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原创 poj 1011 Sticks

Thinking:1. Sort the sticks from the longest to the shortest.2. Among those small sticks, we start from the largest one Smax. The length of the complete stick  L should range from Smax to (Sum of

2016-08-24 20:06:29 383

原创 UVA 12898 AND OR

Thinking: Having read the scale of number A and B, we know that we should use type long long int. And it is not realistic to use a loop to find the answer like what is described in the problem. What w

2016-08-21 14:18:56 463

原创 POJ 1753 Flip Game

Thinking: This one we used the enumeration method. Try the integer from 1 to 2^16 and use bits inside it to imitate different situations. We can have choices on each piece whether we flip it or not si

2016-07-23 18:17:50 257

原创 POJ 2828 Buy Tickets

Thinking:  About this question, we have to think reversely. We first get all the input and arrange the sequence from the last guy who enters the queue. Because the last guy will not be effected by p

2016-07-16 15:22:27 296

原创 HDU 2795 Billboard

Thinking: There are 2 tips for this problem. (1) If we use struct , TLE may appear. Instead, I changed to use array maxl[] to store the largest space left in a row in this interval. (2) Since n <=

2016-07-12 12:22:23 239

原创 HDU 1394 Minimum Inversion Number

Thinking: Actually this problem can be solved in a violent way, which is not recommended. Here we made use of segment tree. The basic idea is to save the frequency(actually 0 or 1 for every number) of

2016-07-11 23:17:43 175

原创 UVA 478

Thinking: This is a simple computing geometry problem. But there are some points we need to pay attention to. Like: For triangles, the points that are input are not necessarily in a clockwise or anti-

2016-07-02 16:55:08 596

原创 UVA 211

Thinking:Use dfs to solve this problem. Try all the possibilities row by row.The lay out control is not so clear and you can use udebug to adjust them.AC code:#include#includeusing nam

2016-07-01 11:09:56 412

原创 UVA 623 [big numebr]

Thinking : In initialization, we will compute the factorial from 0! to 1000!. Or we will get TLE.ps: don't forget 0!AC code:#include#includeusing namespace std;int bit[1001][8];int fact

2016-06-22 23:47:32 249

原创 UVA 11736

Thinking:  In this problem, the value can be as large as 2^64, so we should use unsigned long long to avoid wrong answer. Map is used to store the variable name and its value in string.AC code:

2016-06-16 11:22:20 311

原创 UVA 11688

Thinking:Find the shift of status. And observe the nature of rotation.  Use father's status to solve both sons' status.AC code:#include#includeusing namespace std;int root;int L[100005];

2016-06-13 22:32:07 410

原创 UVA 11612

Thinking : We just need to compute the non-crossing closed path visiting all points. Remember to deal with the co-linear case.Pick the bottommost point a as the anchor point. For each point p, compu

2016-06-11 16:20:17 359

原创 UVA 11512

Thinking : Build a suffix array and corresponding height array.  Find the largest height[i].AC code:#include#include#include#define maxn 1005int sa[maxn], height[maxn], n, w[maxn],

2016-06-10 00:11:03 841

原创 UVA 11500

Thinking: This problem involves the gambler's ruin theorem.wiki linkWe can consider EV1/D , EV2/D as coins in the original problem. And in the theorem, P1,P2 represent the probability that per

2016-06-06 20:42:21 338

原创 UVA 11198 (in easy way that i learnt from others)

Thinking: Use map to record the states. Use a integer created by certain rules to represent states. After solving talked above, just combine them with bfs.reference: https://github.com/morris821028/

2016-06-05 11:37:25 379

原创 UVA 11239

Thinking: Here we used the structure "map" to achieve our goal. Quite easy actually :)Remember to clear the map in next case.AC code:#include#include#include#include#include#include#incl

2016-06-04 15:01:51 294

原创 UVA 10930 [dp]

Thinking:  First we get the sum. The meaning of array number[i][j] means: if we use numbers before sequence[i], what number can we get. If we can get the number , then number[i][j] = true.   In the

2016-06-02 23:57:53 322

原创 UVA 10790

Thinking : It's a quite easy problem if you can find the relationship between P(a,b) and P(a-1,b) or P(a,b-1). Based on our math knowledge  and observation from the picture, we can know that P(a,b)

2016-06-01 14:34:55 405

原创 UVA 10444

Thinking: This question is quite easy if you read it more carefully and actually the problem has already told you how to solve it.Tip : Since sometimes factorial(n) can be quite large, long long int

2016-06-01 11:28:18 653

原创 UVA 10514 【computing geometry】

Thinking: This problem is the combination of computing geometry and dijkstra algorithm. We consider  bank1 and bank2 as two point. Consider each island as a point.There are some things that attent

2016-05-31 23:19:53 492

原创 UVA 10779 【maximum flow】

Thought :We consider Bob as source ,  then according to what bob has, we add_edge between Bob and stickers with weight number[sticker]. When it comes to his friends, since they will keep at least

2016-05-31 23:07:18 436

原创 UVA 10739 [classical dp]

Method : We use dp[i][j] (i If str[i] == str[j] , dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j-1]. Or if str[i]!= str[j], dp[i][j] = min (dp[i+1][j],dp[i][j-1],dp[i+1][j-1]) + 1;dp[i+1][j] ----> delete operation,dp[i

2016-05-30 13:04:36 333

原创 UVA 10301

Well , this question is quite simple actually. Just use r1+r2 <d and fabs(r1-r2) < d to judge whether the two circle intersect with each other. Combine geometry and disjoint set together to get the so

2016-05-27 22:10:24 402

原创 UVA 10230

reference link:http://tmt514-blog.logdown.com/posts/549466-divide-and-conquer-method-v-l-shaped-brick-problemMethod: Here we used the divide and conquer method. Use recursion to deal with sub-block(

2016-05-27 14:11:44 470

原创 UVA 10140

meaning of the problem:Given two int L and U, find 2 pair of prime number. The first pair should be adjacent prime number the difference between whom is the smallest and that of the other pair sho

2016-05-27 14:07:44 374



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