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DSP算法大全C语言版本 完整版,共407页,审阅过的。包含多种数字信号产生、处理、分析方式,并附参考代码。第六章FIR数宇滤波器的设计………………… 227 §6.1窗函数方法……………… .227 §6.2频域最小误差平方设计…… “·自“238 §6.3切比雪夫逼近方法……………………………………………242 第三篇随机数字信号处理 第一章经典谱佔计……………………………………….264 的周期图方法………………·…264 12功率谱估计的相关方法 271 第二章现代谱估计……… 280 §2.1求解一般托布利兹方程组的莱文森算法……………0 82.2求解对称正定方程组的乔里斯基算法 §2.3求解尤利沃克方程的莱文森德宾算法…………灬….28 §24计算ARMA横型的功率谱密度18 §2.5尤利沃克谱佔计算法…………………*…………………22 §2.6协方差谱估计算法 ……ts29 §27Burg谱估计算法 ◆鲁b+吾·合品品‘山点亠4+·日叶中·中‘甲争早导 §2.8最大似然谱估计算法…… 308 第三章时频分析 甲甲甲手曾鲁卧鲁哲雪 §3.1堆格纳( wigner)分布 中中中“由节“昏音山曲画 32离散小波变换 委甲■即 318 第四章随机信号的数字滤波……… §41维纳( Wiener)数字滤波……… …………量·自330 §4-2卡尔曼( Kalman)数字滤波… 会血中自4B44品西4垂4+中如甲吾卧d古 §4-3最小均方(LMS)自适应数字滤波…… ●·中自·自·中中中平看 °·341 §4.4归一化LMS自适应数字滤波……34 §45递推最小二乘(RLs)自适应数字滤波 348 第四篇数字图像处理 第一章图像基本运算 ……·352 §1,1图像读取、存储与显示…… 81.2图像旋转……………………………………………………………366 1.3图像灰度级直方图的计算……………………………………*……3 §1.4图像二值化的固定阀值法… ma·也d■血dp §1.5图像二值化的自适应阀值法 导b血 第二章图像增颯… §2.1图像直方图均衡…………………… w"376 §2.2中值滤波……38 §23图像锐化…… 鲁平t自d “*………382 §2.4图像平滑 P····383 第三章图像边缘检测……………………….356 831 Roberts算子边缘检测…46 §32拉普拉斯算子边缘检测……… “………“敌…388 83.3 Sobel算子边缘检测……; 83.4 Robinson算子边缘检测 小392 §35 Kirsch算子边缘检测……………………………………………394 §3.6 Prewitt算子边缘检测 争昏平辛辛平中萨 396 第四章图像细化…… 喜即香看d画命合b分bb画品目如画如bL晶 品品4甲。自·。·中 399 §4.1 Hilditch细化算法… ●·命··“““…“399 §4.2 Pavlidis细化算法……404 §43 Rosenfeld细化算法………………… 0 第五篇人工神经网络 第一章神经网络模型 t……416 §1.1多层感知器神经网络 ·416 §1.2离散 Hopfield神经网络…………“………………………425 §13连续 Hopfield神经网络………………49434 §I4 Tank-Hopfield线性规划神经网络 ……437 参考文献 44命↓◆命啡4每◆普““女4古“4b中d●·4·面···4·= ,··442 第一篇常用数字信号的产生 第一章数字信号的产生 §1.1均匀分布的随机数 -、功能 产生(a,b)区间上均匀分布的随机数。 方法简介 均匀分布的概率密度函数为 ≤x≤b fCx) 其它 通常用U(b表示均匀分布的均值为“士方差为2 产生均匀分布随机数的方法如下 首先,由给定的初值x0,用混合同余法 T-1+c)(mod M) y; /M 产生(0,1)区间上的随机数y。其中a=2045c=1M=2然后,通过变换z=a+ (b…a)y产生(a,b)区间上的随杋数x 三、使用说明 1.子函数语句 double uniform (a, b, seed) 2形参说明 双精度实型变量。给定区间的下限 b—双精度实型变量。给定区间的上限。 seed——长整型指针变量。*seed为随机数的种子。 四、子函效程序(文件名: uniform,c) double uniform(a,bseed) long int seed double t; 2045爷( seed-#seed-(操Seed/1948576)*1048576; t=(“seed)/1048576.0; t=a+(b-a)头t; return(t)i 五、例题 产生50个0到1之间均匀分布的随机数。 主函数程序(文件名: uniform,m) 杜 include〃 stdio.h includ iform ain( doable a, b,x; int 1,J; g Int s double uniform (double, double, long int *) a-0.0;b=10;s=13579; for(i-0;i<10;i-+) for(j=0:j<5++) =unite printf (". 7fM,x>; intf("\n")y 运行结果 0.48263550.98959450.72067070.77158260.8864250 0.73916340.58915140.81457810.81212620.7979975 0.9483t 0.39095970.51266860.40730760.9440937 0.67162610.47535710.10517980.09266470.4993505 0.13187120.47657490.59566690,13878150,8082657 C.90332890.30759240.02644250.07497020.3141527 0.44230840.5207319 89678960.93463230.3230572 0.65192320.18290330.03722860.13245580.8721647 0,5768661 0.6912775 0.66249660.80548000.2066078 0.51299000.0645466099776740.43443300.4154520 §1.2正态分布的随机数 功能 产生正态分布N(,a2)的随机数。 二,方法简介 正态分布的概率密度函数为 √2πa 通常用、(p,d2)表示。式中p是均值,a2是方差。正态分布也称为高斯分布 产生正态分布随机数的方法如下 设r1 r为(0,1)上n个相互独立的均匀分布的随机数,由于E(n)=1, 根据中心极限定理可知,当n充分大时 r 的分布近似于正态分布N(,1)。通常取n=12,此时有 r一6 最后,再通过变换y=H+x,便可得到均值为八方差为m2的正态分布随机数y 三、使用说明 1.子函数语句 double gauss(mean, sigma, seed) 2.形参说明 mean—双精度实型变量。正态分布的均值k sigma—-双精度实型变量。正态分布的均方差o see 长整型指针变量。餐seed为随机数的种子。 四、子函数程序(文件名: gauss,c) include Uniform,ci double gauss(mean, sigma, s) double mean, sigma; long int *si i int i; double x, y; double uniform() for(x=0,=0;<12i++) x+= uniform(0,0,1.0,) X=x一6.0: y〓mean十x并sgm丑 return (y)f 五、例题 产生50个均值为0方差为1的正态分布的随机数。 主函数程序(文件名 tgauss.m) #include"stdio. hm #include"gauss, c main() t int i,j s long int s# double x, mean, sigma; double gauss(double, double, long int *) mean=0.0; sigma=1.05=13579 for(i=0<10i++) for(j=0<5i十+) x=gauss(mean, sigma, &s) printf(".7",x); printi("\n") 运行结果 2.8997211-0,90885730,2041950-0.2572155-0.8516827 0.79969980,9866190.04313851.919498702543507 0.36892511.2145863 ,05370901.70509531.6925945 0.49287221.9956684.-0.59806631.29232980.1707630 0.5213604-0.40513420.8358479-0.54450801.6452045 0.5338917-0.8120403-0.3886852-0.25463680.4690113 0.4013348-0.1117687-0.9708830.650224713179646 0.53624150.74646191.3275318-0.40414241.8053455 0.8525982-0,24906731.68234440.945543304819355 1.1704273-0.172575002068348-1.9993710.8360157 §1.3指数分布的随机数 功能 产生指数分布的随机数。 