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Veeam9.5.4.2615.Update4 下载地址

Veeam Backup & Replication vsphere升级到了6.7,原来的9.5版本不能用了,必须至少升级到9.5.4,找了一大轮才找到,实测有用,给有需要的人。 也附上了新版本的的下载地址,不过9.5.4已经够用了,没有继续升级。 Veeam Backup & Replication 10a (Windows) Veeam Backup & Replication Veeam Backup & Replication 11a Cumulative Patches P20220302 (Windows) version 11a Cumulative Patches build P20220302


Victoria V5.2.8硬盘坏道检测修复软件

Victoria V5.2.8硬盘坏道检测修复软件 Victoria是一款比MHDD强悍的硬盘坏道检测与修复软件。检测和修复硬盘坏道的软件有很多,但大多数都是在DOS下使用的英文软件,这个直接在windows下运行,方便!



真正的unlocker 3.0.3,实测支持vmware 15.5.1,先把vmware相关进程停掉,补丁后直接可用,不需要重启系统。


精通Nginx(第二版) 高清 带目录 非扫描

Mastering NGINX Second Edition的中文电子版,但明显是为了赚快钱搞出来的,全文就是很古老的翻译软件的杰作,认真看的话会让人怀疑人生,怀疑自己是不是真的懂中文。实体书购买评论下也有不少这样的评论,有兴趣的可以去看看,所以,虽然传上来了,但强烈不建议下载。(这么写还能上传资源吗,不知~)


Rad Studio Tokyo 10.2.3 keygen

直接用源码编译,支持RadStudio10.0到10.2.3 How to Use: 1. Download iso image file: http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/10/delphicbuilder10.iso MD5:9d4bac568aced7f1f82d4a44124fb37c Version:23.0.20618.2753 2. Mount *.iso image and run intstallation process, select language, Set Checkbox that you agree with License agreement, click "Next >" Now you are on the "Input License" page... 3. Click "< Back" button Now use keygen... 4. Click "Generate" to get new Serial Number. !!! Do not use any other serial numbers from internet !!! 5. now click "Next >" in the Setup page and continue installation process... 6. When Installation has finished, click "Patch". 7. Start RAD Studio.



软考纸质资料太贵,电子版网上真是什么都有,想找到能用的不容易,自己觉得好的分享一下: 《软件设计师教程》第三版带目录高清



软考纸质资料太贵,电子版网上真是什么都有,想找到能用的不容易,自己觉得好的分享一下: 软考张友生《系统分析师教程》2010版高清带目录


PLSQL Developer 64位 + 序列号(实测可用)

PLSQL Developer 64位 + 序列号(实测可用),旧的注册机生成的已经不能用,装完还是试用版,用这里提供的没有问题。


PLSQL Developer 32位 + 序列号(实测可用)

PLSQL Developer 32位 + 序列号(实测可用),旧的注册机生成的已经不能用,装完还是试用版,用这里提供的没有问题。


IxChariot6.7.44完整破解版 云盘下载

IxChariot6.7.44完整破解版 云盘下载,速度快。


vmware 11下载及OS X unlocker 2.0.3

注:下载包中含keygen及unlocker 203 vmware workstation下载地址: 官方下载地址:https://download3.vmware.com/software/wkst/file/VMware-workstation-full-11.0.0-2305329.exe VMware Workstation 11.0.0 注册码/key :1F04Z-6D111-7Z029-AV0Q4-3AEH8 keygent及vm11下载地址: VMware.Workstation.v11.0.0注册机 VMware.Workstation.v11.0.0.Incl.Keymaker-EMBRACE https://www.mixturecloud.com/media/download/B9NuErbL http://www.solidfiles.com/d/17738878ef/ https://cloud.mail.ru/public/32c040e92741/e-vm11.rar


plsql developer 9 注册机 9.03 - 9.06

plsql developer 9 注册机 在9.03及9.06两个版本测试过,可以使用。 plsqldev 9.03 下载: http://download.allroundautomations.com/plsqldev903.exe plsqldev 9.06 下载: http://download.allroundautomations.com/plsqldev906.exe


