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原创 04 类,对象,类成员简介

04 类,对象,类成员简介类是现实世界事物的模型类与对象的关系什么时候叫做对象,什么时候叫做”实例”引用变量与实例的关系类的三大成员属性方法事件使用MSDN文档某些特殊类或对象在成员方面侧重不同类的静态成员与实例成员关于绑定04 类,对象,类成员简介类是现实世界事物的模型类是对现实世界事物进行抽象(建模)所得到的结果 事物包...

2018-05-25 20:01:27 189

原创 03 初识类与名称空间

03 初识类与名称空间剖析Hello, World初识类和名称空间创建一个WPF->Complict类库的引用WPF:SampleDLL引用即黑盒引用NuGet项目引用即白盒引用创建自己的类库依赖关系排除错误参考 .NET Core和.NET Standard有什么不同揭示.NET Core和.NET StandardVisua...

2018-05-25 20:00:58 256

原创 02 初识各类应用程序

02 初识各类应用程序编程学习的捷径第一个程序:”Hello, World!”各类应用程序Console:”Hello, World!”演示效果Windows Forms:”Hello, World!”演示效果WPF:”Hello, World!”ASPDotNET Web Forms:”Hello, World!”ASPDotNET MVC:”Hello, Wor...

2018-05-25 20:00:23 150

原创 01 C#简介,开发环境准备

01 C#简介,开发环境准备开发环境开发环境WPF Appication演示效果设置开始画面学习资料注原址 B站 01 C#简介,开发环境准备编辑->编译->调试->发布编程的学习路径: 纵向:语言->类库->框架横向:命令行程序,桌面程序,设备程序,Web程序,游戏… 开发环境...

2018-05-25 19:58:00 158

From Mathematics to Generic Programming 数学与泛型编程:高效编程的奥秘

From Mathematics to Generic Programming 数学与泛型编程:高效编程的奥秘 英文版


Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy C C++ By Narasimha Karumanchi

Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy By Narasimha Karumanchi


计算机程序设计艺术 卷4 第3册(双语版)生成所有组合和划分

计算机程序设计艺术 卷4 第3册(双语版)生成所有组合和划分


The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A (一)

网页版 The book is Volume 4A, because Volume 4 has itself become a multivolume undertaking. Combinatorial searching is a rich and important topic, and Knuth has too much to say about it that is new, interesting, and useful to fit into a single volume, or two, or maybe even three. This book alone includes approximately 1500 exercises, with answers for self-study, plus hundreds of useful facts that cannot be found in any other publication. Volume 4A surely belongs beside the first three volumes of this classic work in every serious programmer’s library.


The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4 Fascicle 6 Satisfiability 2015

This booklet is Fascicle 6 of The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4: Combinatorial Algorithms. As explained in the preface to Fascicle 1 of Volume 1, I’m circulating the material in this preliminary form because I know that the task of completing Volume 4 will take many years; I can’t wait for people to begin reading what I’ve written so far and to provide valuable feedback.


The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4 Fascicle 2

Finally, after a wait of more than thirty-five years, the first part of Volume 4 is at last ready for publication. Check out the boxed set that brings together Volumes 1 - 4A in one elegant case, and offers the purchaser a $50 discount off the price of buying the four volumes individually. The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set, 3/e ISBN: 0321751043 Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 1, The: Bitwise Tricks & Techniques; Binary Decision Diagrams: Bitwise Tricks & Techniques; Binary Decision Diagrams This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published at regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or revised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 4, Fascicle 1 This fascicle, enlivened by a wealth of Knuth's typically enjoyable examples, describes basic "broadword" operations and an important class of data structures that can make computer programs run dozens-even thousands-of times faster. The author brings together and explains a substantial amount of previously scattered but eminently practical information known only to a few specialists. The book also includes nearly five-hundred exercises for self-study, with detailed answers given in nearly every case; dozens of these exercises present original material that has never before been published. Simply put, this fascicle is a must-have for anybody who is faced with tough problems of a combinatorial flavor. It demonstrates how ordinary programmers can make use of powerful techniques that heretofore seemed to be available only to people who used specialized languages and software. It shows how ideas once thought to be "far out" are now ready to become a part of the programming mainstream.


