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转载 一些比较好的J2EE学习网址

一、JUnit相关:1、http://www.clarkware.com/courses/TDDWithJUnit.html  (Test-Driven Development with JUnit Workshop)2、http://www.clarkware.com/articles/JUnitPrimer.html  (JUnit Primer )3、http://www.junit.org

2005-11-23 14:46:00 1288

转载 SetUp A Mysql Datasource

Setting up a mySQL datasourceDownload the driver 1、First, http://www.mysql.com/products/connector/j/ appropriate for your edition of mySQL. 2、Next, untar/unzip it and extract the jar file. 3、Copy the

2005-10-31 13:47:00 1864

原创 在JBoss+MySQL环境下运行obe

***************************************************** 在JBoss+MySQL环境下运行obe             ***************************************************** 我按照obe文档的说明试着在JBoss+MySQL环境下运行obe程序,在部署obe程序后启动JBoss,总是一堆的异

2005-10-29 19:53:00 1686

原创 解决SUN petstore1.4 的编译问题

昨天开始想研究一下SUN的petstore,先下载了petstore-1_3_1_02.zip和petstore-1_3_2.zip安装试用,安装很顺利,但是程序在运行中会抛出异常,异常信息如下:----------------------------------------java.security.PrivilegedActionException: javax.servlet.Servlet

2005-10-24 09:50:00 2106 1

转载 Redhat linux下cvs的安装配置

Redhat linux下cvs的安装配置Redhat linux下cvs的安装配置Redhat linux下cvs的安装配置通常情况下,RH linux缺省安装了cvs。可以查看是否安装cvs #rpm -qa|grep cvs 如果安装了,就会返回已安装的cvs版本号#cvs-1.11.2-25如果未安装,到www.cvshome.org下载一个最新的rpm安装即可 创建用户cvs #user

2005-10-21 11:49:00 1159

原创 Run Shark with MySQL

***************************************************** How to run Shark with MySQL                   *****************************************************###############################################

2005-10-20 20:23:00 2032 1

转载 Unix下Oracle的启动步骤

Unix下Oracle的启动步骤<!--google_ad_client = "pub-0195657800851941";google_ad_width = 250;google_ad_height = 250;google_ad_format = "250x250_as";google_ad_channel ="1793642338";google_ad_type

2005-10-20 15:55:00 3091

转载 超完整RedHat9.0-vsftp配置大全

超完整RedHat9.0-vsftp配置大全作者:水若寒 2005-01-21 10:37:28 来自:bbs.qxntc.edu.cn3.2 VSFTP 安全与效能兼备的ftp 服务器 3.2.1 VSFTP 概述 FTP,file transfer protocol,这是档案传输的通讯协议,也是一般最常用来传送档案的方式。读者在使用RedHat9 的时候,可能会感受到ftp server 有一

2005-10-20 11:21:00 1085

原创 准确编译obe的cvs源程序

***************************************************** 准确编译 obe 的 cvs源程序                      *****************************************************#####################################################

2005-10-19 17:45:00 1524

转载 How to get shark into eclipse

Hi,this mail is in reply to "UML diagram of Shark Java source code (classes)" but I thougth it should open a new thread because it has nothing to do with UML.Here comes what I did to get shark into ec

2005-10-19 13:50:00 1099

转载 [OSWorkflow]将osworkflow example 持久化 jdbcstore


2005-10-19 13:39:00 1253 1

原创 Run OFBiz with MySQL

***************************************************** How to run OFBiz with MySQL                *****************************************************##################################################

2005-10-19 13:23:00 1692

原创 Run JBPM3.0.x with MySQL

***************************************************** How to run JBPM with MySQL                   *****************************************************################################################

2005-10-19 12:05:00 2068 4

原创 我的blog开通了,主题是基于J2EE的工作流


2005-10-19 09:50:00 1137 1

Perl extension module for Tuxedo

This module provides the following functionality... * 'C' style interface The Tuxedo perl module gives you access to almost all of the tuxedo 8.1 apis from perl. In most cases you can take the C API you already familiar with, apply perl semantics to it, and write working tuxedo programs in perl. * Object wrapping of C structures Many tuxedo functions take pointers to C structures as function parameters. To preserve the C interface, this module provides perl objects that encapsulate the C structures used by tuxedo. These objects allow the user to create and manipulate the elements of these C structures, and these objects are then passed as parameters to the perl version of these tuxedo C functions. * buffer management Perl classes exist for each buffer type to allow for easy manipulation of buffer contents and automatic memory cleanup when no more references to the buffer exist. * callback subs perl subs can be registered as unsolicited message handlers and signal handlers. * FML/FML32 field table support This module includes the mkfldpm32.pl script that is the perl equivalent of the tuxedo mkfldhdr32 program. It accepts a field table file as input and produces a *.pm file that can be included in a perl script, so field identifiers can be referenced by id. * perl tuxedo services You can now write tuxedo services in perl. When you build the Tuxedo module, it should create a tuxedo server called PERLSVR. This is a tuxedo server that contains an embedded perl interpretor for executing perl tuxedo services. When PERLSVR boots up, it parses the perlsvr.pl script, which at the moment it expects to find in its working directory. The location of perlsvr.pl will be configurable in a future version. The perlsvr.pl script is run as the tpsvrinit routine. You can modify perlsvr.pl to define any subs you want to be tuxedo services and advertise these subs.


自动化的智能Build脚本(Smart Makefile)

智能自动化Makefile可以完成如下工作: *自动获去操作系统类型并指定为全局编译选项(-DYOUR_OS_NAME) *自动出来源代码文件之间的依赖关系 *使用colorgcc可以彩色显示警告和错误信息 *智能控制debug和release版本的编译 *自动给出使用帮助信息 详细信息请参见:http://www-etud.iro.umontreal.ca/~petitg/cpp/makefile.html



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