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SAFe for DevOps Practitioners

Implement robust, secure, and scaled Agile solutions with the Continuous Delivery Pipeline


系统运维全面解析 技术、管理与实践.pdf.zip

《系统运维全面解析:技术、管理与实践》由一线权威企业IT系统运维工程师撰写。书中总结了系统运维相关技术经验,针对运维管理、技术、经验进行归纳与演绎。书中涉及内容广泛:有运维管理流程,也有专业技术知识;有运维常识,也有开发介绍;既有软件论述,也有硬件介绍;既有系统常用知识,也有云计算虚拟化、集群及Web应用等专项内容。 《系统运维全面解析:技术、管理与实践》全面解析运维体系的点、线、面,涵盖了大量实践经验总结,同时兼具基础运维理论知识。希望带给读者一种思路和视野,使读者对运维工作能够高屋建瓴,又能切中肯綮,做到知行合一,至运维之大道。 《系统运维全面解析:技术、管理与实践》适合系统运维从业者,以及技术研发、系统集成、项目管理等广大IT相关工作者,同时也适合在 校师生以及有意从事IT运维工作的相关人员。


The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuous Deployment To Kubernetes

Just like the other books I wrote, this one does not have a fixed scope. I did not start with an index. I didn't write a summary of each chapter in an attempt to define the scope. I do not do such things. There is only a high-level goal to explore continuous delivery and deployment inside Kubernetes clusters. What I did do, though, was to set a few guidelines. The first guideline is that all the examples will be tested on all major Kubernetes platforms. Well, that might be a bit far-fetched. I'm aware that any sentence that mentions "all" together with "Kubernetes" is bound to be incorrect. New platforms are popping out like mushrooms after rain. Still, what I can certainly do is to choose a few of the most commonly used ones. Minikube and Docker for Mac or Windows should undoubtedly be there for those who prefer to "play" with Docker locally. AWS is the biggest hosting provider so Kubernetes Operations (kops) must be included as well. Since it would be silly to cover only un-managed cloud, I had to include managed Kubernetes clusters as well. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is the obvious choice. It is the most stable and features rich managed Kubernetes solution. Adding GKE to the mix means that Azure Container Service (AKS) and Amazon's Elastic Container Service (EKS) should be included as well so that we can have the "big trio" of the hosting vendors that offer managed Kubernetes. Unfortunately, even though AKS is available, it is, at this moment (June 2018), still too unstable and it's missing a lot of features. So, I'm forced to scale down from the trio to the GKE and EKS duo as representatives of managed Kubernetes we'll explore. Finally, a possible on-prem solution should be included as well. Since OpenShift shines in that area, the choice was relatively easy. All in all, I decided to test everything in minikube and Docker for Mac locally, AWS with kops as the representative of a cluster in the cloud, GKE for managed Kubernetes clusters, and OpenShift (


Prometheus - Up & Running: Infrastructure and Application Performance Monitoring

Get up to speed with Prometheus, the metrics-based monitoring system used by tens of thousands of organizations in production. This practical guide provides application developers, sysadmins, and DevOps practitioners with a hands-on introduction to the most important aspects of Prometheus, including infrastructure and application monitoring, dashboarding and alerting, direct code instrumentation, and metric collection from third-party systems with exporters. This open source system has gained popularity over the past few years for good reason. With its simple yet powerful data model and query language, Prometheus does one thing, and it does it well. Author and Prometheus developer Brian Brazil guides you through Prometheus setup, the Node exporter, and the Alertmanager, then demonstrates how to use them for application and infrastructure monitoring. Know where and how much to apply instrumentation to your application code Identify metrics with labels using unique key-value pairs Get an introduction to Grafana, a popular tool for building dashboards Learn how to use the Node Exporter to monitor your infrastructure Use service discovery to provide different views of your machines and services Use Prometheus with Kubernetes and examine exporters you can use with containers Convert data from other monitoring systems into the Prometheus format