VMware Unlocker v1.10 for Mac.OS.X

VMWare装Mac系统必备,谁用谁知道: Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware ============================ 1. Introduction --------------- The package is a combination of the Unlocker code written by Zenith432 plus some scripts written by myself that wrap the actual unlocker code. It has been tested against: * Workstation 8.0 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions) * Player 4.0 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions) * Fusion 4.0 on Snow Leopard and Lion * ESXi 5.0 * Workstation Tech Preview March 2012 * Fusion Tech Preview March 2012 The patch code carries out the following modifications dependent on the product being patched: * Fix vmware-vmx and derivatives to allow Mac OS X to boot * Fix vmwarebase .dll or .so to allow Apple to be selected during creation * Copy darwin.iso if needed to VMware folder Note that not all products recognise the darwin.iso via install tools menu item. You will have to manually mount the darwin.iso for example on Workstation. Also Player is missing vmware-vmx-debug and vmware-vmx-stats files and so an error is shown during patching as the files are not found. This can be safely ignored. In all cases make sure VMware is not running, and any background guests have been shutdown. 2. Windows ---------- On Windows you will need to either run cmd.exe as Administrator or using Explorer right click on the command file and select "Run as administrator". install.cmd - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware uninstall.cmd - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware 3. Linux --------- On Linux you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. You may need to ensure the contents of the linux folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 4 files. install.sh - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware 4. Mac OS X ----------- On Mac OS X you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. This is really only needed if you want to use client versions of Mac OS X. You may need to ensure the contents of the osx folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 3 files. install.sh - patches VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware 5. ESXi ------- ESXi has to be patched using the scripts, as the unlocker is used to overlay the ESXi firmware at runtime. You will need to transfer the files to the ESXi host either using vSphere client or SCP. Once uploaded you will need to either use the ESXi support console or use SSH to run the commands. Please note that you will need to reboot the host for the patches to become active. You may need to ensure the contents of the esxi folder have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 3 files. install.sh - patches VMware uninstall.sh - restores VMware 6. Zenith432's Unlocker ----------------------- In all cases the unlocker can be run without the scripts but you would need to carry out additional actions which the scripts encapsulate for you especially on ESXi. If you want to run the unlocker directly the parameters are: Usage: ./Unlocker.Linux64 [-h] [-u] [target_directory] -h: print help -u: remove the patch target_directory: customize location of vmx executables On all platforms you must run it with administrator or root privileges. The source code is provided and Zenith432 makes it freely available for modification. In 1.1.0 I have modified the code and it is available as per Zenith432's original statement. Thanks to Zenith432 for building the unlocker and Mac Son of Knife for all the testing and support. History ------- 11/10/11 1.0.0 - First release 07/11/11 1.0.1 - Fixed typo in Windows command files 07/12/11 1.0.2 - Updated patcher and tools for latest release WKS 8.0.1 & FUS 4.1.1 10/05/12 1.1.0 - Changed the patching mechanism for vmwarebase .dll or .so & tested against ESXi 5.0 U1 and Tech Previews. (c) 2011-2012 Dave Parsons



Oracle补丁windows版32位及64位的BT下载文件 找了很久才找到,用迅雷下载速度很快,满速没有问题(我下64位版达4MB/s) 要是能找到Linux版就更好的。


Delphi XE2 Activator v5.6 (支持Update 4 Hotfix 1)

好不容易找到下载。 使用方法: 1、rar 解压到一个目录下 2、执行 Activator.exe 即可 发布历史: 2012.06.12 - v5.6 1、针对 Update 4 Hotfix 1,结合 Kerlingen 的 Bds.exe Patch 重新制作 2012.03.06 - v5.5 1、针对 Update4,结合那位不知名的外国友人的 Bds.exe Patch 重新制作 2011.12.16 - v5.4 1、针对 Update3,结合 Freecat 的 Bds.exe Patch 重新制作,感谢 Freecat 2011.11.05 - v5.3 1、针对 Update2,结合 Freecat 的 AutoPatch 重新制作,感谢 Pingos、Freecat 和 Yinsim 2011.10.10 - v5.2 1、针对 Update1 调整文件补丁


