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Keil.STM32F4xx_DFP.2.11.0(分两包,第一包) 官网下载的Keil.STM32H4xx_DFP.x.x.x.pack。亲测,OK。只需要下载,解压,安装.pack包到自己的KEIL安装路径即可(一般默认安装路径)



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终于搞到了elecard的破解方法,复制以下两个文件到C:\Program Files\Common Files\Elecard文件夹下,覆盖原来的LC.dll,然后运行Registrator.exe,选中Elecard StreamEye Tools点击Activate,提示Enter Serial number,什么都不用填,直接OK即可. Elecard.Streameye.Tools,一个强大的视频序列或码流分析软件,YUV分析,264文件分析软件,H.264视频编解码学习必备的东西,Elecard StreamEye Suite是一套用于专业视频压缩领域的功能强大的工具 ,能够帮助用户进行有效的对于视频序列的深入分析。感觉STREAM EYE的界面更加亲民,而且他的视频窗口可缩放,比较好操作,但是功能上面还是不如VISA强大,不过初学的话也是可以接受了。编码视频的可视化表现,流结构分析,这些流可以是MPEG-1/2/4 or AVC/H.264 VES(视频基本流)、SS(MPEG1的系统流)、,PS(MPEG2的程序流)、TS(mpeg2的传输流)。





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TRichView 15.1 FS

TRichView 是Delphi/C++Builder 控件,主要用于显示、编辑和打印超文本文档。新版本解决多个兼容性问题,更新了字符串标签、剪贴板、RTF和DB组件。 兼容性问题 Item tags是字符串,不再是整数型 OnRVFPictureNeeded参数改变 TRichView.LoadText, LoadTextFromStream, SaveText, SaveTextToStream, TRichViewEdit.InsertTextFromFile 有了新的参数。 TRVLongOperation的声明类型已经改变 以下全局变量从RVTable.pas中移除:RichViewTableGridStyle, RichViewTableGridStyle2, RichViewTableGridColor,被替换为TRVStyle属性。 风格模板 默认情况下,风格模板不能被使用,需激活风格模板,设置TRichView.UseStyleTemplates = True。 在TRichViewEdit中,你可以应用指定的模板样式到选定区域,使用这些方法:ApplyStyleTemplate, ApplyTextStyleTemplate, ApplyParaStyleTemplate. 样式模板可用ChangeStyleTemplates方法编辑。 RTF TRichView.RTFOptions中的新选项:rvrtfSavePngAsPng。如果默认有这个选项,PNG图像也会被保存为PNG格式。 打印 表格行的新属性: KeepTogether; 新的表格方法: SetRowPageBreakBefore, SetRowKeepTogether; table.PrintOptions新选项: rvtoContinue; 新属性:TCustomRVPrint.IgnorePageBreaks。 旋转 表格单元格可旋转 90°, 180°或 270。 一个新的方法返回项坐标: GetItemCoordsEx; 它考虑到了单元格的旋转。 字符串标签 新属性:cell tags; 从13.2版本开始,项目标签是字符串(Unicode for Delphi 2009或更高,ANSI老版本的Delphi),从整数到PChar无需类型转换! 64-bit 32-bit 和 64-bit编译器均支持RAD Studio XE2+。 注意: TRVOfficeConverter 可以编译为64-bit应用程序,但列表的转换器将为空 (因为转换器是32-bit DLLs,不能再64-bit应用中使用)。 HTML存储 TRichView.SaveHTMLEx可保存扩展的背景图像; TRichView.SaveHTMLEx 能更好的保存列表标记 (无论是在常规或rvsoMarkersAsText 模式); TRichView.OnSaveImage2事件新增"hidden"参数。 DB组件 如果rvfoLoadBack在 RVFOptions中, TDBRichView会在加载数据前清空 BackgroundBitmap; 如果rvfoLoadBack在RVFOptions 和 FieldFormat=rvdbRVF中, TDBRichViewEdit会在加载数据前清空 BackgroundBitmap。 剪贴板 TRichViewEdit 可以粘贴URL,新增方法:PasteURL; 新属性:AcceptPasteFormats允许限制格式列表; 新属性:DefaultPictureVAlign定义一个对齐以粘贴和放置图像。