Jenkins 2--Up and Running

Jenkins 2: Up and Running Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline for Next Generation Automation Design, implement, and execute continuous delivery pipelines with a level of flexibility, control, and ease of maintenance that was not possible with Jenkins before. With this practical book, build administrators, developers, testers, and other professionals will learn how the features in Jenkins 2 let you define pipelines as code, leverage integration with other key technologies, and create automated, reliable pipelines to simplify and accelerate your DevOps environments. Author Brent Laster shows you how Jenkins 2 is significantly different from the more traditional, web-only versions of this popular open source automation platform. If you’re familiar with Jenkins and want to take advantage of the new technologies to transform your legacy pipelines or build new modern, automated continuous delivery environments, this is your book. Create continuous delivery pipelines as code with the Jenkins domain-specific language Get practical guidance on how to migrate existing jobs and pipelines Harness best practices and new methods for controlling access and security Explore the structure, implementation, and use of shared pipeline libraries Learn the differences between declarative syntax and scripted syntax Leverage new and existing project types in Jenkins Understand and use the new Blue Ocean graphical interface Take advantage of the capabilities of the underlying OS in your pipeline Integrate analysis tools, artifact management, and containers


learning continuous integration with jenkins

A beginner's guide to implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery using JenkinsAbout This Book*Speed up and increase software productivity and software delivery using Jenkins*Automate


Chrome 官方安装包

Get more done with the new Chrome Now more simple, secure, and faster than ever - with Google’s smarts built-in. Google Chrome 浏览器最新版本,完整版安装包


chrome setup

Get more done with the new Chrome Now more simple, secure, and faster than ever - with Google’s smarts built-in.



第1章 Kubernetes 入门 1 1.1 Kubernetes 是什么 1 1.2 为什么要用Kubernetes 4 1.3 从一个简单的例子开始 5 1.3.1 环境准备 6 1.3.2 启动MySQL 服务 7 1.3.3 启动Tomcat 应用 9 1.3.4 通过浏览器访问网页 11 1.4 Kubernetes 基本概念和术语 12 1.4.1 Master 12 1.4.2 Node 13 1.4.3 Pod 15 1.4.4 Label(标签) 19 1.4.5 Replication Controller(RC) 22 1.4.6 Deployment 25 1.4.7 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler(HPA) 27 1.4.8 Service(服务) 29 1.4.9 Volume(存储卷) 35 1.4.10 Persistent Volume 39 1.4.11 Namespace(命名空间) 40 1.4.12 Annotation(注解) 42 1.4.13 小结 42 第2章 Kubernetes 实践指南 43 2.1 Kubernetes 安装与配置 43 2.1.1 安装Kubernetes 43 2.1.2 配置和启动Kubernetes 服务 45 2.1.3 Kubernetes 集群的安全设置 51 2.1.4 Kubernetes 的版本升级 57 2.1.5 内网中的Kubernetes 相关配置 57 2.1.6 Kubernetes 核心服务配置详解 58 2.1.7 Kubernetes 集群网络配置方案 72 2.2 kubectl 命令行工具用法详解 80 2.2.1 kubectl 用法概述 80 2.2.2 kubectl 子命令详解 82 2.2.3 kubectl 参数列表 84 2.2.4 kubectl 输出格式 84 2.2.5 kubectl 操作示例 86 2.3 Guestbook 示例:Hello World 87 2.3.1 创建redis-master RC 和Service 89 2.3.2 创建redis-slave RC 和Service 91 2.3.3 创建frontend RC 和Service 93 2.3.4 通过浏览器访问frontend 页面 96 2.4 深入掌握Pod 97 2.4.1 Pod 定义详解 97 2.4.2 Pod 的基本用法 102 2.4.3 静态Pod 107 2.4.4 Pod 容器共享Volume 108 2.4.5 Pod 的配置管理 110 2.4.6 Pod 生命周期和重启策略 123 2.4.7 Pod 健康检查 124 2.4.8 玩转Pod 调度 126 2.4.9 Pod 的扩容和缩容 135 2.4.10 Pod 的滚动升级 139 2.5 深入掌握Service 143 2.5.1 Service 定义详解 143 2.5.2 Service 基本用法 145 2.5.3 集群外部访问Pod 或Service 150 2.5.4 DNS 服务搭建指南 153 2.5.5 Ingress:HTTP 7 层路由机制 161 第3章 Kubernetes 核心原理 165 3.1 Kubernetes API Server 原理分析 165 3.1.1 Kubernetes API Server 概述 165 3.1.2 独特的Kubernetes Proxy API 接口 168 3.1.3 集群功能模块之间的通信 169 3.2 Controller Manager 原理分析 170 3.2.1 Replication Controller 171 3.2.2 Node Controller 173 3.2.3 ResourceQuota Controller 174 3.2.4 Namespace Controller 176 3.2.5 Service Controller 与Endpoint Controller 176 3.3 Scheduler 原理分析 177 3.4 kubelet 运行机制分析 181 3.4.1 节点管理 181 3.4.2 Pod 管理 182 3.4.3 容器健康检查 183 3.4.4 cAdvisor 资源监控 184 3.5 kube-proxy 运行机制分析 186 3.6 深入分析集群安全机制 190 3.6.1 API Server 认证 190 3.6.2 API Server 授权 192 3.6.3 Admission Control 准入控制 194 3.6.4 Service Account 195 3.6.5 Secret 私密凭据 200 3.7 网络原理 203 3.7.1 Kubernetes 网络模型 203 3.7.2 Docker 的网络基础 205 3.7.3 Docker 的网络实现 217 3.7.4 Kubernetes 的网络实现 225 3.7.5 开源的网络组件 229 3.7.6 网络实战 234 第4章 Kubernetes 开发指南 247 4.1 REST 简述 247 4.2 Kubernetes API 详解 249 4.2.1 Kubernetes API 概述 249 4.2.2 API 版本 254 4.2.3 API 详细说明 254 4.2.4 API 响应说明 256 4.3 使用Java 程序访问Kubernetes API 258 4.3.1 Jersey 258 4.3.2 Fabric8 270 4.3.3 使用说明 271 第5章 Kubernetes 运维指南 292 5.1 Kubernetes 集群管理指南 292 5.1.1 Node 的管理 292 5.1.2 更新资源对象的Label 294 5.1.3 Namespace:集群环境共享与隔离 295 5.1.4 Kubernetes 资源管理 299 5.1.5 Kubernetes 集群高可用部署方案 333 5.1.6 Kubernetes 集群监控 343 5.1.7 kubelet 的垃圾回收(GC)机制 361 5.2 Kubernetes 高级案例 362 5.2.1 ElasticSearch 日志搜集查询和展现案例 362 5.2.2 Cassandra 集群部署案例 371 5.3 Trouble Shooting 指导 376 5.3.1 查看系统Event 事件 377 5.3.2 查看容器日志 379 5.3.3 查看Kubernetes 服务日志 379 5.3.4 常见问题 381 5.3.5 寻求帮助 384 5.4 Kubernetes v1.3 开发中的新功能 385 5.4.1 Pet Set(有状态的容器) 385 5.4.2 Init Container(初始化容器) 388 5.4.3 Cluster Federation(集群联邦) 391 第6章 Kubernetes 源码导读 396 6.1 Kubernetes 源码结构和编译步骤 396 6.2 kube-apiserver 进程源码分析 400 6.2.1 进程启动过程 400 6.2.2 关键代码分析 402 6.2.3 设计总结 417 6.3 kube-controller-manager 进程源码分析 420 6.3.1 进程启动过程 420 6.3.2 关键代码分析 423 6.3.3 设计总结 431 6.4 kube-scheduler 进程源码分析 433 6.4.1 进程启动过程 434 6.4.2 关键代码分析 438 6.4.3 设计总结 445 6.5 kubelet 进程源码分析 447 6.5.1 进程启动过程 447 6.5.2 关键代码分析 452 6.5.3 设计总结 475 6.6 kube-proxy 进程源码分析 476 6.6.1 进程启动过程 476 6.6.2 关键代码分析 478 6.6.3 设计总结 493 6.7 kubectl 进程源码分析 494 6.7.1 kubectl create 命令 495 6.7.2 rolling-update 命令 499 后记 505