Direct Oracle Access v4.1.3.1 for XE2 Full Source

Direct_Oracle_Access_v4.1.3.1_XE2_FS_CPP_and_Delphi.7z 包括两个目录: Direct Oracle Access XE2 Delphi Direct Oracle Access XE2 CPP {$DEFINE CompilerVersion3} // Define for Delphi 3 and C++Builder 3 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion4} // Define for Delphi 4 and C++Builder 4 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion5} // Define for Delphi 5 and C++Builder 5 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion6} // Define for Delphi 6 and C++Builder 6 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion7} // Define for Delphi 7 and C++Builder 7 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion2005} // Define for Delphi and C++Builder 2005 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion2006} // Define for Delphi and C++Builder 2006/2007 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion2009} // Define for Delphi and C++Builder 2009 {$DEFINE CompilerVersion2010} // Define for Delphi and C++Builder 2010 {$DEFINE CompilerVersionXE} // Define for Delphi and C++Builder XE {$DEFINE CompilerVersionXE2} // Define for Delphi and C++Builder XE2


wince 下读写 ini 文件的类CIniParse,全部源代码

从网上整理的,在WinCE下修改调试通过,由于不知真实的原作者,所以就不贴链接了。 测试代码: void testIniParse() { //声明一个对象 CIniParse iniParse; //打开相应的ini文件 if (!iniParse.Open(TEXT("\\NandFlash\\test1\\xjgtest.ini"))) MessageBox(NULL, L"Open ini file failed.", L"", MB_OK); TSTRING strValue ; int iValue = 0; //MessageBox(NULL, L"iniParse.GetPrivateProfileString", L"", MB_OK); //获取特定的SECTION和KEY的数值。可以有两种返回形式,一种是TSTRING,另一种是int。 strValue = iniParse.GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("VERSION_INI_FILE"),TEXT("VERSION_CONFIG_INFO")); iValue = iniParse.GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("VERSION_INI_FILE"),TEXT("VERSION_CONFIG_INFO")); //更改相应KEY的数值 //MessageBox(NULL, L"iniParse.SetPrivateProfileString", L"", MB_OK); iniParse.SetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("VERSION_INI_FILE"),TEXT("VERSION_CONFIG_INFO"),TEXT("5600")); //MessageBox(NULL, L"iniParse.GetPrivateProfileString", L"", MB_OK); strValue = iniParse.GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("VERSION_INI_FILE"),TEXT("VERSION_CONFIG_INFO")); //增加新的SECTION和KEY数值 //MessageBox(NULL, L"iniParse.SetPrivateProfileString", L"", MB_OK); iniParse.SetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("VERSION_INI_FILE_NEW"),TEXT("VERSION_CONFIG_INFO_NEW"),TEXT("98600")); //MessageBox(NULL, L"iniParse.GetPrivateProfileString", L"", MB_OK); strValue = iniParse.GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("VERSION_INI_FILE_NEW"),TEXT("VERSION_CONFIG_INFO_NEW")); //写到文件中 //MessageBox(NULL, L"iniParse.Flush", L"", MB_OK); if (iniParse.Flush()) MessageBox(NULL, L"Ini file flush success.", L"", MB_OK); //在这里还有一点需要注意的是,因为从效率考虑,SetPrivateProfileString函数更改的数值都只是在内存中做修改,如果需要保存到文件中,需要调用Flush函数。 //调用Flush函数后,内存的数据就保存到之前Open传入的文件路径中。 //如果想保存到C++动态数组中,也可以实现,只是有点麻烦: //strValue = iniParse.GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("VERSION_INI_FILE_NEW"),TEXT("VERSION_CONFIG_INFO_NEW")); //TCHAR *pNewBuf = new TCHAR[strValue.size() + 1]; //_tcscpy(pNewBuf,strValue.c_str()); //delete []pNewBuf; //用动态数组还需要手动释放资源,相对来说,就不如直接用STL来得更为简便。 }


