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Question2Answer 是一个用 PHP 实现的类 StackOverflow 网站的问答系统。 Question2Answer v1.5.4 changelog: Bug Fixes Prevented multiple accounts with the same email address when logging in via an external identity provider. Updated Facebook plugin for change in location of user avatar URLs in Facebook Graph API response. Fixed functionality of 'Remember' checkbox in login form at the top of the Snow theme. Fixed reference to background image in Candy theme CSS file. Fixed partial log out when multiple Q2A sites share users and logins. Fixed rare PHP notice when viewing an IP address page. Added verification of content of uploaded images in WYSIWYG editor. Other Changes Added Ajax-style loading spinners for non-Ajax operations which perform heavy writes to the database. Reset the created time of moderated posts to the moment when the posts are approved. Updated Snow theme with several visual improvements and tweaks. Updated to htmLawed 1.1.14 and CKEditor 3.6.5. Tags: Question2Answer 问答系统 StackOver



Anwsion 问答系统的安装 +----------------------------------+ 1. 上传 upload 目录中的文件到服务器 2. 设置目录属性(windows 服务器可忽略这一步) 以下这些目录需要可读写权限 ./ ./system ./system/config 含子目录 3. 执行安装脚本 http://您的域名/install/ 请在浏览器中运行 install 程序,即访问 http://您的域名/install/ 4. 参照页面提示,进行安装,直至安装完毕



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