方法简介 1.产生随机变量的迆变换法 定理设F(x)是任一连续的分布函数如果~U(0,1)且=F-1(a),那么η~F(x)。 证明由于t~U(0,1),则有 P(≤x)=P(F-(x)≤x)=P(x≤F(x))=F(x) 所以,7~F(x),定理证毕 此定理给出了从均匀分布随机数到给定分布F(x)的随机数的变换。根据该变换可产 生分布函数为F(x)的机效x,其算法可用下列两个步骤实现 (1)产生均匀分布的随机数g,即4~U(0,1)g(2)计算x=F-(t) 2.产生數分布随机的方法 指数分布的概率密度函数为 x≥0 f(x) 0 其它 其分布函效为 FCr)= ,其它 指数分布的均值为,方为P2 根播上述的逆交换法,产生指数分布随机数的方法为 (1)产生均匀分布的随机数M,即w~U(0,1);(2)计算x=-ln(v) 、使用说明 1.子函微语句 double exponent(beta, s) 2.彩参说明 beta——双精皮实型变量。指数分布的均值。 s—长整型指针变量。¥s为随机数的种子。 四、子函数程序(文件名: exponent.[) include "math. h" Include uniform. c uble exponent(bcta, double beta; long int *s i double u,x double uniform) u=uniform(0. 0,1-0,s)+ ta i logt return(x) 五、例题 产生50个均值为2、方差为4的指数分布的随机数。 主函数程序(文件名; exponent n) toinclude stdio. h f include exponentc int i,j; long int s; ouble x 4a; double exponent()+ bea=2.仍;s=t3579; for(i=0;i<10;i++) {for(j=0;j5;j+) i x=exponent(beta, &s printf(".7f", x> 运行结果 45698710,02092010,6551459051862310,2411175 0.6044725 1.0581442 0.4101700 0.4161992 0.451299 0.20000171,87830141.33625131.79637310.1150597 0,7961070 .4873781450416854.75753501.3888938



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ISO/IEC 27005:2011-EN

ISO/IEC 27005:2011英文版BS|So/EC27005:201 so/EC27005:2011E 9.2 Risk modification 22 9. 3 Risk retention 面BB1面面 9.4 Risk avoidance 9.5 Risk sharing 10 Information security risk acceptance.. 24 11 Information security risk communication and consultation 24 12 Information security ris k monitoring and review 25 12.1 Monitoring and review of risk factors 25 12.2 Risk management monitoring, review and improvement..... 26 Annex A(informative )Defining the scope and boundaries of the information security risk management process A1 Study of the organization.. 28 A2 List of the constraints affecting the organization.. A3 List of the legislative and regulatory references applicable to the organization 31 A.4 List of the constraints affecting the scope Annex B (informative) Identification and valuation of assets and impact assessment 量国 面面国 33 B. 1 Examples of asset identification 33 B.1.1 The identification of primary assets 33 0m-0sz B12 List and description of supporting assets…………… 34 B.2 Asset va| uation.… 38 B3 Impact assessment............ n41 Annex C (informative)Examples of typical threats 42 Annex D (informative) Vulnerabilities and methods for vulnerability assessment..... D1 Examples of vulnerabilities 45 D2 Methods for assessment of technical vulnerabilities n…48 Annex E(informative)Information security risk assessment approaches 50 E.1 High-level information security risk assessment.……… 50 E2 Detailed information security risk assessment...-............. E22 Example2 Ranking of Threats by Measures of RisK.……… 51 E.2.1 Example 1 Matrix with predefined values 52 E.2.3 Example 3 Assessing a value for the likelihood and the possible consequences of risks... 54 Annex F(informative) Constraints for risk modification.. 面 56 Annex G(informative) Differences in definitions between ISO/EC 27005: 2008 and ISo/EC 27005:2011 58 Bibliography 68 O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved BS ISO/EC27005:2011 ISO/EC27005:2011(E Foreword Iso(the International Organization for Standardization) and Ec(the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISo or EC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISo and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISONEC JTC 1 International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISo/EC Directives, Part 2 The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 of the national bodies casting a vote Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. Iso and iEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights 0m-0sz ISO/EC 27005 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/EC JTC 1, Information technology Subcommittee SC 27, / T Security techniques This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition(ISO/EC 