一个在WINDOWSCE 下读取电量的示例代码,采用VB.NET编写。大家在编写PDA代码的时候可以用到了。











C 语言编缉神经网络工具

NEURAL NETWORK PC TOOLS SOFTWARE USER'S GUIDE $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 02 Jan 1990 15:40:54 $ INTRODUCTION The software described in this User's Guide is that described in the chapter on Neural Network PC Tool Implementations in the book entitled Neural Network PC Tools: A Practical Guide, to be published by Academic Press in 1990. This software may be copied and distributed AS LONG AS IT IS NOT MODIFIED. In particular, any problems with the source code should be brought to the attention of the authors. If you use this software, consider it as shareware and please send $10.00 to the authors at the following address: Roy Dobbins, 5833 Humblebee Road, Columbia, MD 21045. As additions are made to this software diskette, such as including self-organizing (Kohonen) networks, the price will increase. It is anticipated that the price for the diskette sold in conjunction with the book will be about $20. BACKGROUND Much excitement exists due to the apparent ability of artificial neural networks to imitate the brain's ability to make decisions and draw conclusions when presented with complex, noisy and/or partial information. This software is for the engineer or programmer who is interested in solving practical problems with neural networks. It is a myth that the only way to achieve results with neural networks is with a million dollars, a supercomputer, and an interdisciplinary team of Nobel laureates. There are some commercial vendors out there who would like you to believe that, though. Using simple hardware and software tools, it is possible to solve practical problems that are otherwise impossible or impractical. Neural network tools (NNT's) offer a solution to some problems that can't be solved any other way known to the authors. THE BACK-PROPAGATION NNT: BATCHNET This release contains both source and executable code for a "standard" three layer back-propagation neural network. The executable program is called batchnet.exe; its source code is in the file batchnet.c. The program for generating random weights used as input to the training run is weights.exe; its source code is in weights.c. These files were compiled using Turbo C v 2.0, but can also be compiled in Microsoft C. They were compiled using the 80x87 emulator mode, so that they will run even if you don't have a co-processor. If you have a coprocessor and want batchnet to run faster, which may be especially important in training, you can recompile batchnet.c using the 80x87 option. Always use the compact model. To run the batchnet program, you must specify the run file that it will use. Demo.run is the run file for the demo.bat demonstration. Look at the demo.bat and demo.run files to see what we mean. Demo.bat also illustrates one of the options for batchnet. You can specify the interval of iterations between average sum-squared error printouts with the -e option: -e10 prints it out each 10 iterations. The default number of iterations between error printouts is 100. The other option for batchnet is to specify what average sum-squared error (per output node and per pattern) is required for the program to terminate training. The default value is 0.02: a command of -d.01 will override this with an error value of .01. In the run file, you specify a number of things. Look at demo.run in detail to see what they are; there is explanation following the run data for the two runs that tell what goes where. First, you specify the number of runs. The demo has two. This is fairly typical. You often have a training run followed by a test run, as is the case in the demo. You can, however, set up the software to do as many runs as you want: hence the name "batchnet". You then specify the filenames for a number of files: the output file that gives the values of the output nodes for each pattern on the last iteration (or the only iteration, if you are in testing mode and there is only one iteration), the error file that gives you the average sum squared error value each specified number of iterations, the source pattern file (values normalized between 0 and 1), the input weights file (generated by weights.exe for a training run, and consisting of the output weights file from training for a testing run), and the output weights file which gives you weight values after the last iteration. Note that the pattern files have values for each input node followed by values for each output node followed by an ID field that you can use to identify each pattern in some way. The input and output node values should be between 0 and 1. Following filenames, you specify, for each run, the number of input patterns, the number of epochs (iterations of entire pattern set), the number of input nodes, number of hidden nodes, number of output nodes, the value for the learning coefficient (eta), and the value for the momentum factor (alpha). The number of epochs varies a lot during training, but often is in the range of 100-1000; during testing, you only do one iteration. Sample files are given that you can run with demo.bat; the output files you will get when you run the demo are already on the diskette as mytest.out, mytrain.out, mytrain.wts, mytest.wts, mytrain.err, and mytest.err. You will get similar files without the "my" prefix when you run the demo.bat program, and you can compare corresponding files to see that they are the same. All you have to do is run "demo.bat" in order to both train and test the batchnet artificial neural network on the patterns in the train.pat and test.pat files. These pattern files are built from actual electroencephalogram (EEG) spike parameter data, and illustrate the use of