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java interview

Have you got the time to read 10 or more books and articles to add value prior to the interview? This book has been written mainly from the perspective of Java/J2EE job seekers and interviewers. There are numerous books and articles on the market covering specific topics like Java, J2EE, EJB, Design Patterns, ANT, CVS, Multi-Threading, Servlets, JSP, emerging technologies like AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), Test Driven Development (TDD), Inversion of Control (IoC) etc. But from an interview perspective it is not possible to brush up on all these books where each book usually has from 300 pages to 600 pages. The basic purpose of this book is to cover all the core concepts and design/coding issues which, all Java/J2EE developers, designers and architects should be conversant with to perform well in their current jobs and to launch a successful career by doing well at interviews. The interviewer can also use this book to make sure that they hire the right candidate depending on their requirements. This book contains a wide range of topics relating to Java/J2EE development in a concise manner supplemented with diagrams, tables, sample codes and examples. This book is also appropriately categorised to enable you to choose the area of interest to you.


Making java groovy

When we designed the Groovy language almost 10 years ago, our main goal was to create a language that is a complement to Java, a close companion, that Java developers would be familiar with and could learn easily. The idea was to empower users to be more productive by removing the boilerplate of Java, and to simplify their programming lives by giving them compelling and straightforward APIs to work with. I’m proud to say that the Groovy team attained that goal, making Groovy the most popular alternative language for the Java platform. Along the way, and by virtue of its nature, Groovy was adopted by Java developers in a number of ways. For example, it was introduced in Java projects for testing purposes, because the Groovy syntax is light and readable but still resembles that of Java. For interacting with XML payloads, web services, or databases, Groovy provides handy and elegant wrappers around the Java Development Kit that make those tasks a breeze. And for writing business rules in Java applications, Groovy shines, thanks to its metaprogramming capabilities and its concise and expressive grammar.


awk tutirial

在这一系列的文章中,我将使您成为精通 awk 的编程人员.。awk 适合于文本处理和报表生成,它还有许多精心设计的特性,允许进行多种方式的编程.


sun certificated architect

documentation about sun certificated architect.


lucene in action

new edition of lucence in action.


lunix makes fun

linux documentation, very useful.



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