VCLSkin 5.60 D5-D2010 Source and Delphi XE-XE2 Dcu

包括两部分: VCLSkin 5.60.for.Delphi.C++Builder 5-2010 Full Source 及 VCLSkin 5.60.for.DelphiXE DCU only VCLSkin 5.60.for.DelphiXE2 DCU only


devart unidac source 4.1.3 D6-XE2

4.1.3 23-Nov-11 Update 2 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required Mac OS X and iOS in RAD Studio XE2 is supported FireMonkey support is improved Lazarus and FPC 2.4.4 are supported Mac OS X in Lazarus is supported Linux x64 in Lazarus is supported FreeBSD in Lazarus is supported Bug with memory leak in TDALoader is fixed Problem with receiving DateTime parameter for DBMonitor in Delphi 2009 and higher is fixed Oracle data provider Oracle 11g Express Edition is supported Support for the NonBlocking option is added The QueryResultOnly option is added to TOraChangeNotification Conflict with size_t data type in C++Builder is resolved Bug with invalid password in the Direct mode for Windows 98 is fixed Bug with reading long ORACLE_HOME line from the registry is fixed. Bug with updating DatSet when LongStrings=False is fixed Bug with posting nested objects of the not final type is fixed SQL Server data provider SQL Azure support is improved Bug with backing up BLOB fields is fixed Bug with query containing 'WITH' clause that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed Bug with processing parameters values of which are set to the SqlTimestamp type is fixed InterBase data provider Bug with query containing 'WITH' clause that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed Bug with getting database info is fixed MySQL data provider Bug with deleting record in FetchAll = False mode when LockMode is lmPessimistic PostgreSQL data provider PostgreSQL 9.1 is supported Bug with time zone for time and timestamp data types is fixed Bug with PgDump with PostgreSQL 8.2 is fixed SQLite data provider DateFormat and TimedFormat specific options are added in the SQLite data provider NexusDB data provider Support of NexusDB 3.09 is added MS Access data provider Type of the ExtendedAnsiSQL specific option is changed from Integer to Boolean


unidac src 4.0.1

4.0.1 15-Sep-11 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 is supported Application development for 64-bit Windows is supported FireMonkey application development platform is supported Support of master/detail relationship for TVirtualTable is added OnProgress event in TVirtualTable is added TDADataSetOptions.SetEmptyStrToNull property that allows inserting NULL value instead of empty string is added Bug with processing transaction when connection is lost is fixed MS Access data provider Exclusive access to databases in MSAccess provider is added Adaptive Server Enterprise data provider Ability to set ApplicationName in the ASE provider is added The AnsiNull option in the ASE provider is added Oracle data provider Bug with UniLoader for Number(1,0) data type is fixed Bug with Int64 data type for UniLoader in Oracle provider is fixed PostgreSQL data provider Bug with SQL query following an empty SQL query is fixed SQLite data provider Loading the sqlite3 library for Linux in SQLite provider is fixed Bug with Table that contains "." in SQLite provider is fixed


Direct Oracle Access 4.1.2 Full Source for Delphi 2010

If you use Delphi or C++Builder to access an Oracle database, this component set can make your life a lot easier. With the Direct Oracle Access components and objects you access an Oracle database directly, skipping the Borland Database Engine, only using SQL*Net. This gives you the following advantages: w No distributing, installing and configuring the BDE. You can use any 32 bits Delphi or C++Builder version to develop Client/Server applications w No BDE overhead or tradeoffs: your queries will run up to five times faster w Automatic Master/Detail configuration w Automatically enforce server-constraints on the client w Make use of server generated values (defaults, trigger modified columns) w Query By Example mode for high performance queryable forms without any programming w Use PL/SQL blocks for server logic in your application w Increase batch performance with Array DML or Direct Path Loading w Easily execute SQL scripts similar to SQL*Plus through the TOracleScript component w Monitor database access information with the Oracle Monitor utility w Access your stored packages easily through the TOraclePackage component or the Package Wizard w Encapsulation of standard Oracle packages (dbms_alert, dbms_job, utl_file, ...) w Many Oracle specific features supported w Compatible with SQL*Net 1 thru Oracle Net 9, and with Personal Oracle Lite thru Oracle9i