a parameter-based NNT. The training phase of the demo.bat will probably take about 45 minutes on a 4.77 MHz 8088 PC with coprocessor. A 12 MHz Compaq with coprocessor takes about 18 minutes. A 10 MHz Grid 80286 Laptop with no coprocessor takes about 140 minutes. The coprocessor makes the difference! HINTON DIAGRAMS Overview This program displays Hinton diagrams - graphical representations of neural network weights. The program assumes that the weights for a three layer network have been stored in a disk file as ASCII floating point numbers. An example of a valid weights file that you have on this shareware diskette is mytrain.wts. System Requirements You need a PC with EGA or VGA to run this. We have never tried it on a CGA, but in theory you should be able to get something there too. Ensure that the necessary driver files are all present in the directory from which HINTON.EXE is run: HINTON.EXE EGAVGA.BGI CGA.BGI Use To use the program, at the DOS prompt type: hinton {-c} datafile input hidden output -c no color datafile name of data file input number of units in input layer hidden number of units in hidden layer output number of units in output layer Use the -c option if you have a monochrome screen or if you want to make hardcopies of the screen. Currently HINTON.EXE only works with three layer feedforward networks. Data File Organization The file must be in the form of ASCII text floating point numbers, in the order given below: data_file is :- input_layer_to_hidden_layer_weights hidden_layer_to_output_layer_weights input_layer_to_hidden_layer_weights is:- weights_for_hidden_unit 0 weights_for_hidden_unit 1 weights_for_hidden_unit 2 ... weights_for_hidden_unit h-1 hidden_layer_to_output_layer_weights is :- weights_for_output_unit_0 weights_for_output_unit_1 weights_for_output_unit_2 ... weights_for_output_unit_o-1 weights_for_hidden_unit_n is :- weight from input unit 0 to hidden unit n weight from input unit 1 to hidden unit n weight from input unit 2 to hidden unit n ... weight from input unit i-1 to hidden unit n weight from bias unit to hidden unit n weights_for_output_unit_n is :- weight from hidden unit 0 to output unit n weight from hidden unit 1 to output unit n weight from hidden unit 2 to output unit n ... weight from hidden unit h-1 to output unit n weight from bias unit to output unit n Note that although you must have the weights from the bias units present in the file, the current version of hinton.exe does not portray the bias weights. This will be changed in the next version of hinton.exe. Menu The main menu consists of the following commands, displayed in a bar at the bottom of the screen: Hidden Out View Clear Zoom Shrink Flip Unit Range Quit Brief description of commands: Hidden Activate the hidden layer window. Does not alter the display, but all future commands are directed to this window (A later version of HINTON.EXE will give a positive indication of the activated window). Out Activate the output layer window. View Display (or re-display) the data in the current window. Values are displayed as small filled rectangles. The area of a rectangle is proportional to the magnitude, while the color and fill pattern indicate the sign. Currently, positive numbers are displayed in white while negative numbers are displayed in color, the color varying from layer to layer - blue for hidden, red for output. Printscreen Not a menu command. To get a hardcopy of the Hinton diagrams, you must load your favorite hot key utility for your CGA, EGA or VGA screen. Furthermore, to get a good representation on a black and white printer, you should run hinton -c to suppress on-screen color information, as indicated in the command line description. Clear Clear the current window (does not alter the data in any way; merely erases the display window). Zoom Increase the magnification of the current window. The opposite of Shrink. Data is scaled up and appears larger in the window. It is possible that some of the image will be clipped, if it now falls outside the window boundaries. Shrink Decrease the magnification of the current window. The opposite of Zoom. Data is scaled down and appears smaller in the window. The minimum shrinkage is down to the level of one pixel, after which further Shrink commands are ignored. Flip Turn the image in the window through 90 degrees. Horizontally organized data is displayed vertically and vice versa. This command acts as a toggle. A subsequent Flip command rotates the image back through 90 degrees back to its original orientation. Unit Specify the unit(s) of the current layer, that are to be displayed in the window. The default is all units. You can enter a single unit or you can enter a range as a pair of numbers. For example, to display units 10 through 15, enter: 10 15 Range Specify the units of the input to the current layer that are to be dislayed in the window. The default is all input units. You can enter a single unit or you can enter a range as a pair of numbers. Quit Quit the program. The mode of the screen is changed from graphics back to the normal text mode of the PC. Simple Example of Running the Hinton Program To look at the weight values in the file "mytrain.wts", which has weights for a 9-4-2 node backprop network, just run the hinton.exe program with the following command: hinton mytrain.wts 9 4 2 You then see a blank screen with the prompts below. You are by default in the hidden layer window that shows the weights from the input to the hidden layer. To see the hidden weights, hit the V key, for view. Hit Z for zoom to enlarge the weights. To see the weights in the output layer, hit O for output layer. This puts you in the output window. Then hit V for view; Z for zoom, etc. 


