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事件驱动架构(Event Driven Architecture,EDA)一个事件驱动框架(EDA)定义了一个设计和实现一个应用系统的方法学,在这个系统里事件可传输于松散耦合的组件和服务之间。一个事件驱动系统典型地由事件消费者和事件产生者组成。事件消费者向事件管理器订阅事件,事件产生者向事件管理器发布事件。当事件管理器从事件产生者那接收到一个事件时,事件管理把这个事件转送给相应的事件消费者。如果这个事件消费者是不可用的,事件管理者将保留这个事件,一段间隔之后再次转送该事件消费者。这种事件传送方法在基于消息的系统里就是:储存(store)和转送(forward)。


INSPINIA 2.7.1 - Responsive Admin Theme

截止2017-06-27的最新的 inspinia 版本。希望大家喜欢。




AngularJS in Action

AngularJS in Action


INSPINIA 2.7 - Responsive Admin Theme

INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme,最流行的基于 bootstrap 的管理系统主题,2.7 版。


INSPINIA 2.6 - Responsive Admin Theme

INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme,最流行的基于 bootstrap 的管理系统主题,2.6 版。


Scalable Big Data Architecture

Scalable Big Data Architecture covers real-world, concrete industry use cases that leverage complex distributed applications , which involve web applications, RESTful API, and high throughput of large amount of data stored in highly scalable No-SQL data stores such as Couchbase and Elasticsearch. Th


Pro Apache Hadoop, 2nd Edition

Pro Apache Hadoop, Second Edition brings you up to speed on Hadoop – the framework of big data. Revised to cover Hadoop 2.0, the book covers the very latest developments such as YARN (aka MapReduce 2.0), new HDFS high-availability features, and increased scalability in the form of HDFS Federations. All the old content has been revised too, giving the latest on the ins and outs of MapReduce, cluster design, the Hadoop Distributed File System, and more.


Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template 4.5.6

Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template 网站:http://themeforest.net/item/metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template/4021469


INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme v2.5 - part2

请同时下载 inspinia_admin-v2.5.zip.001 和 inspinia_admin-v2.5.zip.002,放于同一个目录下,然后解压 inspinia_admin-v2.5.zip.001 即可。


INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme v2.5 - part1

请同时下载 inspinia_admin-v2.5.zip.001 和 inspinia_admin-v2.5.zip.002,放于同一个目录下,然后解压 inspinia_admin-v2.5.zip.001 即可。


The Definitive Guide to Grails 2

Grails is a full stack framework which aims to greatly simplify the task of building serious web applications for the JVM. The concepts within Grails, like interceptors, tag libs, and Groovy Server Pages (GSP), make those in the Java community feel right at home. Grails' foundation is on solid open source technologies such as Spring, Hibernate, and SiteMesh, which gives it even more potential in the Java space: Spring provides powerful inversion of control and MVC, Hibernate brings a stable, mature object relational mapping technology with the ability to integrate with legacy systems, and SiteMesh handles flexible layout control and page decoration.


Grails : A Quick-Start Guide

Java web development is notoriously tedious, but help is on the way: Grails. Using the principle of convention-over-configuration and the dynamic Groovy programming language, Grails takes the pain out of web development and brings back the fun. This book will get you up and running with Grails by putting it to use in constructing an original, working application from start to finish. Book Details


Making Java Groovy

You don't need the full force of Java when you're writing a build script, a simple system utility, or a lightweight web app—but that's where Groovy shines brightest. This elegant JVM-based dynamic language extends and simplifies Java so you can concentrate on the task at hand instead of managing minute details and unnecessary complexity. Making Java Groovy is a practical guide for developers who want to benefit from Groovy in their work with Java. It starts by introducing the key differences between Java and Groovy and how to use them to your advantage. Then, you'll focus on the situations you face every day, like consuming and creating RESTful web services, working with databases, and using the Spring framework. You'll also explore the great Groovy tools for build processes, testing, and deployment and learn how to write Groovy-based domain-specific languages that simplify Java development.


Programming Groovy

Groovy brings you the best of both worlds: a flexible, highly productive, agile, dynamic language that runs on the rich framework of the Java Platform. Groovy preserves the Java semantics and extends the JDK to give you true dynamic languagecapabilities programming in Groovyfeels like you are using an augmented Java. Programming Groovy will help you learn and take advantage of the latest version of this rich dynamic language, so you can be a more productive Java Platform developer.