27005: 2008)which has been technically revised O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved BS|So/EC27005:201 so/EC27005:2011E Introduction This International Standard provides guidelines for information security risk management in an organization supporting in particular the requirements of an information security management(ISMS) according to ISO/EC 27001. However, this International Standard does not provide any specific method for information security risk management. It is up to the organization to define their approach to risk management, depending for example on the scope of the ISMS, context of risk management, or industry sector. A number of existing methodologies can be used under the framework described in this International Standard to implement the requirements of an ISMS This International Standard is relevant to managers and staff concerned with information security risk management within an organization and, where appropriate, external parties supporting such activities 0m-0sz O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved BS ISO/EC27005:2011 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/EC27005:2011(E Information technology- Security techniques-Information security risk management 1 Scope This International Standard provides guidelines for information security risk management This International standard supports the general concepts specified in iso/EC 27001 and is designed to assist the satisfactory implementation of information security based on a risk management approach Knowledge of the concepts, models, processes and terminologies described in ISo/EC 27001 and ISO/EC 27002 is important for a complete understanding of this International Standard This International Standard is applicable to all types of organizations (e.g. commercial enterprises, 0m-0sz government agencies, non-profit organizations)which intend to manage risks that could compromise the organizations information securit 2 Normative references m The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments) applies ISO/EC 27000, Information technology Security techniques Information security management systems-Overview and vocabulary ISO/EC 27001: 2005, Information technology Security techniques Information security management systems- Requirements 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 27000 and the following apply NOTE Differences in definitions between iso/ec 27005: 2008 and this international standard are shown in Annex g 3.1 consequence outcome of an event( 3.3)affecting objectives ISO Guide 73: 2009 NOTE 1 An event can lead to a range of consequences NoTE 2 A consequence can be certain or uncertain and in the context of information security is usually negative nOtE 3 Consequences can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively NOTE 4 Initial consequences can escalate through knock-on effects O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved BS|So/EC27005:201 so/EC27005:2011E 32 control measure that is modifying risk(3.9) [SO Guide 73: 2009 structure, which can be administrative, technical, management, or legal in nature which modify information security Inal NOTE 1 Controls for information security include any process, policy, procedure, guideline, practice or organizati NOTE 2 Controls may not always exert the intended or assumed modifying effect NOTE 3 Control is also used as a synonym for safeguard or countermeasure 3.3 event occurrence or change of a particular set of circumstances [So Guide 73: 2009 noTE 1 An event can be one or more occurrences and can have several causes NOTE 2 An event can consist of something not happening 0m-0sz NOTE 3 An event can sometimes be referred to as an"incident or accident 3.4 external context external environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives [ISO Guide 73: 2009 NOTE External context can include the cultural, social, political, legal, regulatory, financial, technological, economic, natural and competitive