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数据结构与算法分析Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C第二版答案 源代码文件夹中有书中示例代码 基本和第四版相同 Included in this manual are answers to most of the exercises in the textbook Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C second edition published by Addison Wesley These answers reflect the state of the book in the first printing Specifically omitted are likely programming assignments and any question whose solution is pointed to by a reference at the end of the chapter Solutions vary in degree of completeness; generally minor details are left to the reader For clarity programs are meant to be pseudo C rather than completely perfect code Errors can be reported to weiss@fiu edu Thanks to Grigori Schwarz and Brian Harvey for pointing out errors in previous incarnations of this manual 1 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 2 Chapter 2: Algorithm Analysis 4 3 Chapter 3: Lists Stacks and Queues 7 4 Chapter 4: Trees 14 5 Chapter 5: Hashing 25 6 Chapter 6: Priority Queues Heaps 29 7 Chapter 7: Sorting 36 8 Chapter 8: The Disjoint Set ADT 42 9 Chapter 9: Graph Algorithms 45 10 Chapter 10: Algorithm Design Techniques 54 11 Chapter 11: Amortized Analysis 63 12 Chapter 12: Advanced Data Structures and Implementation 66 1 3 Because of round off errors it is customary to specify the number of decimal places that should be included in the output and round up accordingly Otherwise numbers come out looking strange We assume error checks have already been performed; the routine SeparateO is left to the reader Code is shown in Fig 1 1 ">数据结构与算法分析Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C第二版答案 源代码文件夹中有书中示例代码 基本和第四版相同 Included in this manual are answers to most of the exercises in the textbook Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C second edition publish [更多]



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