Mastering Ceph

Key Features Leverage Ceph's advanced features such as erasure coding, tiering, and Bluestore Solve large-scale problems with Ceph as a tool by understanding its strengths and weaknesses to develop the best solutions A practical guide that covers engaging use cases to help you use advanced features of Ceph effectively Book Description Mastering Ceph covers all that you need to know to use Ceph effectively. Starting with design goals and planning steps that should be undertaken to ensure successful deployments, you will be guided through to setting up and deploying the Ceph cluster, with the help of orchestration tools. Key areas of Ceph including Bluestore, Erasure coding and cache tiering will be covered with help of examples. Development of applications which use Librados and Distributed computations with shared object classes are also covered. A section on tuning will take you through the process of optimisizing both Ceph and its supporting infrastructure. Finally, you will learn to troubleshoot issues and handle various scenarios where Ceph is likely not to recover on its own. By the end of the book, you will be able to successfully deploy and operate a resilient high performance Ceph cluster. What you will learn Know when and how to use some of Ceph's advanced new features Set up a test cluster with Ansible and some virtual machines using VirtualBox and Vagrant Develop novel solutions to massive problems with librados and shared object classes. Choose intelligent parameters for an erasure coded pool and set it up. Configure the Bluestore settings and see how they interact with different hardware configurations. Keep Ceph running through thick and thin with tuning, monitoring and disaster recovery advice. About the Author Nick Fisk is an IT specialist with a strong history in enterprise storage. Having worked in a variety of roles throughout his career, he has encountered a wide variety of technologies. In 2012, Nick was given the opportunity to focus more toward open source technologies, and this is when his first exposure to Ceph happened. Having seen the potential of Ceph as a storage platform and the benefits of moving away from the traditional closed-stack storage platforms, Nick pursued Ceph with a keen interest. Throughout the following years, his experience with Ceph increased with the deployment of several clusters and enabled him to spend time in the Ceph community, helping others and improving certain areas of Ceph. Table of Contents Planning for Ceph Deploying Ceph BlueStore Erasure Coding for Better Storage Efficiency Developing with Librados Distributed Computation with Ceph RADOS Classes Monitoring Ceph Tiering with Ceph Tuning Ceph Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery


