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今天花了一上午的时间复习了一下C语言。感觉强哥的书写的还是很好的,里面的内容很全。几乎所有的知识点全部包括了。很适合用来复习,但初学者我还是推荐anisc C Tutor



绝对经典 物超所值,经典收藏 内容如下: General C/C++ Pre-processor commands Operator Precedence Escape Sequences ASCII Chart Data Types Keywords Standard C Library Standard C I/O Standard C String & Character Standard C Math Standard C Time & Date Standard C Memory Other standard C functions All C Functions C++ C++ I/O C++ Strings Miscellaneous C++ C++ Standard Template Library C++ Vectors C++ Double-Ended Queues C++ Lists C++ Priority Queues C++ Queues C++ Stacks C++ Sets C++ Multisets C++ Maps C++ Multimaps C++ Bitsets Iterators 以vector为例: C++ Vectors Vectors contain contiguous elements stored as an array. Accessing members of a vector or appending elements can be done in constant time, whereas locating a specific value or inserting elements into the vector takes linear time. Display all entries for C++ Vectors on one page, or view entries individually: Container constructors create vectors and initialize them with some data Container operators compare, assign, and access elements of a vector assign assign elements to a vector at returns an element at a specific location back returns a reference to last element of a vector begin returns an iterator to the beginning of the vector capacity returns the number of elements that the vector can hold clear removes all elements from the vector empty true if the vector has no elements end returns an iterator just past the last element of a vector erase removes elements from a vector front returns a reference to the first element of a vector insert inserts elements into the vector max_size returns the maximum number of elements that the vector can hold pop_back removes the last element of a vector push_back add an element to the end of the vector rbegin returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the vector rend returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the vector reserve sets the minimum capacity of the vector resize change the size of the vector size returns the number of items in the vector swap swap the contents of this vector with another 以vector中的at为例: at Syntax: TYPE& at( size_type loc ); const TYPE& at( size_type loc ) const; The at() function returns a reference to the element in the vector at index loc. The at() function is safer than the [] operator, because it won't let you reference items outside the bounds of the vector. For example, consider the following code: vector<int> v( 5, 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { cout << "Element " << i << " is " << v[i] << endl; } This code overrunns the end of the vector, producing potentially dangerous results. The following code would be much safer: vector<int> v( 5, 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { cout << "Element " << i << " is " << v.at(i) << endl; } Instead of attempting to read garbage values from memory, the at() function will realize that it is about to overrun the vector and will throw an exception. Related topics: (C++ Multimaps) Container operators Container operators



按字母排序,提供查找功能 方便易用, 绝非垃圾,值得下载 函数名: ceil 功 能: 向上舍入 用 法: double ceil(double x); 程序例: #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { double number = 123.54; double down, up; down = floor(number); up = ceil(number); printf("original number %5.2lf\n", number); printf("number rounded down %5.2lf\n", down); printf("number rounded up %5.2lf\n", up); return 0; }



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BMP图像文件格式是微软公司发明的,BMP图像文件的后缀名通常是.BMP,但也有少数是.DIP。不过单凭文件的后缀名并不能惟一确定是不是BMP图像文件,要惟一确定BMP图像文件还需要分析文件的存储格式。 内含图例


如何成为优秀的软件人才 林锐

如何成为优秀的软件人才 ——让普通人成为优秀软件人才的经验之谈 林 锐 博士



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