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好书不贵,good learning material for javascript,very good ,actually ,this resource is for myself,


php template(smarty) programming

Chapter 1: Introduction to Smarty 5 Templating Systems 5 Why Use a Templating System? 6 The Smartness of Smarty 7 Smarty Alternatives 8 A Rough Guide to the Software Design Process 8 Working in Teams: Layers and Separation of Concerns 9 Smarty—The Ultimate Templating System for PHP 10 Is Smarty Fast? 11 Is Smarty Secure? 11 Smarty's Main Features 12 Variable Modifiers 12 Template Functions 12 Debugging 13 Plug-ins 13 Filters 14 Smarty Internals 14 Installing and Configuring Smarty 15 Step 1: Obtaining Smarty 15 Step 2: Configure PHP to Find the Smarty Libraries 16 On Windows 16 On Linux 16 An Alternative to Step 2: Using Smarty without Having Full Access to the System 16 Step 3: Set Up Smarty for Your Application 17 Step 4: Verifying the Installation 17 Smarty Development Versions on CVS 18 Upgrading a Smarty Site 19 Summary Chapter 2: Smarty Site Architecture 21 Separation of Concerns 22 What Does Concern Mean? 22 A Problem-Solving Perspective 22 Cross-cutting Concerns 23 Roles Involved in Building and Maintaining a Website 23 Starting a Smarty Project 24 Directory Structure 24 Securing our Smarty Project 25 The Data Access Layer 25 How it Works 27 The Business Logic Layer 27 How it Works 28 The Presentation Layer 29 How it Works 30 The Result 31 Summary 32 Smarty for Designers Chapter 3: What Designers Need to Know 33 Development Team Problems: Common Scenarios 33 Roles of a Template Designer and a Programmer 34 Definitions and Concepts for Designers 35 Concept of Reusability and Components 36 Splitting into Components 38 How to Design Table-less Layouts? 41 Handy Built-in Tags 43 Choosing an Editor for Template Design 44 Collaborating with Programmers 46 Summary 47 Chapter 4: Creating a Template 49 Design Concepts, from HTML to TPL 49 Introduction to Smarty Variables 52 Starting Templates 53 Non-associative Array 54 Associative Array 54 Passing Arrays to Smarty Templates and Manipulating Them 54 Basic Templating 56 Logical Conditions 56 Loops 57 section 58 foreach 60 Templates in the Real World 61 Calendar 61 Database Report 63 Data Input Forms 67 Email Newsletter 70 Running PHP Code Inside your Templates 73 Summary 74 Chapter 5: Advanced Templating 75 Smarty under the Hood 75 Compile Steps 77 Prefilters and Postfilters 77 What is a Smarty Modifier? 77 Stretch your Imagination with Smarty 77 Student Transcript 77 Photo Gallery 80 Available Modifiers 82 capitalize 83 count_characters 83 cat 84 count_paragraphs 84 count_words 85 date_format 85 default 87 escape 87 indent 88 lower 89 upper 89 nl2br 89 regex_replace 90 replace 91 spacify 91 string_format 91 iii strip 92 strip_tags 93 truncate 93 wordwrap 94 Combining Modifiers 94 Configuration Files 95 Summary 96 Chapter 6: Smarty Functions 97 Types of Smarty Functions 97 Functions in Action 97 Action: Re-using Page Elements with the include Function 99 Explanation 100 Inserting Dynamic Content 100 Passing Variables to Included Templates 102 Saving Variables in Configuration Files 103 Creating Configuration Sections for Each Page 104 Handling Lists in Templates 106 Removing Extra White Space from Templates 109 Handling JavaScript Code in Templates 110 Processing Deeply Nested Arrays 112 Cycling Through a List of Values 116 Avoiding Spam Indexers 117 Form-Related Functions 118 More Form-Related Functions 120 Summary 123 Chapter 7: Debugging for Designers 125 Debugging Smarty Templates 125 Semantic Errors 126 Common Smarty Errors 128 Other Common Smarty Errors 135 Smarty Debug Console 135 Summary 136 Chapter 8: Built-in Smarty Variables and Methods 137 Built-in Smarty Variables 139 $template_dir 139 $compile_dir 139 $config_dir 139 $plugins_dir 139 $debugging 139 $error_reporting 140 $debug_tpl 140 $debugging_ctrl 140 $compile_check 140 $force_compile 140 $caching 140 $cache_dir 141 $cache_lifetime 141 $cache_modified_check 141 $php_handling 141 $security 141 $secure_dir 142 $security_settings 142 $trusted_dir 142 $left_delimiter 142 $right_delimiter 142 $request_vars_order 143 $request_use_auto_globals 143 $compile_id 