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原创 SwiftUI 学习笔记(三)多层NavigationLink不显示toolbar的解决方案

使用多层NavigationLink时,每层都用到toolbar,做第一层的时候,很好很正常。嗯,继续写第二层的时候,发现toolbar不显示???怎么回事?? 代码很简单,实验一下: // 最外层 struct TestView: View { var body: some View { NavigationView { List { ForEach(1...4, id: \.self) {_ in

2021-02-09 11:55:54 715

原创 SwiftUI 学习笔记(二) 集成OpenCV

先直接进入主题,看看集成OpenCV,这个才是我要考虑的,集成很麻烦的话,估计直接就放弃吧。 先网上看看如何集成吧,看了几篇文档,先下载源码,本地编译,引入opencv.framework,创建什么Objective-C bridging header文件,封装调用等巴拉巴拉的。。。我就是要调用一下opencv的库而已啊,怎么这么麻烦啊。到Opencv官网上看,也是很老的教程,差点崩溃啊。再继续调查,看到一篇介绍,非常简单就集成了(https://qiita.com/treastrain/items/00

2021-02-03 11:51:24 1649 3

原创 SwiftUI 学习笔记(一) 开篇

接触到SwiftUI纯属偶然。 学校老师布置作业,小孩要拍照上传作业到钉钉,微信里面。直接通过微信,钉钉拍照上传的图片是没有经过处理的,考虑到老师的负担,我负责帮娃娃对图片进行黑白处理,这样老师收到图片后可以很好的阅读。首先下载了【扫描全能王】,拍照处理成黑白后再导到相册中,再通过钉钉上传。偶尔一次我就做了,经常要这么玩,有点不高兴了,闲来无事,就决定自己写一个拍照处理再分享到钉钉的APP吧。 图像处理嘛,刚好也用java玩过opencv,那就在App里调用Opencv来处理就好了,本来一开始想用Rea

2021-02-02 16:02:54 261

查看程序调用api的好工具—Auto Debug Profressional

最强的API Monitor程序,轻松查看程序调用的所有Windows API及参数内容.


Auto Debug Professional 5.6

Auto Debug software is an API monitor tool which can automatic trace all APIs and ActiveX interface to input and output parameters. After setting the API which you want to monitor easily, this application will auto trace the target program and monitor the function of inputting and outputting calling. It analysises PDB files automatic while monitoring any DLL and ActiveX interface.<br><br>Different from others apispy or API monitor tools, Auto Debug software doesn't need the user to develop any DLL or hook DLL. It's easy to use --- Only setting the APIs which we want to monitor with ON, once the target application running and calling these APIs, it will monitor their parameters of inputting and outputting automaticly! Don't need to develop any DLL, once installing the software, we can start to monitor APIs NOW!


Auto Debug Professional 5.0

Auto Debug software is an API monitor tool which can automatic trace all APIs and ActiveX interface to input and output parameters. After setting the API which you want to monitor easily, this application will auto trace the target program and monitor the function of inputting and outputting calling. It analysises PDB files automatic while monitoring any DLL and ActiveX interface.<br><br>Different from others apispy or API monitor tools, Auto Debug software doesn't need the user to develop any DLL or hook DLL. It's easy to use --- Only setting the APIs which we want to monitor with ON, once the target application running and calling these APIs, it will monitor their parameters of inputting and outputting automaticly! Don't need to develop any DLL, once installing the software, we can start to monitor APIs NOW!<br>


Auto Debug Professional 5.0

Auto Debug software is an API monitor tool which can automatic trace all APIs and ActiveX interface to input and output parameters. After setting the API which you want to monitor easily, this application will auto trace the target program and monitor the function of inputting and outputting calling. It analysises PDB files automatic while monitoring any DLL and ActiveX interface.<br><br>Different from others apispy or API monitor tools, Auto Debug software doesn't need the user to develop any DLL or hook DLL. It's easy to use --- Only setting the APIs which we want to monitor with ON, once the target application running and calling these APIs, it will monitor their parameters of inputting and outputting automaticly! Don't need to develop any DLL, once installing the software, we can start to monitor APIs NOW!<br>



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