The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3 Sorting and Searching 2nd Edition 1998



The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2 The Seminumerical Algorithms 2014



The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1 Fundamental Algorithms 1997 PDF

为数字计算机编写程序的过程特别愉快,因为我们不仅可以获得经济和科学两方面的收益,还能尽享写诗或作曲般的艺术体验.本书是多卷丛书中的第一卷,整个丛书旨在培训读者掌握程序员必备的各种技能. 在接下来的章节中,我不打算介绍计算机程序设计的入门知识,而是假定读者已有了一定的基础.预备知识实际上非常简单,但初学者恐怕需要一些时间并动手实践,方能理解数字计算机的概念.读者应该具有如下知识. (a) 对存储程序式数字计算机的工作原理有一些认识.不一定需要电子学背景,但需要知道指令在机器内存中是如何保存和连续执行的. (b) 能够用计算机可以“理解”的确切术语来描述问题的解决方案.(这些机器不懂所谓的常识,它们只会精准地按要求干活,不会多做也不会少做.这是刚开始接触计算机时最难领悟的概念.) (c) 掌握一些最基本的计算机技术,例如循环(重复执行一组指令)、子程序的使用、下标变量的使用. (d) 能够了解常见的计算机术语,如内存、寄存器、位、浮点、溢出、软件等.正文中未给出定义的一些术语,会在每卷最后的索引部分给出简明的定义.或许可以把这四点归结为一个要求:读者起码为一台计算机编写和测试过至少(比如说)4个程序. 我力图使本套丛书能满足两方面的需求.首先,这些书总结了几个重要领域的知识,可以作为参考书;其次,它们可以用作自学教材或计算机与信息科学专业的大学教材.为此,我在书中加入了大量的习题,并为多数习题提供了答案.此外,我在书中尽可能地用事实说话,言之有据,避免做一些含糊的泛泛而谈. 这套书针对的读者不是那些对计算机只有一时兴趣的人,但也绝不仅限于计算机专业人士.其实,我的一个主要目标是使其他领域的广大工作者能够方便地了解这些程序设计方法,他们本可以利用计算机获得更丰硕的成果,但却没时间去技术刊物中查找必需的信息. 本套丛书的主题可以称为“非数值分析”.在传统意义上,计算机是与方程求根、数值插值与积分等数值问题求解联系在一起的,但我不会专门讨论数值问题,最多顺带提一下.数值计算的程序设计是一个发展迅猛、引人入胜的领域,目前已出版了许多相关图书.不过,从20 世纪60 年代初期开始,计算机更多地用于处理那些很少出现数值的问题,此时用到的是计算机的决策能力而非算术运算能力.非数值问题中也会用到一些加法和减法,但基本不需要乘法和除法.当然,即便是主要关注数值计算的程序设计的人也可以在非数值方法的学习中受益,因为数值程序中也会用到非数值方法. 非数值分析的研究成果散见于大量科技刊物中.通过研究,我从大量文献中提炼出了一些可以用于多种编程场合的最基本的方法,并尝试着将其组织为一套“理论”.同时,我还展示了如何应用这一理论解决大量的实际问题. 当然,“非数值分析”是一种太过负面的否定性的提法,使用肯定性的描述语来刻画这一研究领域要好得多.“信息处理”对于我们的内容而言过于宽泛,“程序设计技术”又显得太狭窄了,因此我提出用算法分析来概括本套丛书的主题比较恰当,这一名称暗示我们将探讨“与特定计算机算法的性质有关的理论”.


The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1 Fundamental Algorithms 1997

为数字计算机编写程序的过程特别愉快,因为我们不仅可以获得经济和科学两方面的收益,还能尽享写诗或作曲般的艺术体验.本书是多卷丛书中的第一卷,整个丛书旨在培训读者掌握程序员必备的各种技能. 在接下来的章节中,我不打算介绍计算机程序设计的入门知识,而是假定读者已有了一定的基础.预备知识实际上非常简单,但初学者恐怕需要一些时间并动手实践,方能理解数字计算机的概念.读者应该具有如下知识. (a) 对存储程序式数字计算机的工作原理有一些认识.不一定需要电子学背景,但需要知道指令在机器内存中是如何保存和连续执行的. (b) 能够用计算机可以“理解”的确切术语来描述问题的解决方案.(这些机器不懂所谓的常识,它们只会精准地按要求干活,不会多做也不会少做.这是刚开始接触计算机时最难领悟的概念.) (c) 掌握一些最基本的计算机技术,例如循环(重复执行一组指令)、子程序的使用、下标变量的使用. (d) 能够了解常见的计算机术语,如内存、寄存器、位、浮点、溢出、软件等.正文中未给出定义的一些术语,会在每卷最后的索引部分给出简明的定义.或许可以把这四点归结为一个要求:读者起码为一台计算机编写和测试过至少(比如说)4个程序. 我力图使本套丛书能满足两方面的需求.首先,这些书总结了几个重要领域的知识,可以作为参考书;其次,它们可以用作自学教材或计算机与信息科学专业的大学教材.为此,我在书中加入了大量的习题,并为多数习题提供了答案.此外,我在书中尽可能地用事实说话,言之有据,避免做一些含糊的泛泛而谈. 这套书针对的读者不是那些对计算机只有一时兴趣的人,但也绝不仅限于计算机专业人士.其实,我的一个主要目标是使其他领域的广大工作者能够方便地了解这些程序设计方法,他们本可以利用计算机获得更丰硕的成果,但却没时间去技术刊物中查找必需的信息. 本套丛书的主题可以称为“非数值分析”.在传统意义上,计算机是与方程求根、数值插值与积分等数值问题求解联系在一起的,但我不会专门讨论数值问题,最多顺带提一下.数值计算的程序设计是一个发展迅猛、引人入胜的领域,目前已出版了许多相关图书.不过,从20 世纪60 年代初期开始,计算机更多地用于处理那些很少出现数值的问题,此时用到的是计算机的决策能力而非算术运算能力.非数值问题中也会用到一些加法和减法,但基本不需要乘法和除法.当然,即便是主要关注数值计算的程序设计的人也可以在非数值方法的学习中受益,因为数值程序中也会用到非数值方法. 非数值分析的研究成果散见于大量科技刊物中.通过研究,我从大量文献中提炼出了一些可以用于多种编程场合的最基本的方法,并尝试着将其组织为一套“理论”.同时,我还展示了如何应用这一理论解决大量的实际问题. 当然,“非数值分析”是一种太过负面的否定性的提法,使用肯定性的描述语来刻画这一研究领域要好得多.“信息处理”对于我们的内容而言过于宽泛,“程序设计技术”又显得太狭窄了,因此我提出用算法分析来概括本套丛书的主题比较恰当,这一名称暗示我们将探讨“与特定计算机算法的性质有关的理论”.