143 $use_sub_dirs 143 $default_modifiers 143 $default_resource_type 143 $cache_handler_func 143 $autoload_filters 144 $config_overwrite 144 $config_booleanize 144 $config_read_hidden 144 $config_fix_newlines 144 $default_template_handler_func 144 $compiler_file 144 $compiler_class 144 $config_class 144 Handy Built-in Smarty Variables Table 145 v Built-in Smarty Methods 148 assign 148 assign_by_ref 148 Example: Working of assign and assign_by_ref 149 append 151 append_by_ref 151 clear_assign 151 register_function 152 unregister_function 152 register_object 153 unregister_object 153 register_block 153 unregister_block 154 register_compiler_function 154 unregister_compiler_function 154 register_modifier 155 unregister_modifier 155 register_resource 155 unregister_resource 156 register_prefilter 156 unregister_prefilter 156 register_postfilter 156 unregister_postfilter 157 register_outputfilter 157 unregister_outputfilter 157 load_filter 157 clear_cache 158 clear_all_cache 158 is_cached 158 clear_all_assign 158 clear_compiled_tpl 159 template_exists 159 get_template_vars 159 get_config_vars 159 trigger_error 159 display 160 fetch 160 config_load 160 get_registered_object 160 clear_config 161 Summary 161 vi Chapter 9: Caching and Performance 163 Caching in Smarty 164 Dynamically Caching Template Sections 165 Clearing the Cache 165 Advanced Caching Features 166 Using Cache Groups 167 Clearing a Cache Group 168 Avoiding the Cache 168 Creating a Custom Cache Handler 171 Optimizing Smarty Applications 176 Profiling PHP 177 Designing Sites for Effective Caching 178 The Last-Modified and ETag Headers 178 The Expires Header 179 The Cache-Control Header 180 Tools: ApacheBench (ab) 180 Tools: Xdebug 181 Tools: WinCacheGrind 183 Summary 184 Chapter 10: Extending Smarty with Plug-ins 185 Finding and Installing Plug-ins 185 Useful Plug-ins 186 HTML List Plug-in 186 File Size Format Plug-in 187 Google Highlight Plug-in 189 Writing your own Plug-ins 191 Plug-in Types 192 Functions 192 Modifiers 193 Block Functions 193 Compiler Functions 193 Prefilters, Postfilters, and Output Filters 193 Resources 193 Inserts 194 Registering Plug-ins 194 Example Plug-in: Calendar 196 Example Plug-in: Auto-link URLs 199 Summary 201 Chapter 11: Filters 203 Prefilters 203 Postfilters 203 Output Filters 204 Creating Filters 204 Registering a Filter at Run Time 205 Manually Loading a Filter 205 Automatically Loading a Filter 207 Filter #1: Remove HTML Comments 207 Filter #2: Benchmark Information 209 Filter #3: Compress Output with gzip 212 Filter #4: Search Engine Highlight 213 Summary 216 Chapter 12: Internationalization 217 Translation Infrastructure: Gettext 217 Configuring PHP with Gettext 218 Simple PHP Example 218 Setting Up the Gettext Files 219 Using Gettext with Smarty 222 Generating a PO File 225 Advanced Features of Smarty Gettext 227 Summary 229 Index 231


master dojo books and source code

There’s a new king in town. out your current “customs” of client-side development. With Dojo, we’reOver the past couple of years we’ve seen new technologies redefine the rules of server-side web app evelopment. It’s the client’s turn. Get ready to throw entering a new era of browser-based applications. Dojo is a set of tools that helps you build better browser-based applications. Dojo is built mostly using client-side JavaScript, and it expands the capabilities of the modern browser (and even Internet Explorer) far enough that the line between local, native applications and browserbased applications has all but disappeared. This is a pretty significant statement. It means that browser-based (and, therefore, web-based) user interfaces can be made indistinguishable from those included with the best local, native applications. And it means that the user interface of local applications can be implemented in the browser rather than through one of the heavy, platform-sensitive, and complex native GUI frameworks (Windows, Tk, Qt, Fox, AWT, SWT, Swing, Cocoa, and the rest).


arm 下的mp3源码



RealView 编译工具

本手册提供有关 RealView® 编译工具 汇编器(ARM 汇编器)的指导和参考信 息。 其中包括 armasm、独立的汇编器以及 C 和 C++ 编译器中的嵌入式汇编器。 本手册介绍汇编器的命令行选项,可供汇编语言程序员使用的汇编语言助记 符、伪指令、宏和指令。



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