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83个数据挖掘算法 java 源码 和 jar文件

Introduction SPMF is an open-source data mining mining library written in Java, specialized in pattern mining. It is distributed under the GPL v3 license. It offers implementations of 82 data mining algorithms for: sequential pattern mining, association rule mining, itemset mining, sequential rule mining, clustering. The source code of each algorithm can be integrated in other Java software. Moreover, SPMF can be used as a standalone program with a simple user interface or from the command line. The current version is v0.96r2 and was released the 30th November 2014.



C#开发的煤气销售管理系统 C#开发的煤气销售管理系统C#开发的煤气销售管理系统C#开发的煤气销售管理系统C#开发的煤气销售管理系统


计算机网络(Andrew S. Tanenbaum,第四版)习题答案

中文版和英文版 非常难找到的 答:狗能携带21 千兆字节或者168千兆位的数据。18 公里/小时的速度等于0.005 公里/秒,走过x 公里的时 间为x / 0.005 = 200x 秒, 产生的数据传输速度为168/200x Gbps或者840 /x Mbps。因此,与通信线路相比较,若x<5.6 公里,狗有更高的速度。 SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER 1 PROBLEMS 1. The dog can carry 21 gigabytes, or 168 gigabits. A speed of 18 km/hour equals 0.005 km/sec. The time to travel distance x km is x /0.005 = 200x sec, yielding a data rate of 168/200x Gbps or 840/x Mbps. For x < 5.6 km, the dog has a higher rate than the communication line.



Solutions for Introduction to algorithms second edition Philip Bille The author of this document takes absolutely no responsibility for the contents. This is merely a vague suggestion to a solution to some of the exercises posed in the book Introduction to algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest. It is very likely that there are many errors and that the solutions are wrong. If you have found an error, have a better solution or wish to contribute in some constructive way please send a message to [email protected]. It is important that you try hard to solve the exercises on your own. Use this document only as a last resort or to check if your instructor got it all wrong. Please note that the document is under construction and is updated only sporadically. Have fun with your algorithms. Best regards, Philip Bille


C#与.NET and 3.5高级程序设计

C#与.NET and 3.5高级程序设计.rar C#与.NET and 3.5高级程序设计.rarC#与.NET and 3.5高级程序设计.rarC#与.NET and 3.5高级程序设计.rarC#与.NET and 3.5高级程序设计.rar


linu操作系统 ppt

1. Linux的安装 2. Linux的窗口应用程序 3. Linux常用命令行命令 4. Linux的系统管理 5. Linux的编程:文件和目录操作 6. Linux的编程:多进程 7. Linux的编程:多线程 8. Linux的编程:进程间通信:管道 9. Linux的编程:进程间通信:信号 10. Linux的编程:进程间通信:FIFO 11. Linux的编程:进程间通信:共享内存 12. Linux的编程:进程间通信:消息队列 13. Linux的编程:进程间通信:信号量 14. Linux的编程:网络编程:TCP 15. Linux的编程:网络编程:UDP 16. Linux的编程:Xwindow编程:XLib和Xtoolkit 17. Linux的编程:Xwindow编程:Athena 18. Linux的编程:Xwindow编程:Qt 19. Linux的编程:Xwindow编程:OpenGL 20. Linux的编程:Shell编程 21. 什么是内核:HLP虚拟机上一个最简单的内核 22. Linux内核:进程管理 23. Linux内核:内存管理 24. Linux内核:设备管理 25. Linux内核:文件管理



中兴ORACLE培训 中兴ORACLE培训 中兴ORACLE培训 中兴 ORACLE 数据库 培训


Beginning the Linux Command Line

This book is for anyone who wants to master Linux from the command line. When writing it, I had in mind system administrators, software developers, and enthusiastic users who want to get things going from the Linux command line. For beginning users, this may be a daunting task, as Linux commands often have many options documented only in


gpa 计算器 C#

用C#应用程序写的(这是 4.3 系统的) ,非常方便, 你可把你的学分和相应的成绩写在一个.txt 文件然后copy到程序的文本框,执行后,他会算gpa, 你有多少学分,还有你的平均成绩!


《Intel汇编语言程序设计》 Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers

Intel汇编语言程序设计 配书光盘 有MASM615的安装程序 Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers


packet tracer 使用教程

Packet Tracer 是由Cisco公司刚刚发布的一个辅助学习工具,为学习CCNA课程的网络初学者去设计、配置、排除网络故障提供了网络模拟环境。学生可在软件的图形用户界面上直接使用拖曳方法建立网络拓扑,软件中实现的IOS子集允许学生配置设备;并可提供数据包在网络中行进的详细处理过程,观察网络实时运行情况。学生可以利用该软件学习网络连接方法、理解网络设备对数据包的处理、学习IOS的配置、锻炼故障排查能力。软件还附带4个学期的多个已经建立好的演示环境、任务挑战,强烈向大家推荐。软件大小


php english version

PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.


计算机网络,Computer Networks

Table of Contents Computer Networks, Fourth Edition By Andrew S. Tanenbaum Publisher : Prentice Hall Pub Date : March 17, 2003 ISBN : 0-13-066102-3 Pages : 384


算法导论,Introduction to Algorithms

Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition Thomas H. Cormen Charles E. Leiserson Ronald L. Rivest Clifford Stein The MIT Press Cambridge , Massachusetts London, England McGraw-Hill Book Company Boston Burr Ridge , IL Dubuque , IA Madison , WI New York San Francisco St. Louis Montréal Toronto This book is one of a series of texts written by faculty of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was edited and produced by The MIT Press under a joint production-distribution agreement with the McGraw-Hill Book Company


最大公共子序列,实现公共子序列算法 with c sharp

输入 n=2^2,2^4,2^6,2^8,2^10, m=2^2,2^3,2^4,2^5,2^6 X序列26个字母随机生成,Y序列26个字母随机生成 输出:分别打印出序列和最长公共序列


c# sorting algorithms

hi this is a program to implement sort algorithms


matlab_bizear curve

n the mathematical field of numerical analysis, a Bézier curve is a parametric curve important in computer graphics and related fields. Generalizations of Bézier curves to higher dimensions are called Bézier surfaces, of which the Bézier triangle is a special case.


stochastic process

A solution method for solving Markov chains for a class of stochastic process algebra terms is presented. The solution technique is based on a reformulation of the underlying continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) in terms of semi-Markov processes. For the reformulation only local information about the processes running in parallel is needed, and it is therefore never necessary to generate the complete global state space of the CTMC. The method works for a fixed number of sequential processes running in parallel and which all synchronize on the same global set of actions. The behaviour of the processes is expressed by the embedded Markov chain of a semi-Markov process and by distribution functions (exponomials) which describe the times between synchronizations. The solution method is exact, hence, the state space explosion problem for this class of processes has been solved. A distributed implementation of the solution technique is straightforward.


web disgen with dreamweave

Hint If you don't know how to determine wheather encounted the end of input: s is a string and n is an integer C++ while(cin>>s>>n) { ... } c while(scanf("%s%d",s,&n)==2) //to see if the scanf read in as many items as you want /*while(scanf(%s%d",s,&n)!=EOF) //this also work */ { ... }


用C# 数据库 data base with c sharp

english ebook in data base using c#, i hope it can be useful its from novic to professional book


系统结构 Von Neumann Computers

The heart of the von Neumann computer architecture is the Central Processing Unit (CPU), con- sisting of the control unit and the ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit). The CPU interacts with a memory and an input/output (I/O) subsystem and executes a stream of instructions (the computer program) that process the data stored in memory and perform I/O operation



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