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控件 led。ocx

Dim addition As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() 'LED1.SetLineWidth (CInt(Text1.Text)) LED1.LEDSIZE = CInt(Text1.Text) End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() LED1.LEDWIDTH = CInt(Text2.Text) End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() LED1.LEDXYRATE = CVar(Text3.Text) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = LED1.LEDSIZE Text2.Text = LED1.LEDWIDTH Text3.Text = LED1.LEDXYRATE LED2.LEDSTRING = Left(CStr(Now()), 8) addition = 30 End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim sNow$ sNow = CStr(Now()) 'LED1.DRAW_LED 30, 30, snow, True If LED1.LEDLEFT <= 0 Then addition = 30 Else If LED1.LEDLEFT + LED1.LEDLONG > 6000 Then addition = -30 End If LED1.LEDLEFT = LED1.LEDLEFT + addition LED1.LEDTOP = (LED1.Height - LED1.LEDHIGH) / 2 LED1.LEDSTRING = Right(sNow, 8) End Sub Dim addition As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() 'LED1.SetLineWidth (CInt(Text1.Text)) LED1.LEDSIZE = CInt(Text1.Text) End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() LED1.LEDWIDTH = CInt(Text2.Text) End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() LED1.LEDXYRATE = CVar(Text3.Text) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = LED1.LEDSIZE Text2.Text = LED1.LEDWIDTH Text3.Text = LED1.LEDXYRATE LED2.LEDSTRING = Left(CStr(Now()), 8) addition = 30 End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim sNow$ sNow = CStr(Now()) 'LED1.DRAW_LED 30, 30, snow, True If LED1.LEDLEFT <= 0 Then addition = 30 Else If LED1.LEDLEFT + LED1.LEDLONG > 6000 Then addition = -30 End If LED1.LEDLEFT = LED1.LEDLEFT + addition LED1.LEDTOP = (LED1.Height - LED1.LEDHIGH) / 2 LED1.LEDSTRING = Right(sNow, 8) End Sub


.net 任务管理器

.net 任Imports System Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Collections Namespace ListViewItemComparer ' Implements the manual sorting of items by column. Public Class IComparer Private col As Int32 Private order As SortOrder Public Sub new() col = 0 order = SortOrder.Ascending End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal column As Int32, ByVal _order As SortOrder) col = column order = _order End Sub Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Int32 Dim returnVal As Int32 ' Determine whether the type being compared is a date type. Try ' Parse the two objects passed as a parameter as a DateTime. Dim firstDate As Date = DateTime.Parse((x.SubItems(col).Text)) Dim secondDate As Date = DateTime.Parse((y.SubItems(col).Text)) 'Compare the two dates. returnVal = DateTime.Compare(firstDate, secondDate) ' If neither compared object has a valid date format, compare 'as a string. Catch ' ' Compare the two items as a string. returnVal = String.Compare((x).SubItems(col).Text, ((y.SubItems(col).Text))) End Try 'Determine whether the sort order is descending. If order = SortOrder.Descending Then ' Invert the value returned by String.Compare. returnVal *= -1 End If Return returnVal End Function End Class End Namespace 务管理器





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