3D图形编程指南 西北工业大学电子工程系 刘长松 程连冀(译)

  总目录   第一章 硬件接口   1.1 3D应用程序与硬件的交互作用    1.1.1 在计算机屏幕上显示图像    1.1.2 事件反应   1.2 使用不同的体系结构    1.2.1 MS-DOS.    1.2.2 MS-Windows.    1.2.3 X11.    1.2.4 NeXTStep.    1.2.5 MacOS.   第二章 3D变换   2.1 欧几里得空间,自由度和基本变换   2.2 平移   2.3 缩放   2.4 在平面内旋转   2.5 3D旋转    2.5.1 坐标系    2.5.2 变换次序   2.6 以矩阵形式表达变换   2.7 投影变换    2.7.1 平行投影    2.7.2 透视投影   2.8 通过定点算法实现变换    2.8.1 整型数表示    2.8.2 定点数运算    2.8.3 定点算法的实现   第三章 2D图元光栅处理   3.1 光栅化点   3.2 光栅化线段   3.3 光栅化多边形    3.3.1 光栅化凸多边形    3.3.2 光栅化凹多边形   3.4 内插渲染明暗处理的多边形   3.5 渲染纹理多边形   3.6 反走样   第四章 2D和3D裁剪   4.1 2D裁剪策略    4.1.1 点的裁剪    4.1.2 裁剪线段    4.1.3 裁剪多边形   4.2 3D裁剪策略   第五章 视处理   5.1 从世界到屏幕的方法    5.1.1 视系统参数    5.1.2 多边形管道    5.1.3 纹理多边形   5.2 从屏幕到世界的方法    5.2.1 直线方程    5.2.2 平面方程    5.2.3 直线和平面的交叉点    5.2.4 直线和多边形的交叉点    5.2.5 直线和球的交叉点    5.2.6 寻找合适的交叉点    5.2.7 优化光线追踪   第六章 建模   6.1 线框模型   6.2 多边形模型   6.3 三次曲线和双三次曲面   6.4 地形   6.5 体素模型   第七章 隐面消除   7.1 背面剔除算法   7.2 从后到前排序   7.3 顺序列表和八叉树   7.4 入口   7.5 二叉空间分割树   7.6 Beam树   7.7 扫描线算法   7.8 Z-buffer算法   第八章 光线   8.1 光线的物理特性与人的感觉   8.2 颜色模拟    8.2.1 非彩色光    8.2.2 颜色模型的三个成分   8.3 照明模拟    8.3.1 环境照明   8.3.2 漫反射    8.3.3 镜面反射   8.4 在屏幕到世界中观察照明   8.5 辐射度   8.6 在世界到屏幕中观察照明   第九章 构建3-D应用程序的实践方面   9.1 常规设计方法    9.1.1 面向对象编程    9.1.2 脚本   9.2 构建工具    9.2.1 OpenGL    9.2.2 Direct3D   9.3 应用程序的构建策略    9.3.1 实体视处理    9.3.2 室内场景视处理    9.3.3 室外场景视处理   附录   10.1 参考文献   10.2 常用公式



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