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java refection in action

How this book is organized The ten chapters of this book are organized as follows: Chapters 1, 2, and 3 introduce the basics of Java reflection: how to access class objects; how to dynamically examine classes, methods, fields, and constructors; and how to dynamically load classes. Chapter 4 introduces the first advanced reflective feature: dynamic proxies. The chapter covers the facilities of the Proxy class and how to use them. There are several useful examples, including how to add properties to objects and how to create a test stub generator. Chapter 5 covers the topic of examining the call stack. This is important for reflectively solving problems related to what a running program is doing. Chapter 6 delves into customizing class loaders. This topic is necessary to reflective programming because some problems require the collection of metadata that is available only when classes are loaded. Chapter 7 begins a two-chapter sequence on reflective code generation. This chapter introduces a framework for class-to-class transformations, a particular kind of code generator that starts with a compiled class and produces a new compiled class, which usually has some additional property. Chapter 8 continues the sequence by using the framework for class-to-class transformations to support implementation of designs that use patterns. Chapter 9 presents performance-measurement techniques for making design decisions among reflective features. Chapter 10 takes a look at the future of reflection in Java. This includes an overview of the impact of Java 1.5 on reflective programming, which other production languages will influence the future of reflection in Java, and the influence of Aspect-Oriented Programming. Appendix A is a reprise of the introduction to reflection but with a more academic point of view. The appendix presents a brief history of reflection and the terminology that you are likely to encounter when reading advanced papers. Appendix B explains how to handle compilation errors in the program that dynamically compiles the “Hello World!” program. Appendix C summarizes the UML conventions used to diagram reflective programs.


JUnit in action

英文版, JUnit in Action is an example-driven, how-to book on unit-testing Java applications, including J2EE applications, using the JUnit framework and its extensions. This book is intended for readers who are software architects, developers, members of testing teams, development managers, extreme programmers, or anyone practicing any agile methodology. JUnit in Action is about solving tough real-world problems such as unit-testing legacy applications, writing real tests for real objects, employing test metrics, automating tests, testing in isolation, and more. Special features Several special features appear throughout the book. Best practices The JUnit community has already adopted several best practices. When these are introduced in the book, a callout box summarizes the best practice. Design patterns in action The JUnit framework puts several well-known design patterns to work. When we first discuss a component that makes good use of a design pattern, a callout box defines the pattern and points out its use in the JUnit framework. Software directory Throughout the book, we cover how to use extensions and tools with JUnit. For your convenience, references to all of these software packages have been collected in a directory in the references section at the end of this book. A bibliography of other books we mention is also provided in the references section.


使用directx开发数字视频和电视Programming microsoft directx for digital video and television

英文版电子书,微软出版,详细介绍。共441页 Part I The Basics Chapter 1 DirectShow Concepts Chapter 2 GraphEdit Chapter 3 Programming DirectShow Applications Part II Capture and Editing Part III DirectShow Filters for Video Processing Part IV Advanced Topics


测试驱动开发 Test-Driven Development 中文版

本书从头到尾跟踪介绍了两个TDD项目,描述了程序员容易上手又能大大提高工作质量的技术。在涉及TDD最有特色的模式和重构后面都附有例子。通过将侧重点放在灵活的方法和快速开发的策略上,肯定能激发读者接受这些未被充分利用但功能强大的技巧。本书是Kent BecK先生的最新力作,在亚马逊网站上持续热卖,是Addison-Wesley出版公司著名的大师签名系列图书之一。


PHP高级程序设计:模式、框架与测试 pro php

没有找到中文版,只有英文版了。 享有盛誉的PHP高级教程,Zend Framework核心开发人员力作,深入设计模式、PHP标准库和JSON 。   今天,PHP已经是无可争议的Web开发主流语言。PHP 5以后,它的面向对象特性也足以与Java和C#相抗衡。然而,讲述PHP高级特性的资料一直缺乏,大大影响了PHP语言的深入应用。   本书填补了这一空白。它专门针对有一定经验的PHP程序员,详细讲解了对他们最为重要的主题:高级面向对象、设计模式、文档、测试和标准PHP库等内容。同时,为适应目前Web开发的新趋势,作者还全面探讨了MVC架构和Zend Framework,以及Ajax、JSON、SOAP等Web 2.0技术。书中穿插的大量软件开发实战经验和对PHP编程思想的感悟,将大大提升你的内在功力。 内容提要 本书采用循序渐进的方式介绍了用PHP 进行Web 开发的相关知识。书中首先从OOP 采用的机制—— 抽象类、接口、契约式编程开始讲起,然后介绍了静态方法、单例模式、工厂模式和PHP 6 的新特性等内容,接着介绍了测试和文档方面的内容,还介绍了标准PHP 库SPL 方面的知识以及PHP 开发人员最有可能用到的MVC 模式,最后介绍了Ajax 、JSON 、SOAP Web 服务以及SSL 客户端验证等Web 2.0 方面的内容。 本书适合中、高级的PHP 程序员阅读。 目录 第一部分 OOP和模式  第1章 抽象类、接口和契约式编程  第2章 静态变量、成员和方法  第3章 单例模式和工厂模式  第4章 异常  第5章 PHP 6中的新特性 第二部分 测试和文档编写  第6章 文档编写和编码规范  第7章 反射API  第8章 测试、部署和持续集成 第三部分 SPL(标准PHP库)  第9章 SPL简介  第10章 SPL迭代器  第11章 SPL文件和目录处理  第12章 SPL数组重载  第13章 SPL异常 第四部分 MVC模式  第14章 MVC架构  第15章 Zend框架简介  第16章 Zend框架高级功能  第17章 应用Zend框架 第五部分 Web 2.0  第18章 Ajax和JSON  第19章 Web服务和SOAP协议介绍  第20章 高级Web服务  第21章 证书验证 作者介绍 Kevin McArthur,世界知名的PHP专家。他是基于Zend Framework的开源项目的核心开发人员,并因此获得了世界性的声誉。此外,他还是规模最大的PHP支持组织之一PHP EFnet的管理员。 文摘


Using JUnit in Eclipse

Using JUnit in Eclipse



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