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This book aims to be a practical guide for game programming, and to get the most out of it, we suggest that you start each chapter by running the chapter°O sample game from the downloadable code on the Apress Web site. Open the pro- ject in Visual Studio .NET, and compile and run it. Play for a while, looking at the details of the game, so that when you start reading each chapter you°Oll kno what the chapter is about.


Beginning C Sharp Game Programming 2005.pdf

This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to program in C# and DirectX 9.You are not required to have anyknowledge ofC# at all in order to read this book,but some pro- gramming background (in any language) would be helpful.


应届生求职大礼包 盛大篇

应届生求职大礼包 盛大篇 YingJieSheng.com


Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers.chm

Whether you're a hobbyist or a budding game design pro, your objective is probably the same: To create the coolest games possible using today's increasingly sophisticated technology. To do that, however, you need to understand some basic math and physics concepts. Not to worry: You don't need to go to night school if you get this handy guide! Through clear, step-by-step instructions, author Wendy Stahler covers the trigonometry snippets, vector operations, and 1D/2D/3D motion you need to improve your level of game development. Each chapter includes exercises to make the learning stick, and Visualization Experience sections are sprinkled throughout that walk you through a demo of the chapter's content. By the end of the volume, you'll have a thorough understanding of all of the math and physics concepts, principles, and formulas you need to control and enhance your user's gaming experience.



a comprehensive and practical introduction to the basic AI techniques used by game developers, leading you through the process of designing, programming, and implementing intelligent agents for action games using C++.


3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development.djvu

Chapter 1 is the introduction, which you have almost finished reading. Hopefully, it has explained for whom this book is written and why we think you should read the rest of it. Chapter 2 explains the Cartesian coordinate system in 2D and 3D and discusses how the Car- Cartesian coordinate system is used to locate points in space. Chapter 3 discusses examples of coordinate spaces and how they are nested in a hierarchy. Chapter 4 introduces vectors and explains the geometric and mathematical interpretations of vectors. Chapter 5 discusses mathematical operations on vectors and explains the geometric interpre- interpretation of each operation. Chapter 6 provides a usable C++ 3D vector class. Chapter 7 introduces matrices from a mathematical and geometric perspective and shows how matrices can be used to perform linear transformations. Chapter 8 discusses different types of linear transformations and their corresponding matri- matrices in detail. Chapter 9 covers a few more interesting and useful properties of matrices. Chapter 10 discusses different techniques for representing orientation and angular displace- displacement in 3D. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 11 provides C++ classes for performing the math from Chapters 7 to 10. Chapter 12 introduces a number of geometric primitives and discusses how to represent and manipulate them mathematically. Chapter 13 presents an assortment of useful tests that can be performed on geometric primitives. Chapter 14 discusses how to store and manipulate triangle meshes and presents a C++ class designed to hold triangle meshes. Chapter 15 is a survey of computer graphics with special emphasis on key mathematical points. Chapter 16 discusses a number of techniques for visibility determination, an important issue in computer graphics. Chapter 17 reminds you to visit our web page and gives some suggestions for further reading.


Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus 1999.pdf

What You°re Going to Learn ? Win32 programming ? DirectX Foundation ? 2D graphics and algorithms ? Game programming techniques and data structures ? Multithreaded programming ? Artificial intelligence ? Physics modeling ? Using 3D acceleration hardware (on the CD)


[AI for Computer Games and Animation - A Cognitive Modeling Approach][EN].pdf

Recentworkinbehavioralanimationhastakenimpressivestepstowardautonomous,self-animating charactersforuseinproductionanimationandcomputergames.Itremainsdif?cult,however,to direct autonomouscharacterstoperformspeci?ctasks.Toaddressthisproblem,weexploretheuseof cognitive models.Cognitivemodelsgobeyondbehavioralmodelsinthattheygovernwhatacharacterknows,how thatknowledgeisacquired,andhowitcanbeusedtoplanactions.Tohelpbuildcognitivemodels,wehave developedacognitivemodelinglanguage(CML).UsingCML,wecandecomposecognitivemodelinginto ?rstgivingthecharacterdomainknowledge,andthenspecifyingtherequiredbehavior.Thecharacter!ˉ domainknowledgeisspeci?edintuitivelyintermsofactions,theirpreconditionsandtheireffects.To directthecharacter!ˉsbehavior,theanimatorneedonlyspecifyabehavioroutline,or!°sketchplan!±,and characterwillautomaticallyworkoutasequenceofactionsthatmeetsthespeci?cation.Adistinguishing featureofCMLishowwecanusefamiliarcontrolstructurestofocusthepowerofthereasoningengine ontotractablesub-tasks.Thisformsanimportantmiddlegroundbetweenregularlogicprogrammingand traditionalimperativeprogramming.Moreover,thismiddlegroundallowsmanybehaviorstobespeci?ed morenaturally,moresimply,moresuccinctlyandatamuchhigher-levelthanwouldotherwisebepossible. Inaddition,byusingintervalarithmetictointegratesensingintoourunderlyingtheoreticalframework,we enablecharacterstogenerateplansofactionevenwhenthey?ndthemselvesinhighlycomplex,dynamic virtualworlds.Wedemonstrateapplicationsofourworkto!°intelligent!±cameracontrol,andbehavi animationforcharacterssituatedinaprehistoricworldandinaphysics-basedunderseaworld.


SIM(Subscriber Identity Module)卡技术参数

  一、概述   移动电话机与SIM卡共同构成移动通信终端设备。无论是GSM系统还是CDMA系统,数字移动电话机用户在“入网”时会得到一张SIM卡(Subscriber Identity Module)或UIM卡(User Identity Module)。SIM卡是一张符合GSM规范的“智慧卡”,可以插入任何一部符合GSM规范的移动电话中,实现“电话号码随卡不随机的功能”,而且通话费用自动计入持卡用户的账单上,与手机无关。   二、SIM卡硬件特性   三、SIM卡软件特性   四、SIM卡应用   四、安全缺陷分析   五、总结


程序员面试宝典 第一版,影印版

  求职过程   C/C++程序设计   数据结构与设计模式   操作系统、数据库与网络   英语面试、电话面试与智力测试






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