Delphi VCLSkin 5.40 (Delphi5 - Delphi2009) Full Source

从Internet上收集的,供大家研究。有帮助的话还是建议买正版,其实很便宜,不带源代码90美刀,带全部源代码也才180美刀。 News In 5.40 07/15/2009 *Fix bugs in Menu.


VCLSkin 5.3.0 for Delphi 5 - Delphi 2009 Full Source

从Internet上收集的,供大家研究。 有帮助的话还是建议买正版,其实很便宜,不带源代码90美刀,带全部源代码也才180美刀。 Delphi VCLSkin 5.30 website : http://www.link-rank.com email : [email protected] VCLSkin is a component to create skinnable user interface for Delphi/C++Builder application, It is easy to use, just put one component on mainform, Vclskin will skin whole application without source code modification. Vclskin is leader in this field, Vclskin support most third-part controls in market, there isn't a competitor was able to support 3rd-part controls as many as Vclskin. VclSkin automatically skin kinds of windows in application, include Delphi forms,MDIform and common Windows dialogs (MsgBox,Open/Save,Font,Print), even the Exception MsgBox. Vclskin not only support Delphi standard controls, but also support many third-party component, such as TMS Grid pack, EnLib Grid, Developer Express QuantumGrid. It is an excellent choice for those wanting to skin existing applications. The cool thing is that it uses existing VCL components. -Install Run install.exe to install. You also get help in help.chm -Demo The demo package download at: http://www.link-rank.com/download.htm Demo version adds a string 'VclSkin demo' on form caption, but allows to test all available functions. -History News In 5.30 05/20/2009 *Fix bugs in windows 7. News In 5.25 04/14/2009 *Add xoCaptionButtonHint in skindata.options to hide hint of caption button, to upgrade new version: 1 run uninstall.exe in demo package. 2 compile and install new version. News In 5.20 03/05/2009 *fix problem on hint on caption button. News In 5.14 11/04/2008 *fix unicode problem in delphi 2009 News In 5.12 11/04/2008 *fix bug in hint for caption button News In 5.11 11/03/2008 *support hint for caption button News In 5.10 09/17/2008 *support delphi 2009 News In 5.04 08/16/2008 *fix bug in BCB2007. News In 5.1 05/29/2008 *fix bug in TBitbtn. News In 4.99 05/07/2008 *fix bug in Tprogressbar. News In 4.98 04/23/2008 *fix bug in Tbutton. News In 4.97 04/20/2008 *fix bug in Tlistview. News In 4.96 03/25/2008 *fix bug in Tlistview. News In 4.95 03/13/2008 *fix bug in dll forms.


Delphi VCLSkin 5.0.3 源代码版

这个是完全版本(包括源代码、帮助、Demo等),不过官方已发布新版本。 皮肤等可以到官方网站下载。


Delphi VCLSkin5.03 源代码

纯源代码,不带skin及demo等等,快速下载 VCLSkin is a component to create skinnable user interface for Delphi/C++Builder application, It is easy to use, just put one component on mainform, Vclskin will skin whole application without source code modification. Vclskin is leader in this field, Vclskin support most third-part controls in market, there isn't a competitor was able to support 3rd-part controls as many as Vclskin. VclSkin automatically skin kinds of windows in application, include Delphi forms,MDIform and common Windows dialogs (MsgBox,Open/Save,Font,Print), even the Exception MsgBox. Vclskin not only support Delphi standard controls, but also support many third-party component, such as TMS Grid pack, EnLib Grid, Developer Express QuantumGrid. It is an excellent choice for those wanting to skin existing applications. The cool thing is that it uses existing VCL components.



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