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Soft Skills to Advance Your Developer Career.pdf

阐述软件开发工程师的软技术,强烈推荐! In recent years, there has been a continuously increasing demand for software developers. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that there will be a 24% growth in the number of software development positions by 2026 with respect to the 2016 data.1 This growth is predictable, as there is software in almost every device we use. Most organizations need customized software for their daily operations. Besides business reasons, we also use apps for leisure and for making our lives easier. The need for software development is not going away even with the newest AI advances. Someone needs to design and integrate even AI services. Furthermore, AI as a service will make the lives of developers easier, making it possible for developers to concentrate on higher-level tasks. This means to you that your job may become more interesting than before, and you can add more value to your organization with the help of the latest advances in technology. Unfortunately, for many developers, the future does not appear to be that bright. Many developers I have been in touch with since I started coaching in 2016 are uncertain about their future. It is very easy to get an average job in an environment where you trade your potential as a developer in exchange for a comfortable salary. This package makes many developers accept and ignore the moderate toxicity in the environment they are in. Many developers, myself included, assumed at one point in our careers that this toxicity is the norm. After all, there are problems in all companies, right? Sometimes we hear about fun stories about engineering culture in companies like Google or Spotify and see photos of nice offices that look like a playground. However, this reality is rarely the reality of our own; therefore, many of us accepted at some point in our careers that our situation is different. We tend to settle for what is available for us. In my own life, I made a decision a few years before writing the first version of this book that I want to create a life for myself on my own terms. This life is free from daily compromises, toxic environments, and accepting what’s wrong. If something is wrong at work, I not only point it out, but I do everything in my power to show my surroundings a way out. When it comes to my own personal life, I realized early enough that I have dreams that go beyond what a 3%–10% yearly raise can finance. Therefore, I took charge of my own career and identified skills that not only set me up for a higher growth in earning ability as an employee but also come handy once I become self-employed or start growing businesses. Throughout this journey, I have read more than 100 books in the area of professionalism, taking responsibility, mindset, entrepreneurship, software engineering best practices, communication, learning, and peak performance psychology. Reading books did not take me far though. After all, any Internet marketer can present bookshelves behind a Lamborghini claiming that reading takes you very far in life. Applying the principles you learn from these books is what takes you to the next level. This is what I did. I identified actionable steps that helped me design a fulfilling career. This book will show you how you can do the same.


Raspberry Pi 4 Beginner’s Guide.pdf

介绍Raspberry Pi 4的用户手册,值得一读。 In our opinion, you will certainly adore the Raspberry Pi 4. Ultra-small, affordable, even cheaper than most video games, you can use the Pi to build robots, learn coding and create all sorts of exciting projects. It is capable of performing any task a computer can, including activities such as browsing the internet, listening to music, watching movies and playing games, and much more. The Pi is not just an average modern computer, it gives you access to the inner workings of a computer. You get a chance to build your very own PC, to connect the circuits and wires to the board pins. The Pi was originally designed to teach young people programing in languages like Scratch and Python, and the official OS includes every major programming language. The Pi sparks interest in computer science and technology, drawing the new generation into the ever important and enlarging field of programming. Age doesn’t matter, anyone can make interesting projects with the Pi: literary anything from internet-connected weather stations to retro games. This book will guide you if you plan to use your Raspberry Pi to build robots, gaming consoles and various other projects. Shall we?


Pro D3js.pdf

详细介绍D3.js,值得一读。 Since its creation in 2011, D3.js has become the de facto standard for building complex data visualizations on the Web. D3.js development frequently starts by taking one of the community’s many examples and using it as a way to jumpstart a new chart. This is a handy way to get something working fast so that you can iterate over it. However, by working this way, you soon struggle to maintain, extend, or modify your visualizations. This problem is expected, as examples are made to demonstrate chart implementations and techniques, not to ship them to production. How can you create data visualizations in a professional way? This book walks you through the creation of maintainable, modular, and testable charts. It also helps you in packaging them into a library that you can distribute as open source software. You will explore the process of creating a bar chart using D3.js and ES2015+ and encapsulating its code with the Reusable API pattern. You will also learn how to use and extend Britecharts, the reusable charting library based on this approach. You will discover how to write tests, document, and build your charts to create a charting library. Lastly, you will see how to use D3.js charts within React applications.



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