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《计算机是怎样跑起来的》倡导在计算机迅速发展、技术不断革新的今天,回归到计算机的基础知识上。通过探究计算机的本质,提升工程师对计算机的兴趣,在面对复杂的最新技术时,能够迅速掌握其要点并灵活运用。 《计算机是怎样跑起来的》以图配文,以计算机的三大原则为开端、相继介绍了计算机的结构、手工汇编、程序流程、算法、数据结构、面向对象编程、数据库、TCP/IP 网络、数据加密、XML、计算机系统开发以及SE 的相关知识。本书适合计算机爱好者和相关从业人员阅读。 《计算机是怎样跑起来的》图文并茂,通俗易懂,非常适合计算机爱好者和相关从业人员阅读。


dicom docs

dicom articles and documents.


The Strangest Man - Graham Farmelo

The Strangest Man - Graham Farmelo Now that a couple of years have gone by and people have had a chance to adjust to Jobs death and reflect, it turns out that there was a need for a more balanced look at his life, one that doesn't overlook his failings but also gives more credit to not only his great technological leadership but also his humanity and his great talents as a leader of men and women. Especially interesting are the stories of his growth as a person, and how he did learn to be more understanding and compassionate in dealing with people.


becoming steve jobs

This is a fascinating biography that I enjoyed very much, but before getting into the details of the book itself I want to quickly go back in time to when Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011 (it's hard to believe that three and a half years have already gone by since that date). At that time, the Walter Isaacson biography (Steve Jobs) had already been written. Jobs had agreed to be interviewed by Isaacson over the course of the final two years of his life, and when Isaacson's biography of Jobs was published less than three weeks after his death, on October 24, 2011, it immediately became a bestseller. His book was taken as the most thorough and authoritative description of Jobs that had been written. It did have the cooperation of Jobs himself, and did become the benchmark biography of Jobs (until today). It pulled few punches in describing Jobs volatility throughout his life and in managing his businesses. The view of most was probably that the Isaacson book was tough but fair, because the stories of how difficult Jobs could be were well known and undisputed.



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