Groovy Recipes

If you're a busy Java professional who needs quick solutions to everyday problems, then Groovy Recipes is for you. The Groovy language and Grails web framework give you seamless integration with your legacy Java code while adding the flexibility and dynamism of a scripting language and giving you modern, agile, time-saving techniques. Groovy allows you to write code the way you always thought you should - you'll never look at Java the same way again.


Groovy 2 Cookbook

Publisher: Packt Publishing By: Andrey Adamovich, Luciano Fiandesio ISBN: 978-1-84951-936-6 Year: 2013 Pages: 394 Language: English File size: 26.3 MB File format: PDF


Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide

Grails is a full-stack web development framework that enables you to build complete web applications in a fraction of the time and with less code than other frameworks. Grails uses the principle of convention over configuration and the dynamic Groovy programming language. This revised and updated new edition shows you how to use Grails by iteratively building a unique, working application. By the time you're done, you'll have built and deployed a real, functioning website. Using this hands-on, pragmatic approach, you'll explore topics such as Ajax in Grails, custom tags, and plugins. You'll dig into Grails' powerful view technology, Groovy Server Pages, and see how you can easily leverage the help offered by scaffolding to create custom user interfaces faster than you would have thought possible. Along the way, you'll learn about domain classes, controllers, and GSP views. And you'll see how Grails enables you to use powerful frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate.


[zip文件] INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme v2.4 - part2

INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme v2.4 静态整站。全部保留原站所有文件,仅修改了字体扩展名。请同时下载 inspinia_admin-v2.4.zip.001 和 inspinia_admin-v2.4.zip.002,放于同一个目录下,然后解压 inspinia_admin-v2.4.zip.001 即可。


[zip文件] INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme v2.4 - part1

INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme v2.4 静态整站。全部保留原站所有文件,仅修改了字体扩展名。请同时下载 inspinia_admin-v2.4.zip.001 和 inspinia_admin-v2.4.zip.002,放于同一个目录下,然后解压 inspinia_admin-v2.4.zip.001 即可。


Beginning Big Data with Power BI and Excel 2013

In Beginning Big Data with Power BI and Excel 2013, you will learn to solve business problems by tapping the power of Microsoft's Excel and Power BI to import data from NoSQL and SQL databases and other sources, create relational data models, and analyze business problems through sophisticated dashboards and data-driven maps. While Beginning Big Data with Power BI and Excel 2013 covers prominent tools such as Hadoop and the NoSQL databases, it recognizes that most small and medium-sized businesses don't have the Big Data processing needs of a Netflix, Target, or Facebook. Instead, it shows how to import data and use the self-service analytics available in Excel with Power BI. As you'll see through the book's numerous case examples, these tools - which you already know how to use - can perform many of the same functions as the higher-end Apache tools many people believe are required to carry out in Big Data projects.


Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr

As data grows exponentially day-by-day, extracting information becomes a tedious activity in itself. Technologies like Hadoop are trying to address some of the concerns, while Solr provides high-speed faceted search. Bringing these two technologies together is helping organizations resolve the problem of information extraction from Big Data by providing excellent distributed faceted search capabilities. Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr is a step-by-step guide that helps you build high performance enterprise search engines while scaling data. Starting with the basics of Apache Hadoop and Solr, this book then dives into advanced topics of optimizing search with some interesting real-world use cases and sample Java code.


INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme 2.2

INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme,最流行的基于 bootstrap 的管理系统主题,最新 2.2版(2015-08-01),不含 angularJS版,包含 HTML版全部的 html、js、css、images,已清除内嵌在js和css中的指向其本站的链接(应该是用于防盗版),其他文件保持原版未作任何修改。仅供下载教学测试,正式建站风险自负。


Pro Android Games, 3rd Edition



Pro Java 8 Programming, 3rd Edition



Big Data Application Architecture Q&A

Big Data Application Architecture Pattern Recipes provides an insight into heterogeneous infrastructures, databases, and visualization and analytics tools used for realizing the architectures of big data solutions. Its problem-solution approach helps in selecting the right architecture to solve the problem at hand. In the process of reading through these problems, you will learn harness the power of new big data opportunities which various enterprises use to attain real-time profits.


Oracle Database 12c Performance Tuning Recipes

Oracle Database 12c Performance Tuning Recipes is a ready reference for database administrators in need of immediate help with performance issues relating to Oracle Database. The book takes an example-based approach, wherein each chapter covers a specific problem domain. Within each chapter are "recipes," showing by example how to perform common tasks in that chapter's domain. Solutions in the recipes are backed by clear explanations of background and theory from the author team. Whatever the task, if it's performance-related, you'll probably find a recipe and a solution in this book.


Groovy In Action



JQuery API

JQuery API 文档 帮助手册 CHM



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