environment, whether international, national, regional or local key drivers and trends having impact on the objectives of the organization; and relationships with, and perceptions and values of, external stakeholders 3.5 internal context nternal environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives [SO Guide 73: 2009 N○TE Internal context can include governance, organizational structure, roles and accountabilities; policies, objectives, and the strategies that are in place to achieve them the capabilities, understood in terms of resources and knowledge (e.g. capital, time, people processes, systems and technologies): information systems, information flows and decision-making processes(both formal and informal); relationships with, and perceptions and values of, internal stakeholders the organizations culture standards, guidelines and models adopted by the organization; and form and extent of contractual relationship O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved BS|SO/EC27005:2011 ISO/EC27005:2011(E) 3.6 level of risk magnitude of a risk(3. 9), expressed in terms of the combination of consequences (3. 1)and their likelihood (3.7) [ISO Guide 73: 2009] 3.7 likelihood chance of something happening [ISo Guide 73: 2009] NOTE 1 In risk management terminology, the word "likelihood"is used to refer to the chance of something happening whether defined, measured or determined objectively or subjectively, qualitatively or quantitatively, and described using general terms or mathematically(such as a probability or a frequency over a given time period) NOTE2 The English term"likelihood" does not have a direct equivalent in some languages; instead, the equivalent of the term "probability is often used. However, in English, "probability"is often narrowly interpreted as a mathematical term Therefore, in risk management terminology, "likelihood" is used with the intent that it should have the same broad interpretation as the term "probability has in many languages other than English 3.8 0m-0sz residual risk risk (3. 9)remaining after risk treatment (3. 17) [ISO Guide 73: 2009 NOTE 1 Residual risk can contain unidentified risk NoTE 2 Residual risk can also be known as"retained risk 3.9 risk effect of uncertainty on objectives [ISO Guide 73: 20091 NOTE 1 An effect is a deviation from the expected -positive and/or negative OTE 2 Objectives can have different aspects (such as financial, health and safety, information security, and environmental goals)and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide, project, product and process note 3 Risk is often characterized by reference to potential events(3.3 )and consequences(3.1), or a combination o these NoTE 4 Information security risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an information security event and the associated likelihood(3. 9)of occurrence NOTE 5 Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood NotE 6 Information security risk is associated with the potential that threats will exploit vulnerabilities of an information asset or group of information assets and thereby cause harm to an organization. 3.10 risk analysis rocess to comprehend the nature of risk and to determine the level of risk (3.6) [SO Guide 73: 2009 O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved BS|So/EC27005:201 so/EC27005:2011E NoTE 1 Risk analysis provides the basis for risk evaluation and decisions about risk treatment NoTE 2 Risk analysis includes risk estimation 3.11 risk assessment overall process of risk identification(3. 15), risk analysis(3.10)and risk evaluation (3.14) [So Guide 73: 2009 3.12 risk communication and consultation continual and iterative processes that an organization conducts to provide, share or obtain information, and to engage in dialogue with stakeholders( 3.18)regarding the management of risk(3. 