeleteDuplicates.java 去重时空指针崩溃

修改源代码如下: @Override public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException, InterruptedException { while(true){ if (currentDoc >= numDocs) { return false;

2016-11-02 15:56:24 572

原创 nutch2.3.1 updatejob时错误url导致崩溃

原因可能是错误的html解析出来的 在DbUpdateMapper.java的map时加个trycatch 55 @Override 56 public void map(String key, WebPage page, Context context) 57 throws IOException, InterruptedException { 58 if (Mark.

2016-11-01 15:21:34 770

原创 nutch2.3.1 nutch-site.xml配置

<configuration><property> <name>storage.data.store.class</name> <value>org.apache.gora.mongodb.store.MongoStore</value></property><property> <name>http.agent.name</name> <value>User-

2016-11-01 10:54:40 964

原创 mongodb 分布式集群部署记录

资源有限,所有shard和repl在同一台机器,且只有一个repl 目录结构.├── cfg│?? ├── c1│?? └── c2├── mos│?? ├── m1│?? └── m2├── repl│?? ├── re1│?? ├── re2│?? ├── re3│?? └── re4└── sd ├── chunk1 ├── chunk2 ├─

2016-10-25 16:28:59 2305

转载 Windows登录、锁屏的判定以及消息捕捉


2016-10-14 14:13:27 6310

原创 工具记录

1.winscp 更新文件winscp /console /command "option batch continue" "option confirm off" "option synchdelete off" "open sftp://user:[email protected]:22" "synchronize local -criteria=size localdir remotedir"

2016-10-12 11:26:53 294

转载 windows 编译zlib

转自http://www.cnblogs.com/len3d/p/3201054.html把zlib 1.2.8解压到zlib/zlib-1.2.8在deflate.c文件中把deflate_copyright改成一个static变量。在zlib目录底下创建并用Visual Studio 2008命令行运行如下bat即可生成Debug版本:@Echo offset LIBDIR=%CD%..:: c

2016-09-07 15:57:01 1173

转载 单词属性

word form.

2016-08-23 15:21:55 940

原创 js转换数字和人民币

从网上扣下来的cardNoShow:function(cardNo,split){ var tmpCardNo=" "; if(!split){split=" ";} if(!cardNo || !cardNo.length){ return cardNo; } var times=0;

2016-06-02 16:22:19 2425

原创 python post request

#-*-coding:utf-8-*-import requestsimport tracebackimport jsonimport timetry: url = "https://www.baidu.com/" headers = {'Accept': 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*', 'Acce

2016-05-31 10:27:31 678

原创 mongodb group分组个数过滤

db.books.aggregate([ { $group : { _id : {name:"$name"}, count: { $sum: 1 } } }, {$match:{count:{$gt:1}}} ])

2016-05-07 21:24:47 4825

原创 nodejs base64编码/解码

e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";function aaa(r) { var o = String(r).replace(/=+$/, ""); if (o.length % 4 == 1)throw new t("'atob' failed: The string to b

2016-04-26 11:59:52 5878

转载 Python你必须知道的十个库

Python是优雅的,使用这些库可以使你的代码更简洁,并保持持久性。欢迎各位补充,并提出意见!Docopt。抛弃optparse和argparse吧,使用docstrings来构建优雅的,可读性强的,并且复杂(如果你需要的话)的命令行界面。IMO*2013年创建的最好的库*。Requests,或称为人类使用的HTTP,是一个处理HTTP请求更为pythonic 的方法,比urllib2更更更好用。

2016-04-13 22:25:33 5826

原创 cygwin下面c++编译 在此作用域中尚未声明

Some functions go beyond the ANSI standard. These are disabled when you use std=c++11 (or std=c++0x).Among them are fdopen, fileno and strdup. There are two possibilities to use them:Use the GNU dialec

2016-04-11 12:02:07 2861

转载 knn的c++版本

找了几个版本,这个思路最清晰// knn.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include <stdlib.h>#include

2016-04-05 14:44:09 669

转载 linux 仿windows pause指令

#include <cstdlib>#include <unistd.h>#include <termios.h>void pausee(){ printf("\nPress any key to continue\n") ; struct termios te; int ch; tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO,&te); te.c_l

2016-04-04 16:27:19 2355

转载 lex/yacc实现计算器

cal.y %{#include <stdio.h>#include "lex.yy.c"#define YYSTYPE int int yyparse(void);%}%token INTEGER PLUS MINUS TIMES DIVIDE LP RP%%command : exp {printf("%d/n",$1);}exp: exp PLUS term {$$ = $1

2016-03-27 13:10:33 4422

转载 nodejs aes加解密128算法,base64编码

function encryption(data) { var iv = ""; var clearEncoding = 'utf8'; var cipherEncoding = 'base64'; var cipherChunks = []; var cipher = CRYPTO.createCipheriv('aes-128-ecb', key, iv)

2016-03-22 10:25:05 8066

转载 bat修改文件内容

@echo off(for /f "delims=" %%a in (文件名) do ( set "str=%%a" setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "str=!str:老字符串=新字符串!" echo,!str! endlocal))>"setup.tmp"move /y "tmp.tmp" "文件名"

2016-03-14 14:42:48 15619 3

转载 javascript常用校验器

/***************************************************常用校验器,请引用此文件,不要复制内容到HTML文件中使用****************************************************//** * 计算是否为空字符串(含中文空格和英文空格) * @param s 待检验内容 * @return */f

2016-03-09 10:38:55 623

原创 红米note4G在wind7上面链接不上的问题

两种方法1、安装微软的Media TranSFer Protocol Porting Kit2、安装红米note官方驱动

2016-02-16 11:13:17 1316

转载 solr源码地址


2016-01-23 14:06:22 374

gof 23种设计模式

gof 23种设计模式


C++ Templates.pdf

C++ Templates.pdf C++ Templates.pdf C++ Templates.pdf C++ Templates.pdf C++ Templates.pdf C++ Templates.pdf C++ Templates.pdf















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