Mastering Kubernetes [Gigi Sayfan]

Book Description Kubernetes is an open source system to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. If you are running more than just a few containers or want automated management of your containers, you need Kubernetes. This book mainly focuses on the advanced management of Kubernetes clusters. It covers problems that arise when you start using container orchestration in production. We start by giving you an overview of the guiding principles in Kubernetes design and show you the best practises in the fields of security, high availability, and cluster federation. You will discover how to run complex stateful microservices on Kubernetes including advanced features as horizontal pod autoscaling, rolling updates, resource quotas, and persistent storage back ends. Using real-world use cases, we explain the options for network configuration and provides guidelines on how to set up, operate, and troubleshoot various Kubernetes networking plugins. Finally, we cover custom resource development and utilization in automation and maintenance workflows. By the end of this book, you’ll know everything you need to know to go from intermediate to advanced level.


EditPlus - text editor for Windows

Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python and Ruby on Rails. Also, it can be extended for other programming languages based on custom syntax files. Seamless Web browser for previewing HTML pages, and FTP (also sftp and FTPS) feature for uploading local files to FTP server. Other features include Hex Viewer, HTML toolbar, user tools, line number, ruler, URL highlighting, auto completion, cliptext, column selection, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, spell checker, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more.


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组织:中国互动出版网(http://www.china-pub.com/) RFC文档中文翻译计划(http://www.china-pub.com/compters/emook/aboutemook.htm) E-mail:[email protected] 译者:charliechen(charliechen [email protected]) 译文发布时间:2001-4-2 版权:本中文翻译文档版权归中国互动出版网所有。可以用于非商业用途自由转载,但必须保留本文档的翻译及版权信息。





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Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python and Ruby on Rails. Also, it can be extended for other programming languages based on custom syntax files. Seamless Web browser for previewing HTML pages, and FTP commands for uploading local files to FTP server. Other features include Hex Viewer, HTML toolbar, user tools, line number, ruler, URL highlighting, auto completion, cliptext, column selection, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, spell checker, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more.


powerdesign 教程

  PowerDesigner是Sybase公司的CASE工具集,使用它可以方便地对管理信息系统进行分析设计,它几乎包括了数据库模型设计的全过程。利用PowerDesigner可以制作数据流程图、概念数据模型、物理数据模型,可以生成多种客户端开发工具的应用程序,还可为数据仓库制作结构模型,也能对团队设计模型进行控制。它可与许多流行的数据库设计软件,例如:PowerBuilder,Delphi,VB等相配合使用来缩短开发时间和使系统设计更优化。 PowerDesigner主要包括以下几个功能部分:   (1) DataArchitect 这是一个强大的数据库设计工具,使用DataArchitect可利用实体-关系图为一个信息系统创建"概念数据模型"-CDM(Conceptual Data Model)。并且可根据CDM产生基于某一特定数据库管理系统(例如:Sybase System 11)的"物理数据模型"-PDM(Physical Data Model)。还可优化PDM,产生为特定DBMS创建数据库的SQL语句并可以文件形式存储以便在其他时刻运行这些SQL语句创建数据库。另外,DataArchitect还可根据已存在的数据库反向生成PDM,CDM及创建数据库的SQL脚本。   (2) ProcessAnalyst 这部分用于创建功能模型和数据流图,创建"处理层次关系"。   (3) AppModeler 为客户/服务器应用程序创建应用模型。   (4) ODBC Administrator 此部分用来管理系统的各种数据源。



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