9) [So Guide 73: 2009] NoTE 1 The information can relate to the existence, nature, form, likelihood, significance, evaluation, acceptability and treatment of risk NOTE 2 Consultation is a two-way process of informed communication between an organization and its stakeholders on an issue prior to making a decision or determining a direction on that issue. Consultation is 0m-0sz a process which impacts on a decision through influence rather than power; and an input to decision making, not joint decision making 3.13 risk criteria terms of reference against which the significance of a risk (3. 9)is evaluated [So Guide 73: 2009] NOTE 1 Risk criteria are based on organizational objectives, and external and internal context NOTE 2 Risk criteria can be derived from standards, laws, policies and other requirements 3.14 risk evaluation process of comparing the results of risk analysis(3.10)with risk criteria(3. 13)to determine whether the risk and/or its magnitude is acceptable or tolerable [SO Guide 73: 2009] NOTE Risk evaluation assists in the decision about risk treatment 3.15 risk identification process of finding, recognizing and describing risks [ISO Guide 73: 2009] NOTE 1 Risk identification involves the identification of risk sources, events their causes and their potential consequences. NOTE 2 Risk identification can involve historical data, theoretical analysis, informed and expert opinions, and stakeholders needs O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved BS|SO/EC27005:2011 ISO/EC27005:2011(E) 3.16 risk management coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk [ SO Guide73:2009] NOTE This International Standard uses the term process to describe risk management overall. The elements withir the risk management process are termed'activities 3.17 risk treatment process to modify risk [ISO Guide 73: 2009 NOTE 1 Risk treatment can inyolye avoiding the risk by deciding not to start or continue with the activity that gives rise to the risk; taking or increasing risk in order to pursue an opportunity removing the risk source changing the likelihood 0m9 changing the consequences sharing the risk with another party or parties(including contracts and risk financing); and retaining the risk by informed choice NOTE 2 Risk treatments that deal with negative consequences are sometimes referred to as risk mitigation","risk elimination"," risk prevention"and" risk reduction NOtE3 Risk treatment can create new risks or modify existing risks 3.18 stakeholder person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activit [ISO Guide 73: 2009 NOTE a decision maker can be a stakeholder 4 Structure of this International standard This International Standard contains the description of the information security risk management process and its activities The background information is provided in Clause 5 a general overview of the information security risk management process is given in clause 6 All information security risk management activities as presented in Clause 6 are subsequently described in the following clauses Context establishment in clause 7 Risk assessment in Clause 8 Risk treatment in Clause 9 O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserved



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设计并实现 C 语言的词法分析程序,要求如下。 (1) 可以识别出用C语言编写的源程序中的每个单词符号,并以记号的形式输出每个单词符号。 (2) 可以识别并读取源程序中的注释。 (3) 可以统计源程序中的语句行数、单词个数和字符个数,其中标点和空格不计算为单词,并输出统计结果。 (4) 检查源程序中存在的非法字符错误,并可以报告错误所在的行列位置。 (5) 发现源程序中存在错误后,进行适当的恢复,使词法分析可以继续进行,通过一次词法分析处理,可以检查并报告源程序中存在的所有词法拼写错误。



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人工智能动物识别专家系统 依照以下15条规则,根据所提供的条件,实现对某种动物的识别。 R1: 如果某动物有毛发,则该动物是哺乳类动物; R2:如果某动物有奶,则该动物是哺乳类动物; R3:如果某动物有羽毛,则该动物是鸟; R4:如果某动物会飞和会下蛋,则该动物是鸟; R5:如果某动物吃肉,该动物是肉食动物; R6:如果某动物有犬齿和又抓和眼盯前方,则该动物是肉食动物; R7:如果某哺乳类动物有蹄,则该动物是有蹄类动物; R8:如果某动物是哺乳类动物又是嚼反刍动物,则该动物是有蹄类动物; R9:如果某动物既是哺乳类动物又是肉食动物,并且是黄褐色的,有暗斑点的,则该动物是金钱豹; R10:如果某动物既是哺乳类动物又是肉食动物,并且是黄褐色的,身上有黑色条纹的则该动物是虎; R11:如果某动物有蹄类动物有长脖子、有长腿和身上有暗斑点,则该动物是长颈鹿; R12:如果某动物有蹄类动物有身上有黑色条纹,则该动物是斑马; R13:如果某动物是鸟且有长脖子和长腿,并且不会飞,则该动物是鸵鸟; R14:如果某动物是鸟,并且会游泳,但不会飞,有黑白二色毛,则该动物是企鹅; R15:如果某动物是鸟,并且善飞,则该动物是信天翁。



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