The Art of Computer Programming MMIX

From the Back Cover This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published t regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or evised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 1, Fascicle 1 This first fascicle updates The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition: Fundamental Algorithms, and ultimately will become part of the fourth edition of that book. Specifically, it provides a programmer's introduction to the long-awaited MMIX, a RISC-based computer that replaces the original MIX, and describes the MMIX assembly language. The fascicle also presents new material on subroutines, coroutines, and interpretive routines.


Algorithms 算法概论 英文版



Algorithms in a Nutshell 算法技术手册 英文版

Revising a book for a new edition is always an arduous task. We wanted to make sure that we retained all the good qualities of the first edition, published in 2009, while fixing some of its shortcomings and adding additional material. We continue to follow the principles outlined in the first edition: Use real code, not just pseudocode to describe algorithms Separate the algorithm from the problem being solved Introduce just enough mathematics Support mathematical analysis empirically As we updated this second edition, we reduced the length of our text descriptions and simplified the layout to make room for new algorithms and additional material. We believe we continue to offer a Nutshell perspective on an important area of computer science that has significant impact on practical software systems.


July博客 结构之法 算法之道所有博文集锦 [2016年1月]

July博客 结构之法 算法之道所有博文集锦 [2016年1月]


Elements of Programming Interviews C++版

This is a larger-format version of Elements of Programming Interviews. The language is C++.Specifically, the font size is larger, and the page size is 7"x10" (the regular format uses 6"x9"). The content is identical. The sampler should give you a very good idea of the quality and style of our book. In particular, be sure you are comfortable with the level and with our C++ coding style. Solutions include code snippets which are primarily in C++. Programs concerned with concurrency are in Java. Complete programs are available at epibook.github.io. Java versions of the C++ programs in the book can be found at the website. Since different candidates have different time constraints, EPI includes a study guide with several scenarios, ranging from weekend Hackathon to semester long preparation with a recommended a subset of problems for each scenario. All problems are classified in terms of their difficulty level and include many variants to help you apply what you have learned more widely. All problems includes hints for readers who get stuck. This simulates what you will face in the real interview. The version being sold by Amazon itself is always current. Some resellers may have older versions, especially if they sell used copies.


Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c Shader Approach 源代码

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c Shader Approach 源代码 This book presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using real-time shaders with DirectX 9.0c. It teaches the fundamentals of Direct3D and shader programming, after which the reader will be prepared to go on and learn more advanced techniques. The book is divided into three main parts. Part I explains the mathematical tools that will be used throughout this book. Part II shows how to implement elementary 3D techniques, such as defining 3D geometry, lighting, texturing, alpha blending, and stenciling, using shaders and the HLSL. Part III is largely about applying Direct3D to implement a variety of interesting techniques and special effects, such as working with meshes, character animation, terrain rendering, picking, particle systems, environment mapping, normal mapping, and rendering to textures.


Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 中文版 第四章至第十章

DirectX 12 3D 游戏开发实战 中文版 第四章至第十章 This book presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using Direct3D 12. It teaches the fundamentals of Direct3D and shader programming, after which the reader will be prepared to go on and learn more advanced techniques. The book is divided into three main parts. Part I explains the mathematical tools that will be used throughout this book. Part II shows how to implement fundamental tasks in Direct3D, such as initialization; defining 3D geometry; setting up cameras; creating vertex, pixel, geometry, and compute shaders; lighting; texturing; blending; stenciling; and tessellation. Part III is largely about applying Direct3D to implement a variety of interesting techniques and special effects, such as working with animated character meshes, picking, environment mapping, normal mapping, real-time shadows, and ambient occlusion.



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